Sunday, February 5, 2023

How Dental Implants Can Restore Your Oral Health

One of the most common services offered by dentists is dental implants. A dental implant is a prosthetic device that replaces missing teeth and helps restore your oral health. 

This article will explore how dental implants work, the benefits they offer, and who is a good candidate for this procedure.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed into your jawbone. These implants act like roots, securing the artificial teeth in place while also stimulating your jawbone to keep it strong and healthy. 

The implants are made from titanium, which has been tested to be safe for use in the body and has been found to bond well with bone tissue.

What Are the Benefits?

There are several benefits that come with getting dental implants to replace missing teeth. Dental implants look natural and can last for many years when properly cared for. 

They also help maintain the shape of your face, keeping it looking young and healthy. Additionally, because they’re rooted in your jawbone, they provide a stable foundation for chewing food, resulting in improved digestion and overall health. 

They also help preserve bone mass in your jawbone by stimulating it when you chew or talk.

Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants is to visit your dentist for an evaluation. Generally speaking, you must have good oral health before undergoing any kind of dental surgery—this includes having healthy gums with no signs of infection or disease. 

If you smoke cigarettes or have diabetes, these factors may also affect whether you’re eligible for dental implant surgery. 

Your dentist will be able to evaluate your individual situation and make recommendations about whether or not getting dental implants is right for you.

Dental implants are an excellent option if you want to restore your oral health after losing one or more teeth due to injury or disease. 

Not only do they look natural and last long-term when cared for properly, but they also help preserve bone mass in your jawbone while providing improved chewing ability that can boost digestion and overall health. 

If you think you might be a good candidate for dental implant surgery, try speaking with your dentist to get an individualized evaluation to make an informed decision about what’s best for your long-term oral health needs!

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