Monday, October 14, 2019

Fall Cleaning for the Empty Nester: 4 Tips for Finally Throwing Things Out

Like traditional spring cleaning, the fall cleaning season provides an opportunity to clean house and eliminate all the accumulated items you no longer need as an empty nester. You will enjoy a fresh start to a new season when you get rid of all the clutter that detracts from your home’s comfort and beauty. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Organize Systematically

Schedule your cleaning work to tackle one room or area at a time. This will help to keep things controlled instead of overwhelming when you might be tempted to give up and hold on to useless items. Within each area, tackle closets, cupboards, drawers, and shelves to set aside belongings that no longer need a place in your home. 

Adult kids that have moved out on their own, attend college in another state, or have joined the military may have little to no interest in the things left behind. At the very least, box up their possessions and mark them before stacking the containers in a safe, dry place like the basement or garage.

Spare Nothing That is Unusable

If you have broken furniture or equipment that has been sitting around for years, get rid of it. Chances are neither you nor your grown children will get around to fixing it. By the time you do, a better investment of your time and repair cost could be buying a new or used replacement. 

The exception would be something with sentimental meaning, such as a family heirloom or a priceless treasure that continues to hold its value. Otherwise, be willing to part with things that you no longer need or want.

Distribute Leftover Valuables

After evaluating and organizing the unnecessary things in your house, contact family members or friends who may be interested in having them. Although you may be willing to store useful things like seasonal clothing or a book collection for a loved one who is temporarily away, other family members who have established their own homes can be offered items of potential interest before you get rid of them.

Arrange for Hauling

Don’t try to fit everything into a single load in your car for a thrift store donation. Nor should you plan on making several trips to the local dumping ground, which will be gas-intensive and require hours of time. Instead, consider dumpster rental for a few days as you clean out years of collected junk, debris, and broken items that will do little good for anyone. 

Clear your closets, attic, basement, garage, and shed of all miscellaneous items, including bags of raked leaves or lawn trimmings, dried out winter salt decayed mulch, or other things that have lost their value.

Fall cleaning can make your home feel more open, spacious, and comfortable. Start planning your big event by setting aside a few days for the work and renting a dumpster for hauling everything away in one swoop.

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