Showing posts with label Choosing Retirement Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choosing Retirement Home. Show all posts

Saturday, August 28, 2021

5 Features Seniors Should Look for When Choosing a Home to Retire In

The home features that a senior needs will be a lot different than what they required when they got married or started a family years ago. 

When it comes time to retire, seniors must choose a home that specifically fits their needs and future needs so that they can live in it for years to come. These are five of the features that seniors should look for when choosing a home to retire in.

Wide Doors

Many seniors need a wheelchair or walker to get around. Because of this, it's imperative that they choose a home that has wide doors. This will allow them to easily be able to get in and out of their home without having to get out of their wheelchair or try to maneuver through with their walker just to get inside. 

Even if they don’t use a wheelchair or walker now, they may need one in the future.

Convenient Location

Location will be one of the most important parts of the decision when choosing a home. When looking at homes for sale, seniors need to think about how far away they are from their family, friends, and even their doctors. They don't want to have to spend a lot of their time driving to the location that they want to get to.

A Low-Maintenance Yard

A lot of seniors may struggle with their physical health, meaning that they aren't able to do yard maintenance like they may have been able to in the past. Because of this, they should choose a yard that won't require a lot of their time in order to maintain it.

A Ramp or No-Step Entrance

It's not that uncommon for seniors to lose some of their mobility as they age, and they may have a difficult time lifting their legs more than a few inches off of the ground. 

To make things easier, they should choose a home that has a ramp or a no-step entrance. This will allow them to easily get in and out of their home without having to worry about tripping.

Flooring With Non-Slip Surfaces

Falling in a home because of slippery surfaces is common among seniors. They can keep this from happening by choosing a home that has flooring that has a non-slip surface. Carpet or tile with a matte finish is both good options.

Many seniors live for quite a few years after they retire. Because of this, it's imperative that they choose the right home so that it will always meet their needs no matter how long they continue to live in it.

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