Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hit Rock Bottom? How to Know When to File for Bankruptcy

If you have hit rock bottom and can’t seem to find a solution to your mounting debt, bankruptcy may be your best option. Many factors should be taken into consideration to determine if filing for bankruptcy is the right choice and whether or not you qualify. Here are some reasons why bankruptcy may be right for you.

Protection of Assets

Some of your assets could get seized if you aren’t able to repay the money that you owe, and filing for bankruptcy can resolve this problem. If you’re able to declare bankruptcy, you’ll likely be absolved of most or all of your debt and will be able to keep at least some of your property. Bankruptcy can be an especially good option if you’re trying to protect assets such as your home, car and retirement fund.

Using Loans to Pay Bills

Taking out loans to pay bills will usually only result in acquiring more debt that will be even more difficult to pay off in the future. In addition to repaying the amount of each loan, interest fees and any late charges that might incur from failing to make payments on time can make money matters worse. 

Banks, credit card companies and other financial institutions that you borrowed money from to try to pay back debts could end up turning you into collections and putting you in more financial jeopardy. If taking out more loans seems like the only way to pay off existing bills, filing for bankruptcy should be considered.

Sued by Debt Collectors

If your debt has been turned over to collection agencies and you still can’t pay back the money, lawsuits could be brought against you. Many law firm services include bankruptcy consultations that can protect you from lawsuits and help you file for bankruptcy properly so that you can put an end to harassment from collectors.

Qualify for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a great option if you still have a regular income and can repay all or part of the debt gradually through payments. In most cases, the repayment plan will last a duration of three to five years, which gives you more time to come up with the money without going deeper into financial ruin. Even if you’re self-employed or run an unincorporated business, you’ll still likely be eligible to file for bankruptcy under this chapter.

Bankruptcy is your legal right if you’re able to meet certain criteria. Even though this option isn’t desirable, filing for bankruptcy could be what you need to resolve your debt and get a fresh financial start.

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