Showing posts with label Financing a New Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financing a New Home. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

5 Must-Know Steps to Financing a New Home

Applying for a loan is just one step of many involved in financing a new home. There are several other steps you should take before you sign your loan documents and decide on a lender. Let's look at five of those steps. 

Make a Budget

You don't want to leave it up to a bank officer to decide how much house you can afford. Instead of letting them tell you how much you're approved for and then finding a house that's within that range, you need to create a budget that shows you exactly what you spend each month on bills, groceries, fun, entertainment and miscellaneous expenses. 

Then, start adding in house payments, savings for repairs and maintenance, home and flood insurance, property taxes and revised utilities. 

Then start tweaking your other spending categories until you find a manageable amount for your house payment based on your income. This will give you a guideline for the total amount you can finance. 

Compare Rates

Homeowners need to focus on getting a monthly payment they can afford, but they also want to get a good interest rate in order to keep the overall cost of the house low. Compare rates with local banks, national lenders and credit unions until you find the best deal. 

Check Your Credit

Your credit report and FICO score is going to dictate how low an interest rate you qualify for. 

Before you get financing, check your report for any black marks against you and any incorrect information. Then, work to get your information corrected and your score improved. 

Get a Home Inspection

When you're financing a home, you're making a huge commitment that you're not going to be able to back out of without some devastating consequences. 

Getting a home inspection will not only prevent you from buying a home in bad condition, it can also give you leverage to negotiate the cost down. 

Finance as Little as Possible

When you finance your new home, you will have the option to make a low down payment and wrap your closing costs into the loan. This will essentially increase your loan amount, interest charges and the overall cost of the home.

Financing your home is one of the biggest financial steps you'll take in your entire life. Take on the process carefully and thoughtfully, consult with a professional from an agency like Florida Lifestyle Realty, and remember -- it's up to you to protect your own best interests, not the lender's.

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