Showing posts with label online financial planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online financial planning. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

Creating the Perfect Personal Finance Strategy for Middle-Aged and Senior Citizens

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
With the recent financial meltdown debilitating the job sector and leaving an entire generation’s financial security compromised, it’s hard to imagine the troubles faced by middle-aged and senior citizens when the younger generation is in so much hot water. Transitioning to a life with no full-time job and, more importantly, no fixed income can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared for it. 

Whether your retirement plans involve moving back to your old house in Exton PA or settling down comfortably in Napa Valley, you must have excellent dominion over your finances to help you realize these dreams. If you’re pushing 50 or 60 years of age, then here are five key questions to ask yourself in order to choose the most effective strategy for keeping your financial boat sailing smoothly under all conditions.

What Assurance Does Your Health Insurance Give You?

Blindly rejoicing under the blanket of assumed safety of Medicare may not be the smartest idea. It is imperative to be well-versed with all the fine print mentioned in the insurance policy you sign up for and back it up with another policy that covers the loopholes of the former one. It will save you the rude shock of getting a colossal medical bill you’re not prepared to handle.

Are Your Financial Records In Order?

Keeping vigilant records of your expenses and savings is the first step to developing a successful financial plan that will help you enjoy a comfortable retirement. They make it easier to identify any possible deductions such as employment costs, mortgage payments, or commuting expenses that will lower your taxable income. Consult a reputable financial planner by showing them your financial records in order to get a better assessment of your financial status.

What Are Your Tax Liabilities?

Sometimes getting a raise may not be the best thing to happen if you don’t possess the financial savvy to manage it. In fact, graduating to a higher tax bracket may do your bankroll more harm than good. That’s why it’s quintessential to keep track of any revisions in IRS and Social Security policies and adjust your financial planning strategy accordingly.

Is Social Security Really The Ultimate Safety Net?

Contrary to popular perception, Social Security isn’t always a financial guardian angel for your retirement years. If you look at the rules and laws governing Social Security policy, you’ll find out that they’re uncomfortably dynamic in nature is because the age of retirement specified in the Social Security policy keeps changing. Thus, you should maximize your income while reducing your taxable Social Security income as much as possible.

How Bulletproof Is Your Investment Portfolio?

Most financial planners agree that middle-aged citizens should focus on maintaining a growth-oriented investment portfolio with a healthy mix of blue-chip stocks and bonds. As a citizen crossing the age of 50, it’s recommended that you stick to making only stable investments with a low risk factor to ensure guaranteed returns.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Retirement: Four Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order

Getting your finances in order before you retire is a great idea for anyone who is either planning their retirement, or who has suddenly found themselves in a position where they are being forced to retire. Financing for your later years doesn't have to be scary. If you are looking for a way to get your money in order before you stop working, try these four tips.

Rid Yourself of Debt

The best way to make sure that you don't outlive your money, is to cut your expenses down as much as possible. Make plans to use your retirement funds to pay off any existing debts that you have. If you don't have enough in savings to cover your debts and your income will not give enough coverage, you might want to consider filing for bankruptcy. According to a chapter 7 attorney in St Louis, getting rid of any debt is the best thing you can do to avoid bankruptcy.

Know the Facts

Figure out what your income will be. There are many people who do not know how much they can expect from their pension, their retirement fund, or Social Security. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to find this information. Several months before you retire, gather together any documentation you have about your retirement accounts, and contact each fund manager. Also start the application process for Social Security. This usually won't take long and can help you on your way to budgeting and planning for the future.

Future Planning

Decide what you want to do in your retirement. Believe it or not, very few people actually have a plan of how they will spend their retirement. Think about your day to day life, and how you want to spend it, not just a once-a-year trip you'll take. Look into volunteer opportunities, hobbies, and maybe even part-time work. This is the chance to try something new, or something you always wished you could do. Once you know what everyday life will entail, you can plan a more precise budget.

Make Cuts Where Possible

After figuring out what your income and expenses will be, it's time to make a spending plan. If you have more income than expenses each month, come up with a plan to save the money and/or carefully plan major purchases. Be sure to include every payment you might be making, and even unforeseen events like hospital visits or house repairs. If your expenses are greater than your income, however, it's probably time to make some hard decisions about where you can make cuts, or start looking for part-time work. Perhaps it is feasible for you to sell some assets or old valuables to make sure you have enough money.

With these simple tips, panning for financing your retirement won't be a daunting task. The key is organizing and making a plan that will be easy for you to follow. Retirement is a chance to enjoy the fruits of your labor, so start by preparing now to have the time of your life.

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