Showing posts with label nursing home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nursing home. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What Can You Do if Your Parents' Nursing Home Is Failing Them?

Nursing homes are supposed to provide an adequate standard of care for elderly, sometimes ailing people who need their support. A safe environment with nutritious food, social activities, and grooming assistance is expected by all nursing home families for their loved ones. But if you suspect your parent is not receiving essential care and support, here are some options to explore.

Talk to Other Families

During your nursing home visits to see your loved one or participate in shared activities, you may get to know other families with parents who are residents at the facility. 

As you get acquainted, you might be able to discuss the care your parent is receiving to see if it is similar to that which other residents receive. This will give you an indication as to whether your loved one is receiving standard care that meets their daily needs. 

If you don't know anyone at the nursing home where your loved one is, reach out to friends or acquaintances who have family members in other facilities to compare your experiences.

Contact the Nursing Home Administrators

Schedule a meeting with the shift supervisors, the social worker, or the Director of Nursing to discuss your concerns. Specifically, ask for the person who oversees the aspect of your parent's care that is raising questions or causing problems. 

Consider taking another family member with you, so both of you can express your concerns. Take notes in careful detail for future reference if needed.

Consult Your Parent's Doctor

If the nursing home care seems substandard or your loved one's health is declining as a possible result of the care provided poorly or not at all by the nursing home staff, ask the doctor to evaluate your parent for possible causes of the deteriorating condition. 

Doctors can work directly with nursing home staff to change the patient's orders and care for better results. You also may be advised to move your parent to a facility that can better serve their needs.

Get Legal Advice

If problems persist, contact a nursing home neglect lawyer to see what can be done. The attorney can explain current laws and statutes as well as your parent's rights and responsibilities as a nursing home resident. 

Find out what your options are in terms of getting effective care for your parent or pursuing compensation for injuries or neglect suffered by your parent at the nursing home.

Overseeing a parent's care in a nursing home requires general oversight and attention to changes in his or her condition. Be vigilant to ensure your loved one is receiving adequate care, and don't hesitate to contact the appropriate individuals if you notice a problem.

Friday, May 30, 2014

How to Save Money on Your Parent's Senior Living

Nursing Home
Nursing Home (Photo credit: LOLren)
When you are thinking of moving your parent into a senior living home or you are considering assisted living, knowing how to go about saving money on costs altogether can help to alleviate stress on you and your family throughout the actual transition of moving itself. Saving money on your parent's senior living can be done with a bit of research and an understanding of your parent's needs and wants in a senior living care facility or home.

Amenities and Features

Consider the types of amenities and features your parent is looking for with a senior living care facility or program. The types of amenities and features that are often available within senior living homes and facilities range from medical doctors and nurses to professionals to assist with bathing, cooking, cleaning and other daily activities. 
With a diverse array of amenities and personalized services, residents can select the lifestyle that best aligns with their needs and desires. The vibrant community environment encourages social interaction, allowing individuals to connect with others while enjoying their independence. Choice Connections independent living options offer seniors the perfect balance of autonomy and community support. Consider the type of activities your parent enjoys as well as outdoor options that may be available before selecting senior living care for your loved one.

 Determine Needs

Before selecting a senior living solution for your parent, it is important to consider their needs as well as the space they require before comparing your options. If your parent requires daily care and medical aid, keep this in mind before shopping around for the right senior living facility or home care solution.

Consider Your Budget

Consider the budget you have available to pay for the costs of a senior living facility monthly, annually or even if you choose to opt for home care. It is also important to consider whether your parent is eligible for medical aid from the state or government based on their age and current state of health.

I remember looking for a place for my dad to stay and budget was huge for my family. Sunshine Retirement Communities was a place we found that happened to have a cost of living calculator on their site. This was very helpful in projecting the costs our family would need to take into consideration when planning to finance his retirement. More info about that calculator here.

Sharing Space

According to Paying for Senior Care, sharing an apartment space or senior assisted living home is also another way to reduce costs, which is ideal if you are on a budget but still seeking additional amenities for your parent.

Compare Out-Of-State Assisted Living Homes

It is also highly advisable to review and compare out-of-state assisted living homes and senior care options. Some states throughout the US have a drastically lower cost altogether for healthcare, including healthcare for seniors.

The more time you take to research various senior living homes and services, the easier it is to find a suitable location for your own parent. Taking the time to research occupancy, available space, and amenities featured at various senior living homes can also give you and your parents more insight into determining the right placement for any age.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Affordable Technologies to Help Watch Your Senior’s Safety

When we get to a certain age, determining the living situation that would be best for us and our relatives can be a painstaking process. Nursing homes and in-home care are popular choices, though they can be costly for individuals with low retirement savings. Additionally, they might not be entirely necessary if an individual is physically independent and able to take care of their own daily needs.

This leads many seniors to opt for a third option: living independently or with only a spouse. Not only is this the most cost-efficient arrangement the great majority of the time, but this also allows those who dislike professional care to watch after themselves. However, even physically capable seniors can succumb to certain risks when there is no form of oversight keeping an eye on their well-being.

Whether you are a senior in such a position yourself or merely have a loved senior relative in this situation, there are a few affordable ways that you can keep an eye on elderly residents without sacrificing their independence or breaking the bank.

Home monitoring services

While home security systems have always been favored among homeowners as a convenient solution to monitoring a home, they’re particularly useful for residents living alone. This is for two reasons; first, properties with fewer residents have statistically demonstrated higher chances of being burglarized or invaded. Second, fewer residents results in fewer incidents involving false alarms and a greater chance of not compromising passcodes (or other sensitive security-related details of your property.)

Due to the great number of retirement communities and retired individuals in the area, ADT in Fairfield, California is a popular option for seniors. In addition to having flexible affordability, their Pulse app (usable via Smartphone) allows residents and family members to program their systems to send messages whenever a property’s alarm is triggered. Using this technology, residents can also deactivate and reactivate their systems remotely – which is a great feature if you have a particularly forgetful resident.

In addition to home security systems, you can also gear the property to detect fire, gas leaks, and a variety of other environmental hazards depending on where your residence is situated.

Medical alert systems

In addition to securing their house, you can also help keep an eye on seniors with a medical alert system. These are particularly useful for seniors suffering from heart disease, advanced stages of cancer, asthma, or other terminal diseases with sporadic instances in which medical assistance is required. These are practically a must for these individuals who still want to retain their independence despite their condition.

Advancing technologies in these services have given them a level of affordability and versatility that allows even the most active seniors to go about their days unimpeded. Among the most popular of options for these programs include a fall detector, which can help bring medical assistance even if a senior in incapable of reaching a help button. There is also a feature that some services provide which provides GPS location of the senior in case they ever become lost without a means of communicating others.

For decades, choosing between in-home care and a nursing home style facility seemed like an impeachable dilemma for homeowners who were advancing in age. Fortunately, we live in an age where technology allows everyone to maintain the independence they desire without sacrificing their safety. Best of all, these options are generally far more affordable than what professional caregiver services and residences offer.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How do you Prevent your Loved Elders from Being Neglected?

There comes a time and age in your life when you feel that you are not being able to take good care of your parents any longer. In such cases, what do you do? One option that many elders go for is nursing home care. If you put your loved ones in a nursing home then it will provide them with skilled nursing round the clock along with giving medicines and all kinds of proper care. However, nursing homes can also neglect your loved ones and deprive them of the care that their patients deserve and what they are being paid for. A nursing home can be pretty expensive to pay for, so if you see any signs of neglect in your loved ones, go in for nursing home attorney assistance immediately. 

Planning for long term care

If you are planning for long time health care for your elders, then there are quite a few things that you need to sit down and consider. That includes looking at the long term insurance plans, and looking at options for nursing homes. You should also make sure that your loved one is able to extract the most out of benefit programs like Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Make sure that their assets are protected and be on the lookout for any form of elder fraud. To help you with these financial decisions, you could also hire an attorney who specialises in elder law and finance cases. In that case, you will know all the legalities and the rights that your loved one has.

Be alert for signs of neglect

The first thing to do is to regularly visit your loved ones in the nursing home. If you cannot be present then make sure that you send someone to do it regularly. There are many warning signs of nursing home neglect and you can hold the home legally accountable for them. These include bad hygiene, malnutrition, forms of physical abuse including fractures, bruises or any form of unexplained marks. All living conditions including bathrooms also fall under this category. Lastly, if a nursing home is making claims of providing professional nursing facilities then any form of medical negligence or substandard care also falls under nursing home neglect.

If you feel that your loved one is facing any of these on a regular basis, then you need to seek legal assistance. Remember that it’s not about abuse, even negligence is criminal and can lead to emotional trauma and in some cases, death too.

What to do in case of elder neglect

If you have definitively verified that your loved one is being neglected then you should remove him/her from the facility immediately and have them placed somewhere else. Then you should inform the local authorities and file a complaint with the social services. If you want to take it a step further, then consider going in for nursing home attorney assistance. Hire the services of a civil lawyer who specialises in a branch of elder law. This should include elder abuse, consumer fraud, nursing home law, etc. If there are others like you, then you could consider going in for a class action lawsuit.

The advantage is that, you can sue for neglect as well. The case doesn’t necessarily have to escalate to the point of abuse. There are industry standards that require nursing homes to provide standard and reasonable care to their patients. If the nursing home fails to provide “reasonable care”, then you have cause or action for neglect cases.

About the author:
Jean is a lawyer specialising in elder law for the past fifteen years. She has helped countless elders to structure their healthcare and finance plans. Recently she has also co-authored an article on nursing home attorney assistance. Jean likes to read novels in her free time.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Loving Care For The Elderly

Loving Care For The Elderly Home health care is a good finance option, and it is ideal for elders and the sick that no longer need hospital care to finish recuperating. This service offers numerous advantageous to elders who prefer to be in the comfort of their home and in familiar surroundings rather than a long-term care center. In-home care providers make it possible for both those recuperating and the sick to stay at home and still carry on with their life in the way that they want. Family members can be with the patients at all times or visit them whenever they want. 

The best In-home care workers do not compromise on the care and treatment they provide. They provide a highly flexible, personalized service. The patients and their families' best interests are given top priority, and all efforts are put forth to give the best clinical, pharmaceutical and healthcare services. The well-trained providers give high quality, compassionate service and take care of all a patient's needs so that they live comfortably. They work in close coordination with the existing medical services and related parameters. 

These services provide freedom, dignity and a sense of belonging. Elders who prefer staying at home and being under the care of a home worker are near their loved and dear ones instead of being in a strange hospital or care facility. A home atmosphere, love and care enhance the healing process. 

Health care includes a range of services. These services include: 

  • Physical therapy 
  • Speech therapy 
  • Dietary Management 
  • Medication and injection 
  • Observations and assessments 
  • Psychiatric care 
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Intravenous medication therapy
  • Chemotherapy 
  • Complicated wound care 
  • Infusion therapy 

Benefits of Home Care 

Home care provides more advantages than being in a residential health care facility or a nursing home. A health care worker ensures that the elderly person receives nutritious meals, timely medication, rest and adequate supervision. 

Healing happens more quickly in a relaxed environment like one's home. Also, the risk of infection is decreased by leaps and bounds. Health care workers who come to one's home enhance recuperation and recovery, and they are also able to provide better personal hygiene. 

This type of care gives patients more control over their atmosphere. The patient can decide on his daily schedule and have the freedom to do things he has always done in his home. 

A home care aide provides companionship. Family members who have to be away from home due to work and other commitments can leave their homes safe in the knowledge that their loved ones are taken care of. 

Cost Benefits 

Nursing homes, semi private rooms and assisted living in care facilities are alternatives to hiring a health professional to come to your home, but they are more costly. A vast majority of patients are opting to be treated at home under the care of home health care workers than in an alien environment for both comfort and finance benefits. However, these facilities are less expensive than what one would have to spend on hospital service or at long term care facilities. Home care health services also reduce readmission finance. The hourly rates vary from state to state and city to city. Rates can vary from $25 to $50. 

Medicare will finance home health care if certain conditions are met. If you are home bound and need skilled nursing care, then you will be eligible for Medicare finance. There are numerous agencies catering to the needs of elders. They provide health care to the elderly who need constant medical care and assistance after being discharged from the hospital. It is important to get the services of an efficient and reliable home health aide. Referrals from friends and family are the best way to find honest and reliable care providers who your finance plan can handle. Online reviews and testimonials can also help you narrow in on the best agencies to contact. 

Author Bio 

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she explains a few benefits associate with home health care and aims to promote programs such as a family caregiver program Colorado.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Finance Dos and Don'ts for Elders in Assisted Living

Many seniors have a hard time managing their finances with assisted living because few people prepare for this lifestyle. Not only that, but only a small percentage of people have enough money for an easy retirement. At the same time, there are some things that you can do to make your money last as long as possible. Here are some things to consider about your finances if you have assisted living arrangements.

Consult a Financial Expert

Now is the time to consult a financial expert. He or she will be able to create an effective budget that ensures that you have enough money for all of the essentials. The expert will also be able to properly invest your money so that it grows, which gives you more to work with. While you can make a budget without a financial expert, he or she will be able to consider many factors that you may not think about.

Don’t Assume

You can’t assume when it comes to money. Some elderly patients assume that their assisted living care won’t become more expensive, but then something happens and they have to pay for additional medication or care. Assuming can lead to mismanaged finances. You might even run out of money years ahead of time.

Make sure that all of your numbers are correct and leave a cushion so that you can pay for additional financial burdens.

Keep Extra Money

Aside from leaving a cushion, you should also leave some extra money around as a rainy-day fund. This should be enough to cover your expenses for at least six months, but having more is also a good idea. If your investments go awry or if there are any other problems, then you can take some of this money to pay for the essentials.

Many experts say that you should have at least $12,000 set aside for each adult.

Don’t Overspend

Assisted living can be boring sometimes. It’s hard to go outside and there are few things that you can do. This leads some seniors to spend money on things to keep the boredom away. While there’s nothing wrong with buying one or two things every now and then, major overspending can kill your budget.

Do whatever you can to stay within your budget. Going a little over once or twice may not be terrible, but it can hurt your finances if this happens continuously.

Ask for Help

If you need help, then ask for it. Chances are that you have friends and family that are willing to help if you need it. While many seniors have a sense of pride about finances, sometimes it’s better to just ask for money. This doesn’t mean that you should make a habit of it, but ask your family for money if you really can’t afford something that you need.

If you show that you really need help, then your family should have no problem giving you some money.

Don’t Pay Out of Pocket

You should have some type of insurance or protection that can help you pay for certain things. For example, there are many policies that can decrease your medication costs by a significant margin. Check your insurance policies to see if you can save any money on your assisted living and other medical costs.

You might be able to save hundreds of dollars a month by just going through your insurance paperwork.

Pay Expensive Debts

If you have any expensive debts, then you might want to consider paying for them right now. Many of these debts have high interest rates that will increase how much you pay over the life of the debt. For example, you might save hundreds or thousands of dollars by paying the entire debt right now.

Go over your debts and see if you can save any money by paying them right now. This isn’t always viable, but it can be useful.

Paying for assisted living can be difficult financially, but many seniors are able to pay for it and maintain their lifestyle at the same time. You just need to make the right financial moves to keep yourself afloat and keep your senior housing options open. If you do this, then you shouldn’t run out of the money.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Wanted Ideal Retirement Home: What to Consider Without Hurting the Budget

retirement (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
After retirement, we often feel the urge to settle in a place away from the hassle and noise in the city. Retirement is when we take charge of our time and being able to enjoy laid back moments with our family or partner. No more workloads to accomplish and no need to rush to the bus stop. 
Finding the most ideal retirement home is an essential factor to truly enjoy your retirement. Obviously, you have longed to relax in the comfort of your own house and make the most of the fruits of your labor. Thus, it is vital to take into account several factors in hunting for the best retirement home. 

It’s All About the Money!

Yes, budget is the primary thing to consider when looking for a home. It’s already given. But, is it possible to find what you desire without hurting your budget? Are you going to buy a retirement house with all the luxuries, then making you broke in the end? If you are clever enough, you can get what you want at the right price.

What to look for:

(Affordable) Dream Location - Do you want to breathe fresh air from the sea? Well then, beachfront retirement home is perfect for you. However, most retirement houses nearby the sea are quite expensive specially if you are thinking of well-known place like Miami. Sparkling blue water and peaceful swells - if you desire for these kinds of scenarios, look for unexploited places with enchanting sea view. Often times, less popular locations boast beautiful beaches and are more affordable.

On the other hand, those who want to enjoy country life can easily find low-cost retirement homes. Whether you want to be close to nature or you just want to distance yourself from the city life, there are many houses you can buy in smaller towns. If you have a dream location, carry out a thorough search in the entire area to find cheaper options. No sweat, you can use the internet in searching.

Safety Measure - When looking for a retirement home, check the background of the community. Search about the crime rate in the area. Does burglary always takes place? Then it’s a big No-no. You cannot afford to risk your safety just because of a cheap retirement house. Is the neighborhood peaceful? Visit the place and observe the vicinity. Safety is an essential aspect that should never be neglected. Retirement home should be a place where you can sleep soundly at night without any worries. You don’t wanna waste your hard-earned money in a home that is not safe.

Accessibility to Recreation Venues - Many housing developments these days can be considered as retirement houses. Some seniors want to settle in a community where they can mingle with other people (not just those they have known since they were in fourth grade). If you love to play golf, search for communities with golf course. In case you enjoy strolling at the park every afternoon, there are housing areas with leisure parks. What sort of recreation activity you enjoy the most? Look for it in the place where you want to spend your retirement. Every single penny you shell out will be worth it if you can enjoy great amenities.

In general, a retirement home should give you a tranquil life. There are many options you can think of: Buy a stand-alone house in a rural area (or urban if you still love the city life) to live independently. Otherwise, you can opt to retire in a housing community, such as Lincoln Military Housing, where you can meet new people. Keep in mind when you know what you want, it will be easier to find your retirement home.

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