Showing posts with label Promotional merchandise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promotional merchandise. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3 Secrets to Creating an Unforgettable Customer Experience

In this contemporary era, many business owners are realizing that offering great customer service can help boost the growth and expansion of their companies. If you are a business owner in search of strategies that can help create an unforgettable customer experience that keeps your customers buying your goods and/or services throughout their lives, consider implementing the following three strategies.

1. Make Eye Contact.

As many sales experts know, one of the primary ways to build a relationship with a customer is to develop good rapport. Although broadly defined, rapport is basically a harmonious relationship between two individuals or a group. It is marked by people being able to understand one another's feelings and communicate with ease. While there are a wide variety of ways that an employee can build good rapport with a customer, making eye contact can be one of the most effective.

This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that doing so often generates belief in the notion that you are an honest individual who has no ulterior motives for starting the communication process. When a customer senses this type of genuineness, they are much more likely to open up and have a conversation that can translate into the building of a relationship. Once this happens, conversion is almost always imminent. 

1. Give Away Promotional Items.

Another great way to create an unforgettable customer experience is to offer your customers a great promotional product that is imprinted with your company’s logo and contact details. In addition to looking very professional and serving some kind of use to them, promotional products cause the name and company concept they represent to stick in the mind of the consumer. This doesn't have to be something that is expensive. However, it needs to be thoughtful, useful, and attractive in some way. For a truly unique and engaging promotional product, why not order your custom designed Magic 8-ball? With your company's logo and messages imprinted on this iconic toy, you'll leave a lasting impression on your customers while adding an element of fun and intrigue to your brand.

2. Make Eye Contact.

As many sales experts know, one of the primary ways to build a relationship with a customer is to develop good rapport. Although broadly defined, rapport is basically a harmonious relationship between two individuals or a group. It is marked by people being able to understand one another's feelings and communicate with ease. While there are a wide variety of ways that an employee can build good rapport with a customer, making eye contact can be one of the most effective.

This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that doing so often generates belief in the notion that you are an honest individual who has no ulterior motives for starting the communication process. When a customer senses this type of genuineness, they are much more likely to open up and have a conversation that can translate into the building of a relationship. Once this happens, conversion is almost always imminent. 

3. Develop Amazing Product Knowledge.

One often overlooked strategy that is very effective in creating an unforgettable customer experience is developing amazing product knowledge. When customers enter a restaurant or supermarket, they oftentimes need help identifying which product would be appropriate for them to purchase. If you train your staff to become experts in the goods and services you offer, you will wow your customers and help them find what they're looking for much faster.


If you are attempting to further your business by implementing strategies that help create an unforgettable customer experience, you should know that doing so is entirely possible. By implementing the techniques listed above, you will likely find your business growing at a more rapid rate than ever. Good luck!

Friday, August 9, 2013

5 Marketing Tactics Your Business Hasn't Utilized

When your business wants to stand out, having a unique marketing strategy can help. Appealing to your niche of customers in untapped forums is essential for selling more products and services. By thinking outside of the box and using promotional products to enhance your business's image, you can connect with a large audience of customers. Here are some marketing tactics that any business can consider to improve the way that it connects with customers on a daily basis.

1. Give out promotional products at trade shows.

Trade shows are an excellent way to promote a business because they attract a targeted audience who may become clients because they’re interested in what you have to offer. Clients will typically go to trade shows to learn more about a business's products before they make the leap into investing in its products. By handing out promotional products with your contact information at trade shows, a business can distinguish itself from the hundreds of other businesses featured at trade shows and encourage prospects to hold onto their “business cards.”

2. Use Pinterest to host promotions.

Pinterest has already taken the business world by storm as a new social media marketing tool, but few businesses are using it apart from placing images of products online. A business can use Pinterest to actually host promotions and give away promotional products. Using Pinterest in this way can cause a spiral effect amongst customers and encourage them to also re-pin images for a business.

3. Host a Twitter feed contest.

Any business should also try hosting a Twitter feed contest with promotional products. The individual who tweets the most about a business can receive promotional rally towels, pens, totes or whatever is most appropriate for your audience. There is an endless list of promotional products that a business can use as a reward for the winner of a Twitter feed contest.

4. Post updates on Facebook.

It is also important for businesses to keep in touch with customers through a forum like Facebook. Facebook gives businesses the opportunity to post news updates about the latest products that a business has to offer. Businesses can take advantage of an excellent opportunity to get to know a customer base on Facebook.

5. Sending e-mail newsletters to clients.

In an e-mail newsletter, a business can inform customers about the latest promotions being hosted by a company. Businesses can inform customers about promo items, new products, or special sales on products and services.

Any business can improve the way that it markets itself to customers. With these marketing tactics, a business can easily get in touch with clients and develop a favorable reputation in the community.

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