Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Getaway? How to Protect Your Home Before You Leave

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, every 15 seconds a home in America is burglarized. The Bureau also tells us a burglar can break into a typical home in just 60 seconds. Information like this is disheartening. Especially for those who are looking to travel and leave their home this summer. So, how do you depart for your planned getaway with great peace of mind? These tips will help deter burglars and keep your home safe.

Replace Old Locks

Home locks don't always operate correctly or are poorly constructed. Professional burglars can drill or pick these old-fashion locks in just seconds. That’s why it makes sense to install a new high-security lock that will do the job. According to Consumer Reports, the Weslock 671 and Emteck Low Profile 8455 prove to be the best keyed locks on the market. They are both under $50.00. Medeco sells a high-security lock that is burglar proof and is around $175.00. It’s a great solution with very little investment of time or funds. Install locks on your own or hire a locksmith.

Your Neighbors are Your Allies

The National Sheriffs' Association has created a website that can help you develop a strong home watch plan with your neighbors. This can be your greatest asset. Create a plan and follow through with it.

Let neighbors know what to expect while you are away. Is your daughter dropping by? Will any vehicles visit the home? Give them your time frame and a phone number where you can be reached in case of a home emergency. Return the favor when they are away.

Invest in a Security System

The peace of mind that a home security system can provide clearly outweighs its cost, providing backup assistance for the times when you're unable to defend your property on your own. There are nearly 5,000 home security providers available, according to With features like video surveillance, remote usage and motion sensors, there's an option to suit the needs of every home owner. 

Bright is Better

Light up your home. Illuminate different areas while you are out of town. Key areas are doorways, windows and any spots that are hidden from public view. Purchase motion lights that alert neighbors to be on the watch if something suspicious is taking place.

Save money while protecting your home. Buy easy to install energy saving light bulbs. Light is a huge deterrent to a burglar and can easily help protect the place you love. The brighter the better.

Keep it Quiet

Use technology wisely. Social media makes communicating easier than any other time in history. But one downfall is simply that sometimes information can fall into the wrong ears. While it is normal to want to share your excitement and timeline for your upcoming travels, be careful with whom and how you share this important information.

Wait to share pictures of your exciting adventures on social media sites. Do this once you are home. Never give exact dates of your vacation to other people unless needed. Be sure to stop your mail and newspaper so people driving by aren’t alerted to your absence. Think through what you say and what you do so you know your home is safe and sound.

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