Wednesday, November 16, 2011

10 Job Fair Tips That Will Help You Get Noticed By Employers

Job Fairs have become a staple in today's job hiring environment. Employers want to meet a lot of possible employees quickly and in this time frame they have to access your skills and capabilities. You have to be able to show every thing you have in this short period of time because you want to turn this job fair into a job interview. 

In many ways a job fair is like a speed dating for jobs. You only have a small amount of time, so being prepared is the top priority. This list of tips came directly from interviews from job recruiters at job fairs. These tips are just what they want to see in a possible employees.

Remember, their job is to recruit employees. They go to many job fairs all over the country and see hundreds of job recruits. They are able to size you up fairly quickly. They know what the company needs and they are good at their jobs.

10 Job Fair Tips from Actual Job Recruiters:

1. Be a clear communicator with great passion, lots of energy and great enthusiasm.

2. When coming to a job fair come with a specific plan. Know who you want to talk to, know about the companies you want to talk with and ask intelligent questions.
3. Spend your time wisely and know that you can't possibly talk with everybody there. Focus in on the companies that you are really interested in.

4. Know before hand which companies you want to talk to by doing research on them before you arrive. Go online, looking at companies' websites, looking at jobs that are posted on their websites. Do you really know what the company does and what are the functions of the people working there. Use your knowledge learned so you can ask the recruiter intelligent questions about the company.

5. Determine if you are just looking for a job or along term career path. Knowing your own goals well, will help you be more focused and it will show when you talk to recruiters.

6. Don't oversell your resume. If you don't know something say you don't know. Use your previous skills and what you do know to build on your resume. Overall be honest.

7. Keep an open mind about the type of job you want. While at the fair you may come across a job you may of never thought would be right for you.

8. Be confident. Approach those employers with confidence and it will sell you. Sell yourself with confidence.

9. Focus and make eye contact. Speak clearly and be professional. You only have a few minutes to show what you have.

10. Be yourself. Be relaxed, show your passions, extracurricular activities, or things that really drive you. You can't fake that. Being passionate will show your not fake and it will leave a lasting impression.

Lastly, make sure you show lots of energy in your manner. Companies are not looking for worn out, tired people. Showing you strengths will move you to the top of the recruiters list.

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