Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Six Tips To Protect Your Business Financially

Every day, businesses close their doors. Most often, this is simply due to being overwhelmed with expenses far exceeding revenues.

If you want to survive as a business owner, you must take the proper steps to protect your business financially.

1. Purchase Business Insurance

One thing you certainly don’t want to cut corners on is business insurance. Insurance coverage may seem like an overhead expense you can easily avoid.

However, if something goes wrong and you don’t have insurance, your company can be put out of business instantly. Ensure your facilities and assets and obtain proper liability coverage.

2. Obtain Proper Legal Representation

Protecting your company from financial ruin requires properly addressing the legal aspects of running your business. The best way to do this is by acquiring legal software specializing in business law.

Other situations where expert legal services will be needed include completing a merger, purchasing real estate, implementing venture capital financing, protecting intellectual property, and more.

3. Separate Your Personal and Business Assets

As a business owner, one thing you should certainly do is make sure your personal assets and the business’s assets are not mixed together. If the expenses are hard to tell apart, you will have a harder time obtaining deductions on your taxes.

You should have separate bank accounts and credit cards for yourself and the business. This will also protect you if your company fails or your identity is stolen.

4. Secure Your IT

You also need to ensure your company is secure from a digital standpoint. Not having proper firewalls and security software installed on company computers could lead to hackers stealing your information and customer data.

You should also use a service to back up your information. You don’t want to lose it due to something like a power surge during a thunderstorm.

5. Diversify Business Investments

Like any portfolio, your business investments should be properly diversified. This is especially the case if you’re starting a new business that is in a risky industry.

One way you can diversify your business investments is by choosing different kinds of asset classes such as stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, and more.

6. Pay Your Tax Correctly

You need to ensure your business follows the law regarding your accounting procedures and how you pay your business income taxes to the government. Consult with experts instead of trying to go it alone. The consequences of making mistakes can be severe.

Overall, protecting your business means always staying on top of your finances. While it’s good to ask for help when you need it, don’t trust the financial livelihood of your company to someone below you.

You have to stay on top of each financial aspect of your company as a responsible business owner.

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