Showing posts with label financial help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial help. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

5 Best Ways to Access Help for Financial Planning

Having a strong financial plan is the foundation of a secure financial future. However, creating and implementing a plan can be overwhelming. 

For those who feel lost or need guidance, there are numerous resources available for help with financial planning

Here are some of the best ways to access help:

Financial Advisors

Financial advisors are professionals such as Presidio Wealth Management and others who are trained to give financial advice and help individuals and families develop a financial strategy. 

They assess their client’s financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance to recommend investments, insurance, and other financial products. 

Financial advisors may charge a fee for their services, but tailored, expert advice can be worth the investment.

Online Resources

The internet has made accessing financial help much easier. Many websites offer helpful information on topics like budgeting, retirement planning, debt management, and more. 

Free online tools like calculators and budgeting apps can also be immensely helpful in organizing and planning finances.

Community Resources

Many communities offer resources for financial education and planning. Check with local credit unions, libraries, or non-profit organizations to see if there are any classes or seminars available. 

Community resources often offer free or low-cost help and can be an excellent way to connect with other people in similar situations.

Government Agencies

Government agencies like the Federal Trade Commission, Social Security Administration, and the Department of Labor provide a wealth of information on financial planning. They have resources to help people understand social security benefits, retirement planning, and protecting oneself from fraud.

While the information provided may not be personalized to an individual's situation, it can still be valuable in creating a strong financial foundation.

Family and Friends

Sometimes the best help can come from the people who know us best. Family and friends can offer support, guidance, and a sounding board for financial concerns. They may have gone through similar experiences or know of resources that can be helpful.

Final Thoughts

In summary, accessing help for financial planning can be a daunting task, but there are numerous resources available. 

Whether working with a financial advisor, using online tools, attending community classes, tapping into government resources, or seeking guidance from family and friends, there's no need to go it alone. 

Taking the time to create and implement a solid financial plan can lead to a brighter and more secure financial future.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Where to Turn When You Need Financial Help

Managing your finances can be overwhelming and stressful. Unexpected expenses, debt, and not knowing where to turn for help can leave you feeling helpless. 

However, it's important to remember that you're not alone, and resources are available to assist you. In this article, we'll discuss where to turn when you need financial help.

Take Out Loans Wisely

In some cases, taking out a loan might be necessary. Whether for a car, medical expenses, or school, it's important to be cautious and take out loans wisely. 

Do your research and shop around for the best interest rates and terms. Some companies, such as Foti Financial Services, target specific needs when providing loans, so consider your circumstances when deciding where to apply. 

Avoid taking out loans for things that are not necessary, such as luxury items. Remember, you must pay it back with interest, so only borrow what you need.

Work With Financial Advisors

Financial advisors are experts in financial planning and can help you create a budget and stick to it. They can also advise on different investments, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. 

Many financial advisors offer free consultations, so take advantage of this to see if they're a good fit for you.

Reach Out to Non-Profit Organizations

Many non-profit organizations offer financial assistance and counseling. For example, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling offers free financial counseling and debt management programs. If you're struggling with debt or credit issues, these organizations can be a great resource.

Discuss With Your Boss or Supervisor

If you're experiencing financial hardship, it's okay to speak to your boss or supervisor about it. They can often provide some temporary assistance or refer you to an employee assistance program. 

Don't be afraid to ask for help – your employer wants you to succeed, and they might have resources available that you're not aware of.

Use Online Resources

There are countless online resources available for financial planning and assistance. Websites like can help you create a budget and track your spending. 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers financial education and resources. Additionally, many credit card and banking websites offer financial planning tools and advice.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to financial assistance, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. It's essential to do your research and find the resources that work best for you. 

Remember, it's okay to ask for help, and there are people and organizations dedicated to helping you succeed. By taking advantage of these resources, you can take control of your finances and overcome any challenges that come your way.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Seeking Financial Help: 4 Reasons Why It's A Step In The Right Direction

Your credit score can influence many aspects of your life. Having good credit can be the difference between getting approved or denied for a home loan. Having bad credit may even prevent you from getting a job or renting an apartment. 

Understanding the difference between good credit and bad credit is the key to knowing when you need to seek financial help. According to a study by Lexington Law Firm, many American consumers still do not understand their credit score. 

The study estimates that of all consumers with a poor or fair credit score, roughly 30% of them believe that the cost of credit repair is what is keeping them from taking action. 

To the contrary, the benefits of hiring a credit repair law firm can far outweigh the cost of living with poor credit. To help you decide if this path is right for you, here are 4 reasons to seek financial help:

Get Results Quickly

One of the biggest advantages of seeking credit repair assistance is that they take immediate action. Working on your behalf, the credit repair agency or firm will work directly with your lenders to resolve your credit issues. 

This means that you never have to worry about tackling the long and tedious task of repairing your credit because a dedicated team is already working on it. When dealing with your debtors, there are many laws and processes that you need to be aware of. 

Additionally, there are some situations that may require disputing or challenging items with the credit bureaus, collection agencies or original creditors. By enlisting the help of a credit repair firm, you are placing this responsibility in the capable hands of experienced professionals. 

They can review your reports, gather information and develop a plan to remove questionable items from your credit report.

Avoid Getting Caught In A Web Of Legalese

Another advantage of hiring a credit repair agency is that they have a thorough understanding of the law. They can leverage federal laws to help you get the credit that you deserve. Credit repair firms can ensure that creditors are in compliance with federal laws such as:

  • The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
  • The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA).
  • The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA).
  • And other applicable statutes.

Enjoy The Long-Term Benefits Of Your Short-Term Investment

Once they have successfully repaired your credit, you may be able to get lower interest rates on loans or credit cards. 

Many lenders use your credit score to determine how much they will let you borrow and how much interest to charge you. Setting aside funds now for credit improvement may save you a lot of money in the long run.

Get More Time To Spend With The Ones You Love

Credit repair companies do all the hard work so that you do not have to. They spend hours combing over your credit report, searching for inaccuracies and reaching out to creditors. 

If necessary, they may be able to help you negotiate with your creditors or have negative items removed entirely. While the credit repair agency is hard at work repairing your credit, you are free to spend more time at school, work or with your family and less time worrying about your credit score.

The road to better credit can be long and bumpy. Luckily, you do not have to travel this road alone. Seeking financial help to improve your credit score may lead to more positive credit decisions and increased employment opportunities. 

If you need help choosing a firm, research credit repair company reviews so you can find the one that is right for you. Don't go another day with poor credit. Seeking financial help can be your first towards getting organized financially and in life.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Overcome Financial Challenges

Wipe our Debt
Wipe our Debt (Photo credit: Images_of_Money)
If you want to overcome financial problems and get out of your debt, you need to create an attainable budget plan. A sure-fire way to rise above your financial difficulties is to increase income and reduce debt. However, it is not also possible to immediately increase income. Therefore, every modest gains that you have can be very helpful for you. 

If it is possible to work part-time to make extra income, then you should do so. The additional income could help pay off your loans or credit card bills. If getting an extra job is not feasible as of the moment, the next best thing to do is to come up with a reasonable financial plan and stick to it. Here are some ideas that may help you overcome financial challenges and become debt-free in no time:

• List down your expenses and debts – Knowing how much you owe or you need to pay is the first step to be financially stable. You should keep a journal of your expenses and monthly debts/loan payment. In this manner you will know how you spend your money and how you should change your spending habits. Make sure that your expenditures are detailed down to the smallest amount. Collect the copies of your credit card statements, loan agreements, contracts and even promissory notes. You should also keep your pay stubs and keep track of the details of your savings and retirement plans.

• Seek professional advice – If you don’t know how and where to start, it will be much better to get some pointers and suggestions from reputable credit counselors. There are a lot of reputable credit advisors that could help you with your financial challenges. There is a list of government accredited credit counselors that you can find in the US Trustee Program. You will surely find a credit counselor near your area. 

• Provide the necessary details – Your credit counselor cannot help you get over your financial difficulties if you will not provide the complete and important details of your finances. Your credit counselor will need to review your financial assets and liabilities in order to come up with a solution to your financial problem. You can ask your credit counselor to create a budget plan that will help keep your finances under control and at the same time reduce your debts too. You will be given various suggestions which may include moving to a more affordable apartment or downgrading your expensive car. 

• Create a long-term plan – Your goal should go beyond paying off your current debts and loans. You can ask the credit counselor to come up with long-term debt management plan. Usually, these counselors would get in touch with your creditors and negotiate to give you lower interest rates so you can finish off your balances the soonest possible time. Debt settlement is also something that your counselor could help you with and you can eliminate your debts and avoid bankruptcy. 

• Live within or below your means – No matter how good your credit counselor is, you will not be able to get out of debt if you continue to live beyond what you can actually afford. Your credit counselors are there to assist you and provide sound advice, but the ball is still in your hands. If you don’t want to declare bankruptcy, you should take necessary steps to reduce your debts and pay off your loan balances. 

About the Author: Mackenzie Salis is a guest blogger and business writer for She likes to write business and finance articles and she is good at web design.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to Successfully Overcome Financial Issues

As society has evolved to accommodate more and more comfort, security and pleasure seeking, our fears have also evolved accordingly, and at the top of them is our fear of financial insecurity. The fact is that every endeavor we undergo is to some extent connected with our desire to reach a level of financial security where day to day life no longer comes with the burden of needing to find other ways of making ends meet. 

It is also understandable that in today’s financial climate, the anxiety about not having enough to cover basic needs is top concern for the majority of the world’s citizens, no matter which country or continent. And when the biggest fear we’ve faced our entire lives greets us at the door as we are served with an eviction notice, lose our jobs or find ourselves buried under a mountain of debt, it seems we can’t fight the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Step 1: Access your Income and Beware of Debts

The truth is that it really lies in your control that you get out of debt. While general recommendations like creating plans for reducing the debt or increasing your income are certainly welcome, the idea is to systematically go through a set of steps that will bring you closer and closer to your desired goal.

The most important thing is to realistically assess your steady income and then determine which of that is being spent and on what. This means listing not only fixed expenses like gas, telephone or electricity bills, but also those that vary (such as recreation, clothing, gifts, entertainment). After having made your list, prioritizing and tracking what you have spent will come much easier. 

Step 2: Seek Advice from Professionals

The next step is to consider seeking financial advice from a reputable credit or financial counselor. There are many programs that offer lists of certified advisers. He will need to receive all the information you have gathered thus far, from your expense lists, to bills, debt lists, financial assets and anything you consider relevant to your situation. Then set a goal that you and your credit adviser wish to reach. Usually this is establishing a reasonable budget that can allow you to get your finances under control and reduce your debt all at the same time. If such an adviser is not within your reach, check out where you can find countless information and tips on how to create such a plan yourself. 

Step 3: Make a Payment Plan

Contacting your creditors to set up a reasonable payment plan which is manageable is the next step you need to take. The home mortgage is the priority in this case. Many Americans for instance are unable to play their mortgage- but contacting the lender right at once will help you avoid foreclosure.

You will be surprised to see that many of them are open to cooperation when they see the situation is temporary and that you are actively involved in resolving the situation as fast as possible. There is the possibility of reducing the monthly sum by extending repayment periods, suspending payments for a determined period or not needing to pay additional amounts when resuming payments. With car loans, since a creditor is allowed to repossess the car at any time after the payments have stopped, the reasonable measure is to sell the car, pay back the debt and avoid added costs of repossession and negative credit reports. 

Step 4: Successfully Manage Your Debts

Debt consolidation through a second mortgage or other types of equity lines of credit may help you sink the cost of your credit but at the price of your house as collateral. There are positive and negative aspects related to these types of credits, you can obtain great tax advantages that are usually unavailable with other kinds of credits but you can end up paying “points” (a point is 1% of the total amount you borrowed).


As an absolute last resort, filing for personal bankruptcy may be an option if everything else has failed but the consequences will haunt you and are severe. The idea behind it is that it is decided in court that you are no longer mandated to repay certain debts but this information remains in a credit report for 10 years and this might make buying a home, getting another credit, and even getting a job difficult.

It is important that you maintain a positive attitude in this situation that would indeed turn any man’s nights into restless and full of doubt. In most cases the doubt situation is resolved and with a revised payment plan you are well on your way to getting back on your feet.

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