Friday, June 11, 2021

4 Things You Need To Get Prepared Before You Launch Your Business

When you retire from your 9 to 5 job, you might find new business ideas come to you far more easily. Plenty of people start new businesses after they retire. 

Whether you are starting a new business to bring in a bit of extra cash, pursue a lifelong passion, or realize a great idea, there are many important things to sort out before you launch.

Of course, there are all sorts of things to prepare that are unique to individual business fields. This article, however, is focused on some rather general tips that apply to almost any small business.

Make Sure That Your Business Is Legally Registered

Every country has its own laws regarding registering businesses for tax purposes, and you need to be ahead of this before you even think about launching your own business. 

If you are in the US, the law likely even varies from state to state, as well as nationally. You should keep yourself up to date with any changes in regulations that might affect the status of your business in the future.

Build A Great Website

Having a great presence on the internet is invaluable. The internet is one of the primary ways a business can find new collaborators, clients, and bring in customers. 

A good business website is almost invariably a simple one. Simplicity keeps the user experience smooth and ensures that people surfing on mobile devices don’t see a confusing jumble of images and words. 

Make sure your website is in keeping with your brand identity and ensure that visitors are offered easy ways to contact you or make purchases. 

Hiring some professionals to design your website can save time and make sure that your space on the internet is top-notch. ALT Agency is based in Birmingham, West Midlands, and is a great choice if you want to get a website designed.

Know Your Market

Market research should be part of any good business plan. Knowing your market and your target audience can help you develop strategy, design products, and build marketing campaigns. 

Market research can take many forms. A hybrid approach is usually considered the most comprehensive. This involves seeking in-person qualitative feedback such as can be gained through focus groups and quantitative research that can be gleaned from data. 

Depending on the size of your business, you might need to hire some specialist help to plan out your market research strategy.

Plan For The Future

No matter what size your prospective business is, you are going to need to map out a long-term strategy. If you want to prepare a sound business strategy, comprehensive research is key. 

Modern business strategizing is very data reliant. The huge quantity of data produced by people online has proven to be incredibly useful to business people looking to map out projections. 

Projections are essentially evidence-based predictions of how a market might change in the future. These can be used to plan sound strategies.

How to Make Sure You Receive All the Benefits You Deserve as a Veteran

If you are an army veteran or know one, it is most favorable for you to know what the Army offers to you or for your friends or family as compensation for services rendered. 

You must browse resources such as this brief post aimed at helping veterans apply for and enjoy the full benefits they deserve and are entitled to. Here is what you must know about ensuring to obtain all the benefits you deserve as a veteran.

The Critical Aspects to Know When Obtaining Benefits

To apply for the benefits, the veterans need first to check their eligibility. Different levels of concessions are granted to the veterans, depending upon their service duration and ranks. 

The veteran benefit denial law states that the veteran applying for the benefits should be eligible and deserving of the benefits. The law requires proof of all the claims of the veteran.

How to Check the Eligibility

There are different benefits, such as health care and education benefits, etc. To check the criteria for applying, the veteran should visit the official website of the US Department of Veteran Affairs

Once there, the veteran can select the benefits they require and then provide the required information on the website. The system will automatically check their eligibility, and the particular services will be granted.

What are the Types of Benefits?

There are quite a few benefits provided to the veterans. These are as follows:

  • Health Care: The veterans are provided with some compensation and discounted rates at specified medical facilities.
  • Education: The veterans can apply for education benefits. There are several benefits in education, such as college funds, scholarships, career counseling, finding a suitable school, and more. These benefits apply to the veteran’s spouse and their dependents as well as themselves.
  • Disability: If the veteran has been severely injured during service and has not been dishonorably discharged, they are eligible for the disability benefits.

The disability benefits range from $133 to $3,400 per month, which entirely depends upon the severity and the nature of the injury. The veterans are subject to additional compensation if they have dependents, have lost limbs in severe damage during service, or have a seriously injured spouse.

Conclusively, it is safe to assume that there are multiple benefits provided to the veterans by the military and the VA program in particular. But it is always best to be safe than sorry and to pay close attention to your various benefits.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

4 Investment Opportunities You Might Not Have Considered

While the economy and the world at large have seen some hard times recently, investors are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

In reality, there are many opportunities out there for making a lot of money. If you are looking for new investment ideas, there are probably many opportunities you have yet to even consider. Below are four.

A Fix and Flip Loan

You may have considered real estate as a possible investment choice. However, knowing what to do with real estate after you have purchased it is another thing entirely. 

One strategy you should consider is obtaining a "fix and flip loan." These are investment property loans that are used to purchase and remodel properties that are viewed as in decline. 

The flipped house can then be sold for a hefty profit. You may have even seen reality television shows based around this investment strategy.

Foreign Debt

While you may have considered buying government bonds from the United States as a strategy for receiving a steady return, you probably have not considered buying the national debt of foreign countries. 

If the country in question is on an upward trend regarding its expanding economy, you could make a lot of money. Government bonds from small European countries with emerging economies like Latvia and Lithuania could end up being an excellent deal in the long run.


Some of the oldest investments still in existence today are precious metals like gold. While modern currency no longer uses the gold standard, gold still holds an inherent value that is likely to increase over time. 

Gold's value also tends to increase as the value of other investments declines. As such, it's a good choice for adding some extra security to a well-rounded portfolio.

Collector's Items

Another possibility you may have not seriously considered before is investing in collector's items. It is true that you have to be careful about the kind of memorabilia, antiques, and other collectibles you invest in

Certain collector's markets have dissipated over the years due to waning interest in specific hobbies like stamp collecting. However, other collector's items, like ancient coins, for example, continue to increase in value. Do your research so you can be confident that a collectible will actually increase in value over time.

Overall, it's never wise to put all your eggs in one basket regarding investments. Be on the lookout for new opportunities that could give you a solid return over time. However, also be sure to build a well-rounded portfolio as you do so to lower the risk of new investments.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

How Smart Seniors Budget and Manage Their Money

Retirement gives you the freedom to experience life in a way that you may not have been able to when you were working full time. 

Creating a good budget and managing the money coming in each month allows you to get the most out of your golden years. Consider a few ideas on how smart seniors budget and manage their money.

Make Good Use of Free Online Tools

Knowing where your money goes is the first step to managing your money. Keeping up with spending on paper can be daunting and hiring a personal accountant can be expensive. 

Free websites like can securely give you a complete view of your finances. All of your accounts will be connected on one easy-to-read page. Bills, credit cards, checking accounts, and subscriptions can be monitored so that they do not get out of hand. 

Mint will track your spending, give you insights on smarter spending, and even give you a daily snapshot of your net worth. If you like to have paper files, you can easily print reports for your records.

Find a Medicare Specialist

Fear of the cost of healthcare is one of the factors that keep people from retiring early. Health insurance options available to seniors in today’s market offer comprehensive healthcare without eating up a huge amount of your monthly budget. 

Getting help finding the right plan is as easy as looking for a broker who specializes in Medicare plans. Brokers who sell Medicare plans are usually paid by the insurance company. Helping you purchase a plan should not cost you any consultation fees. 

If a broker wants an upfront consultation fee, look for another one. An experienced broker will know which plans are accepted by your current doctors, cover your prescription medications, and give you coverage for health expenses wherever you travel on a regular basis. 

Some companies, like Optimized Health Plans, know that if you purchased a plan when you turned 65, you may not be locked into that plan for the rest of your life. If you have pre-existing health conditions, a Medicare specialist can direct you to plans that have little or no health screenings to change health plans.

Talk to other seniors about how they budget their retirement income. Seniors who are five to ten years older than you may be able to help you avoid pitfalls and extend your savings by informing you of what has and has not worked for them. 

Being on a fixed income does not mean limiting your freedom. Creating a detailed budget and managing every dollar that you spend will help you to enjoy every moment of retirement.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

4 Things Seniors Should Know About Declaring Bankruptcy After You Retire

You are sure of certain things in your working life: growing older and accumulating all your savings in the bank. Many seniors desire to reach their retirement age with enough savings in their accounts to sustain a comfortable life. 

However, that is not the case for those who retire with debts. Faced with increased healthcare costs, decreasing pensions, low income, and high tax rates, seniors have to rely on what they have in the bank and social security. 

When there is an imbalance in their savings and debts, they opt to file for bankruptcy. While the procedure helps relieve them of some cash straps, there are other concerns to consider.


There are two key consumer bankruptcy protection types: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. When you file bankruptcy with Chapter 7, you don’t have to deal with a debt repayment plan

Instead, all of your assets are liquidated and used to pay off as much of your debt as possible. If the value of your assets doesn’t cover the entirety of your debt, the remainder is dismissed. 

When you file bankruptcy with Chapter 13, you retain all your assets but commit yourself to repay your creditors a certain amount of money in a period of three to five years. The courts will decide on a payment plan for you.

When you file, you get to choose which type of bankruptcy to choose. However, there are some limitations to this. There is a means test to decide if you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If your income is too great, you will be required to file for Chapter 13 instead.

Assets and Exemptions

Seniors should weigh the effect of declaring bankruptcy on their assets. All states have particular laws governing what is exempted during a bankruptcy case. 

Depending on where you reside, you can substitute federal exemption guidelines. Some of the assets that would likely be exempted in your case include a vehicle, home equity, clothing, and work-related equipment. 

Each exemption is associated with a certain amount of dollars. Homeowner retirees should pay attention to their state rules on homestead exemptions. Several states allow you to exempt a certain amount of money for your home value, while other states let you exempt any amount.

Retirement Income

As mentioned earlier, if you don’t qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will have to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead. However, one thing to keep in mind when doing the means test is that your social security compensation is not considered income, which can make it easier for seniors to qualify for Chapter 7. 

Additionally, pensions, 401k plans, annuities, and a certain part of a traditional or Roth IRA plan will all be exempted.

If you’re not sure whether bankruptcy is right for you or which type of bankruptcy you should file for, talk to a bankruptcy attorney. They can give you advice about what would best fit your specific situation. They can also help you in filing and working with the courts.

Filing for bankruptcy in your retirement is beneficial if you have substantial debt and do not have enough income to cover it. Contact a bankruptcy attorney for more information. The attorney will explain the legal process of filing for retirement bankruptcy and how to avoid penalties.

Friday, June 4, 2021

4 Services You Can Get Bundled for Discounts and Savings

We need. We click. We buy. Repeating that cycle over and over can lead to having a different provider for every service you use. 

Bundling some of your services into one provider can offer you discounts and savings along with reducing the number of bills you have to remember to pay each month. Here is a list of four services that you can bundle to get a lower total price.

Home and Auto Insurance

You bought your car insurance policy when you purchased your first car. You bought your home insurance policy when you purchased your new home. 

Bundling those two policies with the same insurance company could save you as much as 25% off each policy. Some insurance companies will even bundle the monthly bill so you only have one deduction per month to keep up with. 

Even if one of the two policies has a higher rate than you are paying now, you may save more money over the year by having both policies with the same company.

Home Internet and TV

Even if you no longer have a home phone line, bundling your home internet and cable TV service could save money on the monthly price of each. 

Even if a standalone internet service provider offers you a lower rate for internet service, the savings you receive off of your monthly cable TV bill by bundling these two services with the same company might offset the difference. 

For example, Spectrum Cable TV packages offer a much better rate on internet service when it is bundled together with TV service. Even if you do not need a home phone line, bundling these two services alone could save you hundreds per year.

Home Internet and Cell Phone Services

Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint are no longer the only big games in town. Some regional home internet providers now offer cell phone service using the same 5G towers used by the larger cell service providers. 

Home internet providers such as Spectrum now offer cell phone plans. You can get a discount on the plan without having to purchase a new phone or change your number.

Streaming Services

Some internet streaming services can now be bundled offering an overall discount over a la carte services. Hulu now offers a bundle of Hulu, ESPN+, and Disney+ that is cheaper than purchasing each of these services separately. 

Depending on the packages you subscribe to now, you may be able to get all three for less money than you may be paying for just one of these streaming services.

Talk to your family and friends to see how they have saved money bundling services. Investigating and getting quotes does not cost anything. Doing nothing can cost you hundreds.

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