Thursday, July 27, 2023

How Inflation Negatively Impacts Your Retirement

Inflation, a common economic phenomenon, often appears benign on the surface. However, its ripple effects can significantly impact our long-term financial health, especially regarding retirement planning. 

Learn more about inflation and how it negatively impacts your retirement aspirations.

Erodes Purchasing Power

Inflation significantly erodes the purchasing power of your retirement savings by decreasing the value of money within the current and future economy. 

Basically, your ability to live comfortably post-retirement becomes more difficult every year. For example, our national US inflation average of just over 3 percent can half an individual’s purchasing power in under a quarter-century. 

So, if you’re 50 and still saving for retirement, you risk losing out on the most comfortable retirement possible when you’re 75. Of course, inflation doesn’t remain at 3 percent all the time—it was just over 9 percent in the US last year! 

Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the impacts of inflation in your retirement planning to ensure your savings maintain their value over time. Working with a financial advisor is a fantastic way to manage inflation when creating your retirement plan.

Stifles Retirement Portfolio Growth

When prices rise, the real value of your investment returns may decline. For instance, inflation can erode this gain, even if your portfolio provides a seemingly decent return. 

If your investments return 9 percent in a year with an inflation rate of 8.5 percent, your actual gain is only 0.5 percent. This impact is particularly concerning for fixed-income investments such as bonds, which may not keep up with inflation. 

Moreover, higher inflation can disrupt retirement savings strategies, shrinking the value of the dollars in your 401(k) and other retirement accounts.

Creates More Stress & Uncertainty

Aside from the tangible financial hardships you may encounter during an economic downturn, inflation can create more stress and uncertainty when planning retirement

As the cost of goods and services increases, predicting how much you’ll need for a comfortable retirement becomes challenging. Considering the national average of 3 percent inflation annually, the cost of living could double in just under 25 years.

If you plan to retire in two decades, you might need twice as much in your retirement fund as you initially estimated. Furthermore, the unpredictability of inflation rates adds another layer of complexity. 

Inflation could be relatively low at 2 percent in one year, but it could spike to over 9 percent in another year. This fluctuation makes it difficult to plan accurately for the future.

Inflation Tips: Weathering the Storm

Weathering the storm of inflation requires active and strategic planning, especially for seniors protecting their retirement savings. 

First, you should diversify your investment portfolio. Include assets that often perform well during inflationary times, such as real estate or commodities, to maintain your savings’ value. 

Second, invest in Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). These government bonds adjust with inflation, ensuring your investment keeps pace with rising costs. 

Finally, review and adjust your retirement plan regularly. As inflation rates change, reassess your plan to make sure it stays robust against these economic shifts. These are just some of the many financial tips that can maximize your retirement in the near future and the long term.

Inflation is unavoidable in our economy, but that doesn’t mean your retirement plan has to suffer. Understanding how inflation negatively impacts your retirement prepares you for financial hardships and even sets you up for greater comfort and success.

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