Saturday, September 9, 2017

Why You Need Professional Financial Planning

Preparing financial plans professionally offers several advantages, including help to ease the concerns that you may have regarding your financial future. Financial plans enable people to balance their daily needs and long-term goals while increasing the prospects of securing their retirement. They can introduce financial planning to individuals in ways to achieving a sustainable retirement income and planning a legacy that will last.

Comprehensive Financial Plan

An effective financial plan should deal with both the present and future. You begin with your current situation in terms of assets, debts and other obligations. A financial plan considers the spending habits that you currently have, creates a viable budget and maintains emergency funding.

Aspects such as what you want to save for aside from retirement, college education for your children, home renovations and your investments are also considered. 

There are issues that deal with estate planning for the purpose of ensuring assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes and life insurance for minimizing risk.

Debunking the Myths of Financial Planning

Various misconceptions regarding financial planning exist, including the belief that comprehensive financial plans are prohibitive because of high costs. Some people think financial plans consist of generic solutions that have been present.

The reality is that financial plans are worthwhile investments in financial security and they are tailor-made to fit each individual situation. 

Financial planning advice is provided by qualified and experienced financial advisors. A financial advisor can help you create and implement a plan that will be reviewed regularly to track your progress. Click here for physician financial planning.

What to Expect from a Financial Plan

Different financial plans have their unique features but the process of creating them consists of a number of distinct steps. It is important to develop a view of what your current financial situation is before you determine financial goals within specified time frames.

The plan that is created should have clear actions and steps. When you implement the plan, follow it up to ensure that you remain on the right track. As changes in your life occur, you can consider changing your investments as well.

Importance of Financial Planning

A financial plan goes beyond managing your money. It involves identifying the goals in your life, including the ones you may already be thinking about and those that may not be apparent. The process will help you broaden your horizons and sort out priorities. It also gives you an opportunity to explore the goals that you and your family have.

Comprehensive financial plans consider the interrelated aspects of your finances such as the money you earn, money you spend, retirement planning, investments, taxes, insurance and estate planning to ensure that everything is coordinated.


Good financial plans should be actionable to give you solid steps that you can take towards your goals and understanding how to adjust in case your goals change over time. There are many parts in a comprehensive plan. These include a net worth statement, cash flow analysis, retirement plan, education funding, insurance coverage, income tax profile and an estate plan.

Putting a financial plan together requires expertise and time. Experienced financial planners gather pertinent information, evaluate your financial situation, provide recommendations, develop the plan and get your finances on track.


Joel Walsh is a freelance writer and content developer. He has worked with different sites on a range of digital marketing projects. He describes himself as an artistic person and likes to draw and paint whenever he can. Visit this site for more information.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Concrete Investments: 4 Tricks to Investing in Real Estate

Even when the market is down, investing in property can be lucrative if you take the time to do it right. Unfortunately, many people rush into these investments without realizing exactly how much is at stake. 

These four tricks will help you find the best possible real estate and protect your investment in the coming years.

Start Working on Your Credit Score

Unless you happen to have a substantial amount sitting in the bank, you will most likely need to borrow at least some money. When it comes to investment property, banks and other lending firms are extremely cautious of who they offer loans to. 

Tackling your outstanding debt, removing open debt accounts, and keeping your monthly income as consistent as possible could help you boost your credit score by quite a few points in the coming months. 

Over the next few years, those few points could save you thousands of dollars in interest.

Get Approved Early

One of the best ways to speed up this process is to get approved for the loan before you make any offers. As a general rule, most experts agree that investors should try to get approved for a property loan at least 30 days before the expected purchase date. 

That will give you plenty of time to make a bid and negotiate prices before the approval expires. Your lending company might take two or more weeks to approve your loan application, and the property you wanted to bid on could be gone by then.

Properly Insure the Property

Many investors don’t take insurance into account before making a purchase, and that can be a very expensive mistake. Your insurance is going to be your first line of defense against any accidents or injuries that take place on your property. 

Insuring investment property is much different than insuring a private residence, and you need to work with an experienced agent like Family Insurance Centers or someone similar to make sure that you have the proper coverage.

Work With the Pros

Investing in property without any outside help is time-consuming, stressful, and full of risks. Hiring professionals to inspect and manage the property will initially eat into your profits, but those pros can help you avoid major problems later on. 

You should also consider joining a real estate investment group or starting a local club. These property investment groups can get you started with years of knowledge and connect you with all the right professionals to help.
Property management companies can take care of issues such as screening tenants, evicting tenants, ensuring rent is paid on time, and minor maintenance problems.

These few tips and tricks will limit your risks, but there is always a chance that your investment will go sideways. That is why real estate investors should always have a backup plan for their property. 

Options such as living on the property yourself or renting it out to a loved one for a short period of time could help you get through any unexpected dips in the local real estate market.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Freedom Financial Network Could Help You Prepare for Retirement

While many millennials have developed good savings habits, their reasons for saving are not the same as previous generations. They enjoy a lifestyle that includes travel, eating out, and staying fit. And they are often more inclined to save for these things than for retirement. 

In fact, a recent survey reported that 72 percent of those asked admitted they did not know as much about saving and investing for retirement as they should. But, before you can begin investing for the future, you need to take care of your current cash flow. This is an area where Freedom Financial Network could help you prepare for retirement investing.

Steps to Improve Your Cash Flow

There are several steps you should take before you begin investing. First, you need to build up an emergency fund. Ideally, an emergency fund should have enough money in it to cover three to six months of daily expenses. 

While it may be difficult to save this much money quickly, with time and discipline, it is possible. Start small, putting aside enough to cover an expense you’d normally put on your credit card and build it up from there.

Speaking of credit cards, eliminating your credit card debt is another crucial step to improving your cash flow. Use your emergency fund for unexpected expenses and look for ways that you can pay down the credit cards. 

You could do this by cutting discretionary spending and put that money towards the credit cards, or picking up a side job to help pay them off.

Additionally, Freedom Financial Network offers a program through its company Freedom Debt Relief, that could help you eliminate credit card debt. Over 400,000 people have already worked with this company. 

Whichever method you choose, putting aside money in an emergency fund and eliminating your credit card debt are great steps towards successfully saving for retirement.

Tips for Retirement Investing

If you’ve established an emergency fund and tackled credit card debt, then you are in a good position to save for retirement. Whether you work for a company or you are self-employed, there are great resources and tools available to help you save and invest.

One of these is the 401K. If you work for a company that contributes to your 401K, take full advantage of this. After all, your company is giving you free money to invest! 

These accounts are tax deductible and companies will typically match your contribution anywhere from three to six percent. Even if your company does not match, a 401K is still a great tool for putting money aside for the future and reducing your taxes.

Freelancers and self-employed millennials can also reap the rewards of a 401K by investing in a Solo 401K plan. Solo 401Ks are flexible and offer high-contribution limits with little to no setup or administration fees. 

If you don’t have a lot to invest initially, that is okay because these accounts generally do not require much to get started.

The two key factors with any type of retirement investing account are:

1. Don’t withdraw money early. If you have an emergency, have funds set aside specifically for these types of things.

2. Let compound interest work in your favor. The sooner you can begin investing, the more you’ll have when you are ready to retire.

Position Yourself for Retirement Savings with Freedom Financial Network

While the idea of utilizing the free money from your company or earning compound interest sounds very appealing, it can also be frustrating if you are struggling with debt. 

You see how money could be working in your favor, not against you, but getting to that point feels like a long and distant road. First, don’t give up. You didn’t get in debt overnight nor can you get out of debt overnight.

However, you may be able to relieve it quickly with help through one of the companies that are part of the Freedom Financial Network: Freedom Debt Relief. 

It has been helping customers successfully resolve their debt and reach other financial goals since 2002, and they could help you too. With certified debt counselors who will listen to your situation and help you find the right solution, you could be on your way to freedom from debt sooner than you thought possible. 

And with your debt resolved, you can begin building your future and your retirement savings.

Why Doctors Need Business Loan

Doctors are widely perceived as having comfortable and lavish lifestyles but this myth couldn’t be further from the truth, especially in 2017. The cost of running a medical practice proves to be extremely high but doctors must wait often months to be just paid in full for their services. 

As if these two dilemmas weren’t frustrating enough, recent reports have actually shown that the relationships between doctors & patients as well as insurance providers have grown more complicated with time, and solving these problems also comes with a price. This is why Business Loan for Doctors are important.

Doctor loans & their application

Here are a few of the fields in medicine that will prove the benefits of Doctor Loans:

Working Capital

Every business, including even medical practices, requires working capital. Slow-paying insurance companies, delays in reimbursements and cash-strapped patients can hurt cash flow significantly. Meanwhile, employees must be paid, equipment and supplies must be purchased, and malpractice insurance costs continue to mount. 

Doctor loans can help all types of doctors, including cardiologists, dermatologists, gynaecologists, oncologists, surgeons, and dentists, secure working capital and keep their practices running smoothly just if they fulfil the Eligibility Criteria for Doctor Loan.

Hiring Staff

Like all professionals who run successful businesses, doctors also rely on their staff to help their institutions run smoothly. These employees include doctor's assistants, nurses, office assistants, and receptionists who help with billing health insurance companies. 

When starting a practice, opening a new office or expanding services, doctors frequently require an infusion of cash. Insurance companies are notoriously slow in dispute claims, paying, and try to negotiate rates.

Digitizing Medical Records

Converting patients' records from actual paper to digital files creates great efficiencies for healthcare providers and their patients. The benefits for patient care are obvious: digitizing patient files creates an electronic record of exams, visits, blood tests, prescriptions and diagnoses that can be shared with other Doctors if necessary. 

Using electronic medical records though reduces the cost paper and file folders and cuts labour costs; however, digitizing medical records is a significant long-term investment for any medical office. Conversion costs can frequently run in the tens of lakhs of rupees.

Purchasing Equipment

Every Doctors’s medical office requires equipment purchases of everyday items, such as tissues, bandages, etc. as well as big ticket expenses. These can range from defibrillators, surgical equipment, CAT scans, EKGs, laboratory equipment, lasers, stress test treadmills, ultrasound equipment, and wheelchairs.

Opening New Offices

Professionals including doctors and dentists face financial needs just like any other business owners. Doctors often face cash flow problems because of slow-paying insurance companies followed by disputed reimbursements. The result is that physicians can find themselves in a financial crunch.

Inconvenient payment systems and the constant build-up of accounts receivables tend to make it increasingly difficult for doctors to even foot the bill on their own. 

Medical practice loans are the solution for the countless practitioners looking to adapt to their increasingly competitive landscape, where delinquent payments cannot compromise customer service.

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