Saturday, June 20, 2020

5 Things You Should Do for Your Home This Summer

Summer is almost upon the world, which means it's time to ensure that your home is ready for the higher temperatures. Even if this summer may have fewer get-togethers where you live because of quarantining measures, that's no excuse to not keep your home properly taken care of.

After all, if you ignore simple maintenance tasks, you may wind up with bigger problems down the road. There are, of course, countless things you'll want to check in on before temperatures start to rise, but here are five of the most important things to do for your home this summer.

1. Tune-up your air conditioner.

If you're planning on spending time indoors to stay cool, you're definitely going to want to make sure that your HVAC system works. Many times, people wait until it's too late to get an appointment scheduled to have their HVAC serviced and wind up suffering through several days of hot, humid weather inside and out thanks to the rush of people trying to get appointments. 
Get ahead of the spike in demand and schedule your HVAC appointment now to make sure your AC's ready to go when the days get hotter.

2. Safeguard your pool.

If you're planning on swimming this summer, you'll want to make sure to perform a variety of maintenance tasks, from checking the levels of chlorine and other chemicals to cleaning out any debris that may be in there after last season. One of the most important aspects of any pool is the accessories that help keep it safe, especially if you have pets or young children at home. 
If you don't have the proper kind of pool fencing or cover, a pool fence company can help you fix your problem and create a safer outdoor space for all. Sadly, swimming pool deaths are common during summer months, so make sure to invest in a fence that keeps your backyard safe this summer.

3. Inspect your roof and your home's exterior.

The winter weather can cause all kinds of problems for your home's exterior. From damaging the roof due to heavy snow or hail to cracks in your home's siding, it's always a good idea to do a perimeter check of your house each spring or during the start of summer. 
Having this routine can help you catch problems before they become much irreparable, allowing you to nip them in the bud—rather than having to deal with a full-on roofing replacement (or worse!) later on.

4. Clean all windows and screens.

Cleaning your windows is a good idea since it keeps your house looking nice and lets you see the outdoors much better. Summer is a time when many animals come out and flowers begin to bloom, and you don't want to be looking outside through a smudged or dirty window.

If you've got window screens, you'll want to clear them of leaves, cobwebs, or any other detritus, too, since they can obstruct your view or aggravate your allergies if blown indoors when your windows are open on warm days.

5. Inspect your outdoor plumbing.

If you've got a hose spigot and plan on gardening, make sure to test it out to make sure no pipes froze and cracked over the winter. Getting this taken care of sooner than later can be especially important if you use your hose to fill up your pool or water your lawn with a sprinkler. 
Again, nobody wants to be stuck waiting for an appointment with a service professional when the weather truly gets hot, so do yourself a favor and double-check that everything is in good working order ahead of time.

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