Tuesday, March 31, 2020

It Costs How Much?! 5 Reasons Your Utility Bill Is Too High

There are a number of different costs associated with maintaining a household. You want to do the best you can to keep your expenses low. One cost that may surprise you is your electricity bill. Here are 5 reasons your utility bill is too high.

Insulate Your Home

You don't want to let the temperature-controlled air in your home go outside. To prevent this, you need to keep your home secure. Shut windows and doors. You should even look into getting a specialized energy-efficient window and door options. If you haven't added insulation to your walls in years, it could be time to do that as well.

Air Conditioners

Your HVAC unit is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to your electricity bill, especially during the summer. You should replace the filter at least a couple times a year, and more often if you have pets. Air conditioners also require regular maintenance to ensure they run at top efficiency.

For added savings, you should also consider getting a smart thermometer to automatically change the temperature when you and your family aren't home. You can even change the temperature from your smartphone no matter where you are. This limits wasteful energy use and will save you money in the long run.

Use the Right Light Bulbs

Most people use incandescent light bulbs because they are the cheapest option when shopping at the store. However, the more expensive options can end up saving you more in the long run. LED and CFL light bulbs use less energy and last longer. This means, your bill will be lower with time and you won’t have to replace the bulbs as often.

Outdated Appliances

You have a number of different appliances in your home. As appliances get older, they require more and more electricity to run. You should replace your old appliances with EnergyStar appliances specifically designed to use less electricity and water. There will be an initial cost at first, but you'll see the savings in your utility bill.


You may not realize exactly how many things you have plugged in at your home. Even if these electronics are off, they still eat up energy. While this passive usage may seem small at first, it adds up significantly. Unplug your phone charger and your laptop when you aren't charging it anymore.

You may be paying more for your electricity than necessary. If you want to save money, you should look into your behaviors in your home. When you make some of these simple changes, you may be surprised as you watch your bill drop significantly.

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