Wednesday, November 3, 2021

How to Prepare to Pass On Your Legacy and Assets

It is a sad fact of life that we all must one day pass on. Planning for your legacy and assets is important to ensure you have the right people in place to carry out your wishes. 

If you're not sure where to start, this article offers some advice about preparing for passing on what matters most.

Consider Leaving a Will

A will is a legal document stating not just how your assets should be distributed after you pass on, but also discusses animal care and even child guardianship. 

It is an important document that will allow your friends and family to adequately mourn your death without having to worry about all the loose ends because you would have already dealt with that for them.

Create an Estate Plan and Gather Important Files

An estate plan outlines what happens to your assets and property when you die, including appointing the executor of your will and naming beneficiaries for insurance policies, bank accounts, and retirement plans

This allows for the smooth transfer of your assets and often prevents unnecessary taxes upon your loved ones. Make copies of all vital records such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports so they can easily be retrieved by family members in case there's a need for them later.

Provide Information About Next of Kin

If possible, provide contact details for close family members who may not be aware they are listed as emergency contacts with financial institutions or other service providers where personal information must be provided to them upon request.

Consider Leaving a Letter of Instruction

A letter of instruction is typically left for family members to let them know what they can expect after you pass on, including how your assets are managed and any information that may help ease the transition into their new lives without you. 

Discussing with beneficiaries about who will inherit which accounts is important, so as to remove any confusion about where each account belongs once it comes time to transfer funds or close accounts.

Discuss With Your Legal Advisor the Best Options for You

Discussing your options with an estate planning attorney is important to ensure you have the right plan in place that suits your needs. Also, creating an accurate list of all physical and financial assets can help family members access accounts, transfer money, or claim property without issue after you pass on. 

Another option is to set up a trust where certain assets are transferred to the trustee, and it dictates who administers the afore-mentioned assets for the beneficiary.

It is important to prepare for the passing on of your unique legacy and assets. Whether you have dependents or not, it is important to be prepared for when tragedy strikes. You may be and feel young, but we never know when it is our time to move on.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Can You Plan Your Own Funeral Service?

Funeral plans are rarely discussed until the time comes when they are necessary. Most often, this is not during the best of circumstances. 

However, to alleviate some of the stress on their loved ones, some people make their wishes clear in a will and testament or by expressing their wishes before that time comes. 

It is possibly one of the kindest things you can do to plan your own funeral service in advance so that your loved ones are not adding that detail to the required affairs at a time when there is already enough distress.

Why Should You Plan Your Own Funeral Service?

Since funeral arrangements are so rarely discussed ahead of time, the people attending are typically left wondering if the deceased would have wanted it this way. 

There are times when someone has voiced their desires, and the effort is put toward making sure those desires are met. This is a time of the utmost respect. 

Planning your own services not only assures you will have the service you prefer, but it takes the burden off others who are grieving your loss. You can relieve their stress by planning in advance.

Planning Your Funeral Is a Relief

Planning your own funeral is not as tough as you might think. In fact, it is an opportunity to look toward the time you will be gone, which very often allows you the chance to reflect on where you are right now. 

It is not necessarily a perspective people take very often, but a welcome moment to consider your life in a broader view. You can make your choices alleviating your loved ones of the tough choices they would otherwise have to figure out in your absence.

Burial, Cremation or Donation?

For many, the idea of an elaborate burial is repugnant. The whole package has advanced in price to the point of being equivalent to the down payment on a new home. You can certainly plan for such an expense by including the choice of casket and the burial plot.

Cremation is a popular choice in part because it is a mere percentage of the cost of burial. You can select one or more urns if your family wants to hold onto your ashes. 

Lately, people have found having the ashes allows them to be used in jewelry so that a loved one can have you with them all the time.

Finally, you can choose to have your body donated to science. This is yet another need we rarely consider at the time.

You Have Much to Consider

Given all the options for a funeral, it is useful to consider all that is available. Burial varies from typical in-ground to either in-ground or above-ground lawn crypts. 

There are also private mausoleums for either a burial or cremation. Private mausoleums are generally intended for a single-family and are quite costly, however, they do provide exclusivity. 

There are also natural burials that make use of a biodegradable casket or shroud that allows for everything to naturally decompose.

All of these ideas can be discussed ahead of time with loved ones so that you can assure them they will have the chance to pay their respects, whether it is to allow people to visit your burial site or a memorial that you can establish in advance. 

You can finalize your arrangements to include all the details such as location, flowers, music, and the like. You can even specify who will be attending. 

You can establish a pre-need contract to ensure that everything is paid for in advance, taking yet another burden off your loved ones.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

5 Tips on How to Choose a Good Accident Lawyer in Manhattan

The first step taken when seeking justice after being involved in an auto accident is getting an accident lawyer. Selecting a suitable attorney is a crucial determinant of the success of your case.

Every accident victim in Manhattan needs a skilled and experienced accident attorney who's familiar with the latest changes in laws and regulations in New York City. 

Suppose you are a resident of the city and have faced a serious car accident, you may need a Manhattan auto accident lawyer to help you get reimbursement for damages suffered due to that incident.

A skilled auto accident attorney is equipped to support you during such an arduous experience; they'd ensure the negligent party is held accountable for the pain and suffering you endured from the accident.

To ensure this is successfully achieved, you need to know how to select a suitable auto accident attorney.

What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Suitable Accident Attorney?

1. Adequate Experience

You can get the best quality insight from an attorney that is experienced in handling cases similar to yours. When choosing between personal injury attorneys, it's advisable to look for one who specializes in auto accidents, since you'll be able to compare the past cases they've handled with your own.

Seeking the past case results of a lawyer will help you analyze their experience with such cases. Inquire about how the attorney would handle your case both in and outside of the courtroom.

2. Check Their Success Records

You want to choose an accident lawyer who ensures their clients win their cases and receive fair settlements for their damages. Find out about their winning and losing experience with cases similar to yours; your attorney should have a history of winning similar cases so you can be sure that your claim, too, will be successful.

3. Resources

Cases involving injuries from auto accidents often require extensively thorough investigations. The attorney you chose should be able to have the right expert contacts that will make the investigation of your case less arduous.

They should have enough time to dedicate themselves to the case and have access to the best expert services. Such an attorney can build you a case strong enough to acquire the highest possible settlement.

4. Records of Any Disciplinary Issues

Do some research about your lawyer of choice; check out their disciplinary records to ensure that they do not have any negative complaints from past or present clients. You can access such details through an online search.

Make sure you look at other clients' feedback about the lawyer you choose to ensure you're making the right choice by hiring them.

5. Flexibility

You need an attorney who will be easy to work with in terms of flexibility. Your lawyer should be able to reach you even when you're at the hospital and bring you documents at your home or workplace to sign. 

Because you will be going through a tough time with your injuries, having a flexible attorney will be very convenient to your needs.

Your Attorney's Devotion to Your Case Will Significantly Impact the Success of Your Case

A skilled attorney will have ample experience in dealing with cases similar to yours and will be familiar with auto accident claim formations. 

In choosing the right one, you are assured of quality services and top-notch effort in winning your case and getting you the justice you deserve after great suffering. Choosing a lawyer from your locality also allows for flexibility and speedy case practice.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Logistics of Buying and Owning a Second Home

There is nothing like the beautiful and scenic views that owning a second home comes with. However, there are some logistics involved in buying and owning a second home. 

These factors make it necessary to know what lies ahead of you before purchasing your new vacation getaway. It would be best to look at real estate for sale before buying or thinking about buying a second home.

Financing Your Second Home

The first step in the logistics of owning a second home is looking at your financing options. You need to know what you can afford and see if you qualify for multiple mortgages on the same property. 

One thing to remember when buying a second home is that it needs to be a place to vacation and not a primary residence. If you are buying your second home as an investment, then it is likely that you will need to purchase more than one mortgage.


One of the first factors you must consider when finding logistic information on owning a second home is the location. You should never buy a vacation home without knowing where the location is. 

Know what you will be able to do in the near future and long term when it comes to transportation. Is there a hotel nearby that you can stay in when visiting? If not, then look into real estate agents that can find your second home for you.

What Will Your Vacation Home Be Used For?

Another factor to consider is what you will be using the vacation home for. Will you need more than one bedroom or room for your guests? You also want to think about any guest cottages that are on the property. 

Another thing to keep in mind is if you plan on renting out your second home while not there, then you will have to consider having a guest home for your visitors.

Home's Layout

You should look at square footage and how many rooms are in the house. It also helps if there are floor plans available. You should also be aware of the age of the home and if there are any renovations that you would like to do yourself.

Maintenance and Upkeep Is Important

The fourth factor that you need to consider before purchasing your second home is maintenance and upkeep. This will affect how much you spend on your vacation property each year. 

If you are looking into buying a second home to rent out for profit, you must hire maintenance. If the property is big enough, then you should consider hiring help around the house as well.

In conclusion, there are many factors to consider when looking to purchase a 2nd home. What will you use it for? Does the location fit your needs? How often will you be staying there? Etc. 

Take all of your options into consideration, and do your research, so you can find the perfect 2nd home.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What to Consider When Making a Retirement Plan

Planning for your retirement can be a stressful process, and many people feel overwhelmed when they begin to look at their long-term financial options. 

While this process is going to be time-consuming, there are a few key variables that you should consider if you want to ensure that you are going to be comfortable and cared for in your senior years.


It should come as no surprise to anyone that planning for retirement as early as possible can be incredibly beneficial. In addition to making the planning much less stressful, it is also going to have a big impact on your finances throughout the rest of your life. 

As a bonus, younger people can also engage in slightly more aggressive investments because they don’t have to worry about an immediate return.


When it comes to retirement planning, your family is going to be a major factor. If you have a spouse or long-term partner, then you will need to sit down with them while you are making a plan so that everyone is on the same page. 

Your retirement plan will also need to include any income or debts that they are going to be bringing to the table.

Major Assets

Even if you are planning decades in advance, you still need to consider what types of assets you are going to potentially have when you retire. For the average individual, a home is going to be one of their biggest assets, and that property can have a major impact on your finances. 

You should consider whether you will be living in the home for the rest of your life or you plan on selling it to help fund your retirement years.

Working With a Professional

All of this information can be very confusing, and that is why so many people work with wealth management companies when they are planning their retirements. 

A wealth manager will be able to help you come up with a financial plan that works for your own lifestyle and situation. You can also meet with them once a year to update that plan if any major life events have taken place.

As long as you start early and come up with a comprehensive plan, you can rest assured that your savings are going to keep you comfortable throughout your retirement. 

You will also be able to plan for any financial roadblocks, medical problems, or other issues that you might run into as you grow older.

Monday, October 25, 2021

5 Additional Benefits of Having Car Insurance

Like most people, you probably own a car. And with owning one, there Is always a chance that your car will suffer some damage during the next few years.

If you don’t own a car, it is possible that you don't need car insurance at all. But if you do have one, then it is very likely that you are one of those people who are always on the hunt for the additional benefits of having car insurance.

Protection Against Natural Disasters

Car Insurance protects your vehicle from natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and earthquakes, all to a certain extent. 

If you live in an area known for its high number of natural disasters, car insurance can save you a lot of money that would otherwise go into repairing your car.

If the Car Is Damaged

If your vehicle suffers some damage and won't start for whatever reason, like hitting a cone or fence, your car insurance will cover the cost of getting it towed back and fixed up to its original position. 

This benefit is significant because if you try to start the car, and it fails, your other option would be to call a bunch of mechanics who will charge you big bucks for their services despite not even fixing the problem.

Personal Property Protection

Car insurance protects items kept in your vehicles like cell phones and iPods in case they get damaged or stolen. If you have ever left anything in your car and returned to find it all smashed up, you know how important this feature is when choosing the right insurance policy for you.

Personal Liability Protection

If someone gets injured in your car and decides to sue you for damages in court, your liability protection will come to your rescue. 

In most cases, liability protection is included in the basic package on any insurance policy. It covers you from lawsuits that stem from injuries caused while traveling on public roads with your car.

Emergency Roadside Assistance

If you have some trouble with your car on a busy highway or a road without cell phone coverage, your insurance company will dispatch a mechanic to your location. 

The mechanic will be able to fix the problem using tools carried in their car. If no repair is possible, the mechanic will tow you back to your original position or bring you to your hotel if you are on a road trip.

Some companies offer additional benefits of having car insurance. For example, some companies give you a discount on your auto insurance for being a good student in high school. 

If you are looking to get cheaper car insurance, make sure that you ask every company about the additional benefits they offer to their customers.

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