Monday, September 30, 2019

Keep Your Credit in Check: 4 Common Credit Killers to Watch Out For

A plummeting credit score could end up costing you thousands in the coming years, and you could have blemishes on your record without even realizing it. If you are tired of struggling with a low credit score, then you might want to keep an eye out for these common issues that will drive that number into the ground.

Constant Credit Checks

You should always ask potential creditor what kind of credit check they are going to carry out before you hand them an application. A soft inquiry won’t impact your credit, but a hard check could drop your score by multiple points. 

In order to carry out a hard check, the third-party must have your consent, and that usually occurs when you apply for a new job or a home loan. If you are shopping for a loan, then all inquiries within 45 days will be counted as one hard check.

Unpaid Tickets

Many people don’t realize that an unpaid ticket could actually impact their credit score. Getting a ticket won’t necessarily show up on your credit report, but it could end up dropping your score if the bill is eventually sent to a collections agency. 

That is why if you feel that you won’t be able to pay a traffic ticket, you must immediately reach out to a traffic ticket lawyer to have it disputed before it can damage your credit score in a severe way.

Loan Increases

When an organization is determining your credit score, they are going to compare your income to your total debt. If your debt increases and your income remains the same, then your credit score might drop by a few points. That being said, paying off your loans will gradually increase your credit score over time.

Canceling Lines of Credit

It is an unfortunate fact that determining an individual’s credit is a relatively complicated process, and many different variables are taken into consideration. That includes how many lines of credit you have open and how long those lines have been active. 

Whenever you cancel a line of credit, your score will most likely dip for at least a month or two. After that time, your score should slowly climb back up.

Once you have your credit score at a decent level, you need to make sure that you check on it at least once every few months. Identity theft is a growing problem, and you must catch that type of crime right away if you want to avoid long-term problems with your credit score.

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