Showing posts with label Personal injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal injury. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A Few Tips for Affording Injury Treatment After a Car Accident

Car accidents can turn your world upside down, leaving you to deal with injuries, emotional stress, and the daunting maze of medical treatments and costs. 

Amid the chaos, it's crucial to have a clear understanding and strategy for managing the financial aspect of your recovery. Securing the right treatment without drowning in debt is a tightrope walk many accident victims face. 

This article aims to shed light on navigating these turbulent waters, highlighting essential steps like understanding insurance coverage, seeking compensation, and wisely managing treatment costs. 

With the right knowledge and approach, the path to recovery can be less financially burdensome, allowing you to focus on your health and well-being.

Understanding Your Insurance Coverage

It's crucial to have a thorough understanding of your insurance coverage after a car accident, as it directly influences your financial responsibility for injury treatment. 

Insurance policies can vary greatly, with some providing comprehensive coverage that significantly reduces out-of-pocket expenses, while others may offer only minimal benefits. Knowing the specifics of your policy, including deductibles, co-pays, and coverage limits, can help you manage your finances more effectively during this challenging time. 

Furthermore, being informed about your insurance can also expedite the claims process, ensuring you receive the financial support you need for treatment without undue delay.

Seeking Compensation Through Personal Injury Claims

In the wake of an accident, pursuing a personal injury claim can serve as a vital pathway to securing the necessary funds for comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation. 

This process not only helps victims cope with the immediate financial burdens but also addresses long-term care needs that may arise from sustained injuries. 

Navigating through personal injury claims can markedly reduce the stress of medical expenses, allowing you to focus fully on your recovery without the looming anxiety of unmanageable bills. 

Such financial relief is crucial in providing you as an accident victim with access to quality healthcare services, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment to facilitate a return to normalcy.

Exploring Payment Plans and Financial Assistance

Exploring payment plans and financial assistance plays a crucial role in alleviating the financial strain that often accompanies treatment for car accident injuries. 

Many healthcare providers understand the economic challenges that can arise in these situations and may offer flexible payment options to ensure that necessary treatments are not delayed due to financial constraints. 

Financial assistance programs, often available through hospitals or charitable organizations, can provide significant relief by covering a portion of the medical expenses. 

This approach allows victims to access essential healthcare services without the added stress of immediate, full financial responsibility, thereby supporting a more focused and effective recovery process.

Prioritizing Treatments Based on Necessity and Cost

With a car accident injury, managing treatment costs becomes a significant concern, but understanding how to prioritize treatments can offer some relief. 

Focusing on treatments based on their necessity and associated costs helps in crafting a more manageable approach to recovery. This means assessing which treatments are critical for immediate recovery, like a broken bone, and which can be scheduled over time, neck pain or frequent headaches, potentially reducing the immediate financial burden. 

Acting with this financial prudence shouldn't undermine the quality of care received but rather ensure that your resources are allocated efficiently, preventing the accumulation of unnecessary debt.

Managing the long-term financial implications of treatment following a car accident requires careful consideration and planning. 

By understanding your insurance coverage, seeking compensation through personal injury claims, exploring flexible payment options, and prioritizing treatments, you can mitigate the financial impact of your recovery process. 

These strategies are essential because they address both the immediate and prolonged financial challenges that can arise from sustained injuries, ensuring that access to necessary healthcare does not translate into an insurmountable financial burden. 

Ultimately, the goal of these tips is to provide accident victims with knowledge and options that empower them to focus on their recovery, knowing that their financial well-being is being safeguarded.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Reasons to Seek Financial Compensation for an Injury

When evaluating what course of action is best for you after being injured, it is important to know why some people choose to pursue financial compensation over other alternatives.

It is also important to realize that your decision can affect the rest of your life and future plans. The decision to pursue financial compensation for an injury is often based on a series of factors that could include receiving medical attention, determining the extent of your injuries, making a claim with another insurance company, being out of work for a significant period, and other personal considerations. 

Here are reasons to seek financial compensation for an injury.

Receiving Medical Attention

When you are injured, it is important to receive medical attention. This is true regardless of whether or not the injury calls for it. The medical attention you receive will greatly affect the extent of your injuries and will also have a lasting effect on your subsequent health and life. 

Because of this, it is important to seek financial compensation for your injuries.

The Extent of Your Injuries

After you have received medical attention for your injury, you need to determine the extent of your injuries. While some people can pinpoint their injuries in a very short amount of time, others may take much longer to do so. 

Because of this, it is important to seek financial compensation for an injury. An airplane repo attorney can help you determine the extent of your injuries to seek financial compensation for your injuries.

Losing Work Time

When you are injured and cannot work, it can devastate your daily life. In addition to being financially strapped, this can also have a lasting effect on personal relationships. 

When pursuing financial compensation for an injury, it is important to consider the amount of time you will be out of work because of your injury and how long that time will last.

Knowing Your Options

Considering all your options when pursuing financial compensation for an injury is important. This can include making a claim with another insurance company, seeking legal assistance, seeking financial compensation for your injuries, and many other options. 

It is important to consider all of these options before seeking financial compensation for an injury.

In conclusion, the decision to pursue financial compensation for an injury is often based on a combination of personal, professional, and other factors. 

Because of this, it is important to consult with an attorney who can help you evaluate the best course of action in your situation.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Expenses to Consider When You're Going to Court Over a Personal Injury

If you're one of the many people accused of being at fault for a personal injury, you may be thinking about going to court over it. When considering going to court for a personal injury, you need to know about expenses before proceeding with the filing.

Expenses to Consider When You're Going to Court Over a Personal Injury

Court fees

While those fees can be expensive, they're a tiny portion of the overall expenses to consider. These court fees are related to filing the case in court and taking it over, not during the trial. 

The court will require you to pay for filing and serve all documents to the other party. It is a normal procedure when someone sues another party for an injury caused by them.

The most important thing you should know about court fees is that if your claim is dismissed, you will have automatically waived all those required costs upon filing your case in court due to the State or Federal government. 

If the other party has no legal obligation or duty to pay those costs, they won't pay them either.

Judgment fees

Judgment fees are related to filing the case over in court, so they'll be paid by you when the case is over. You'll have to pay a fee to file your case and serve all documents to the other party. 

It could be a relatively small sum of money, but that's only if you didn't have any additional personal injury expenses from the accident or accident-related injuries. 

If you did have those expenses, spending those funds on filing fees is probably not a good idea.

Mediation costs

You can choose to go to mediation with the other party if you want to settle the issue out of court. There are many benefits to resolving the problem, but it's not free. You'll need to hire a mediator and pay their fees, which could be at least $1,000 plus expenses such as travel costs.

Court reporter fees

If you're filing your case in another state, you'll have to pay for a court reporter if there is any record of the proceedings in court. The law firm representing you may not be aware of how many pages your record will be. 

However, if you know how long the actual hearing will last and how many pages will be needed in the transcript, you can calculate the fee that way.

Attorney fees

Attorney fees for personal injury lawsuits are generally not cheap like other cases, like medical malpractice or contract law cases where the opposing party reimburses attorney fees after trial.

These expenses need to be factored in when you're considering filing a case over a personal injury. If the other party has no obligation to pay any of those fees, you'll have to pay them, so consider that before going forward with your plans and filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Monday, February 15, 2021

The Ins and Outs of Lawsuit Loans

When you have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, filing a lawsuit claim enables you to get reimbursed for all losses incurred.

However, lawsuit settlement cases can take anywhere from weeks up to years to end. Along this period, the health provider might come knocking with a medical lien, or the car repairs debts accrue to unimaginable figures.

Luckily, there are a few financial solutions available to keep you afloat before your settlement checks in, such as lawsuit funding. If you are looking for a lawsuit loan in Las Vegas or anywhere else in the country, read on before you make a decision.

What Is a Lawsuit Loan?

Also known as pre-settlement funding, a lawsuit loan is an advance amount you can borrow from lenders, which is later deducted from your expected settlement.

In most cases, these types of loans are borrowed by people with personal injury lawsuits because they tend to accumulate more bills than other cases. Additionally, the type of injury, whether from a work accident or car crash, does not matter as long as your lawsuit claim has merit.

When you apply for a lawsuit loan, the lending company will assess your case to determine its approximate value. They will then offer an amount of funding that you must pay along with interests and additional fees when applicable. Ensure that you go over these details with your attorney to ascertain that the loan will not introduce more financial problems.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lawsuit Loans


The best thing about a lawsuit loan is that it’s there when you direly need it. In other words, getting pre-settlement funding will tide you over in your hour of need. Depending on the type of accident, personal injuries can even incapacitate you so that you are unable to earn a living. 

After a while, the amount of savings you had will dwindle, leaving you with unpaid mortgages, household bills, medical bills, and so on. A lawsuit loan gives you relief from all this pressure.

The second-best thing about pre-settlement loans is that there is no obligation to pay! If for some reason, your attorney is unable to win the case, the lending company will not require you to repay the loans.

As such, pre-settlement loan lenders are usually keen to evaluate any lawsuit that’s brought before them. This is to ensure that the case has higher chances of winning and with how much.

Finally, having access to pre-settlement funding reduces the pressure to accept the first offers from insurance companies. More often than not, these settlement offers are barely enough to cover all the damages. Having this source of money to pay the current bills gives your attorney sufficient time to negotiate the best offer possible and without a rush.


Unfortunately, having an active lawsuit does not automatically mean that any pre-settlement funding company will work with you. Lenders are usually careful about who they fund because unsuccessful lawsuits do not have to refund the loans. 

If your application has been denied, consider looking for another equally reputable lending company because their acceptance terms might differ.

The most important thing to remember about lawsuit loans is that they are also financial costs. This means that besides the amount of money you borrowed as a loan, there are other additional costs that you have to consider before borrowing.

First, there are normal interest rates that will apply depending on the company and the state’s policies. Second, some lenders will also charge you a funding fee on top of the interest. If you anticipate that your lawsuit is going to take long, ensure that you calculate the overall cost of a pre-settlement loan before taking one.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

4 Ways to Recoup Finances After an Accident or Injury

After an accident, you should never waste time thinking about what you could've done differently. Immediately is when you should act on recovering the finances that you've lost by missing work, paying medical bills, or repairing damaged property. Consider 4 common methods to stay afloat financially after an accident or injury occurs.

Develop a Budget

Developing a proper budget is a skill that begins in young adult years. You may already have a budget but need to develop a stricter one after an accident occurs and the bills pile up. Start by tracking your expenses and cutting out unnecessary payments or delaying them indefinitely.

File a Workers' Compensation Claim

If the incident occurs at work, you have the right to recover damages from your employer, according to workers compensation law. Report the accident to your employer immediately and file a workers' compensation claim using detailed, accurate information. 

Receive compensation for lost wages, medical bills, and rehabilitation fees to treat a temporary or permanent disability.

File a Personal Injury Case

If workers' comp does not provide full coverage, file a personal injury lawsuit using the help of a lawyer. Collect as much evidence as possible that your injury was caused by the accident. The fate of your case is determined solely by the validity of your evidence. 

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is recommended, and many providers provide affordable payment options for their clients. Overall, the process of filing a lawsuit may take longer than other methods, but your compensation is usually higher.

Sell Belongings

Choose still-valuable items in your home and sell them. Determine their actual value and find out the average prices that other people are selling the same items for. If you don't determine the right prices, you won't succeed in making any sale. 

Also know that some items, due to old age and depreciation, are not valuable at all and must be donated or discarded. You have the option to sell your items on online classified ads websites, yard sales, or pawn shops, or consignment stores.

An accident, injury, or disability does not have to claim your finances so you'll never get them back. Know your recovery options, whether you were injured at work or in a public building, and act in a timely manner. Last, develop a long-lasting, emergency plan to prevent a disaster and recover your finances faster if a worse problem happens.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Top Financing Tips When You Need to Sue for Your Injuries

If you have been injured either as an employee or a customer due to a company's negligence, it can be difficult to try and put all the pieces together. With so much paperwork to file and so many people to consult with, it can all seem overwhelming. 

In the midst of it all, you still have bills to pay and groceries to buy, which can be difficult to finance if your injuries prevent you from working. Fortunately, if you find that you're almost out of money, there are several sources you can turn to.

Funding Drive

Depending on your specific situation, your story may attract attention if you or someone else posts it on a donation site such as GoFundMe. Though it's not a surefire way to stay afloat financially, a request for donations through a site like this can help inform people of your situation so that they can give money as they are able. 

Plus, by informing a wide audience of what's going on in your life, it may present other opportunities for help outside of monetary donations.

Lawsuit Loan

If a company's negligence has led to your injury, it's important that they are held accountable for their actions. That's why a lawsuit makes perfect sense in a situation like this. If you hire a skilled personal injury lawyer, the compensation you receive can be significant. 

Fortunately, you may be able to take out a lawsuit loan against the future value of this settlement, which can provide immediate cash to help you pay your bills.

Disability Payments

If your injury is severe, you may qualify for government disability payments to help you make ends meet. Though this can be a somewhat lengthy process, it's important to at least apply for disability payments so that you can have money coming in if you are approved. 

Your primary care physician will be a crucial part of the application process, so it's important to visit them soon after you receive your injury.

Home Equity Loan

Home equity, if you have any accrued, can be a great help during a time of need. By taking out a home equity line of credit, you can gain access to a low-interest loan that gets money in your pocket quickly. 

Of course, as with any loan, it's important to ensure that you will be able to pay it off before you put yourself in debt. However, if things are getting dire, this can make a great option.

In the midst of your suffering, there will be a lot of hoops that you have to jump through in order to receive the compensation that you deserve. Therefore, throughout the process, it's important to stay focused so that you meet the requirements to receive these various types of financing. This will help make your recovery easier so that you can get back on your feet sooner.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How to Spend Your Personal Injury Settlement

Getting injured is never an enjoyable experience. Not only do you have to deal with the pain and suffering that comes from it, but there is often a ton of paperwork involved. In many cases, when you’re injured, it’s the result of someone else’s negligence, and you can be compensated as a result. This offers a nice silver lining, making a bad situation somewhat better.

However, once you receive your personal injury settlement, you can’t just go out and spend it all in one night. There are better ways manage your personal finances and knowing the best strategy can make your life a lot simpler going forward. Here are a few tips to help you out.

Pay Off Fees and Bills

The first thing you’ll want to do is pay off any expenses that came from the injury. Often, this primarily means medical bills. Unless your insurance covered everything, you likely have some leftover medical bills that you need to pay off. This personal injury settlement is designed to erase that medical debt, so make sure you put it towards that.

In addition, to get this settlement, you likely hired a lawyer. Trying to get a personal injury settlement without a lawyer is practically impossible, so it’s a good thing you hired one. In fact, according to these Manhattan personal injury lawyers, “When it comes to serious injuries – and especially those that will require long-term medical care – you should not file a claim and represent yourself. In order to get the settlement that you deserve, you must enlist the help of an experienced personal injury attorney.” 

These lawyers aren’t free though, so you need to pay them. In most cases they will take their pay from your winnings, but just make sure you factor this in before you start spending your payment.

Think Long-Term

With your debts all paid, now it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to spend the remainder of your money. Many people make the mistake of going out and spending all of the money over the course of a couple of weeks. You don’t want to do this. Instead, you want to think long-term and how you can best stretch this money out for as long as possible.

While it may seem fun to take an exotic vacation now, in 6 months when you’re still having trouble finding work because of your injury, you’ll be happier if you still have some of your settlement leftover. So, when you start planning out how you’re going to spend your money, think years, not weeks.

Learn About Investments

To really think long-term, you need to learn about investments. The best thing you can do with your settlement money is find a good investment for it, and let it grow over time. Some people choose to invest in real estate, while others choose to put their money into stocks and bonds. Both have their benefits and drawbacks, so you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons to decide which method is best for you. Remember that you’re planning for the long-term, so it’s okay if your investment doesn’t pay off next month.

Seek Additional Advice

If you’re already feeling overwhelmed with this decision, don’t stress. Knowing how to best spend your money is difficult, and with such a large sum from your settlement, you’re worried about messing it up. In situations like this, the best thing you can do is get some help. Talk to a fiduciary and find out the best way to spend your money. Professional financial managers have the experience and knowledge necessary to set you on the right path and ensure your money goes to the right places.

Treat Yourself, Within Reason

Finally, don’t think that getting this settlement is all about your future. You’ve been through a tough time, so it’s okay to treat yourself a little bit. Take your family out for a nice dinner or get that new comfortable mattress you’ve been after. You deserve something nice to make up for this bad experience, just don’t go overboard. Keep it within reason and focus on your long term goals instead.

If you can do all of this, you should have an easier time spending your personal injury settlement. Then, a few months from now, when this painful experience is behind you, you’ll be doing better than ever because you planned things out in advance. This will hopefully help to make the entire experience a little easier to handle, and your personal injury won’t be any more cumbersome than it needs to be.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Guidelines for Locating an Ideal Injury Lawyer Firm

Car accidents are very common and every year millions of people suffer on account of road accidents. In most cases accidents are severe and may need to be settled in the court of law. You need to hire the services of a professional injury law firm who can handle things on your behalf.

Trauma is one of the prime after effects of any road accident. There may be many reasons for people to face trauma including loss of life, vehicle damage or even serious injury. You need to keep in mind that after math of any road accident is always more stressful.

In most cases people are just not aware of the procedure they need to follow after the accident. This leaves you with an option to hire professional Hansen Injury law firm services. Below mentioned tips will prove helpful for making the right selection.

Act quickly

After an accident it is obvious that you need to act immediately and look around for best lawyer. This will ensure that you have all details about the accident with you. 

In order to ensure that you don’t miss any part of the story it is advisable to write it down at the point of accident. This can act as best piece of evidence for you. Try and provide as much information as possible for your lawyer.

Scan your networks

Now it is just the perfect time for you to approach your network. Referrals are always better options if you have to select an injury lawyer. Your trusted family fiends and relates can be ideal choice for you to approach. 

You also need to keep in mind that your referrals can help you locate best injury lawyer. In case you lack your personal network then you can also approach the online source.

Internet, Internet and Internet…

Internet is one of the best options for people who are not having any referrals. You can get started with searching online over the internet for quality Hansen Injury Law firm. 

When searching for lawyer online always ensure that you perform the search according to your local area. It is important that you should be able to visit your injury lawyer in person. Apart from this it will also narrow down the search results for you online.

Research work

The moment you have prepared a list of few reputable lawyers it is advisable to perform your research as well. Check with the background information of the lawyer. 

You should try and collect more set of information about his career and past cases involved. If the lawyer is genuine he will always try and provide you with in depth information related to his past work history. 

Try and get information related to his experience, area of expertise and bar association details.

Hiring the services of a professional injury lawyer will assure that you will be able to claim for maximum compensation. This is a big help in case you have just faced a very serious accident. It will prove helpful in covering your losses.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Personal Injury Cases: How to Help Yourself Bounce Back Financially

Alongside the physical injuries that you may incur during a personal injury case, there are also financial responsibilities that you have to attend to. Whether you win or lose the case, you will have legal fees, you will have medical bills, and you will have other overhead costs.

If you do not have the right advice in your ear, you will find that bouncing back financially can be a difficult thing. Here are the tips you need to know.

Find Payment Plans

The courts may be able to help you find a payment plan. If not, you can partner with a financial services agency that specializes in contacting your creditors with a payment plan. 

Keep in mind this is not a bankruptcy plan or a consolidation plan. You are doing this before you run into any real financial trouble.

Cut Back

One of the things most people have to do is they have to cut back on the luxuries in life. The reason being is that you have to have the money to be able to pay off your bills and the things that help you survive from day-to-day. 

You may have to cancel certain TV subscriptions like Netflix and Hulu. You may have to eat at home more often than eating out. You may even have to sell off some things as well just to help make ends meet. 

These are extreme examples, but the bottom line is you should be willing to do these difficult things to make sure you are able to bounce back from your injury while making sure your bills are paid.

Use the Courts

If you are found not at fault in a personal injury case, you may be able to force an injunction on any creditors that are involved with the case, including your lawyer. 

First of all, you should not choose a lawyer who cannot deal with your financial situation as it is. However, you can petition the courts for a decent plan, especially if you have a change in your employment situation based upon your personal injury case.

Save through Work Programs

If you are employed and have insurance, you may be able to use those work programs to help yourself bounce back financially. This is not to say that your employer plays a direct hand in dealing with your financial problems, but employment insurance may be able to give you an income stream when you cannot work. 

There may be other work programs that you can involve yourself in, but you will never know unless you ask. Have a meeting with HR to discuss your options.

Get a Lawyer

This may seem like it will cost you more money, but this isn’t always the case. If you have been wrongfully injured or you are not being properly compensated for damages, you will want to get a law firm on your side like the Alexander Law Group to help you make sure you get the proper compensation you deserve and to make sure that you can financially survive your injury.

There are many options for you if you have to deal with a personal injury case. You do not have to destroy your financial situation just because your employment situation has changed. 

You do not have to go bankrupt just because you have been physically injured. You have protections, and you should use them. Use the tips above so that you will know where to go when things get back. There is nothing worse than having financial problems along with the physical and emotional problems of a personal injury case.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Broke & Broken? How to Afford a Personal Injury Case

Even if your personal injury case seems relatively straightforward, these legal proceedings can become extremely complex in the blink of an eye. 

Many victims accept unfair insurance settlements simply because they believe a civil case will be too expensive or time-consuming. 

Here is a look at a few steps that you can take to make sure that you receive a fair settlement in or out of court.

Understand Your Rights

If you were injured because of someone else’s carelessness or negligence, then you deserve compensation. Depending on where the accident took place, you might receive compensation even if it is determined that you were partially responsible for the accident. 

Spending a little bit of time researching your rights and responsibilities could end up saving you a tremendous amount of time and money later on. You should be able to find free legal resources online, at a local DMV, or at the county courthouse.

Start Keeping Records

Every bit of information that is pertinent to your injury must be saved and kept in a safe location. That data will be invaluable to your legal team as they create an airtight case for the trial or mediation process. 

Your team will need information such as the names of everyone involved, medical bills, your doctor’s diagnosis, a timeline of the injury, and firsthand accounts of the accident. Winning your case is going to be nearly impossible without that information.

Consider Mediation

Mediation is a good option for some people, but there are a few things to consider before accepting a settlement. The at-fault party’s insurance provider and legal team will do everything in their power to pay out as little as possible, and they might offer you a lump sum right away just to avoid a trial. 

Accepting that lump sum will restrict your legal rights in the future, and that is why you should have an attorney by your side during the mediation process.

Take a Look at Contingent Fee Arrangements

Many attorneys, such as Blomberg Benson & Garrett, offer contingent fee arrangements to those who are involved in personal injury cases. With one of these arrangements, the lawyer will not be paid unless they win the case, and that means you won’t have to worry about paying any fees until an agreement has been reached. 

The legal fees are generally taken directly out of the settlement, and the overall percentage is determined before the client hires the attorney.

You should never feel as if your back is against a wall following a serious accident or injury. There are many different ways to receive fair compensation as long as you explore all of your options and spend some time researching your rights.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Recent Car Wreck? 3 Steps To Financial Stability

Car accidents are jarring and traumatic experiences. Even if you are able to walk away unscathed, you must deal with the car wreck aftermath, an undertaking that can take a serious toll on your bank account. 

These three tips can help you remain financially stable after you have been involved in a car accident.

Use Your Insurance

Some car owners make the mistake of not utilizing their car insurance coverage. They do not want their rates to go up. They also want to avoid paying the deductible for towing or repairs.

However, your insurance is there to save you money and hassle when dealing with the aftermath of a car wreck. The deductible will probably be less than the repairs made to your car or the vehicle of any other involved party. 

Rather than pay for these costs out-of-pocket, you can spare your budget by filing a claim with your insurer and allowing your policy to handle the expenses.

Cut Your Losses

You may love your car. However, when it has been totaled in a car wreck, it is no longer an asset to you or your bank account.

Most states will not allow you to insure or drive a totaled car. You can spare your budget and get a little bit of cash in return by scrapping or selling it for cash. When you sell it to a reputable Cash for Cars dealer, like City Auto Wreckers, you can save money on the tow and get some much needed post-wreck money to put down on a new car or pad your bank account.

Hire A Lawyer

When you are not the driver who caused the car wreck, you have several legal options available to help you recover both physically and financially. For example, if you are not able to go back to work right away after a car accident, you have the right to file a claim against the person who caused the incident.

A personal injury lawyer can make the claims process easier for you and handle the negotiations, settlement, and other court action on your behalf. Your lawyer can help you recoup lost wages, medical bills, and other money you have lost or spent because of the car wreck.

These simple tips can be important when you want to recover your finances quickly after a car wreck. They allow you to protect the cash you have on hand and also use legal means to recuperate expenses that you may not be obligated to pay out-of-pocket.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Broken Wallets: How to Manage Your Personal Finances after a Personal Injury

Personal injuries can happen to anyone and at any time. Usually, they lead to great financial distress as you have to pay for medical care and the fact that you will be out of work for some time. 

Even people who are covered by health insurance will have to pay a portion of the medical costs. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may have to spend a lot of time from work, and the opportunity cost will mount over months.

It is important to learn how to manage your finances after a personal injury accident as this will help to ease the stress experienced through the period. Here are some helpful tips to help you manage your finances in case of such events:

Find out how Much Money you have

It is not possible to plan your finances if you don't have a specific figure to work with. When calculating your money, be sure to include all assets that can easily be liquidated. Other assets can be used to calculate your net worth, although this figure will only be relevant if you are going to be out of work for a very long time. 

You should include the last paycheck that you got or are about to get. Any other money that will be coming in during the period should be taken into account.

Review your Budget

Without a paycheck, you will have to edit out some purchases. In your budget, you can eliminate or reduce the expenditure on non-essential products and services. If your finances are still overstretched, you can reduce the expenditure on essentials. 

For example, you can choose to buy foods with generic branding. Cable TV can be cut or reduced for some time to lower your costs. Electricity bills can also be adjusted to suit the prevailing financial situation.

Entertainment costs don't have to be cut off completely unless you are in a particularly tight situation. A little entertainment can keep you occupied and relaxed when you aren't reporting to work for several months. 

You can simply reduce your expenditure by opting for more affordable entertainment. For example, you can find a cheaper theatre or restaurant to go to on weekends.

Negotiate with Creditors

Instead of hiding from creditors, you can renegotiate the payment plans in light of the situation. Some are even likely to extend financial help through the stressful period. You can suggest a reduction in the monthly payments or such arrangements. 
Here are some further tips on how you can negotiate with creditors.

Find a Part-Time Job

Even with an injury, you can get work. For example, many online jobs can be done by people who are physically challenged. 

Also, short-term disability programs can employ you for the period that you will be out of work. Whatever income you get from these temporary jobs can be used to expand your budget and allow you to live more comfortably.

Legal Expenses

The biggest expenditure in cases of personal injury is legal fees. Good personal injury lawyers don't come cheap. 

It is not advisable to choose lawyers based on their cost, especially in cases that relate to personal injury. Instead, pay the best lawyers and increase your chances of getting a settlement for the inconvenience you have undergone.

Normally, the settlement should cover your costs and inconveniences that result from the injury. If you win the case, you will be able to sustain your normal lifestyle even without a paycheck. 

Attorneys like those at Ahlander Injury Law, a group of personal injury lawyers in Las Vegas can help you get the amount of money you deserve after the accident. Depending on your financial plans, you can choose to get the settlement money in installments, or as a lump sum. 

Generally, the latter option is preferred if you intend to make investments with the money.

Personal injuries can lead to difficult financial situations. You have to adjust your lifestyle and expenditure because of the shrinking budget. 

If you are a victim of personal injury, take the step of making a claim for settlement. This can potentially save you from financial turmoil, especially if you go for the best personal injury lawyers.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Injured Income: How To Cover Your Bases When You Can't Work

Injuries can and do happen to people from time to time. After all, car accidents, slip and fall events, workplace injuries and more are relatively common. 

When you are seriously injured, you may require several weeks or more of rest and therapy to fully recover from the event. During this period of time, you may be unable to work and earn a living. 

However, you still have regular bills to pay, and you may also have a growing pile of medical bills related to the accident. Are you wondering how you can continue to pay for your expenses when you cannot work? 

These ideas may help you to make ends meet until you can return to work.

File a Workplace Insurance Claim

If your accident occurred at work, you may be able to file a workplace insurance claim through your employer. 

This type of insurance may pay for your medical expenses, and it may also compensate you for lost wages. With this compensation, you can pay your bills on time. This enables you to stay off of your feet so that you can recover more quickly.

Use Your Disability Insurance

You may have disability insurance through your employer, or you may have purchased it on your own. Disability insurance may also provide you with compensation for lost wages and medical bills related to the accident. 

With this type of insurance, the injury may not need to be work-related. For example, you may have slipped off of a ladder while working on a home repair project, and a disability insurance claim may be filed.

Consider a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you were injured because of the actions or negligence of another person or because of a company, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit. You can speak with a personal injury lawyer firm like Bennett & Sharp PLLC about your legal rights and options as a first step. 

Through a civil lawsuit, you may be able to recoup money that can be used to pay your medical bills and other bills while you recover.

With some accidents, you may not have any choice other than to use your savings account balance or credit cards to make ends meet while you recuperate. 

`However, in many cases, individuals can seek compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and more related to their accident. Consider how one or more of these options may apply to you, and seek the compensation you need to get through this rough time in your life.

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