Friday, September 14, 2018

Best Careers for People Over 50

There was a time when the average person could simply work until retirement age, collect retirement and call it quits. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for a lot of people in today’s economy, which means people who are at or near retirement age are finding creative ways to jump back in the workforce.

If you’re going to work from the time you’re 50 until you’re 65, you may as well choose a good career. At an older age, this means something that isn’t too taxing physically but that provides a good salary and numerous job opportunities. Here are some of the best careers to choose from if you’re over 50.


When you were a kid, you probably thought of writers and authors as the same thing for the most part. After all, the only other writers in these times wrote for newspapers, magazines and other similar media. 

However, the rise of the internet and the prominence of small-to-medium sized business websites means you can find a career in writing no matter what kind of content interests you.

While writing can be a competitive field to break into, it can be very rewarding once you’ve found a niche that works for you. 

Your best bet is to find a topic that’s both interesting and familiar to you and focus on writing about that; people are always looking for an expert on any topic.

Tech Engineer

As has been the case for quite some time now, just about any career you can find that relates to technology is a good one. We rely on technology for nearly everything we do, and tech engineers are the experts tasked with making sure our technology works the way it should and lasts for a reasonable amount of time.

A tech engineer might work in either production or manufacturing engineering, maintenance, field engineering, technology design, technical supervision, quality control and testing. These jobs are all in relatively high demand, too, which is evident from looking at a tech engineering salary directory.


Everybody needs to keep their finances in order, from individuals to small and even large businesses. There are numerous careers you can find in finance to make ends meet at an older age, including being an accountant for local businesses in your area or providing personal financial advice to individuals. 

Whatever you choose to do, a career in accounting or finance can be both rewarding and easy to break into as an older worker.


A career in marketing or advertising can also be very lucrative for older individuals. This type of work requires you to use your brain and be creative more than anything, so as long as your mind is still sharp you can be a marketing pro at any age. 

This is also a great career because marketing and advertising are a part of every business plan, so you could find yourself working for a small business or a Fortune 500 company with tons of employees. Either way, there will be plenty of benefits.

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