Showing posts with label financial planning services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial planning services. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Personal Finance Tips for Millenials

saving and spending
saving and spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
According to a 2007 study by the American Psychological Association, 73% of those surveyed claimed money is a primary source of stress in their lives. But personal finances don’t have to be a formidable enemy to avoid. In fact, by making a few smart choices now, you can eliminate future financial burdens and alleviate stress. 

Reduce Debt 

Too often, millennials choose to celebrate landing that first job by making a large purchase. Before you rush out to buy a new car, know the difference between “good debt” and “bad debt.” According to, “good debt” is generally debt with a lower interest rate than the rate you could be earning by investing. For example, a home loan would commonly be considered “good debt,” while a car loan or credit card debt are more likely “bad debt.” 

If you already have debt from a credit card, car loan, or student loans, start by paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first. Top Ten Reviews suggests writing out a game plan for how and when you are going to pay off your debts. Pay off as much as possible, as quickly as possible. 

Start Saving 

Now Utilize a budget. Keep your spending under control and allocate a designated amount each month to your savings. A good strategy would be to have three types of savings funds. 

Emergency Fund 

According to U.S. News, in a stretch of hiring slowdowns, it is crucial to have an emergency fund to cover an unexpected period of unemployment.This fund should be enough to cover your living expenses for three to six months. 

Short Term Savings

  • Planning on buying that new car after all? Want to take a weekend trip to Vegas? Minimize your debt by planning ahead and saving now. 
  • Having a short term savings fund can give you the financial freedom to do the things you enjoy, without breaking the bank. Long Term Savings 
  • When you’re in your twenties, “retirement” seems light-years away. However, being in your twenties is the best time to start saving for retirement, because of the power of compound interest. The earlier you start saving, the more interest you’ll earn! 
  • If your employer sponsors a 401K plan, make sure you are taking advantage of this opportunity. In addition, consider opening a Roth IRA. The Roth IRA is especially a good option for someone at the early stages of their career, because once you exceed a certain level of income, you can no longer contribute. Essentially, with a Roth IRA, you can pay taxes now and avoid paying taxes on any future earnings from your investment. 
  •  Consider a Target-Date Retirement Fund. Not only do these funds typically have low expense ratios, but they eliminate the added work load of trying to manage your portfolio yourself. These funds are fully diversified and managed by investing professionals. As you approach your target retirement date, the fund will automatically become more conservative. 
  • It’s important to remember that withdrawing early from a 401K or an IRA will have significant financial penalties. This is why it is important to have your emergency fund and a short term savings fund; do not tap into your long-term savings. 

Put Your Technology to Work 

Today, there are so many resources available to help get your finances under control. For example, is a great tool to monitor your budget and track your spending – and the smartphone app is both fun and user-friendly. Another example would be using or Credit Karma to watch your credit score and prevent identity theft. 

Make your life easier by setting up automatic payments. Find out if your employer offers automatic paycheck deductions for your 401K. In addition, most banks allow you to set-up automatic scheduled transfers. Make your finances your first priority by scheduling an automatic transfer into your savings account. Pay yourself first. You can also set up automatic payments to pay off your student loans and pay your monthly bills. Automatic bank drafts ensure that you always pay on time, thus avoiding any unnecessary late charges. 

Reigning in your finances can seem like a daunting task at first, but you can conquer your financial fears by managing your debt, maximizing your savings, and using technology to your advantage. 

Chris is a blogger for his blog The Financial Park. He is also a golf fanatic and loves to be outdoors. You can find him on Twitter @ChrisLindsey23.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Properly Managing Your Personal Finances

Although the recession may be nearly over – according to some though not all financial experts – that doesn’t mean you can breathe a sigh of relief and go back to your old financial ways. There are some excellent benefits afforded to those who make the effort to properly manage their personal finances, and in fact, many experts are now of the opinion that personal finance should be a compulsory subject taught in high schools to educate young people how to effectively manage their finances in order to avoid – amongst other problematic outcomes – filing for bankruptcy. 

Why properly managing your finances is important

It’s important to learn how to manage your personal finances for a number of reasons, all of which concern your quality of life. Whilst it isn’t wrong to point out that there are more important things in life than money, it is, however, difficult to enjoy life and your relationships when you’re under the cosh financially.

Borrowing – When applying for finance, like a credit card or loan for example, your credit history will prove to be an important factor in how much you repay on what you borrow. For example if you have a poor credit history as a result of managing your personal finances poorly, you’re likely to repay much more than someone who has kept their personal finances in order.

Marriage and relationships – Your personal finances can also affect your marriage or relationship with your partner for better or for worse. Nothing breaks up relationships faster or more destructively than financial strife and indeed during times of financial strife, like the global economic crisis of late, the number of breakups and divorces is often found to increase.

Your future – It’s essentially your future that’s at stake where the management of your personal finances are concerned, and that of your family if you have dependents. This should serve as the impetus required to take a more active interest in properly managing your personal finances. Your retirement and your children’s future are at stake here, which should illustrate the importance of proper personal finance management.

Personal finance apps

In recent times there have been some notable personal finance apps released for both the Android and the iOS operating systems, many of which, like Expensify, Mint, Manilla and Slice, are free to download from the Google Play store and the Apple store.

Expensify – Widely considered to be among the best apps for business travellers, this app is aimed at businesspeople but anyone can use it.

Mint – Although Mint takes a little time to set up, the general consensus is that this app is one of the most useful.

Manilla – This personal finance app has been found indispensable by those looking to consolidate their personal finances and stay on top of bills.

Slice – An ideal personal finance app for those with a love of online shopping, Slice supports all the major service providers including Gmail and iCloud.

A few handy tips for better personal finance management when borrowing

There are a number of ways to manage your personal finances more effectively, including shopping around for a personal loan in order to apply for the most competitive loan offered. Where borrowing is concerned, it’s imperative that you shop around for the most competitive products, and if you’re applying for a mortgage the general consensus is that it’s best to put down as large a deposit as possible to reduce the total amount repaid.

Furthermore, don’t overlook the importance of creating a budget when making repayments so that you’re comfortably able to repay what you’ve borrowed without adversely affecting your quality of life.

About the Author:
Morgan Finance in New Zealand is a business offering financial products for business or personal needs. To know how to get a personal loan, visit

Thursday, July 18, 2013

5 Financial Situations You Need to Be Prepared for after Retirement

One of the most important responsibilities that people have is planning financially for retirement. While people can spend decades saving and preparing for retirement, there are five financial situations in retirement that need to be factored in to any retirement preparation plan.

Medical Expenses

The first financial situation that can affect retired people are underestimated medical expenses. Retired individuals could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars during their retirement years on medications and unplanned medical procedures. As the cost of health insurance has continued to rise, and people are beginning to live a lot longer, this cost is likely to only increase considerably in the future.

Declining Home Value

A cost that affects a lot of retired individuals today is declining housing values. Many retirees have a long term plan that includes selling their home, downsizing, and living off the equity that they built over time. However, with housing prices declining all over the country, this may not longer be a reasonable plan. Retirees need to avoid relying on this equity for financial support as it could disappear at any time.

Lack of Social Security

Historically, Social Security payments were enough to provide most retirees with enough money to survive financially. Over the next few decades, the amount of retirees will continue to grow, and the amount of workers will not be available to support them all. This will lead to declining benefits.

Death of a Spouse

The fourth financial situation that you need to be prepared for is the death of your spouse. As emotionally straining as losing a spouse can be, it can also be financially challenging. The cost of a funeral can easily exceed $10,000 and those that lose their spouse could lose social security income as well as pension income, depending on the pension plan. Because of this, all people need to factor this in when preparing for retirement. In the case of a wrongful death due to medical malpractice or another issue, filing a lawsuit may be a good option. When hiring a wrongful death attorney in Sacramento residents will be guided through the legal process.

Support for Children

One of the most frequently underestimated expenses in retirement is the cost of still having to financially support children and grandchildren. Due to tougher job markets and rising costs of education, many grown children have to continue to live at home and accept financial support from their parents, even after the parents have moved on into retirement.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Creating the Perfect Personal Finance Strategy for Middle-Aged and Senior Citizens

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
With the recent financial meltdown debilitating the job sector and leaving an entire generation’s financial security compromised, it’s hard to imagine the troubles faced by middle-aged and senior citizens when the younger generation is in so much hot water. Transitioning to a life with no full-time job and, more importantly, no fixed income can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared for it. 

Whether your retirement plans involve moving back to your old house in Exton PA or settling down comfortably in Napa Valley, you must have excellent dominion over your finances to help you realize these dreams. If you’re pushing 50 or 60 years of age, then here are five key questions to ask yourself in order to choose the most effective strategy for keeping your financial boat sailing smoothly under all conditions.

What Assurance Does Your Health Insurance Give You?

Blindly rejoicing under the blanket of assumed safety of Medicare may not be the smartest idea. It is imperative to be well-versed with all the fine print mentioned in the insurance policy you sign up for and back it up with another policy that covers the loopholes of the former one. It will save you the rude shock of getting a colossal medical bill you’re not prepared to handle.

Are Your Financial Records In Order?

Keeping vigilant records of your expenses and savings is the first step to developing a successful financial plan that will help you enjoy a comfortable retirement. They make it easier to identify any possible deductions such as employment costs, mortgage payments, or commuting expenses that will lower your taxable income. Consult a reputable financial planner by showing them your financial records in order to get a better assessment of your financial status.

What Are Your Tax Liabilities?

Sometimes getting a raise may not be the best thing to happen if you don’t possess the financial savvy to manage it. In fact, graduating to a higher tax bracket may do your bankroll more harm than good. That’s why it’s quintessential to keep track of any revisions in IRS and Social Security policies and adjust your financial planning strategy accordingly.

Is Social Security Really The Ultimate Safety Net?

Contrary to popular perception, Social Security isn’t always a financial guardian angel for your retirement years. If you look at the rules and laws governing Social Security policy, you’ll find out that they’re uncomfortably dynamic in nature is because the age of retirement specified in the Social Security policy keeps changing. Thus, you should maximize your income while reducing your taxable Social Security income as much as possible.

How Bulletproof Is Your Investment Portfolio?

Most financial planners agree that middle-aged citizens should focus on maintaining a growth-oriented investment portfolio with a healthy mix of blue-chip stocks and bonds. As a citizen crossing the age of 50, it’s recommended that you stick to making only stable investments with a low risk factor to ensure guaranteed returns.

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