Monday, August 11, 2014

How Safe Is Your Retirement Fund? 5 Things To Consider When Building Your Portfolio

When looking to retirement, you will want to save money and put it away in the right mutual funds and stocks. Otherwise, you are going to end up having a tough retirement. With this in mind, here are five things to consider when building your portfolio. 

Don't put all your eggs in one basket:

While you probably have heard this term before, you will want to listen to this advice. Think about it, if you look at the last few market downturns, you will notice that some stocks drop 90 percent, while others will not suffer as much. To avoid serious issues, make sure to buy mutual funds; or, if you don't want to buy mutual funds, invest in, at minimum, 15-20 companies. If you’re not sure where to start, there a ton of options out there when it comes to working with a professional. Look online, read reviews, talk to neighbors, there is a lot you can do. Thomson Schindle Green Insurance & Financial Services Ltd is one of those insurance companies up in Calgary and a great example of just how many options there are out there! 

Blue chips are best:

Without a doubt, if you are close to retirement, you don't want to look for the next Tesla, Facebook or Microsoft. No, you want your money to grow slowly and securely. Remember, while you might enjoy double-digit returns, you will hurt your chances at success if you keep buying lottery tickets.

Look for dividends:

If you are like most people, you will want to enjoy a steady income during your retirement years. To get this, you should buy some dividend stocks. Not only will you enjoy a decent ROI, but you can receive a quarterly check from the company. Then, you can use this money to fund your day-to-day life.

Check it out:

Every once in a while, you will want to look at your portfolio and see how it's doing. Otherwise, if you don't look at your returns, you will end up with lagging stocks and mutual funds that hurt your returns. Remember, there is nothing wrong with selling a losing stock if you want to make more money in the long run.


Without a doubt, if you are looking to retire and enjoy a safe and secure time in these years, you will want to buy bonds. While you don't need a portfolio full of bonds, you will want to buy a few. Ideally, when buying bonds, you should buy ones that will pay out. Remember, you don’t want to take a risk with this investment, especially if you are approaching retirement or already retired. Luckily, with municipal bonds, you can enjoy tax savings and a steady source of income.

With these five tips, you can enjoy a safe, secure and happy retirement. On the other hand, if you don't take it seriously, you will struggle to live a happy retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Retirement is very important period of your life. You must be ready for it. Retirement needs a lot of money. You have to take save up whole your life and refuse on buying what you want. But my mom didn’t have an opportunity to save up that is why she takes payday loans. My mom is really happy person because she enjoys her life and doesn’t think about money.


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