Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saving money. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

5 Frugal Ways New Families Can Conserve Money

Many families today struggle to save enough money for the future. With the rising costs of many products and services, it is more important than ever to figure out a plan in this area. 

Many families also have to have both parents carrying full time jobs and for some, that might not even be enough to bring in enough money to make sure all of their bills are paid. 

The good news is that there are many ways that you can conserve money as a family.

Cook at Home

Perhaps the easiest way to save money for your family is to cook at home instead of going out to eat. 

There are a lot of people who spend way too much money going out to eat at restaurants in their local area. Not only is this less healthy, but it also costs a lot of time and money. 

Start working on meals each week that your family can cook and enjoy together. This will allow you to figure out a way to make things for less money.

Shop Insurance

Few people know that they can continually shop for cheaper insurance throughout the year. 

The average family spends hundreds of dollars per month on auto and home insurance. It only makes sense to look at ways that you can save money in this area. Many insurance companies are willing to lower the costs of care if you will bundle your coverage.


One of the things that all families can do to be better with their money is set and stick to a strict budget. 

Many families spend too much money on products and services because they do not keep and maintain a budget. This is never a good idea, and you need to make sure you have a financial plan for your money at all times. 

Simply writing down your financial goals has a huge impact on your financial future. You should also be doing simple things like taking ten percent of your income and dedicating that to savings. It may not seem like very much, but it will add up over time. 

You also may need to consider tightening up on unnecessary expenses. These usually include extras or guilty pleasures that you might enjoy. Eliminating these things will help stop unnecessary spending and thus helping you have more money in the long run. 

Buy a Used Car

One of the best things you can do is not waste your money on a brand new car. Rather, it is more frugal to buy used as you will have lower monthly payments each month allowing you to dedicate your budget to more important financial areas for your family. 

Dealerships like the Young Automotive Group can help you find the right and reliable used car for you and your family.


Some people thing couponing is crazy, but if you put in the work, and you can save a lot of money, then why not take advantage of them? 

Another great way to save money on groceries is to look for coupons. These are easier to use than ever before because of all of the online options. If you are ready to start saving money, look for coupons in your area to clip for products that you can buy. 

A lot of people have high levels of success with this strategy.

Overall, saving money is possible with the stress of a new family. Simply stick to a plan and follow these tips to save more money each month. 

The more financially organized you are, the easier your overall life will be. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

5 Tips For Saving Money On Entertainment This Summer

With summer fast approaching, you might be wondering what fun things you or your family can do within your budget. 

If you know the right places to look, there are plenty of ways to gain access to fun things you like to do for less money. Here are five tips for saving money on entertainment this summer.

Have A Staycation

If going on a longer vacation, either out of the country or on a cross-country road trip, is something you'd rather not spend your money on, then consider a staycation. 

There are likely some very fun and interesting places to discover within easy driving distance of your home. Many museums and amusement parks have discount days that you can take advantage of as well.

Visit The Library

If you love to read, going to the library can save you a lot of money instead of buying the hottest new beach read of the summer. 

Most libraries have summer reading programs for both adults and kids, which can be a lot of fun. Your local library doesn't only have books - they have movies and music as well for you to borrow.

Migrate To A Streaming Service

Why pay a massive amount for a cable package that you barely use? Most of your favorite TV shows are available for online streaming as soon as the next day on Hulu, and Amazon Prime and Netflix always have a large back catalog of movies and TV shows to watch. 

Streaming services cost a fraction of the price of a cable package: both Hulu and Netflix's cheapest options are $7.99 per month while Prime Video is $8.99 per month.

Shop For Deals

You can get used books, for example, very cheap online, from local used bookstores and from book sales at libraries. 

Many sites such as Pristine Sales sell deeply discounted DVD box sets so you can own your favorite shows at a fraction of the cost.

Be On The Lookout For Free Concerts

Many cities host occasional free concerts, and you can usually find a bar or restaurant that offers live musical entertainment if you're a music aficionado. 

This is a great way to discover new music acts you might come to truly love, and it's made very easy by various smartphone apps that find nearby concerts for you.

You don't have to give up doing the things you enjoy to save money on entertainment. Whether you're into movies, TV, books or music, there are ways to continue to enjoy the things you like to do for cheap or for free.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Lifetime Savings: 4 Ways To Save Some Extra Cash This Winter

Winter season brings with it three-foot-thick snow and chilling winds, but with it also comes opportunities to save extra cash. 

While everyone else is busy spending more money on their AC maintenance and winter gear, read on further as we discuss four ways to save some money during the cold season.

Lower Thermostat During The Night

Before you retreat to the cozy embrace of your bed, drop the thermostat down to a low temperature. Use thick blankets and pillows to keep you warm throughout the cold night. Upon waking up, turn the thermostat back on. 

This simple technique helps to reduce your energy and consequently your electricity bills by minimizing the times when your furnace or other heating systems are switched on.

Have Your HVAC Maintained Pre-Winter

HVAC technicians know that they can get away with bumping up cost of services due to the surge in demand during winter season, not to mention the difficult weather conditions. 

Contact places like HELP Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric to help with repairs and installations. That way you can make sure that your HVAC system is as ready and prepared for winder as possible.

Spend More Leisure Time Indoors

Unlike other seasons of the year where you can afford to go out with family or friends and pay full price for movie tickets or dine at five-star restaurants, the Winter season restricts your movement by unintentionally trapping you indoors with snow and, sometimes, even unabated flurries and blizzards. 

Keep yourself entertained by reading books or watching movies on Netflix or a similar subscription service. You can also work on honing your skills in cooking, scrapbook-making, or any other hobby that interests you.

Cook Meals at Home

When you stick a pot roast in the oven or steam vegetables in your stove, you're adding more heat indoors. While your kitchen isn't the perfect insulator, the heat from both the range and the food dissipates into your household, which reduces the need for your heater to be switched on. 

Cooking meals at home require you to plan and prepare for groceries in advance. To further lower costs and save more, limit your grocery trips to at least once per week.

Winter may not be the most fun time to work outdoors, but it's definitely as good a time as any to save cash. These four tips, however, are only the tip of the iceberg. 

There are countless more ways that you can do, such as increasing layers of clothing, to save cash.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Digital Entertainment: 5 Tips For Saving Money On Your Television Service

Your television may be on for several hours out of each day, which makes it a popular device in any household. In fact, many families gather around the television as a way to bond and experience shows as a group. 

However, costs for your television service have steadily risen over the years. Although the audio and video feeds are incredibly clear, you don't want to pay a premium on your bill. 

Consider these money-saving tips that can help you lower your television service bill for good.

Give Corporate a Call

A clever way to lower your television bill is by contacting your provider, such as those at ACN. Don't be aggressive with your conversation because this strategy will only frustrate the operator. 

Be kind and persuasive as you build your case for a better price. In many cases, they can offer you a discount or package deal that's a promotion at the moment. The discount may be short-lived, but you'll still benefit from its savings for as long as it lasts. 

Avoid multiple calls regarding discounts, however. Asking for a discount each month will cause the television company to stop all discount packages on your account.

Be Honest About Viewing Habits

When you subscribed to a cable or satellite package, you may have signed up for nearly every channel. At this point, you need to survey your household's viewing habits. 

Ask everyone about their favorite shows and the channels that correspond to each time. You may find that most shows are on a handful of channels. You can potentially cancel other channel packages so that those charges aren't part of your bill anymore. 

It's possible to cut the monthly bill in half with enough cancellations to the packages.

Consider a Supplemental Streaming Service

Remove most channel packages from your cable bill while leaving the basic, network channels for everyone to enjoy. In addition, subscribe to a streaming service that carries the other shows and movies that you prefer. 

Many consumers are considering this strategy because streaming is very inexpensive compared to supporting channel packages of 20 or 30 networks. You'll be able to pick and choose your favorite shows through the streaming service. 

Use the cable's channels for late-breaking news, such as the main news networks.

Antennas Still Exist

Depending on your home's location, you may be able to supplement your cable or satellite bill with the old-fashioned antenna. Set-top and rooftop antennas are still viable in today's advanced-technology world. 

They receive digital signals now, which allows you to capture all of the free channels that still broadcast across a town or city. Simply set up the antenna so that it can catch all of the signals without any obstructions. 

You'll only receive a few channels, but the remaining networks can be found on your cable TV with a lower bill associated with it.

Accept a Lock Deal

Don't be afraid to accept a lock deal. These agreements between consumers and television providers will create a low price on a package, but you must agree to it for several months or years. 

In many cases, the lock deal may last up to two years. When the discount is significantly in your favor, it's a perfect deal to make. You simply need to calculate your savings before agreeing to it.

From your local Internet provider to international business there are many companies in the industry that can offer quality programming. Look over your bill, and confirm that it's a fair deal in your mind. 

Speaking with a provider representative is always possible when you're not pleased with the monthly charges. In the end, the company can help you find the right package that meets your needs.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Take Control of your Finances: Six Ideas that Will Help You Save Money on Health Care

Unexpected, or even expected medical bills, can wreak havoc on your finances. It is a little known fact that the average American spent $6815 on treatments in 2013 alone. Research also suggests that if you are financially struggling, you are much more prone to problems that affect your physical health. Below, we show you six ideas in which you can save on your health care costs:

More is less

It is a good idea to schedule regular check ups with your family physician, as it is much better to nip any potential health problems in the bud. That pain in your knee that you are experiencing right now could turn into something much more difficult and costly to manage later on. Go to more regular check ups instead of waiting until the last minute to get treatment. 

Invest in your company health savings plan

If you work at a company that offers a health savings plan, use it. The dollars that you invest are pre-tax, meaning that you aren’t paying for any medical care in after tax salary. You should also take advantage of any health perks your company offers, like insurance or dental care. 

Take care of yourself

You will save a lot of your future income, if you take care of yourself over the course of your life. Face facts and stop smoking and excessively drinking. Likewise, ditch the junk food and go for the healthy option. Your body, and your finances, will thank you in the long run.

Get regular dental checks

Regularly visiting your dentist can save you serious money. An innocent, yet neglected, cavity can lead to root canals or worse later on. Regular cleaning can prevent peritonitis, which, in turn, can prevent tooth loss, which is costly to fix. Going to your regular dentist appointments and keeping up with good oral hygiene can help prevent costly dental work, say the experts at Midtown Dental Centre.

Shop around

There are drastic differences in the cost of medical treatment. More and more walk-in centers are competing for your medical dollars. Find out if there is an alternative health center that can meet your needs for less. Also, many pharmacies are now also offering routine allergy treatments and flu shots for much less than it would cost if you visited a private practitioner. 

Buy generic

The differences in the cost of branded medication can be startling. A 2008 Survey, conducted by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores found that the average price of a name brand drug was one $137, compared to the generic prescription price of just $35. For most prescriptions, the generic brand will be just effective.

Implementing these six simple ideas will certainly help your financial health, and eradicate that pain in the wallet. Take control of your finances by being more proactive with your health care.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Don't Sell: 7 Items that Will Cost You More Money in the Long Run If You Sell

When in a financial crunch, you may be tempted to sell many of your belongings to come up with some quick cash. While you can make some decent money doing this, it is not always a good idea. Selling certain items may end up costing you more in the long run, like these examples:


While it is true that possessions aren't everything, they’re still important. Don’t sell your family heirlooms. You want to have something you can pass on to your children to continue your family’s legacy. Chances are, the you will be selling your family heirloom for much less than you think it is worth. Consider selling other items items instead like collectibles that don't have a special meaning to your family, but could to someone else. 


Old furniture is unlikely to sell for much. However, it's hard to justify living without a bed or table, and replacing furniture can be very expensive. If you need some space, consider renting a storage unit to hold that furniture until you have room for it again. You can find storage units of all sizes and prices to meet your needs and save you money in the long run, says the professionals at The Self Storage Space.

Old Currency

You may have some old coins or bills in your possession. If this is the case, don’t sell this old currency immediately. Hold onto it until you can get a legitimate collector to examine it. Never sell collectible currency for face value, since it could be worth much more.

DVD Collection

While it may be tempting to get rid of your film collection on DVD and Blu-ray, you will only receive an incredibly tiny fraction of what you originally paid. Better yet, watching movies you have already invested in is far cheaper than going to the theater. If you want to make a better profit, consider selling your old electronics. Even outdated and broken electronics are valuable to many people who plan to use parts or fix it up.

Your Car

While it may seem like you can make a lot of money from selling your car, it is a risky move. Cars depreciate in value quickly, and purchasing a new car is an expense you probably don’t want. Even though you can buy used cars in the future, you will never know if it has hidden problems that could be expensive to fix. Spending the money to take care of your current car to keep it running for a long time will save a lot more in the end. 


Never sell stocks simply because you need quick cash. Only sell them when the market is up and you’ll make a return on your investment. Selling stocks at a loss misses the point of investing in them in the first place.

Your House

Moving out of a house and into an apartment is something many people do. However, this can be a bad decision in the long term. While a mortgage is expensive for the short term, it is certainly a lot less expensive and stressful than paying rent for the rest of your life. Only sell when you are ready to move and feel like you can make a profit, not because you want your monthly bills to change.

Looking for ways to earn some extra cash can be difficult. However, be careful about what you sell. You may end up losing more than you bargained for. Look for easily replaceable items to sell first. Having a garage sale for things like clothing, books, toys, baby and pet items, games and old jewelry are a great way to earn a little extra cash without having to spend a lot to replace them. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

5 of the Best Ways to Save Money with Your Morning Routine

If you are looking to cut a little spending out of your budget and save some money, you can start with your morning routine. Only a couple hours after waking up, most people have already spent an enormous amount of money, though, they often never recognize these expenses. Here are five ways to start the day off with savings.

1. Save on the water you use

The average shower in the U.S. lasts a little more than eight minutes and uses more than 17 gallons of water. This is an enormous amount of water that is wasted, and it equals an extremely expensive shower. If you truly want to save money in the morning, consider taking a “military shower.” Simply turn on the water and get yourself wet, then proceed to wash yourself, only turning the water back on to rinse yourself off. While this might not be the most comfortable shower, you will end up saving a huge amount of money just because of the water that you didn't use.

2. Turn down the heat

By keeping your water heater set at 120 degrees instead of 140 degrees, you can save up to 10 percent on your heating bills, and you are unlikely to even know the difference when taking your morning shower. Turning down the heat on your water heater is also recommended if you have young children in your home, since this will prevent accidental burns and other problems.

3. Dispose of the disposable

If you are using a disposable razor to shave every morning, you could easily be spending a dollar a day, depending on the quality of your disposable and whether you use a new one each time. If you buy a shaving brush kit instead, such as those provided by The Art of Shaving, even though it may be a large initial investment, you can save a considerable amount of money for the rest of your life, and your face may thank you as well.

4. Cut out the coffee stop

If you are a coffee drinker, you can save a ton of money on your morning routine by making your own coffee at home instead of stopping at a Starbucks or some other coffee shop. A cup of coffee at a coffee shop usually costs anywhere from $1 to $2, whereas you can buy a pound of coffee for as little as $5, depending on the quality. By making your coffee at home, you can save $5 or more a week, which adds up to an enormous amount of savings.

5. Lights out -- and other efficiency tips

Before leaving the house, make sure you take stock of your energy efficiency. Make sure all lights are turned off. You also should unplug any electronics and appliances that don't need to be plugged in. Also, set your thermostat cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer during the day when you aren't home. You might also close drapes or open them depending on the season. All of these small little actions might not seem like much, but over time you might find that you are saving a huge amount of money on your energy costs.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

5 Ways to Reduce Living Expenses and Save Money

As adults brace for their fiftieth birthday and continue to grow older, they worry more about the unlikely possibility of comfortable retirement. Although the economy slowly grows and unemployment rates drop, many older adults find themselves forced or willing to work into their 60s and later in life.

They still have mortgages to pay, college tuition for their children, car payments, and other bills that reduce their savings accounts or retirement funds. Those individuals not able to consider or not wanting to retire must readjust their long term life plans.

That’s why now presents an ideal time to change your lifestyle, lead a healthier life, count your pennies, live within your means, and save. The cost of living will not cease to rise while annual salaries and benefits remain stagnant.

The only way for these older adults to brace for change, prepare for a possible delayed retirement, and to save is through changing the way they live in small, significant ways.

1. Conserve Home Utilities

Reduce the utility bills and save energy at home. Often, especially during the winter or summer months the heating and electric bills paralyze home owners, especially those still paying mortgages.

Take the tiny steps to decreasing that utility bill by shortening the length of showers, washing the dishes, the number of times you wash clothes per week. Turn off lights when possible. Unplug power adapters to computers, tablets, and cell phones that can consume costly electricity. During winter and summer, keep the thermostat at a reasonable temperature and do not change it often. Maintaining a consistent temp ensures less electricity, gas, or oil usage.

If possible, perhaps invest in an energy efficient dishwasher, washing machine, or other household appliances. More energy efficient homes and eco-friendly houses are popping up everywhere. Consider the investment of roof solar panels if you have the necessary funds or think the investment is worthwhile after a consultation.

If you’re not overly reliant on cable television and internet within the home, then eliminate that costly monthly bill. Most individuals have internet access via their smartphones when home. Save the long computer tasks for a couple hours at Starbucks, the local public library, after hours at work, or any places of business that provide complimentary Wi-Fi.

2. Rent to a Tenant

After the kids moved away from home and went off to college, it’s time to start considering renting their rooms. A tenant will help pay the utility bills and even their extra rent contributes to a mortgage. When maintaining a house, the living expenses can grow out of control quickly.

3. Downsize

As individuals grow older, maintaining a larger house proves more difficult. Older parents don’t have the time, money, or resources to maintain a large house that was once necessary for their families.

Fight the urge to keep every piece of furniture, old stationary bikes, and anything you might find useful one day and downsize your home. Those individuals in their 50s or older lived through countless shifting economies that leave them with a frugal mindset. Instead donate, sell, or trash the unnecessary items in your home. Rent or sell the house and move into a smaller condo or apartment.

4. Credit Card Benefit Programs

If you failed to do so already, apply for one or two credit cards that boast fantastic reward programs. There are countless credit cards offered through VISA, American Express, Discover, Capital One, and Chase that provide numerous cash back opportunities on daily purchases such as gas, food, eating out at restaurants, online shopping, and even going to the movie theatre. You can earn redeemable points on travel for cash or free flights.

5. Short Term Loans

When entering old age, it’s important to know your financing options, especially in the event of unemployment that creates financial emergencies. Absorbing unemployment in your 50s could very well be nightmarish initially. Don’t let that unfortunate experience side track you financially.

While searching for a new job or in between jobs, there are lending options available to help pay for living expenses such as groceries, gas, rent, or utility bills. Explore the options of personal loans through lending institutions such as the ones available at or with friends, credit cards, payday loans, and short term bank loans. These borrowing options save money in late payment fees, late rent payment charges, and related expenses.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ditch the Ramen: Saving Money by Replacing What You Use

It's the end of the month, you look in the cupboard for something to eat, and Ramen noodles sit staring you in the face. It's back to school time for your kids and you're shopping the thrift stores instead of the mall. What has gone so horribly wrong? Obviously something needs to give. If you're bank account is a deeper shade of red at the end of the month, you have changes to make. Here are just a few items in your home that you can replace to start saving money:

1.Central Air

No one wants to live in a sweat box during the summer. If you are looking to make a change, you may want to consider alternative ways to cool your home. Central air conditioning is an expense that you can do away with quite easily. It does take some getting used to, but turning off your whole-house cooling system can save you a great deal of money each month.

Plant trees outside of the windows that get the most sun during the mid-afternoon. Install light-blocking shades and curtains on these same windows. Put window fans in your windows and run them at night to cool off your home. Install an attic fan to draw up the hot air in your home during the day. Keep your windows closed during the hottest hours of the day and open them wide in the evening.

2.Utility Bills

Can you replace your utility bills? Not necessarily. What you can do, however, is sign up for budget payment plans, effectively replacing your high energy bills. Most utility companies allow their customers to sign up for a budget payment plan based on the customer's monthly consumption.

Paying in this way makes it easier to pay your bills when they are higher in the winter by spreading out your payments into equal monthly installments. For example, what may be $150 bill in the heart of the cold weather season could be an $80 bill on the budget plan. 

3.Premium Cable

It's hard to cut the cable cord, especially for people in rural areas who can't get an over-the-air signal to save their lives. Instead of cutting the cable completely, get rid of what you can. Keep in mind that you can only watch one channel on one television at a time. Also keep in mind that you can watch many of your favorite shows on the Internet, and that a Netflix subscription costs less than $10 per month. What kind of cable are you paying for? If you're like the average cable television subscriber, you are paying over $100 per month for the privilege of watching television. Get rid of your premium channels and sports packages. Whittle your package down to basic and you could save over $50 each month. If you are screaming "But what about my DVR?!" at your computer screen right now, think of it this way: Your DVR will have you eating salty, dried noodles at the end of the month. Wouldn't you rather have a dinner designed for adults?


4.Your Car

Egads! Get rid of your car? That's right. While it's not feasible for everyone, it is feasible for more people than you may think. If you have more than one car in your family, dump the others. If you have access to public transportation, ditch every car that you own. If you simply can't fathom life without a car, you are wrong. Think about how much money you could save if you got rid of your car. No more insurance payments, and no more need for gas. Don't worry if your car is financed; you can easily find someone to buy it for what you still owe. It takes minor adjustments when you don't have a vehicle, but you can still get things done. A subscription to Amazon prime costs under $90 per year. Amazon prime gets you free shipping. This means that you can do your grocery shopping, pet food shopping and clothes shopping online. If you want to go on a vacation, you can rent a car. If you have a medical emergency, you can call an ambulance. Give it some thought.

Will all of these options work for everyone? Of course not. But at least one of these options might work for you. There's no reason to live paycheck to paycheck when you can make changes in your life that will keep your bank account in the black. Talk to family and friends and visit for more money-saving ideas.

Chelsea McCary is an avid finance blogger. If you want to learn more about ways to save money without scrimping, you can follow her at @ChelseaMcCary.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Common Rules You Should Follow in Your Saving Adventures

Knowing how to save money efficiently is one skill everyone should develop if they want to have financial stability. Starting the habit of saving money on a regular basis is not something that is easily done. 

To guide you, here are the common rules you should follow in your saving adventures:

1) Clip coupons. If you really want to save, then look for ways. An easy and simple way is to take advantage of those coupons you see on a lot of magazine and newspapers. These offer discounts and other promos that will surely stretch the purchasing power of your dollar.

Note down the promo duration on items you need. The amount saved from clipping coupons may seem small but a little definitely goes a long way when it comes to savings.

2) Go to sales! Some department stores have sales a lot of times a year. This is the best time to go and shop for some things you need, like a new pair of shoes or pants. Going to sales may sometimes be quite tiring because of the long lines both at the cashier’s counter and to the dressing rooms.

Yet, the few minutes of standing in line is all worth it if you pay less for something you really need, and maybe have more money to buy another item.

3) Change for the good. By change, we mean loose coins. Get a container to put in your loose coins at the end of the day. Coins left in your pocket should go into this container. It may be in the form of a jar or a piggy bank.

The idea here is to save even the littlest of amounts, which will later multiply and add up as savings. This is an easy and simple way to save without much effort, who knows by Christmas you might have a whole lot of coins to add to your Christmas budget.

4) Make a grocery list. Listing down what you really need is something that should be done by every household. A lot of people do not realize that by making a grocery list, you know what you need, as opposed to what you want. This will help you spend within your budget. 

By listing the items down, you know what you came there for and avoid any last minute trips to the grocery for things you forgot. This not only saves your money, but also saves money for gasoline or transportation costs as well.

5) Follow your budget, always. There is no sense in drafting a budget, only not to follow it in the end. This is what happens to those whose plans are only in paper, and are never put to action. Be true to your budget and in no time see your savings add up and make budgeting worth all the effort.

These are just some of the common rules that are followed by most people to save. It involves the correct mix of self-control and sacrifice for you to successfully pull it off. You can develop you own or tweak some of these rules to suit your lifestyle and be on your way to success in savings.

Irina is a finance advisor and professional blogger.She writes for website.

Friday, May 31, 2013

5 Easy Steps for Saving This Year

saving and spending
saving and spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
If you’ve made the decision to finally cut back on your expenses and save some money for a change, you’ve come to the right place. This article is going to outline five easy ways in which you can save money for the rest of the year, to ensure that your Christmas won’t be as sparse as last year’s.

Sell all the stuff you don’t need

By selling off all the unnecessary junk that’s piling up everywhere in your home - in your attic, under your bed and in the storage cupboards - you can give your year of saving a sharp kick start. Go through all the CDs, video games, old gadgets and clothes you don’t want, and try and pawn them off for some cash on a website such as

Kill your debt

After the boost from selling some of your stuff, it’ll be slightly easier to go about slaying the debt that’s been mounting over you. If you’re in a lot of debt, you should make it your first priority to eradicate it completely.

By eradicating your debt, it’ll be easier to start saving money for yourself. The faster you do it, the faster you can kill the interest rate, too.

Set yourself goals

Setting yourself manageable goals is a good way of sticking to your new money-saving regime. It depends on what you’re saving for, though. Building a holiday fund for a trip at the end of the year is different from saving up to buy your first home, for instance.

If you set yourself a number of goals to meet, you’ll be more motivated to actually meet them.

Set yourself amounts to save

Once you’ve got your goals in mind, the next thing you need to do is figure out how much exactly you’re going to be setting aside from your income each month towards your goals.

So, if it’s a new video game console you’re saving up for, calculate how much you can afford to set aside each month without impacting on your required expenses. This kind of organisation will add to your new regime of saving and will make you more committed to save.

Get a personal financing app

If practicing this level of saving is hard for you to commit to, you might want to invest in one of the many personal financing apps that are available to smartphone or tablet users. These nifty programs analyse your earnings and expenses, and can even link up to your bank account to show you up-to-date information on how much money you’re spending and saving.

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