Thursday, June 28, 2018

Need Supplemental Income? 5 Reason to File for Social Security Disability

Many people find they run short of ready cash near the end of the pay period. That is not the same thing as being unable to pay your bills because your health prevents you from working. 

If you are unable to work full time at a job because of mental or physical health problems, you may need additional resources.

File a Claim if You Have a Qualifying Condition

Certain conditions automatically qualify for Supplemental Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. One of the very few conditions that automatically qualify for benefits is statutory blindness. 

If a man suddenly develops a rare condition called NAION over Thanksgiving weekend, he likely lost sight in one eye within three days and then lost sight in the other eye by the end of two weeks. 

Because his corrected vision is 20/200 or worse, SSA approves any claim for benefits when he applies with proof from his doctors.

Long-Term Illness or Impairment

One would think that the SSA gives the same consideration to anyone having a debilitating illness, unfortunately, that is not the case. Even when an adult provides medical documentation of a condition that impairs their ability to work this does not mean the Social Security Administration will approve their claim. 

A review of statistics released by the SSA reveals that between 1999 and 2010, approved disability claims ranged from 31.2 percent to 41.6 percent.

If you have a qualifying physical disease or impairment that will impact your ability to work for more than 12 months, you should apply for benefits.

Debilitating Mental Illness

Mental health issues typically do not affect people until they are in their late teens to their early twenties. The onset of some mental health disorders is after age 28. Once your psychiatrist assesses your condition, you must meet certain qualifications to receive benefits. 

First, your diagnosis must fall within certain categories. If that diagnosis falls within one of these categories, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, certain Bipolar I disorders or Bipolar II, you may qualify for benefits.

Hopefully, your condition responds to psychotropic medication to the point where you can work full time. The second qualifying factor applies when medication fails to help you function in a full-time job. 

Many people assume that depression and anxiety will qualify as factors to receive benefits. You should know that unless your condition includes something called psychotic features the SSA often does not consider that it qualifies for benefits. 

Your situation may be different.

Traditionally, psychiatrists are among the most reluctant doctors to put any information in writing regarding your ability to work if they know the SSA is involved. 

You may need assistance from someone providing social security disability lawyer services to get the medical evidence necessary to apply for benefits.

Severe or Terminal Physical Illness

If you have cancer, HIV, uncontrollable diabetes or certain other conditions, you should apply for benefits immediately. 

The SSA has a compassionate expedited claims process for conditions like these that qualify. Your claim process will be easier, faster and you will receive your benefits quicker than if you apply using the traditional process.

As with all other conditions, the SSA requires medical proof of your condition. Unfortunately, a handful of people claimed to have a terminal illness to expedite their claim. Upon discovery, such claims were denied, however, the SSA does require medical documentation of your condition.

Restricting Disease or Illness

If you have a qualifying mental disorder or physical impairment, it may restrict your ability to work full-time. 

It can also affect your ability to obtain a job that pays enough for you to live independently. This can be devastating if you worked in a career you enjoyed, but can no longer meet the physical demands required for the job.

If you obtain part-time work in the job you enjoy, it still may not pay enough money to pay basic bills. Your career may not allow you to work in any capacity and you found employment doing something else at greatly reduced pay. 

If you make less than $1,070 a month because of a qualifying disorder that restricts your ability to earn more, you should apply for benefits through the SSA.

Although you may not get immediate financial relief, filing for SSI/SSDI benefits is your best chance for long-term financial assistance. Please apply for benefits if your condition qualifies, your benefit payments are retroactive to the date you first applied.

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