Showing posts with label Home Renovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Renovation. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Six DIY Projects You Can Do At Home To Save You Money

In this age of rising costs, people are looking for ways to save money. There are certain services you may have paid for in the past, but you can save more by doing them at home yourself. Before you pay for another service, ask yourself if it’s something you can handle doing at home to save money and boost your financial position.

New Window Treatments

You don’t have to be a whiz on the sewing machine to make new curtains. You can actually buy fabric that you love and use nothing more than an iron and special no-sew ironing tape to create a hem. Next, attach wide ribbons to the top using the same iron-on adhesive. Make it a little more secure by sewing decorative buttons at the base of each tab, and you’ll be rewarded with sharp window treatments that cost a fraction of the money.

Weed Control

Rather than paying the professionals high fees to spray your yard with pesticides, do this yourself. There are attachments that you can hook to your own garden hose to spray herbicides on the lawn. You can also buy the spray bottles and just spot treat weeds as they rear their ugly heads. You’ll save money and keep your yard safer for your pets and children.

Car Repairs

Some repairs are best left to the professionals, but there are others that you can handle at home. While you may not know how to fix a transmission, replacing a damaged bumper isn’t nearly as difficult. When you need to replace one of your auto parts, start by finding what you need at 99 Truck Parts, which offers new and used selections. This allows you to save even more when you do the work yourself.

Lights and Plumbing Fixtures

You want a new light or kitchen faucet, but you dread the cost of hiring a professional. The good news is that you probably don’t have to hire someone for help. New lights and faucets usually come with directions for installing them. Remember to shut down the water or power to the fixture you’re working on, and prepare to change it out yourself to save money.


If you’re looking to change the colors around your home, remind yourself that it’s just paint. You’ll want to invest in some drop cloths, quality paint brushes and remover in case of accident. Move the roller slowly across the wall for the best paint distribution and smallest mess. It will take several hours of your time, but you’ll save a small fortune in labor. This is a great way to update the look of your home without having to pay for a costly remodel. 


There are countless ways to recycle items around your home, and most of them will help you save money. Rather than going and buying a new bathroom vanity, learn how to turn an old dresser into a fantastic and unique vanity. Instead of buying candles, learn how to make your own from the kids’ old crayons. You can even make your own compost for fertilizing by saving your kitchen scraps and yard clippings.

There are plenty of DIY project you can do at home to save money. While some are more decorative, others will help you save money while keeping your home and car in top condition. Don’t be afraid to do it yourself and reduce your expenses at the same time.

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