Sunday, March 11, 2018

Heating Up: How to Prepare Your House for Warm Spring Weather

After a harsh, brutal winter, it fills your soul with hope and joy to feel the days become warmer. The soil is beginning to thaw, the birds are returning, and buds can be seen sprouting from barren trees. 

As the world around you prepares for the coming warm weather, so should you. Here are four easy ways to prepare your house for warm spring weather.

Remove Winterization Preparations

If your home is old, it most likely experiences cold drafts during the winter season. This is easily remedied by implementing winterization protections in and around all of the areas of your home that are subject to drafts such as windows and doorframes. 

Once the warm weather of spring begins to creep back into your neighborhood, be sure to remove these winterization protections so that you can open your doors and windows to fully embrace the warm spring breezes that will blow into your home and remove the stale air.

Getting Ready to Chill Out

One thing everyone understands about the coming of warm spring weather is that the hot summer weather won’t be too far behind. Once you begin to feel those spring breezes and notice the flowers are blooming again, it’s time to start preparing your home for hot, humid weather. 

Have your air conditioning unit inspected by a professional during the spring to ensure that it’s ready for summer. After being turned off for so many months, your air conditioning unit could probably use some light maintenance and a general inspection by a professional to ensure it’s fully operational.

Switching out the Bed Sheets

The winter season brings frigidly low temperatures on a daily basis. These weather conditions often require you and your family to bring out the heavy blankets and thick sheets to ensure your bed is warm and cozy at night. 

Once the spring birds begin to chirp in the early morning hours, it’s time to give all of these bed dressings a wash and put them back into storage for next winter. Lighter sheets and blankets can then be brought back out of storage and put into use once again.

Rearranging Wardrobes

Once the cold winds blew in, you and your family knew that it was time to bring out your winter wardrobe. All of your summertime clothes were pushed to the back of the closet or were put into storage bins. 

Now that spring has sprung, it’s time to rearrange everyone’s wardrobes to bring the summer clothes back into general use and the winter clothes back into storage. While you’re at it, don’t forget to switch everyone’s shoes as well. Winter boots can be uncomfortable in hot weather.

Springtime is also the best time to begin planting seeds in tiny pots and bowls to place in your garden. If you have an enclosed porch that gets plenty of sunshine, this would be a great place for your seedlings grow until the gardening season begins.

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