Showing posts with label Home Fixes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Fixes. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

4 Small Home Fixes That Become Big Expenses If Left Untreated

Are you taking proper care of your home to avoid needing expensive repairs? Owning a home is a big financial responsibility, but you must also make sure that the materials and equipment of the building are in the best condition.

Small Holes in the Siding or Roof

If your home’s roof or siding has tiny holes, then mice, wasps or other pests can squeeze through the openings to infest the building. 

After vermin enters the roof or the siding of a building, the pests can cause damage from body waste, consuming drywall or building nests for young. 

Filling the small holes is simple with liquid caulking, and you can do this on your own or you can hire a handyman to perform the chore. Make sure to inspect your home’s exterior at least twice a year to find the holes that you can cover or fill.

Replacing a Home’s Air Conditioner

It is essential to have an air conditioner in your home, but if you forget to care for this equipment, then you could have a big expense later. Changing the filter in air conditioners is an easy process, but it is amazing how many homeowners fail to complete this chore each month. 

This leads to an air conditioner that is covered with household dust, causing the equipment to overheat. Make sure to buy a filter that is the proper size, and you can use a high-efficiency particulate air filter to remove the tiniest particles of dust and pollen.

Are the Windows of Your Home in Perfect Condition?

If you are ignoring the tiny chips or cracks that can occur to a home’s windows, then you can require an expensive repair later. Cracks and chips occur on windowpanes for a variety of reasons, including having birds fly into the windows or when your children throw a ball against the window. 

When you delay making a repair to the window, the glass can break at an inopportune time from the strong winds that can occur during a rainstorm. This will lead to an additional expensive repair to your home from the damaging rainwater.

Ignoring Plumbing Leaks in Kitchens or Bathrooms

Make sure to inspect the plumbing fixtures in your home, including the toilets, sinks or bathtubs. You should also check the pipes that are near a laundry room or in other areas such as the basement. 

Don’t forget to check your home’s water heater for leaks that can occur from this appliance’s tank or intake pipes. If you find any moisture from the pipes or connectors, then fix the item on your own or contact a professional plumber right away.

Have a Home Maintenance Schedule

One of the best ways to make sure that you home is in perfect condition is to have a maintenance schedule so that you won’t forget to perform inspections of the various things that can degrade.

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