Sunday, October 9, 2022

Insurance Coverage You'll Need For Your First Home

When you buy your first home, you will naturally be excited about finally becoming a homeowner. However, while you are busy planning how you will decorate your new home and when you will have your family and friends over for a dinner party, you should also be looking carefully at the insurance coverage you will need. 

To make sure you have the proper coverage, here are the types of coverage that are crucial for first-time buyers.

Liability Coverage

This is extremely important coverage for your first home. Liability insurance will pay the medical expenses and property damage that you or another member of your family cause to someone else. 
This may include if your dog bites someone, or if your kids happen to break a neighbor's window. It will also pay your legal expenses if someone sues you after being injured on your property, which could keep you from being financially ruined.

Private Mortgage Insurance

If you make a small down payment when buying your home, your lender may require you to buy private mortgage insurance. This puts your lender's mind at ease, knowing you should be able to make your monthly mortgage payment. 

The good news is that you won't need to keep this insurance forever. Once you pay down your mortgage to less than 80 percent of your purchase price, this insurance can be canceled.


Flood Insurance

When purchasing home insurance, remember that most homeowner's insurance policies do not offer flood protection. Thus, if your home is located in an area that may be prone to severe flooding, you should consider purchasing flood insurance. 
If you don't and you sustain a major flood that causes severe damage to your home and possessions, you may be stuck trying to pay for your losses out of your own pocket.


Title Insurance

Finally, your lender may require you to purchase title insurance as you are buying your first home. 
Remember that until you actually close the deal on your home, there is always the chance issues could arise regarding the home's title; especially if it is discovered the property has liens against it of which you were not aware. Should this happen, you may be very glad you have title insurance to help with the matter.
Whether it's insurance coverage you need while buying your first home or after you are officially a homeowner, knowing you have the right types of coverage will always provide you with plenty of peace of mind along the way.

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