Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Best Place For You To Work May Just Be Under Your Own Roof

Vacation HomeImage by Let Ideas Compete via FlickrThe traditional job market is expected to have slow growth for many years to come. This has forced many people to find work in the most unlikely place, their own home. There are indications that business are hiring, but they are hiring workers on a contract basis.

Let's face it,our slow economy is going to be slow for quite a while longer. Businesses are not hiring because they just don't have the work or just don't have the money to hire full time employees. Their only option is to hire part time, contract based employees.

The benefits of part time or contract workers to the employer are many. They don't have to pay for the usual expenses like health care, social security, 401(K)'s, and actual office space. Hiring outside help, is a big savings for the company.

The facts.
The facts are online employment middleman Elance is showing tremendous growth. The increase is 50% higher than last year. They have had over 48,000 jobs posted in the last 30 days.

There has been a reboot of the way companies hire people to do their work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that 68% of hiring in 2010 was in the form of contract based freelancers.

This kind of freelance work is the bread and butter of the younger generation just entering the workforce. The freedom of working from home for multiple employers is highly appreciated.

Many people have pounded the pavement, sent out resumes, and have gone interviews only to be disappointed. Many of them should have stayed home and started a freelance business.

Many online sources can get you the work you have been looking for. With the expansion of the information age and telecomputing, you will never have to leave your home to go to work, again.
There are many sites to find work, but the biggest is There you will find work consisting of programming, designing, writing, marketing, administration, consulting, and finance. There are othe websites so search around to find the perfect job for yourself.

Some key skills are needed to make working from home a good experience:
  • Enjoy your work. If you don't love it, it will show.
  • Sure working from home has a lot of perks. But make sure you like the work you are doing. Do the thing that you are most qualified for otherwise you may tend to lose interest. 
  • Make sure you are educated with home tech. Like computers, fax machines, and printers

To make working at home easier you must have a basic knowledge of your computer and it's peripherals. Getting online and being able to cure a sick computer or business machine is a must.

Are you a self starter?
You have to be a self motivated person to work at home. You won't have someone looking over your shoulder every day.

Give your best effort.
You must always over deliver on your freelance work. Many times your work is given a score on free lance websites. A bad review may make you unhireable in the future.

The bad economy has caused a shifting in the standard job. The new norm is independent contractors and free lancers.

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