Sunday, August 25, 2013

Five Tips To Saving Money On Your Daily Needs

Being able to save money, in any fashion, can make you feel protected and secure, especially in shaky financial times. The easy part is the planning, because anyone can fantasize about building that nest egg. The hard part is the actual doing, because when the reality of cutting corners actually hits, you may begin to doubt your plan of action. The good news is, you can do this, it will just take some strategizing, and some iron willpower.

Dumping The Luxuries

One reason that many people wind up spending way more money than they need to is because of all the luxuries that they honestly believe they cannot live without. If you are serious about saving money every month, you will have to draw some lines, painful though they may be. To start, see if you can downsize to a basic plan on the following: internet, cable and phone. Some companies offer reduced price plans, as well as ways to bundle all three onto one bill, for less money per month. Miss the movies? Watch them online for less.

Develop Some Shopping Tactics

One of the biggest expenses in any household budget is groceries. As has been done by many generations before you, you will have to become familiar with your local markets, and their sale days. A sale day is usually mid-week, and will be the beginning date of that week’s sale list. Any stock that is listed as being on sale will be available on the first day, but may not be the rest of the week. Find out what will be on sale, and then see if there are any coupons available for them. You can get them off the internet and out of newspapers. Combine all of this with store reward cards, and you will rack up some considerable savings on things you buy on a regular basis.

Speaking Of Cards

There was a time when the reward cards offered by the major chains only gave you a discount on your total bill when shopping there. Those times have definitely changed for the better! Possessing those cards can now earn you discounts and freebies at other stores, simply by continuing to be a loyal customer. For example, one major chain of grocery stores offers their customers a discount on their next gasoline purchase at a participating petroleum chain, if they spend X dollars on groceries. Combining discounts is a wonderful way to save money on a daily basis.


While you are surfing the internet, looking for coupons, check out some of the ads you will see touting freebies on a lot of the coupon sites. You can get everything these days from free samples to full size product packages, simply by registering your email address with these websites. Some of them are for consumer survey sites, while others are sites connected to the manufacturers themselves. With the freebies sent in the mail, you will also receive even more coupons to use on your next shopping trip.

Bring It

And, then, there is the timeless method of saving a few bucks a week: bring it from home! Pack a lunch, bring your own coffee, each and every work day, simple as that. On average, this will save you 8 to 10 dollars a day, depending on how much coffee you would have, or where you would go to eat.

About Author: Alisa Martin is a proficient author and writes articles on Finance. She regularly contributes for the website

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