Thursday, September 6, 2012

Find the Best Value for the Money When Shopping for a Car

Ford Fiesta MK6Ford Fiesta (Photo credit: Wikipedia)The value of a new car can fall quite quickly, which is why it's important to look for designs that will age well and retain their initial value. Although flashy, sleek cars are fun to purchase and drive, those that are most likely to mature and stay in high demand over the years are better value. The following are a few features to look for in a new car when you want to get the most out of your investment. 

Resale Value

One thing to think about is how easy it will be to resell your vehicle. For example, the Ford Fiesta is consistently ranked the most popular car amongst British consumers. When you look at a Ford Fiesta review, you'll usually see mention of this fact, along with the fact that it is moderately priced to begin with. Minis are another enduringly popular car, and they hold 54% of their value after three years. Keep this in mind when you are researching your options, because cars that are popular with consumers in your area will be easier to sell. 

Fuel Economy

Fuel efficiency is a factor that is consistently improving all the time. Choosing a car that offers 30 mpg or better is a good way to save money overall, because you will sink less into the cost of fuel over time. Although hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius offer excellent mileage, there is a wide range of vehicles that meet this need, of all shapes and sizes. The Smart car offers excellent fuel efficiency, as does the Volkswagen Jetta TDI.

By looking at the cost of running a car as well as what its resale value will look like over time, you can choose the best value for your money.

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