
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Financial Tips for Women

infant (Photo credit: soupboy)
Pregnancy is the most important period in women’s life. For many women, especially single, expenses for babies are overwhelming. It doesn't mean that pregnancy will lead you to financial problems. As to avoid these problems, you need some financial tips.

Financial tips for women:

  1. Employed pregnant women have the right to 52 weeks of paid leave. This furlough consists of 26 weeks of ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks of additional maternity leave. Your employer must create necessary conditions for your health, including special care and attitude.        
  2. There are different special programs for pregnant women. Department of Health can help you with pregnancy and post-pregnancy problems. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program provides aid with food, consulting about healthy food, and medical services for women, infants and children.
  3. You should create an emergency fund. Baby before birth requires great expenses for nutrition, baby buggy, cot…and after requires more. Try to save part of salary for baby in the future or unexpected costs. Planning your budget will help you in this situation.
  4. Don’t be crazy in purchases. Pregnant women usually waste much money for buying not necessary things. You should analyze what is really important for your baby. Car seats, baby carriages are useful unlike too expensive branded pajamas.
  5. Insurance help financially, caring for your safety. You can get a health insurance or accident insurance, and it will prevent you from unexpected expenses.
  6. Women can buy many diapers and wipes. You need them in large quantities. Sometimes, baby store offer free diapers for frequent diaper customers.
  7. You can get special online loans at for pregnant women. If you need money quickly for emergencies you can use payday loans, which are efficient, has short-terms, online access and easy applications.
  8. There are a lot of charitable organizations in the United States that help pregnant women. These organizations will give you food, clothing, different baby’s things and just money in emergency cases. Crisis pregnancy centers provide necessary objects for babies during your pregnancy, too. They even help pregnant women to find parents to their babies for adoption.
  9. Meeting with other pregnant women is very useful. It gives you information about pregnant rights or special programs. They can be your friends and good sources of information, sharing experience.
  10. Don’t buy clothes and shoes beforehand. Children grow very quickly.
  11. Try to save money for university, if you have possibility. Time passes quickly and you don’t observe how your child gets to first base, goes to the school and college. Think about baby’s future.

Future parents should remember that pregnancy is a very complicated process, which demand special care. It will cost you a lot of money, before and after. But it's worth it. Children are our happiness and future support.

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