Showing posts with label Wine Consumption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wine Consumption. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

5 Questions We Should Ask Ourselves about Wine Consumption among the Elderly

We all hear that wine is healthy as long as we do not go over the line of decency. However, there should be more interest given to this topic. We should ask ourselves, when hitting a certain age, the “why”, “when” and “how” regarding wine consumption among the elderly; all in order to enjoy a happy healthy retirement and quality time with family, grandchildren, friends. So here are five questions you should ask yourself about wine. 

Q1: Can Wine Cure Certain Health Conditions among the Elderly?

The answer depends on the type of health condition. A 1997 study tries to explain if wine can cure dementia. Findings in this research study suspect that alcoholism may be a possible cause of dementia, associated with deficiencies in nutritional habits. Relationships between moderate wine consumption and this particular health condition were explained, with no factors such as social, medical or psychological interfering. It was also demonstrated that moderate wine consumption would not affect people with this medical condition nor would it become a cause of this particular health condition. It would be premature to say that moderate wine consumption could cure dementia, but it could definitely improve blood circulation and heart conditions. An indirect benefit would exist. 

Q2: Is Wine Beneficial for the Physical State of the Elderly?

The answer to this question is given by a recent study published in the HuffingtonPost. Contrary to common belief, wine would not make the elderly feel physically unsteady when drinking in moderation. The Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine can actually improve senior mobility and prevent unwanted accidents such as falling. The study was made using old lab mice that went under a rich diet of Resveratrol for 8weeks. Of course, this implies the person to not have a mobility condition, but the findings provide exciting news. 

Q3: How Much Wine Should the Elderly Consume on a Daily Basis?

This question is indeed a tricky one. While experts point out the dangers of alcohol consumption over a long period of time, they do say that one drink per day is acceptable and will not represent a risk. One drink per day is equal to the following: a) Beer lovers can drink one 12-ounce can or bottle b) Liquor fans can consume one 8-9-ounce can or bottle c) Hard liquor fans can drink one 1.5-ounce (shot glass) or gin, vodka, tequila etc. d) Wine lovers are allowed one 5-ounce glass of white or red or rose wine. Word of advice: never combine or mix them. Just keep going for one type of drink. 

Q4: How Can I Deposit Wine Bottles in Order to Keep the Wine Healthy?

As you might know, the way you deposit the wine bottles can certainly influence the quality of the wine and indirectly, your state of health. Wine that has been wrongly deposited can alter your overall health, while wine that had been properly deposited can be beneficial for the consumer. Plus, deposited correctly means it can maintain and even grow its flavor, aroma. As they say, the older it gets, the better it tastes. In order to correctly deposit your wine bottles, it is highly advisable to use a wine rack, especially for home depositing. Wine racks are usually made from metal or wood. In the old days, the wine was stored in wooden wine racks, but metal works just as fine, as it is more stable in time. 

Q5: What Type of Wine Is Most Recommended for the Elderly?

The answer to this question depends on personal choices, after all. Some people prefer white wine, others prefer red wine. As mentioned earlier, there are more studies that suggest red wine is better than white, especially for the elderly. Red wine contains that special compound called Resveratrol which improves mobility and prevents you from unwanted accidents. But either way, you should choose depending on your heart’s content. Word of advice: If it is in moderate quantities, a glass of wine per day can certainly keep the doctor away. Do you have any other questions about wine consumption among the elderly?

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