Thursday, March 7, 2013

8 Great Tips to Save Money in 2013

With high inflation rates, the current state of the economy and ever-increasing inflation rates, it is never easy to save money. With 2013 looking to be just as difficult as recent years, we look at 8 ways you can defy the odds and save money, from reviewing your mobile phone contract to saving energy at home. 

1 - Online Banking 

Setting up and regularly monitoring your online banking is a great way to keep on top of your finances and help you save money. You have the chance to reduce costs or perhaps cutting out expenses in certain areas just by reviewing what you are paying for. 

2 - Sell Your Items 

A great way to raise some quick cash is to sell your items, from books to DVDs to old phones. Whether you choose to cash in at a pawnbroker, a car boot sale or even online, there is money waiting to be made in your own home. 

3 - Compare Energy Providers 

As recommended by The Finance Legend - the internet now holds all the information you need so why not research who is your cheapest local energy provider to help you save. With energy rates increasing again in 2013, even a small saving would help you out in the long term. 

4 - Mobile Phone Contract 

Reviewing the amount of calls and texts you send each month against your contract details can help you save money, especially if you are using a lot less than you are paying for. On top of this, get quotes from a range of different network providers to find the best deal for you. 

5 - Low Cost Loans 

If you want to become more energy efficient around the home then consider taking out a low cost loan in order to help you carry out repairs and DIY. On top of the savings made from cutting energy costs you could also increase the value of your home. 

6 - Manage Your Food Shopping 

Food shopping is all about planning; make sure you know how much food you will need until your next big food shop. Cutting corners, takeaways and last minute runs to the corner shop will end up costing you much more than you expect. 

7 - Save Energy at Home 

Simple energy saving tips such as ensuring all taps and lights are switched off when not in use, turning down the thermostat by a few degrees and installing energy monitors can help you save money in the long-term. 

8 - Be Careful With Credit Cards 

With the high interest charges associated with credit cards, try to plan out the situations in which you would use this over your regular debit card. That way you limit your charges and effectively save money for the future. 

In summary, it is vital to plan and review your current and future expenses. Remember to work out where you could be saving money in ways such as using energy monitoring equipment around the home or getter a better contact for your phone. Good luck to everybody saving in 2013! 

Author Bio: Luke James writes for He has been writing about finance for years and enjoys holding seminars in which he gives out financial advice to others.

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