Thursday, November 21, 2013

Printing Press: What Kinds of Advertising Will Work for Your Business?

To run a successful business, you need to be able to reach your customers. The easiest way to do so is through advertising. However, not every advertising strategy is suited to the needs of every business. When you need to get more out about your company it is time to start thinking about your target consumer. Below is an over-view of a few of the different kinds of advertising that can benefit different kinds of businesses.

Viral Advertising

This is perhaps the newest form of advertising available to businesses. Viral advertising implements the internet and social media to promote products and services. When an ad goes viral, it quickly spreads throughout social media, or receives a large number of hits on sites like YouTube. Viral marketing operates a lot like word of mouth. Due to this, it is extremely difficult to predict whether or not ad based content will take off. Still, this may be a great avenue for promoting things like movies and videogames aimed at younger demographics that feed off of internet word of mouth.

The Mail

Another common marketing strategy is direct mail. The concept for this type of marketing is very simple, ads are placed directly into the mail boxes of consumers, and it is then hoped that they will read these ads and respond to them. A successful direct mail campaign requires a bit of strategy since people tend to throw away junk mail, including coupons. Direct mail works best with local businesses such as restaurants, dry cleaners, car washes and the like. Research your consumer demographic and find out if they would be likely to respond to direct mail.


Another option that many businesses choose is billboards. Today, billboards come in the form of the more traditional printed, or painted variety as well as electronic billboards that can be programmed with multiple ads. These advertisements are great for targeting a wide array of consumers that commute on a specific roadway. Billboards can benefit many different businesses. They can direct customers to local businesses, as well as advertise new products being offered by national chains. They are even great for advertising things that radio and TV advertising tend to ignore, such as local healthcare providers. A billboard about the struggles of drug abuse can be used as part of an addiction treatment marketing strategy for a local addiction treatment center.

There are now many advertising strategies to choose form. Some are newer than others. If you own a business, carefully choose a marketing strategy that is best suited to both your company as well as the customers you are trying to reach.

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