Wednesday, September 5, 2012

College Student Car Insurance Tips

Day 209 - West Midlands Police - Uninsured veh...(Photo credit: West Midlands Police)
Car insurance for the family has always been a considerable expense so finding the cheapest car insurance possible is a family priority. We have have 3 college students getting close to finishing their degrees. They all use their cars to travel to and from school. Thankfully all of them attend colleges within the state. If you have children attending college out of state there are certain things to keep in mind.

Insurance laws are different from one state to another. If your child is going out of state and taking a car with them you’ll need to get coverage for that vehicle in the state they are living. The rates may be drastically more or less depending on the type of vehicle and the size of the city they will be living. You can’t do much about your child’s age and gender, the two other important rating factors. It’s important to compare rates to make sure you’re able to find affordable car insurance.

Depending if the car is registered in your name or your child's name can make a difference. Insurance companies often have better rates if there is more than one responsible driver. Since you’ll also need to be listed on the policy it can become more affordable car insurance. This will list you as an additional, responsible driver with better classifications than teen drivers. However, this adds additional liability on you. If your child is at-fault for a serious accident so you’ll want to make sure your liability limits are adequate.

If the car is titled in your child’s name only then the auto insurance policy will need to be in their name. Young drivers car insurance, when the young driver is the only person on the auto insurance policy, will have higher rates. If this is your situation, I would recommend an older car that won’t need to have comprehensive or collision insurance coverage. These coverage options cover the vehicle for any damage. If he backs into a light pole then your son can drive a dinged car. The insurance policy won’t pay for those repairs. But, if he hits someone else you want to make sure there’s enough liability coverage to protect him from lawsuits.

Thanks to for this guest post.

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