Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 Things That Will Consume Half Your Income In Your Life

In these recessionary times, financial tips are flowing fast and furious about how to save money and stick to a budget. Facing a sea of information many people are asking, “Where do I start?”   For most of us, five areas of spending will consume over 50% of the money we earn during our lifetime, so that’s the best place to begin.  The five areas are:  Home, Car, Kids, Education, and Retirement.  Here’s what you need to know about each:
  • Don’t bite off more HOME than you can chew. How much house can you comfortably afford? For most people the answer is a house with a purchase price of no more than 3x their annual household income.  Rationale:  the cost of a home includes much more than the monthly mortgage payment. It’s also property tax, insurance, upkeep, etc.  Typically these costs run 2%-3% of the price of your home each year.  Assuming a 20% down payment, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, and interests rates in the 4%-5% rate, the 3x your income rule of thumb will translate into total housing costs of roughly 30% of your gross income.
  • Don’t let your CAR drive you to the poor house. The same logic applies to your car. Most people can comfortably afford a car that is 1/3rd of their annual income.  If you make $60,000 you can comfortably afford a car that costs $20,000.  If that seems low – now you know why so many Americans are in financial trouble.  They are driving it.  A car has many other costs than simply the monthly payment.  There’s insurance, gas, parking, maintenance, etc.  If you follow this rule of thumb,  your total transportation costs should be 10% or less of your gross income.
  • Don’t let your KIDS kick you in the wallet. Kids are expensive.  From a purely clinical standpoint the Dept. of Agriculture estimates it will cost $220,000 to raise a child born in 2008 from diapers to age 18. And that figure is before you add in the cost of college!  Deciding to be a parent is a major financial obligation.  Don’t make it worse by over-indulging your love bundles.
  • Don’t forget to ask “How high is too high for higher EDUCATION?” It used to be good debt was defined as mortgage and student loan debt… and bad debt was everything else.  Not any more.  We’ve now learned that too much of a good thing can indeed be bad.  Rough rule of thumb, don’t take on more in total education debt than you think you are going to earn on average annually during your first 10 years after graduating (from college or grad school).  In plain English, if you think you’ll make $50,000 a year, don’t take out more than $50,000 in loans. The logic behind this is that if it takes you more than 10 years of paying 10% of your income a year in student loan repayments, it’s going to be tough to meet your other financial obligations.
  • Don’t underestimate the need to feed your RETIREMENT nest egg. How much will you need to retire? A simple rule of thumb is to multiply your current income by 25.  So if you make $50,000 a year and want to maintain that standard of living in retirement, you’ll need a nest egg of at least $1,250,000.  Understanding early on in your working life what “your number” is… will help you see just how important it is to plan for this major savings goal.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Detours On the Road To Be Debt Free

Basic creditcard / debitcard / smartcard graph...Image via Wikipedia

You made the decisions to get organized and knock out that debt. With a budget in one hand and Dave Ramsey's book in the other hand, your being all gazelle intense. But be careful there are going to be some bumps in the road to the debt free life. Here are a few of the bumps you may hit.
Being too ambitious
Once you've decided to attack your debt, it can be tempting to get carried away by your enthusiasm. In all likelihood, it has taken several years to work up any debts you may have so you're not going to clear them overnight.
When you decide to sort out your finances, try to do an honest appraisal of the situation and set yourself realistic targets. If you attempt too much too quickly, you could fail and become disillusioned with the process.
Borrowing to cover debts
You probably already know how effective balance transfer cards can be if you want to repay your credit card debt more quickly and cheaply.
However, balance transfer cards are something of a special case. If you're not savvy, borrowing to repay an existing debt could exacerbate your financial problems.
If you are going to take out another loan to cover a debt, you should make sure you are getting a more competitive rate of interest. Otherwise you're unlikely to make any progress.
Borrowing money to make the minimum repayments on another debt will probably send you further on the downward spiral. If you do reach this point, it could be a sign you need professional help with your debts.
Spreading yourself too thin
Although you might want to pay off all your creditors as soon as you can, this may not be the most effective debt busting technique.
Take a look at all your debts and the interest rates on each. It could be prudent to use a technique known as 'snowballing' in which you focus your efforts on repaying one debt - normally with the most expensive interest. Meanwhile, you continue to make minimum repayments on everything else.
As soon as this is paid off, you could turn your attention to another debt - until they are all cleared.
Over-reliance on family and friends
Taking a loan from your nearest and dearest could be an effective short-term solution if you're experiencing cash flow problems.
However, it could well be a mistake to rely on these kinds of loans to cover regular outgoings and debt repayments.
If your family are always around as a financial safety net, there won't be much of an incentive to stand on your own two feet. Likewise you're probably not doing your children much good if you constantly bail them out of financial jams without talking to them about the cause of their problems.
It's taken you years to get into such deep debt, it will probably take a few more to get you out. Just stay on your budgets, don't make dumb mistakes and you will be debt free soon. Just be patient.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Get Some Rest: Weekend Roundup

Here's a list of my favorite posts of the week:

Over at DINKS there is a challenge to save. Could You Save $5 Every Day for One Year?

At Bargineering they are talking about taxing online purchases. Your Take: Should Online Purchases Be Taxed?

Get Rich Slowly tells us about The Dangers of Store Credit Cards

Five Cent Nickel says there are Life Lessons From E.T.

Personal Finance By The Book writes about being truthful. Dealing With Poor Performance: Lessons From Simon Cowell and Jesus Christ

Free Money Finance write how frugality is spreading with Americans Trying to Save Money by Cutting Back

The Biz Of Life budget post describes how the US Budget is out of control. What's 16 Feet Tall and 43,000 Pages Long?

Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance write how rich we really are.
ARE YOU WEALTHIER THAN YOU THINK? What do Success and Wealth Mean to You?

Last week was crazy so maybe squeeze in some rest this week. I still have some shopping to do and if you do, why not get it done this weekend. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ways To Live The Frugal Life

ceramic piggy bankImage via Wikipedia

Is the new frugality a fad or a new way of life for Americans. What is it like to practice frugality? Does it mean sitting in your home wearing tattered clothes and making your own soap? Or is it about having a different view on life and money. Frugality isn't just about pinching pennies. We all know people who can pinch a penny till the the Brylcreem comes out of Lincolns hair. My wife is like that and she's taught it to me. Thank you, Dear. 

1. Frugality means consumers are putting needs above wants, sticking to budgets, deferring purchases and spending less — and they aren't shy about letting others know about it. In fact, those who have embraced the new frugal mindset are proud of their accomplishments, and they should be.

2. People with a frugal mindset view money as a tool, not a status symbol. They don't see money as the end result but rather as a means to help achieve a more balanced, comfortable life. So they tend to transfer their spending from things that are less important, such as brand-name products and luxury items, to things that are more meaningful, such as freedom from debt, a home or an emergency fund.

3. Those who practice frugality more effectively distinguish wants from needs. They don't interpret essential needs — food, water, clothing, shelter and transportation — as their more upscale counterparts — eating out, Perrier, designer clothing, luxury homes and new cars each year. Instead, they look for value when purchasing necessities. They also recognize extras, like cable TV and magazine subscriptions, as desires — not must haves.

4. Frugal people track their bills and manage their cash flow. Disciplined spending and budget tracking are at the core of the frugal mindset. Every dollar and expense is accounted for. Saving before spending is the norm. And credit is a last resort.

People who are frugal focus on their long-term goals instead of short-term indulgences. They rarely spend money on immaterial purchases that give them immediate satisfaction. Instead, they are committed to saving for future financial goals, such as college for their children or retirement.

For consumers who embrace it, frugality has an upside. It's a shift to a new value system and provides relief from the burden of "keeping up with the Joneses." It's even helping to bring some households closer, with more opportunities to spend time together at home playing board games, participating in outdoor activities, preparing meals and watching TV as a family. And here’s one ancillary benefit to this lifestyle: Parents are leading by example, teaching their children how to save and spend more responsibly.

So is the era of conspicuous consumption gone forever? Evidence suggests that, as with the Great Depression, this change in consumer behavior toward frugality will last even after the economy gets back on its feet, largely because consumers have less confidence in the economy and are less willing to run up debt. But only time will tell if the new frugal mindset is permanent. One thing is for certain: Living within our means could be a very good thing.

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