Friday, December 2, 2016

How to Save Money on Big Family Meals over the Holidays

Gathering together with family is a fun way to spend the holidays. You can catch up on changes that have taken place during the year, meet new family members and enjoy the relaxation of not going to work or school for a short time.

One of the things that you might enjoy with the family is a large meal. Sometimes, that meal can be expensive depending on how many people are present. 

There are a few ways that you can save money on big family meals over the holidays so that you can stretch the love around the table instead of your money.


One of the easiest ways to save money on items that are needed for a large meal is to use coupons. 

Most companies will issue coupons for the items that people use on a regular basis during the holiday season, such as chicken broth, sweet potatoes and vegetables, because they know that users will need these ingredients for the dishes that they prepare.

Try to combine coupons with sales to save the most money.

Hunting for Deals

Many people don’t often take the time to find stores that are offering special deals on various food and other items for their family meals. 

By doing so, it can save you a lot of money around the holidays. It will also help make your coupon usage more valuable and you may even get more coupons in return for future purposes. 

To be an effective shopper, you can’t just go out to the store and buy what you need. It often takes time, a lot of homework and research to make your shopping trips the most cost effective and finding out where you can save the most of your money.

Buffet Flat Bread Sandwiches 

If your family is like most, then you probably enjoy sandwiches of almost any kind as well as a variety of meats and cheeses. This is an easy option for the family to enjoy. 

You can often save money when you order a bulk supply of flat breads and other types of bread from companies like Klosterman Baking Company. Put ingredients for making the sandwiches in plastic containers along a counter so that everyone can get what they want.


You might not know what everyone is bringing to the meal, but the advantage of a potluck is that you only have to make one or two dishes instead of everything on the menu. 

Each family would bring a dish or two that would be enough to serve themselves and everyone else. Make sure that there is a variety of side dishes and desserts to go along with the main meat that is served.

Not Having a Meal

If you really want to save a lot of money, then consider not having a full meal at all. You can prepare finger foods, such as cheese balls, sausage balls or small sandwiches, instead of spending an entire day in the kitchen preparing a large meal.

You'll save money by going this route because finger foods are often less expensive than the heartier items that are used in larger dishes.

When you enjoy a meal with the family for the holidays, you probably have a large spread of food on the table. This can cost good bit of money unless you share the expenses with everyone else. 

Another option is to go simple and provide fruit trays, vegetable trays and finger foods. As long as you're with family, even the smallest amount of money that is spent shows you care.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

5 Tips For Making Smart Investments After Retirement

Once you have retired, the key to investment is protecting your nest egg. There will not be any time to make enough money to build a second nest egg. 

Therefore, it is not how you invest your money so much as what you invest your money in. With that in mind, the following are five tips to invest your retirement funds while protecting your money at the same time.

Park Your Money in an FDIC Insured Account

Any money that is not invested should be kept in a bank account that is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 
There are other places to keep your money while not in use, a brokerage account is one example, but you want to have the security of a government backed account. 

Most commercial banks have accounts such as these. The State Bank of Cross Plains is one example. 

Buy Short-Term CDs

A certificate of deposit offers security and pays you interest on your deposit. You don't invest your money for too long a time, so your retirement funds are not tied up. 

You can determine what length of time is best for you, but a few months to a year is often a good choice for someone who is retired.

Invest In Stocks That Pay Dividends

The stock market can be risky, and for people with limited funds to invest, it may not make sense. However, if you decide to buy stocks, focus on those companies that are have a long track record of paying dividends. 

You are not looking to buy and sell stocks for a profit in your retirement years, but instead, are looking for a consistent return. 

Corporate Bonds

These types of bonds are a way for a company to raise cash. Some of them can be risky, but like stocks, you want to buy from large, established companies. 

You also want to buy short-term bonds since you are in retirement. You can also buy into a mutual fund that has a portfolio of corporate bonds. This takes much of the risk out of purchasing any single bond.

Delay Collecting Your Social Security

You become eligible for Social Security at age 62, but if you wait until age 65, you can collect your full amount. 

However, if you delay collecting your benefits until age 70, you will get an additional eight percent more in your check for each year after 65 that you delay filing for benefits. This is a large return on your investment.

The tips listed above should be helpful to you. In general, you need to focus on investments that offer security for your retirement funds.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton & Financial Market Trading: Drawing Parallels to Help Us Trade Successfully

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 US presidential poll. To many it was a shock loss, with the global financial markets reacting in horror to the news that Donald Trump had won the USA presidential elections. 

As far as the majority in the USA are concerned, Donald Trump deserved to win because only he can make America great again. Nonetheless, his policies on foreign nationals, immigrants, and people of other religions continue to worry the world, ergo, the financial markets. 

On the other hand, Trump's desire to spend millions of US dollars fixing the ageing infrastructure in the USA is good for the financial markets in the short-term.

The current levels of volatility in the financial markets

Where does this leave the global financial markets in the short-, medium-, and long-term? One thing is for certain, the current levels of volatility in the markets will continue and might even increase. 

In layman’s terms, there will be days when the markets are up and other days when the markets are down. The current levels of volatility in the markets are what is making online trading challenging.

Whether we like Hillary Clinton or not, I believe we have to admit that she put up a good fight. In fact, the expert opinion polls had pegged her to win by a reasonable margin. 

Unfortunately, the opinion polls were wrong, and the statisticians are still trying to work out where they went wrong. Consequently, the markets seem to be a bit wary of trusting the results of opinion polls at the moment.

Clinton and the financial markets

What does Clinton’s loss have to do with utilizing the binary options trading vehicle to save for your retirement? 

Well, she has made some powerful statements during, before, and after her campaign. 

For instance: I believe that we can draw strength from her words as we navigate our way through these stormy seas.

Try try and try again

According to Mrs. Clinton, there is no point in giving up. We need to keep on going and trying until you get it right. As a “newbie” trader or an experienced trader, there will be times when we make the wrong choices. 

Instead of throwing our hands up in horror, we need to go back and look at what we did wrong, learn from our mistakes, move forward, and try again.

Making the impossible possible

If we follow Clinton’s example, we will learn that it is important to keep on working on our business models until we succeed. It is important to keep revising it until it works. 

This point is particularly relevant to online trading in today’s volatile times. On the other hand, the good news is that if we partner with a reliable binary options trading broker, we will be able to reduce the risk of losing money because we made a wrong call. 

A world-class binary options broker will not only have state of the art binary options software, but they will also employ a highly skilled customer support team in order to help us trade successfully.

Fight fear

We all know that fear is a paralysing emotion that can prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. Unfortunately, the older we get, the greater this fear can be. 

If we are nearing retirement and do not have enough invested to retire comfortably on, we will more than likely fall into this category of people. Because no one is really sure what the future holds for anyone, it’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of fear-driven behaviour. 

This fear will impact on every area of our lives, including our ability to place successful trades.

The good news is that a reputable, world-class online trading broker will have a comprehensive education centre consisting of a trading academy, advanced trading materials, and FAQs. They will also have expert financial analysts to help us analyse and make sense of the markets.

Final words

Hillary Clinton has drawn these quotes from the basic tenets of life. They are mentioned in all major philosophies pertaining to how we should live our lives. 

This is not to say that taking these tenets to heart and applying them in our lives is easy. All we can do is try, try and try again. Things will come right! I believe that we can draw strength from her words as we navigate our way through these stormy seas. 

But, we must not let sentiment cloud our judgment and should rather seek to adapt ourselves to these volatile ideological times by taking extra care in our attention to who we partner with in the business of binary options.

Monday, November 28, 2016

4 Key Tactics for Reducing your Health Insurance Premiums

No one wants to think about getting sick, but we are all aware of the unfortunate fact that unforeseeable accidents and diseases can creep up on even the most healthy individual. Healthcare costs continue to rise worldwide, and most people simply can’t afford paying such expensive out-of-pocket hospital fees, which is why they secure health insurance in order to offset these costs with their policy. 

With health insurance premiums increasing year-on-year, plans can be quite costly, but there are ways to reduce these costs. This article by insurance advisor Pacific Prime Global Health Insurance Brokers guides you through some of the key tactics for reducing your health insurance premiums. 

First, take a look at your existing plan

If your current plan is too expensive or has increased in price drastically over the years, you may want to get rid of coverage elements that you definitely won’t need. By removing some of these benefits, this will help lower your premiums.

You may also want to review any changing circumstances when looking at cutting down on coverage benefits. For example, say your spouse has found a new job with an excellent medical benefits package. If that’s the case, you may want to consider dropping your spouse as a dependant in your current policy, as this will likely see a significant decrease in the rate of your plan.

Looking at the types of health insurance coverage

Plans tend to differ in the elements of coverage they offer, and these are often divided into the following three types:

Inpatient: This covers care that requires hospital stays only, and won’t cover for outpatient care such as check-ups. As this comes with the least amount of coverage, inpatient-only plans tend to be the cheapest.

Inpatient and outpatient:
This covers both inpatient care and outpatient care. If you rarely ever need to visit a doctor, you may want to strip out the outpatient benefit to save some money on your health insurance.

Full coverage: This includes inpatient and outpatient coverage, as well as extra add-on benefits such as maternity or vision insurance. For example, if you’re sure you won’t be having a baby anytime soon and are currently covered by maternity insurance, you may want to take out this benefit. However, please bear in mind that if you do need maternity insurance, this will need to be secured at least 10-12 months before the baby is conceived as these plans have waiting periods.

Adjusting your co-payment or deductible

Another viable option for reducing your premiums is to introduce or adjust a co-payment or deductible to your plan. The general rule is that the higher your co-payment or deductible is, the lower your premiums will be.

Co-payments are an agreed fixed amount that you will need to pay every time you submit a claim, for example agreeing to pay $50 towards every medical procedure. You can also consider paying a deductible, which is an amount you have to pay each year or for each claim before it can be submitted. 

Get your No Claims Discount

If you’re shopping around for a plan, have a look at whether they have what’s called a ‘No Claims Discount’ (NCD). Insurance plans with a NCD policy will apply a discount if you go a certain period of time, usually a year, without filing any claims. 

Many policies will increase the discount (up to a maximum amount) for every year that you don’t file a claim. However, if you do file a claim, you will see your NCD drop. Each policy will have different NCD rules, so it is important to know what exactly they entail. 

Consult an insurance broker

Some people still believe the myth that insurance intermediaries charge higher rates for plans, but this could not be further from the truth. Licensed insurance advisors like Pacific Prime Singapore leverage their close relationships with insurance companies to provide rates that are often more competitive than going to an insurance company directly.

By consulting a broker, not only will you enjoy competitive rates, but you will also benefit from:

A wealth of expertise: These people work with insurance daily, and are trained to provide you with unbiased advice based on their wealth of experience.

Time saved: Shopping for plans can be daunting, and doing research is simply time consuming. Insurance brokers do the work and research for you, so that you can just sit back, relax, and let them handle the rest.

Plans tailored to your needs:
There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to insurance policies, so brokers are dedicated to finding the best plan for you based on your specific needs and budget requirements.

Additional services: For even more added-value, you can also enjoy the additional services (e.g. in-house renewals teams) typically provided by insurance brokers.

About Pacific Prime Singapore:
If you are looking for the best value health insurance plans on the market, why not visit Pacific Prime Singapore’s Insurance Plans page to purchase your plan today? Their team of experienced insurance advisors offer a wealth of experience that you can rely on.

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