Thursday, November 14, 2019

14 Ways to Save For Your Future

Saving is generally portrayed in a very negative light. You should indeed live in the moment and take in each day for what it is without worrying too much about the future. However, there are times when you must think about what the future holds for you. Sorry to burst your bubble, but such is the reality of life.

Saving is not difficult. It is challenging, yes, but it is very manageable. All you need are a few tips to get you on track. Once you get into the habit of saving, everything seems possible.

Here are our top 14 ways to help you save for your future.

Start Now

Saving money should not be a tentative plan that you are looking forward to in the future. You have to start now. The sooner you get into the habit, the better off you will be in the future. Saving does not mean that you have to make a savings plan. Start small to avoid getting overwhelmed.

If you make $500 per month, try to save $25. If you are making a $1500, try to save at least $50. Set a minimum amount to save and work your way up from there. Do not wait until the end of the month to start saving for that would never work because you will have nothing left by the end. Save first, spend later.

Set Clear Goals

When it comes to saving, the best way to get into the habit of it is to find the motivation to do so. Much like other aspects of life, you work towards a goal. Goals are what push us to get out of bed every day. If we had no goals, why would anyone of us even bother to go to work? Find the right motivation to save by setting realistic and clear goals, so you learn to set aside that extra amount from your paycheck.

If you are wondering what kind of goals you can set, well, there are no restrictions. You can save for emergencies, a splurge-worthy item, a vacation, or perhaps something much bigger like a house or your children's college fund. Find out where your priorities lie and start saving.

Set Timelines

Now that you have decided to start saving, why not do it properly? Do not just make a goal to save a certain amount. You must set a goal to save that said amount in a specific time frame. For instance, you decided that you wish to save $5000 for a car installment. However, whether you take five months to save that amount or five years to do so, is something that you can control. Set timelines with your savings so you can be efficient with it.

If you are wondering how you can boost savings regularly, we suggest you start small with the basics. Look for sales instead of buying things at full price. Save on unnecessary expenses like that cup of coffee you buy every day and instead make a cup yourself.

Once you have set foot into the basics, advance a little further and try to improve your credit card score for a lower interest rate. Auto loan rates are prone to fluctuation. To ensure that you are a strong candidate for a lower interest rate when taking any loan in the future, start saving.

Automate Your Savings

Automating your savings is the best way to ensure saving without having to worry about them. Set up a direct deposit that takes away a particular chunk of your pay to a savings account for emergency expenses and retirement. 

Set a retirement plan while you are at it and find a firm that allows automated savings. Additionally, a wise choice to save extra is to opt for cash-back credit cards. Save money every time you spend; what could be better than that?

Find the Right Savings Account

Your savings must be deposited in a place that compensates you well for it. The best savings accounts pay more than 2% APY. Additionally, they do not demand a high initial deposit or a monthly maintenance fee. The best way to save is to look into accounts that compound your interest annually rather than monthly for the best savings.

Start Budgeting and Tracking Purchases

Budgeting is an excellent way to handle your finances better. You must learn to allow a certain amount to something to restrict spending. Otherwise, you can go out and spend on anything that your heart desires. This is where control and tracking come in. Learn to track your spending and analyze them to understand whether they were essential purchases or not.

You must monitor where your money is going. If you notice an unnecessary purchase that you could have done without, return it if possible, otherwise cut that cost off your list for good. This is what we refer to as baby steps. 

Learn to choose between options. A $25 ride in a taxi or a $5 bus ticket? A $20 hoodie on sale or a $75 new collection design? Set your priorities and decide where you want to spend.

Manage Your Debt

Your debt can potentially ruin all of your future financial plans. Work to pay off your debt as quickly as you can so you can set aside money for your future. Work towards achieving financial security and independence by saving. Pay off your debt to free yourself from the chains of fiscal restriction.

Save Tax Refunds

Tax refunds are great. They feel like an early Christmas present. However, you can do yourself one better and save them. Transfer your tax refunds to your savings account. Trust us; you will not regret not spending that money on that stunning leather jacket or those killer boots.

Make it a Lifestyle

Saving is more than just a task; it is a mindset. In the consumer-oriented world we live in, it can be a challenge to save, especially considering nine out of ten text messages we receive in a day are pertaining to attractive sales and offers to urge us to spend more than we need to.

If you wish to save like a pro, you need to make saving your lifestyle. Learn the art of smart purchasing and be conscious of where you spend your money. Make lists, avoid impulse buys, and set a limit to your credit card that forbids you to make unnecessarily expensive purchases: learn to incorporate these tricks into your everyday life to nail the art of saving.

Learn to Negotiate

Negotiation is something that you get the hang of overtime. If you are a conscious saver, you must learn to ask for things the way you want them. Remember, there is no harm in asking. You never know, asking ends up in your favor. From negotiating with your neighborhood’s fruit vendor to asking your bank for a reduced fee or a reduced interest rate, negotiating works if you keep an excellent financial track record.

Steer Clear of Marketing Emails

Marketing emails are primarily responsible for luring in even the best amongst us into sales and offers. What is the best way to stop yourself from giving in to that temptation? Get rid of the source and unsubscribe from marketing emails. If you do not see them, you will not know of them, and thus, you will not feel tempted to hit that checkout button. Coupons and sales are great, but then constant reminders are not because, in the process of trying to save more, we end up spending more too. This year for spring-cleaning, clean up your email as well.

Get Money Saving Apps

Digitalized banking has made life so much easier because now everything is at your fingertips. To help boost savings, look into money-saving apps that focus on budgeting, cash-back offers, coupons, and automated savings. Find the one that supports and get into the groove of saving as you go.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Belongings

When it comes to saving, one saving method trumps everyone because we never even pay attention to it, and that is getting rid of unnecessary belongings by selling them. We all have a stack of items in our lives that we do not use. They lie around. Looking for extra cash? Start collecting all the unnecessary things lying around in your home and put them up for bids online. Everything is an asset if you think of it as one.

Learn to Say No

Refusing is not an easy thing to do. Saying no is hard, but the power of this two-letter word is undoubtedly effective. Learn to avoid spending by learning how to say no to things. Have three outings lined up; say no to two of them. It does sound bad, but you need to prioritize. Sign up for alerts so you can track your spending and your balance.

Parting Thoughts

The second you become an adult, you are thrown at with responsibilities. It is overwhelming, and it can take a severe toll on you when your expenses exceed your income. For this reason, it is crucial to start saving from early on. Get into the habit, so it no longer feels like a responsibility but rather a quintessential part of your life. Employ these fourteen tips and work towards a comfortable and carefree future now.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Know and Understand Essential Probate Financial Planning

Following your death, you want to be absolutely sure that your loved ones are taken care of and your assets are quickly passed to your beneficiaries. Here is a closer look at some of the key aspects of estate planning and a few steps that you can take to make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible.


One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your family and assets after you pass away is establishing a will. A will is nothing more than a legal document that describes what you would like to do with your assets after you pass away. That document can also be used to name your executor and who is going to be the guardian of your children if they are still minors.

Living Trusts

The primary purpose of a living trust is to quickly transfer a deceased party’s assets without going through probate. When the state doesn’t know where the assets are going to go, they are placed in probate, and that process can take years. 

Probate will become even more complicated if one or more parties claim that they are the rightful beneficiaries. To avoid those issues, you should consider establishing a living trust.

Financial Power of Attorney

If you ever become incapacitated, then the individual who has been given financial power of attorney will be able to manage your finances. That type of legal document is going to be incredibly important if you are severely injured and don’t have the ability to pay bills, invest, transfer your assets, or collect retirement benefits. When an individual doesn’t establish power of attorney, all of those important financial transactions are going to be nearly impossible.

Medical Power of Attorney

The medical power of attorney document is very similar to the financial power of attorney document, but the individual can make medical decisions instead of financial decisions. In many cases, these two documents are signed by the same spouse, sibling, or parent. After the paperwork has been signed, that party will be able to make a wide variety of medical decisions if you are ever in an accident or suffering from a serious disease.

Once you have finished your estate plan, you should review and update it at least once every year or two. You must also take a fresh look at all of that paperwork whenever you buy property, sell property, switch jobs, or alter your marriage status.

Monday, November 11, 2019

7 Smart Real Estate Investment Strategies for Beginners

There is money to be made in the real estate market but only if you’re a savvy investor. This is easier said than done since you have to have a clear investment strategy, to begin with. A typical investment strategy has to be knowledgeable and accounts for all the factors determining the value of individual homes or buildings. 

At the very beginning, the “investing” is mostly going to consist of research the market, getting to know all the players, and gathering as much info as possible.

Paying off the loan

If you are entering the real estate business with heaps of cash, that’s great. However, Catch 22 teaches us that usually, people who wish to earn money enter the real estate business. As a result, expect high competition from other realtors but you needn’t worry if you secure the flow of cash.

Hardly anyone pays the full price of a home and the subsequent repairs in cash and on the spot. A more common strategy is to get a bank loan and then pay it off month after month. However, the interest rates will not go in your favor so implement the strategy of renting out the real estate to cover the cost of the bank loan. Furthermore, tenants will cover the utility bills, meaning that you will break even and possibly make a small profit in the process.

Be prepared to cash the downpayment

When purchasing a flat or a house, the bank will require you to give a couple of thousands of dollars in advance. However, if you’re buying the property directly from the owner without taking out a bank loan, then be prepared to cover the downpayment. 

On average, this will amount to 20% of the total real estate value. The problem with the downpayment is that owners like to see you count the bill, as a cash payment on the stop is a sure sign for them that you are solvent.

Interest rates fluctuate

As the United States is considering introducing negative interest rates for savings accounts, the future is bleak for bank loans. Financial institutions try to draft clear contracts but there are always small print letters that tie the interest rate of your load to a variable of some sort. 

The result is fluctuating interest rates that will make it hard to track how much money you still owe to the bank. That’s why you need to stay up to date with the financial market, tracking any changes in your interest rates and reaching immediately if they inexplicably soar.

Be smart when choosing the real state to invest in

A cozy but dilapidated house in the suburbs might sound like the perfect investment opportunity. However, it might turn out that repairing it and turning it into a home will cost too much money and you’ll end up in the red. In order to prevent such a scenario from occurring, consider hiring property investment agents who will help you out at first. In the real estate business, a keen eye for investment comes after years in the trade.

Forget about flipping a home fast

With experience comes to speed, as only top real estate agents are able to flip a home in a matter of days or weeks. As a beginner, you should stay clear of such transactions because you might end up destroying your investment career before it even began. 

The thing is, in order to flip a real estate fast, you need to be close with both the seller and more importantly, the buyer who trusts you enough to cash a large amount on the spot and in days. Until you establish connections in the industry, don’t dabble with flipping or homes.

Aim low

One of the most important strategies you should adopt early on is aiming to purchase a real estate that is low in price. These are not going to be spruced out homes but you can make the investment worthwhile with a couple of home improvements. 

This is a great test for you to see how much you can get out of a real estate after the decorators finish their job. Don’t hope for huge margins in the beginning, as breaking even on the first two jobs is still considered success.

The location sells

Speaking of the right property, more often than not you’ll look at the location of the real estate more than the condition it is in. A leaky roof can be repaired but you cannot move the house closer to the main road or a school.

Factors like low property taxes, medical services nearby, entertainment, a neighborhood with a low crime rate, and the vicinity of job opportunities all influence the final market price. In fact, these factors jointly referred to as the “location,” have the potential to raise the price more than luxury features of the house or flat.

These 7 smart real estate investment strategies are ideal for beginners to learn the ropes. You can turn a hefty profit dealing with real estate but you need to form an investment strategy that will set you apart from the competition. If you can gain the trust of buyers and sellers alike, then you are looking at a bright future in the real estate business. 

Contributed by:

Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

4 Ways Decluttering Your Home Literally Pays Off

Decluttering your home brings peace of mind. Your efforts to get rid of extra junk will reward you both financially and psychologically. Fortunately, there are many well-documented ways that decluttering pays off.

Getting rid of excess possessions reduces or eliminates storage costs

If you drive around any large metro area, you’ll notice a large number of storage units. Obviously, there is a large demand for space by people who have more possessions than will comfortably fit into their home. Many storage units cost $100 or $200 a month.

By downsizing and decluttering, you won’t have to continue paying for storage space. This simple action can easily save you a thousand dollars or more per year.

Find your bills on time so you don’t pay things late

Anyone who has ever forgotten to pay a bill because it was lost in a sea of disorganized clutter knows the frustration of paying hard-earned cash in penalties and interest because you simply have too much junk sitting around. Being disorganized is not only stressful, but it is also expensive in terms of wasted money and time spent searching for lost mail and papers.

It is truly amazing how easy it is to change this type of situation once you start clearing space and getting rid of excess junk. Important paperwork can be the easiest thing to lose in a sea of clutter.

You call to sell or donate the stuff you don’t need for cash

The most obvious way you can make money from decluttering is to sell your excess stuff. You can sell an iPhone in Canada or unused laptops and have an extra $200 dollars in your pocket in a cool 24-hour period. Garage sales are another time-tested method for selling off unwanted items to neighbors.

Another way to cash in on your extra stuff is to donate it and take a tax deduction. If your tax bracket is high enough, you can sometimes save as much money in taxes as you would selling it outright and with less hassle.
You no longer have to buy replacement items because you can’t find what you need in the clutter.

It is a rare person who hasn’t gone out to spend money on something they needed because they couldn’t find it at home. Buying duplicates is expensive. Organized people don’t have to do that.

There is no time to waste. Decluttering is a simple way to improve both your financial standing and lifestyle. There is no logical excuse for dealing with the substantial stress experienced every time you waste your time hunting for something you need and can’t find.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Introductory Tips to Envelope Budgeting Systems

The right budget can be a powerful financial tool. While the ability to create and maintain an accurate budget is a key skill in terms of financial management, many individuals find budgeting to be a real struggle. From minimizing impulse buys to creating incentives to seek out deals, bargains, and other discounts, switching to the envelope method could allow you to curb your spending and to manage your finances with far greater ease.

How Does the Envelope System Work?

The core premise behind envelope systems is to set aside money for each spending category in advance. This system traditionally used cash placed in envelopes but may function just as effectively with the “virtual envelopes” that may be created with financial software applications. 

The idea is that having only a finite amount of money to spend makes it much easier to stay within the budget.

Stretching Your Money More Effectively

Envelope systems provide a strong incentive to stretch each dollar as far as possible. Clipping coupons or seeking out clearance sales becomes a lot more important if it is the only way to free up some much-needed space in your budget. 

Trying to make it through the rest of the month without additional funds can be quite the challenge, especially for those who are prone to making impulse purchases.

Rollover Accounts

One helpful way to make the best use of your budget to add any unspent money within a specific category to the next month’s budget. Cutting back on the spending for a few months can easily free-up the cash needed to make a major purchase. These rollover accounts can provide a simple and effective way to maintain a more balanced budget.

Clothing and Other Essentials

Lacking the funds needed to make essential purchases can become a real problem. From food and gas to clothing that your children may be constantly outgrowing, setting aside enough money to handle any complications that may crop up can be very important. 

Crafting a more affordable menu plan or shopping for a gently used windbreaker jacket that can also leave you budget to get a shit and pants rather than making a new purchase and only getting one item. If you get creative within your budget you can utilize clearance, sales, and coupons to make sure you get what you need without dipping into another envelope.

Entertainment and Quality of Life Purchases

There is such a thing as being too frugal. Failing to set aside enough money for entertainment and outings is a common mistake that often finds households souring on their new budgeting system. Trying not to skimp when setting aside money for entertainment and other quality of life purchases could make a real difference.

Learning to budget and manage your money more effectively could be simpler than you imagine. The envelope system is a proven method, one that could help you to curb your spending. A little creativity and some foresight are often all it takes to bring your spending habits under control.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Finding an Assisted Living Community That’s Right for You

If you’ve found that, as you’ve aged, you now need assistance with your daily tasks, then an assisted living facility can be a great option for you. It will provide you with the care you need to live a fulfilling life. However, it can also be a serious financial decision. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you find a community that’s right for you.

Make a List of Needs

Many seniors start out by looking at the various assisted living communities and end up getting overwhelmed. Instead, start by making a list of needs. Include everything from the type of medical care that you need to the recreational activities you need in your life. 

When you have a list of what you’re looking for in an assisted living facility, you can better determine what facility is going to fit your needs quickly. This helps you stay on budget and ensure that you don’t spring for something that’s fancy but overly expensive.

Set a Budget

Your assisted living care should be easily affordable for you. You should take a look at what your budget is and will be in the future. Set yourself a budget for what you can comfortably afford to pay for your cost of living, keeping in mind your retirement fund and savings. 

By setting your budget ahead of time, you can limit yourself to looking at facilities in your price range. If you look at facilities first, you may find yourself signing a lease for a place that you end up having trouble affording.

Take a Tour

Now, you should have a very good idea of the qualities you’re looking for in a property and what price range you can afford. Next, it’s time to get your list together of potential properties to visit. You want to take the time to tour each facility to get a feel for how it will work for you. 

Don’t be shy about visiting a place multiple times before you decide whether or not you want to live there. This will help you maintain your budget and help you feel secure about this financial decision.

Speak with the Current Residents

One of the best ways to get a feel for how a community will work out for you is to talk with the existing residents. See how happy they are with the assisted living facility and get some information about the daily activities that are offered for residents. 

You may be surprised that you can learn more from a 10-minute conversation with a resident than you’ll get from reading all the fliers about the community.

When it becomes time to move into an assisted living facility it’s likely that you’ll have a lot of questions running through your mind. Understand how to slow down and take it to step by step; this can drastically help with your overall financial decision on where to stay. 

Be sure to start by utilizing the four tips above to find an assisted living community that’s right for you.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

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