Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Effectively Budget So You Can Eat and Drink out More Often

Budgeting gurus often suggest eliminating eating out as a way to save money. For some people, though, dining out is an essential social function and a top priority. If you fall into this group, the question isn’t how do you eliminate eating out but rather how to budget elsewhere so that you can eat out more. Here are four useful budgeting tricks that will let you eat and drink out more often without harming your financial situation.

Cut Back on Fast Food Meals

For many people, fast food is a common breakfast or lunch choice because it’s fast and easy. If you want to budget to eat out at sit down restaurants more often, though, you may want to rethink your fast food meals. Getting breakfast or lunch from the drive through a few times a week could easily cost you the price of dinner and a drink at a nicer restaurant.

Find Restaurants with Great Value

Like anything else, budgeting to eat out more often is all about finding the best bang for your buck. Try out some local restaurants and see which ones give you the best dining experience for your money. Going to a sports bar is much more affordable than a fine dining restaurant, and some of these bars actually have excellent food. Finding a few places that offer great value will help you eat out more without breaking the bank.

Set Aside Some Money Every Week

Budgeting to eat out requires the same financial discipline as any other kind of budgeting. To do it, you should set aside a fixed amount of money every week and not exceed what you’ve budgeted. If you don’t happen to use your full budget for dining out in a given week, you can carry the extra over to the next week or save it for future use.

Cut Costs in Your Grocery Budget

One of the easiest ways to budget for more meals out is to bring down your grocery bills. Buying generic products, cutting back on non-essentials and taking advantage of store sales are all effective ways to bring down the cost of your grocery runs. The money you save on groceries can then be allocated to your budget for eating out, allowing you to get more restaurant meals without actually dedicating more of your net income to food overall.

Following these four simple steps, you’ll be able to budget for dining out more often. While it’s still a good idea not to go overboard, you should easily be able to budget for 2-3 meals out per week without overspending.

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