Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How To and Why You Should do Personal Saving?

saving and spending
saving and spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
Saving money may seem like an easy task but not everyone can or knows how to do it. Having your own personal savings not only makes you financially responsible to the eyes of others, but you will be securing your future and you goals as well. 

Here’s how to save money easily:

Decide a Goal

It is easier to start saving if you have a goal. Determine what you want to achieve and let that goal/s motivate you. Your goal can be a dream vacation, to move in to a better house or apartment or to build your future nest egg. The more goals you have the better; however, do not get carried away and try to focus on your goals one by one to make it easier to attain. Categorize your goals in two, your short term and long term goals. 

Manage Your Expenses

Now that you have your goals, the next thing you should do is make a list of all your expenses in a month and even your debts and list of assets. This will give you an idea on how much you are spending and the amount of money you can save within a month. You should also get the amount of money that you receive every month. This should include your salary, benefits etc. Subtract your expenses to the amount of money you receive and if your expenses are less than your income, that means you’re all good for the month. If not, you might want to make a few adjustments to be able to make it fit and to be able to allot some money on your savings. 

Identify the Investment

Next, you should identify the amount of money you need in order to achieve your goals. If for example you are saving for a $1000 vacation for the next year, you have to set aside at least a $100 every month to get it covered. To make this easier to follow, you should create a plan of your own that you are comfortable in. Some people have their salary automatically sent to their savings account so that they won’t be tempted to spend it. You can choose to do the same or just manually set aside the amount of money you want to save. 

Track Spending and List

You still have to keep track of your spending and you have to list down everything to be able to keep track of it. Take a look at your monthly budget to make further adjustments or even to eliminate a few things. 

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself every now and then for achieving your monthly goals. Just don’t get carried away with spending what you have saved. This will help you appreciate what you’re doing and you’re more likely to continue funding your personal savings.

Additional Tip: Don’t forget to keep track of your credit as well. It can help you get loans with lower interest rates and it can even help you get a car, mortgage and even your job. Get a copy of your credit report and estimate your credit score to make sure that it is always in good shape.

Keep in mind that in order for this to work, you have to discipline yourself and set your mind to it. A few sacrifices and tons of effort may be necessary to get through this task, but if it means that you’re straightening up your finances, then all of your hard work is surely worth it. Follow these tips and work your way into building and securing your future financially.

Joy Mali is an active blogger who shares extremely interesting finance management tips over the web that encourages people to manage their personal finances, check credit score regularly and review how credit score changes in different scenarios through a credit score estimator before taking any important financial decision.

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