Showing posts with label Financial Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Plan. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ways To Protect Your Financial Health in Your Later Years

Navigating your finances as you age can feel like walking on a tightrope. It’s a balancing act that requires careful planning, wise decision-making, and a keen understanding of the financial landscape. 

With the right approach, you can set yourself up for success, regardless of the future. Explore ways to protect your financial health in your later years that can give you peace of mind, secure your retirement, and ensure that you’re well-positioned to handle any challenges that come your way.

Understand Your Financial Position

To properly coordinate your future financial well-being, you need to first know about your current situation. The key to this is in the details. You need to know your total income as well as where it all comes from. Are you still working? 

Do you have a pension or other retirement income? Next, consider your expenses, including everything from the mortgage or rent to groceries and entertainment. 

Once you organize what’s coming in and going out each month, you can look at your savings and investments. 

Finally, consider any debts you may have. Knowing what you owe can help you make a plan to pay it off and improve your overall financial health.

Create a Detailed Financial Plan

Creating a financial plan helps you understand exactly what you’re doing with your money. Start by setting clear, achievable financial goals. 

For long-term goals like building a nest egg, familiarize yourself with how much money you’ll need to live comfortably and make that your baseline. Then, outline the steps you need to take to reach this goal. 

This might involve setting a budget, investing wisely, or finding ways to increase your income. Remember, a good financial plan should change and grow with you as your financial situation and goals evolve.

Plan for Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs can be a significant expense, especially as you get older. But with a proactive mindset, you can avoid being caught off guard by these costs. 

Visit your healthcare provider to get a solid understanding of your current and potential healthcare needs. Then, look into your options for covering these costs. This could include Medicare, supplemental insurance, or a health savings account.

Protect Your Assets

Another way to protect your financial health in your later years is to safeguard what you’ve worked hard to accumulate. This can involve a range of strategies, from buying insurance to diversifying your investments.

It could also mean making sure your home is safe from hazards that could cause damage. It’s not just about protecting the value of your assets but also ensuring they can continue to provide for you and your loved ones.

Appoint a Power of Attorney

Appointing a power of attorney for financial purposes is an important step in planning for the future. This person will have the authority to make financial decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so due to illness or incapacity. 

Choosing someone you trust, and who understands your financial situation and goals, can give you peace of mind knowing that your finances will be well managed, no matter what happens.

The more thought you put into your financial planning now, the better your situation will be come retirement and beyond. Start these steps today for a tomorrow that you can enjoy to the fullest.

Monday, January 1, 2024

How to Create a Financial Plan to Help You Prepare for Retirement

Retirement may seem like a far-off dream, but it's never too early (or too late!) to start planning. In fact, having a solid financial plan in place can help you enjoy retirement to the fullest without worrying about your finances.

If you're not sure where to start, don't worry! In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps of creating a financial plan that will help you prepare for retirement.

Set Your Retirement Goals

The first step in creating a financial plan for retirement is to set your goals. Do you want to travel the world? Do you plan on downsizing your home? Will you have any dependents to support? 

By getting clear on your retirement goals early on, you'll have a better idea of how much money you'll need to save.

Determine Your Current Financial

State Next, take inventory of your current finances. Look at your income, expenses, debts, and assets. From there, you can determine your savings rate and how much you'll need to cut back on expenses to meet your retirement goals.

Calculate Your Retirement Needs

Your retirement needs will vary depending on your lifestyle, current age, and retirement goals. Estimate your future expenses, including housing, healthcare, travel, and other expenses.

 Once you have a clear idea of how much you'll need to save, you can start coming up with a plan to reach that goal.

Create a Retirement Savings Plan

Now that you know how much you need to save, it's time to come up with a retirement savings plan. Consider contributing to a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement account. Make sure to take advantage of any employer matches, and aim to increase your contributions over time.

Continuously Monitor and Adjust Your Plan

Your financial planning should be adaptable as you approach retirement. Continuously monitor your plan and adjust it as needed. Life events such as unexpected expenses, increases in income, or changes in retirement goals may require changes to your plan.

Final Thoughts

Creating a solid financial plan for retirement takes time, effort, and a bit of planning. But by following these steps and staying committed to your goals, you can set yourself up for a happy and stress-free retirement. 

Remember to be realistic about your goals, monitor your finances regularly, and make adjustments as needed. 

With a little planning and a lot of commitment, you can build a financial plan that will help you retire in comfort and style.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Retire in Style: Secrets to a Happy Post-Work Life

Congratulations, you’ve retired! Now what? For many people, the transition into retirement can be overwhelming despite the exciting prospect of having lots of free time ahead.

Retirement is not just the end of a career but also the beginning of a new chapter in life. It’s an opportunity to pursue new interests, hobbies, and passions and enjoy your golden years.

However, many people are unsure of how to start this new chapter and live a happy, fulfilling life in retirement. In this post, we’ll share with you some of the secrets to living a happy retirement so you can make the most of your newfound freedom.

Reinvent Yourself

It's never too late to start something new. Now that you have retired, you have plenty of time to indulge in your passions—whether it's starting a new hobby, becoming an artist, or doing volunteer work. Perhaps there was something you always wanted to do but never had the time. 

Now's your chance to pursue it. Not only will it create new channels for communication and socialization, but it will also give you a real sense of purpose.

Whatever you choose to do in retirement, the key is to enjoy it. Retirement should be a time for relaxation and fulfillment, not stress. Make sure whatever activities or hobbies you pursue bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment. 

Don't feel pressured to follow anyone else's idea of what retirement should look like. It's your time now, so make the most of it by doing things that truly make you happy.

Plan Your Finances

Some retirees make the mistake of not having a financial plan once they retire. To have a happy retirement, it's best to consider how you will use your savings and what money you will require to live on. 

You don't want to run out of money before you pass away. So, it's best to sit with a financial advisor to plan your finances to last as long as possible.

One of the keys to a happy retirement is sticking to a budget. This can be challenging, especially if you have more free time and opportunities to spend money than before. To avoid overspending, it's important to establish a budget and stick to it strictly. 

Keep track of your expenses and make adjustments where necessary. Consider finding ways to save money, such as downsizing your home or finding affordable activities and hobbies.

Live Somewhere Exciting

Retirement is the perfect time to shake things up and explore new places. With no work ties holding you back, you can relocate to a different city or even country. 

Consider what climate, culture, and lifestyle suit you best and plan your retirement destination accordingly. This change of scenery will not only bring new experiences but also give you a fresh perspective on life. 

Plus, you can also save money by living in a more affordable location, such as a coastal home, a home abroad, or even retirement living facilities.

Stay Active and Healthy

Retirement is a great time to focus on physical activities and to take care of your health. Observe a healthy diet, participate in a fitness routine, walk, or perhaps try yoga or meditation. Staying active can help you stay sharp and energetic and improve your overall mood.

As we age, it becomes even more crucial to take care of our health. Retirement is an ideal time to prioritize your well-being and make healthy choices

By staying active and eating a nutritious diet, you can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and maintain a good quality of life in your retirement years. Additionally, taking care of your physical health can also have positive effects on your mental well-being, allowing you to truly enjoy all that retirement has to offer. 

So don't neglect your health—make it a priority in retirement for a happier and healthier post-work life.

Stay Connected

Life is nothing without relationships. Retirees may find themselves out of their regular routine, but it's essential to stay connected with friends, family, and neighbors. 

Technology has made it easier to communicate and stay connected with loved ones from a distance via video calls or social media. It's also an excellent time to make new friends by joining local clubs or taking part in community events.

Travel and Explore

Now that you have retired, you can travel anywhere you desire. It doesn't have to be an expensive trip abroad. It can be visiting a nearby state or even local road trips. 

Trying new things and experiences keeps you engaged and creates beautiful memories.

Traveling is a great way for retirees to experience new cultures, connect with different people, and make lasting memories. With more time on hand, you can plan longer trips or even opt for slow travel, where you spend weeks or months immersing yourself in one place. 

Some fun ideas for traveling as a retiree include road tripping through national parks, cruising the world, or visiting historical sites and landmarks. 

Additionally, many tour companies specialize in creating unique and immersive experiences for older travelers.

Final Thoughts

Retirement is a big adjustment, but it's a great time to start something new and take life by the horns. Incorporating these secrets into your retirement plan, such as staying active, staying social, staying engaged, staying healthy, and having a financial plan, can give you a sense of fulfillment and happiness that you may have never had before in your life. 

Remember, living a happy retirement is all about enjoying your new freedom.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tips for Managing Your Wealth and Making Your Money Work for You

Managing wealth can be difficult, but it can become much easier with the right tips and strategies. Planning for your money is crucial for success in the long run.

Whether you are just starting out or are looking to improve your financial situation, these tips will help you make your money work for you.

Set Goals

First and foremost, setting goals is the foundation of successful wealth management. Determine what you want to achieve long-term, such as paying off debt, saving for retirement, or investing in your children’s education. 

Once you have your goals in place, make a plan to work towards them. Write them down, and revisit them regularly to monitor your progress.

Track Your Spending

Keeping track of your spending is crucial in effectively managing your finances. In order to gain a clear understanding of where your money is being allocated, it is important to track all expenses over a designated period of time. 

By doing so, you can identify areas where you may be overspending or areas where you can save money. Once you have a list of all your expenses, you can create a budget that aligns with your financial goals and helps you control your spending. 

Taking the time to track your spending can ultimately lead to increased financial stability and less stress in the long run.

Diversify Your Investments

Investing in the right places can be the key to making your hard-earned money work for you. Diversifying your investments is an important strategy that can help reduce risk and maximize returns. 

Investing in different assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, minimizes exposure to any negative events in a particular sector or industry. 

Moreover, diversification allows for better long-term gains as you are not tied to one particular market trend. 

It is important to consult with a financial advisor to assess your risk tolerance and develop a diversified investment portfolio that fits your needs and goals.

Save for Emergencies

Financial experts highly recommend an emergency fund to ensure financial stability during unforeseen circumstances. Whether it's a sudden job loss or an urgent medical expense, having an emergency fund can save you from unnecessary financial stress. 

It's advised that you aim to have at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. This may seem daunting, but starting small and being consistent can eventually help you reach your goal. 

By prioritizing saving for an emergency fund, you can prevent dipping into your long-term savings or going into debt if an unexpected situation arises.

Work with Professionals

Working with financial professionals can be crucial when it comes to wealth management. They have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through developing and executing a plan that aligns with your financial goals. 

Whether you’re just starting to build your portfolio or looking to invest in new opportunities, a financial planner or investment advisor can provide valuable input and help you make informed decisions. 

From strategies for optimizing your taxes to selecting the right investment vehicles, working with professionals can help ensure you’re making the most of your resources and securing a strong financial future.

Final Thoughts

Managing your wealth is an essential part of achieving financial stability and success. With the right tips, you can make your money work for you and achieve your long-term goals. 

Remember to set goals, track your spending, diversify your investments, save for emergencies, and work with professionals to develop and execute your financial plan. 

By implementing these strategies, you can take control of your finances and secure a better financial future.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Benefits of Working with a Financial Advisor as You Age

The years right before and after retirement are the most challenging for many people. Consulting a professional is the best way to plan your financial goals and embrace retirement with peace of mind. Here are the top reasons you should be working with a financial advisor as you age.

Create a Complete Financial Plan

You can consult financial advisors to create a comprehensive retirement strategy. While you could work on your own, it is easy to omit critical elements in your plan that could impact your future investments.

For example, have you factored healthcare in your retirement plan? Did you include tax planning? An advisor will always review your current situation before coming up with a retirement strategy.

Financial advisors can tap into their insider knowledge to identify areas that could affect your finances during retirement. Professionals regularly conduct market research and retirement plans to match their clients' situations.

Identify the Common Financial Pitfalls

The market is continually changing, with new technologies and laws coming up every day. Before retirement, it may be necessary to update your plan to meet your financial goals.

You may need an advisor to navigate the unpredictable industry and regulatory landscape. An experienced professional can help you identify market developments that could impact your financial strategy. 

A financial advisor watches over your investment and ensures your goals are on track.

Take Advantage of Data-Driven Decision Making

Your advisor needs up-to-date information to provide customized solutions for your retirement plan. A professional may utilize tools to generate quality data and metrics to anticipate your needs in the future.

Most advisors will have a suite of applications to identify and compute financial formulas. These resources are usually out of reach for clients planning their retirement. Professionals can access data-collection tools to provide personalized advice at cost-effective rates.

Boost Your Motivation and Stay on Track

Your retirement plan can impact more than just your finances. It may also have implications for your health and emotional wellbeing. Working with a professional means you have someone invested in your future. 

An advisor can motivate you and keep you on track as you plan for your retirement. Advisors provide objective data, preventing you from making emotional decisions that could derail your retirement plan.

If you want to develop a successful plan, it may be necessary to consult a professional. Start planning early to avoid running out of money as you approach retirement. Often, a financial advisor is an investment you may need to meet your retirement goals.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Protecting Your Retirement Savings During a Recession

As you know, the year 2020 was difficult. During a turbulent economy, you might have questioned whether you were doing everything possible to keep your retirement savings safe. Perhaps that sparked something inside of you about how you would protect your money during a bona fide recession.

Fortunately, you can do five specific things to stay on track with your financial or retirement plan even when economic times are tough.

Don’t Leave the Market

During a recession, you might feel prompted to avoid the stock market. After all, there are always risks involved, especially during an economic downturn. However, a recession isn’t going to last forever. So, by staying in the market, you are very likely to reap the rewards later on when the market recovers.

Considering that people live longer today, that means they need income longer. To overcome inflation and benefit from financial growth, you want to keep investing your assets. As long as you have a solid financial plan in place, you’ll come out ahead.

A younger person might just ride out a recession while waiting for their portfolio to recover. In comparison, an older person who withdraws money regularly from savings will need a mix of assets and investments to stay untethered from the market.

Be Sure to Rebalance

While working, you can benefit from financial growth and safer assets that provide stability by having a mix of riskier assets in your portfolio. However, as you get closer to retiring, you’ll need to go with less risky options.

Not only do you want to set your asset allocation, but as you get closer to retiring, make sure to also regularly rebalance your investment portfolio. This is important since a long period of stock market returns can put you at greater risk.

For example, if your asset allocation is 80 percent stocks and 20 percent safe assets, years of growing in the stock market could turn that into a 90/10 scenario. In other words, if you have stocks that outgrow bonds, this would likely happen. 

By rebalancing, you can maintain the healthier 80/20 asset allocation. It’s simply not wise to take more risk than you need to when it comes to your financial plan.

Run Recession Scenarios On Your Plan

Everybody should understand the risk that their retirement portfolio contains. How will your portfolio do if we have another recession that is like the recession in 2008? 

What about the 2001 recession? Fortunately, there is a really comprehensive retirement tool made for consumers that allows you to do just that. The WealthTrace Planner is a retirement and financial planning application that allows you to choose which recession you want to mimic. 

You can run your entire retirement plan using a recession scenario to see how much you are impacted. It’s a great way to flesh out the risks you might be taking and if you are diversified enough.

Guarantee Some Retirement Income

Here’s another great way to come out of a recession unscathed. Utilize guaranteed income sources not affected by stock market volatility and accumulate a cash reserve. 

While you might experience a slight loss, it wouldn’t be anything near what you could lose by not taking the appropriate steps.

Stable sources of retirement income include things like pensions, Social Security benefits, and annuities. If you’re close to retiring, keep enough cash in a safe place like in a savings account at a reputable bank. 

You might also consider the cash value associated with a life insurance policy. If necessary, you could use that money as a reserve.

Don’t Forget to Diversify

An excellent way to reduce the risk of your portfolio caused by a recession is to diversify. That way, you can keep your investment portfolio from crashing no matter what’s going on with the economy. Now, if the market fluctuates, a portion of your portfolio could respond in a way that offsets any negative impacts. 

For example, bonds usually do well during recessions while stocks do not. This is what investment professionals call negative correlation and it is key to diversification.

You always want to have checks and balances built into your portfolio, especially during a recession. The key is to have a mix of investments, including stocks, bonds, and cash, as well as a mix within different sectors.

Potentially Rely on a Financial Advisor

When it comes to protecting your money, there’s no room for pride. Instead of assuming you have all the right answers, it might be better to talk to a financial advisor. 

Again, during a recession, you need expert advice and guidance. Based on your specific goals, an advisor will provide you with innovative strategies to achieve them.

The Bottom Line

Last year was a huge eye-opener for millions of people as to the importance of protecting their money and other assets. Although the pandemic was devastating and continues to cause problems, you can use it to understand why it’s so important to get help from your own retirement planning software or a financial advisor. 

With the right information, you’ll make sound decisions regardless of where you are in life or when you want to retire.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

5 Steps For Making A Solid Financial Plan for Your Family

Most family heads would list financial stability as one of their key priorities. A stable financial situation is not something that happens accidentally. It requires planning. Thankfully, financial planning is not as difficult as some might think. The following are five steps for making a solid financial plan for your family.

1. Keep Track of Where You Are Spending Your Money

The first step toward creating a financial plan is making a budget that lays out how you are spending your money and where your money is coming from every month.

Budget creation can be simple. You could use a pen and paper to track your income and expenses in a notebook. There are budget template spreadsheets readily available online that can help you record your spending. 

There are budgeting apps that link to your bank account, investment accounts, and credit cards to help you automatically track your income and expenses. Once you have a clear picture of your expenses, you can make a plan.

2. Set Goals

Now that you have a comprehensive report of your income and expenses, it’s time to think about your financial goals. Most financial experts recommend that your first goal be to build an emergency fund that you can use during a personal financial crisis. It is recommended that you have enough money to live on for three to six months.

Ask yourself, where do you want your family to be five or 10 years from now? Avoid generalities. Instead, write down specifics, like you want to have your mortgage paid off in 10 years, have a $700,000 investment portfolio, or want to visit 10 countries. If you have specific goals, you can stay on track with your financial plan.

3. Make Your Debt Disappear

With a clear picture of your finances in hand, an emergency fund set aside for a few months, and your specific goals for the future, the next step is to make your debt disappear.

There are several proven methods for attacking debt. One method is the snowball method. You will pay the minimum on all of your credit cards or other sources of debt, but you aggressively pay the source of debt that has the lowest balance. 

If you have four credit cards and the first one has a balance of $5,000, the second has a balance of $4,000, the third has a balance of $3,000, and the fourth has a balance of $1,000, you would pay the minimum payment on the highest three cards, but you would aggressively put all of your extra money into paying off the card with the $1,000 balance. 

Once that card has been paid off, you will switch to aggressively attacking the card with the $3,000 balance and so on.

It may be beneficial to do a debt assessment. Many people have been able to achieve financial stability by settling their debts for less than what they owe.

4. Start Saving for Major Goals

Once you have an emergency fund and your debt paid off, it’s time to start saving for your long-term goals. You may need to re-examine how you are spending your money and see if there are ways to cut expenses or increase your income.

Many have turned to the gig economy to add more money to their budget. It’s important to make sure that the extra income you are earning is being put into some form of savings account directed toward your goals.

5. Monitor and Adjust Your Financial Plan

The financial planning steps that are being discussed are not just a one and done type of system. You will always need to review your personal financial situation. With time, your goals might change. Your income might increase, or your debt might drastically go down. You may see that your investments are performing better than expected, or there may be pressing financial situations, like health issues, that require you to divert from your original plan.

As you make a financial plan for your family or as you review your plan, don’t confuse your long-term goals with short-term fluctuations in your personal situation. Don’t change your family’s financial plan without considering the entire picture.

The sooner you make a financial plan for your family, the more control you will have over all your money. You will soon see that instead of working for your money, your money is working for you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

4 Reasons to Meet with a Financial Planner before Deciding to Retire

Whenever you are looking to manage your finances, you will benefit by working with a financial planner. This is a professional that specializes in providing advice, guidance, and education to people who are looking to get more out of their financial situation. 

With a financial planner, you will be able to make sure that you are on the right track in terms of saving for retirement and managing your finances wisely. There are a few good reasons to work with a financial planner. As a result, using a financial planner can ensure that you are financially secure for the rest of your life.


One of the reasons why you should meet with a financial planner before you retire is to help you save for retirement more effectively. While you can invest and save for retirement yourself, you may miss out on things that can allow you to increase your savings. 

A financial planner can help introduce you to investment options that can help enhance your wealth. If you already have a sufficient amount of savings, a financial planner can also help you with private wealth management as well.


Meeting with a financial planner before you retire can also allow you to better understand what you invest in. Whenever you are looking to invest in something, you may be unsure about how it works and how it can benefit you. 

A financial planner can educate you on how things such as stocks, bonds, and annuities work. As a result, you will be in a better position to know which investment options will best meet your needs.


Another reason to meet with a financial planner is that they can help you plan your finances more efficiently. They can help you set up a budget to pay your expenses. 

Financial planners can also help you find ways to pay off debts more quickly as well. A financial planner can give you advice on how to manage debts, whether it is a good idea to get a car loan and/or how paying off your mortgage will benefit you.


Financial planners can help you prepare for unexpected events. There are times when you might have something such as a medical bill or a job loss that can prevent you from reaching your retirement savings goals. As a result, you will benefit from having a professional guide you through this situation. 

A financial planner can help you develop a budget to cope with a job loss and/or a medical debt. With their assistance, you will be in a better position to get through these unexpected events that can affect your financial situation.

Managing your finances can be a bit complicated at times. Whenever you are unsure about how to allocate your financial resources, it is beneficial to get professional assistance. You will benefit by working with a financial planner. 

This professional will guide you through the process of setting up retirement accounts, finding the best things to invest in and also give you advice on how to oversee all of your financial affairs.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

4 Ways to Create a Financial Plan and Avoid Bankruptcy

It’s easy to lose track of your finances and end up becoming bankrupt. However, you can set a financial plan in place to better keep track of your money, credit balances, loans, etc. Below, are four ways you can start creating a financial plan.

Create Financial Goals

The first step you need to take to make a financial plan is to make financial goals. For example, do you want to tackle a specific amount of debt? What kind of financial cushion do you want to give yourself? 

Do you want to spend less on your credit cards to increase your credit score? Although you should set plenty of goals in your financial plan, you want to make sure you’re only setting achievable ones.

Watch Your Credit

It’s hard to even rent an apartment without having great credit. This is why it’s so important to constantly keep an eye on your credit scores, disputing any errors and prevent overspending credit cards, which can lead to a lower credit score. 

Fortunately, you can get a free annual credit score from the three main credit reporting bureaus, but you can also use online credit monitoring sites like CreditKarma.

Begin Saving

In order to achieve the financial goals in your financial plan, you have to start saving up. Whether it’s to pay back a loan, credit account, or simply have more money in the bank, saving is where you should start. 

This means setting a certain percentage of your paycheck to your savings account and building up from there.

Talk to a Bankruptcy Lawyer

One of the most important steps of creating a financial plan and avoiding bankruptcy is actually talking to a bankruptcy lawyer. Your lawyer can help you devise a more detailed financial plan on the steps you need to take to improve your finances, reach your financial goals, and avoid falling into bankruptcy. 

A consult with a bankruptcy lawyer is an investment, especially if have a lot of debt and expenses that you need to get on top of. Just make sure you do plenty of online research first before hiring a bankruptcy lawyer and compare quotes in your area.

It’s usually not too challenging to create a financial plan, but sticking to one is. Remember, without a solid financial plan or at least financial goals that you can stick to, the worse your finances will end up becoming. 

It’s important to have money in the bank, improve your credit score, and start reducing your debt. If you don’t start taking these steps today, you may never be able to improve your financial situation.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Family Finance: 5 Reasons Why A Financial Plan Is Always A Good Idea

A financial plan is crucial to your future for peace of mind. It pushes you to look past the short-term and into your long-term financial goals, making them more attainable than if you didn’t think ahead. 

A common misconception is that only wealthy people need to have financial plans, however everyone benefits from thinking for the future. A comprehensive plan includes provisions for education, emergencies, savings, insurance, investments, and retirement. 

Luckily, there are professionals out there, such as those with the UBS-The Burish Group, that can help find the best financial plan for you. Here are five reasons that explain why a financial plan is critical to your family finances.

Establish Goals

Establishing goals allow you to know what you’re saving money for. You can establish a reasonable time frame to achieve them and determine if your goals are realistic. 

Goals tend to focus on education, becoming debt free or saving for a down payment on a house. 

They are realistic, but the timeframe in which you want to accomplish them might need to be extended once you start crunching the numbers.

Prepare for Emergencies

Emergencies are bound to happen. Medical, automobile and home insurance protect you from these types of problems, but other emergencies such as car repairs can throw the plan off track. 

You might not have enough insurance for your needs or have a deductible that is too high to realistically pay during hard times. Being prepared for unexpected events keeps your financial goals on track and ensures you don’t have a financial disaster.

Evaluate and Change your Financial Habits

Seeing where your money goes makes you more aware of your spending habits. You might realize how much you’re spending on eating out or on interest for your credit card debt. 

It might make more sense to pay more on your credit cards due to high-interest rates than it does to put extra in a savings account with a low rate of return.

Maximize Investment Earnings

Looking at where your funds are going aids in building up your savings and allows you to evaluate where the best potential is. 

If the rate of inflation is higher than your investments, you might need to move them from one type of investment to another.

Have Security in Retirement

Retirement isn’t as far away as you think. Utilize resources such as a 401k, especially if your employer offers a matching program. It’s free money and there’s no reason not to take advantage. Don’t rely on social security alone to fund your future.

Financial planning is a part of a responsible future. By having a solid financial plan you can make sure that you are ready for the unexpected and can have enough money for the things that you really want and need. 

This is definitely a great way to plan out your life just a little bit better so that you don’t always have to always stress about your finances. Getting a plan may seem like a lot of work, but it is well worth it for the peace of mind.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Four Life Events You Should Seek Financial Consultation For

Finance (Photo credit: Tax Credits)
Financial consultation refers to seeking financial advice from a qualified financial planner. The work of a financial planner is to help you identify your financial position, your needs and goals, how close or far you are to your goals and how to attain your goals. These four aspects of financial planning are especially important to keep in mind when planning for the following life events:


Tying the knot is a major, life-changing event in people’s lives. This is often largely due to the integration of the couples' bills, investments, expenditures and savings. Financial planning in marriage starts from before the wedding and should address every aspect of each partner's financial situation. These discussions can often lead to talk of prenuptial agreements. 

Prenuptials have become a necessity for some parties, owing to high divorce rates and an increase in attorneys specializing in alimony and divorce. A financial consultant can help determine if creating a prenuptial is the right move for a couple's financial future.

Buying a Home

Buying a home can be termed as a lifetime investment. Large investments like this can be either a really good thing or a really bad one, depending on both factors you can control and some you cannot. When looking to buy a home, one should seek advice about whether or not they are able to afford the purchase. 

The consultant will help you know whether you can buy the house at the current time, what type of house you can buy, or when the best time will be to buy a home. This planning applies to both daily live-in homes and vacation homes. Having a working knowledge of an area's home value trends and potential is necessary when making an investment of this magnitude. 

If you are unfamiliar with the area or housing market trends, seeking consultation from a financial expert with experience in real estate is one of the best ways to ensure the home you purchase will prove a solid investment.


People often wish to invest in certain projects in a bid to make more money and find financial comfort. This could be in form of buying property, investing in a business or buying shares. However, some investment options are definite time bombs that would land one in to big trouble. 

As such, it is best to consult a financial adviser when seeking to venture in to some sort of investment. This expert will advise you on whether to undertake the investment, how to proceed with it or whether to abandon it. They can also help you find the best investment avenue in the event that there are options.


Retirement is a big deal, since it means that one will not be able to engage in normal employment opportunities. Anyone planning on retiring in the next decade or so should take action immediately to ensure there are sufficient funds put away for the event. Future retirees should seek a financial assistant who can consult with them and help them know how to still live comfortably after retirement. 

A financial adviser can help them make informed decisions about their expenditure and possible investment avenues. These advisers are able to calculate your saving potential within the context of possible inflation and price shifts, to plan for uncertain living costs with their clients' current earnings, investments, and assets.

Financial consultants help people avoid economic trouble by finding the best solution for them. When you find yourself facing a major life event or financial hurdle, it is often best to seek financial advice and assistance.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Most Common Mistakes To Avoid When You Need Financial Help

At some point in life, everyone needs a helping hand. For many people, this takes the form of financial aid, whether it be food stamps, welfare, disability, social security or money for college. Unfortunately, the process of getting such support can be long and tedious with ample bureaucratic red tape to wade through. This can cause you to make several mistakes that can extend your waiting time, or worse, leave you empty-handed. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when you need financial help.

Not Making Changes

One reason people might find themselves in financial trouble is because of the way they are spending money. While you might not be overspending, you may be concentrating on the wrong things. Take a look at your finances and make changes as needed. Start paying off credit card debts that have higher interest rates, take out loans for school instead of spending savings, or find ways to better save money at home.

Not Applying

One major mistake people make is simply not applying for help, whether that be for a new job or unemployment benefits. There are many different programs that can help you get back on your feet financially, but it is often overlooked. This is often because they don't think they'll be accepted, the hassle doesn't seem worth it or they don't understand the qualification criteria. However, you never know until you try, so don't let these uncertainties prevent you from applying. These programs are in place to help people in need, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying.

Providing Incomplete or Incorrect Information

When filling out an application for financial assistance, be sure to read over it carefully once you're finished. It's easy to accidentally leave out information or provide information that isn't correct. Go over addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, first and last names and other pertinent information. Leaving things our or getting information wrong can hold up your approval process or even get you denied.

Not Seeking Professional Help

One of the worst mistakes you can make is not seeking professional help when you're having problems. With disability and social security, the government refuses up to 70 percent of all applications the first time around, even if all qualifications are met. Even after that, many re-applications are met with rejection. Instead of re-applying and being denied repeatedly, talk to a Chico Social Security Income Lawyer. Their expertise and understanding of disability and social security law can help you get the money you need 
and deserve.

Filing Taxes Late

If you need student aid and you're thinking of filing your taxes late, you may want to reconsider. Student aid is provided on a first come, first serve basis and is determined by your tax information. Students who file their taxes early are at the top of that list. Those who file late, however, move to the back of the line. This doesn't only apply to students either.

Applying for financial help can be difficult and frustrating, but don't let that stand in your way. When you need money, there are a number of federal and state programs that can help, but avoiding mistakes is critical to a timely acceptance.

Friday, November 15, 2013

7 Steps to Wealth

The bills are piling up. You keep trying to save money, but every time you get a little nest egg going, something happens (a car repair, a broken appliance, etc.) to wipe it out. And to top it off, your employer has hinted at layoffs.

When times are tough financially, it can be difficult to even think about amassing wealth. You’re so busy trying to keep your head above water and pay off your debts that a life with a seven-figure bank balance may seem like nothing more than a pipe dream.

While almost no one becomes a millionaire overnight — and no, playing the lottery is not a legitimate wealth strategy — it is possible to rise above your circumstances and attain considerable wealth. All you need is a strong commitment to achieving your goals and some knowledge of the proper steps involved. 

1. Develop a Written Financial Plan

The first step to achieving any goal is to develop a plan. You wouldn’t try to drive to a destination in an unfamiliar city without a map or GPS, so why would you try to make it to a major “life destination” like considerable wealth without similar navigational tools? Regardless of whether you’re at the beginning of your career and earning an entry-level salary or already have some experience and the paychecks to prove it, you can change course and get on track to wealth. Meet with an experienced financial adviser and get professional advice and feedback on how you can meet your goals — and then act on those plans.

2. Eliminate Debt

As long as you are paying a significant portion of your income to someone else, you will struggle on the path to wealth. Live below your means, and never charge anything you can’t pay off in a month or two; some advisers suggest never charging anything you consume, including clothing, as you’ll be paying interest on it long after it’s outlived its usefulness. If you must finance a home or car (which most people do), don’t max out your budget. Choose the loan terms that allow you to eliminate the debt as soon as possible.

3. Make Your Money Work for You

One reason the wealthiest people are so well-off is they make their money work for them. Even if you invest a modest amount of money in the stock market, you can expect to earn a rate of return of around eight percent annually. As your investments grow, so will the amount of money you make. 

4. Start a Business

According to one study, almost three-quarters of all American millionaires are entrepreneurs. While it is possible to build wealth working for someone else, you are far likelier to have success when you are your boss.

5. Change Your Mindset

Many Americans, even those with steady incomes, operate under a “poverty mindset” in which they fear they could lose everything at any moment, so they must hold on to every penny they get. Or, they feel they will never attain the highest levels of financial wealth, so why even bother? They become complacent, and while they may be comfortable, they are never going to be wealthy. If you want to be wealthy, you have to think wealthy, and emulate the thoughts and actions of those people who have reached the upper echelons of wealth. 

6. Create Multiple Income Streams

Few millionaires have made all of their money from one income source. Most have income from multiple streams. When you’re earning money from multiple sources, you don’t have to panic when one dries up and you can better leverage your resources to keep the money coming

7. Save Money

The best way to amass wealth is to save money. An emergency fund is a must, should things go awry, but you should also find ways to save money wherever you can. The wealthiest people are not generally spendthrifts; while it’s easy to imagine them dropping thousands of dollars on shopping sprees and parties, most are far more careful with their money. As money comes in, make saving a priority. As your income increases, so should the amount that you are saving.

Becoming a millionaire takes hard work, perseverance and a focus on the goal at hand: a healthy bank balance. By changing your approach to money and taking cues from those who have already achieved that level of wealth, you can write your ticket into the “millionaires’ club.”

About the Author: Isabelle Fontaine holds a marketing degree and has started several successful businesses in the course of her career.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Business Economics 101 - How To Balance A Business Budget

Business economics deals with the strategies, organization, and management of a business. Budgets are extremely important to any business and are difficult to manage even at the best of times. It’s best to expect the unexpected; as the business is most likely never static, neither will the budget be.

Budgeting Benefits

Simply put, budgeting helps establishments manage their costs. It can aid with knowing whether or not the profit goals can be met, and if applicable, what they should even be. They help set a certain kind of control for a business to run with. Planning during business peaks can help determine the best times to add additional inventory or labor, or when to decrease labor and plan vacations for employees, plan meetings, etc. It’s always important to keep the budget updated as well, on a monthly basis. Make cuts in labor or inventory where necessary, or add. One of any business’ priorities should be to try to manage the budget well.

Adjusting And Stabilizing Budgets

It is recommended to adjust the budget of any business to see if there is any room for improvement. Adjusting budgets can be quite the risk, but they can end up being well worth it. Wait to see what the results of the income will be, and if it’s positive, then it may be plausible to keep going with the new set budget. It’s also critical to be able to effectively respond to unexpected budget cuts. If an important customer decides that their own budget cannot support purchasing the business’s goods or services, notice how long it affects the amount of money lost. Within that range of time, a business could look for a new, reliable client to at least have some sort of stability with budget.

Strategies For Businesses

An effective strategy to maintain a balanced budget and to keep the profits sort of ‘locked’ is to introduce employee performance bonuses. Employees will have an incentive to work extra hard to sell the brand product or service in order to meet the company’s ideal quota, and to receive the bonus. A business must know how to trim their expenses when needed, and know how long a set amount of money (from profit) can last them, and what it can be used for in benefit for the company. Lowering expectations for revenue and upping the cost of everything (while planning out the budget for the month) can aid in maintaining it. That however requires becoming more conservative as an owner or employee in charge. Less expensive equipment may be purchased or borrowed—not all offices need the top of the line computer brand.

Being conservative about everything in a business however could be a downfall. It’s important to know when it would be okay to reach for certain investments. And although adjusting a budget is okay in order to see how it plays out, it is wise to stick to the most efficient budget in any month throughout the year. Of course, revenues for businesses always depend given the time of the year. Everything should be taken account for when financing is involved.

Author Bio
Loren is a financial consultant working with a Mortgage Firm. She is a frequent Pinterest user. Recently she found about rapid advance reviews on Pinterest and how they help business grow when they are stuck financially.

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