Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to Always Receive the Best Price on Car Insurance

Insuring your car is an expense that you will have your entire life. It will never go away you always will need car insurance. To be sure that you receive the best price on your car insurance you need to be proactive. Your insurance company is not your friend and only has an incentive to sell you insurance at a price that is best for the company and not for you.

There are ways which you can negotiate with the insurance companies and get much cheaper auto insurance for your vehicle.

1. Start your search early

The first thing that you need to do is research on the Internet, search in the directories or ask your friends and relatives fort a list of reliable local auto insurance companies that provides good service and a good price. 

After you have made a list, call them and ask for their latest quotes and what is covered by them in the policy. Coverage can be different depending on the price, you should also consider their record of serving customers.

2. Argue with them about how high the quote is

After, you call them to get the quotes for car insurance, push back. They will be quoting a high price, so the trick is to make them understand that you are a safe driver, which can assure them that the risk involved in providing you an insurance is much less. If you can convince them, then you are definitely going to get a cheaper deal.

3. Don't pay for unnecessary coverage

The car insurance companies will give you a comprehensive list that includes and covers many things you don't need. Make your own list of what you need in an insurance policy and you will be surprised to see that insurance amount has been visibly reduced. 

The best way to go about is to check the valuation method of the service providers. Three types of valuation methods are generally available, namely: stated value, actual cash value and agreed value. For obvious reason agreed value is the best one as it allows you to negotiate with the service provider before signing the deal.

4. Stick with one company

Try to approach the service provider from where you have already taking insurance service. Since the competition is very high, they will readily accept to provide some discounts to their loyal customers and thus you might be able to crack the most competitive deal.

All you need to do is a rational and wise analysis to get the best deal for sports cars. Not all insurance companies are ready to insure sports cars, so might have to engage in some extra effort to get the cheapest insurance for your car.

Check out http://www.insurancepanda.com/ to start your car insurance search.

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