Showing posts with label Health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health care. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2023

Tips for Choosing the Right Medicare Plan for Your Needs

Medicare is a government health insurance program for Americans over the age of 65. It covers various health care services, including hospital stays and doctor visits.

However, the program can be confusing to navigate, with different options and rules to consider. 

This blog post offers tips on choosing the right Medicare plan for your needs.

Understand the Different Parts of Medicare

Medicare is divided into four parts: A, B, C, and D. Part A covers hospital stays, while Part B covers medical services such as doctor visits and lab tests. 

Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, allows you to receive benefits through a private insurance company. 

Part D covers prescription drugs. Understanding the different parts of Medicare can help you decide which plan is right for you.

Determine Your Health Care Needs

Consider your current health and any ongoing conditions. Do you need frequent visits to doctors and specialists? Are you on multiple medications? 

These factors can affect which Medicare advantage insurance plan is best for you. For example, if you require a lot of prescription drugs, you may want to choose a plan with comprehensive drug coverage.

Compare Plans

Each Medicare plan has different costs and benefits. When comparing plans, pay attention to premiums, deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance. 

Also, make sure the plan covers the services you need. Many insurance companies offer online tools and resources to help you compare plans. You can also work with an insurance agent or counselor who specializes in Medicare.

Check Provider Networks

If you already have a doctor or hospital that you like, make sure they accept the Medicare plan you are considering. Some Medicare plans have limited provider networks, which means you may have to switch doctors or hospitals. 

Maintaining your relationship with your current providers may be important if you have a chronic condition or receive regular medical care.

Review Plans Annually

Your healthcare needs and financial situation may change over time. Review your Medicare plan annually during the annual enrollment period, which usually runs from October 15 to December 7. You can compare plans and make changes as necessary.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right Medicare plan can be overwhelming, but it's an important decision to make to ensure you receive the care you need. 

By understanding the different parts of Medicare, considering your health care needs, comparing plans, checking provider networks, and reviewing plans annually, you can make an informed decision. 

It's also important to ask questions and seek out resources if you need help. With the right Medicare plan, you can feel confident and empowered in your health care choices.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Money for Medicine: Finding Ways to Afford Your Health Care

Everyone wants to know their health will be taken care of. Unfortunately, it can be expensive sometimes. Luckily there are ways you can still afford your health care without having to break the bank. Here are some tips on how to do so.

Use Health Insurance

Everyone should have some form of health insurance, and it doesn’t have to be a crazy expensive one either. If you don't have any yet, get on the internet and look up health insurance companies in your area. 

Many offer plans for really cheap, like non obamacare health insurance, which was created for those without pre-existing medical conditions and who don’t engage in risky behaviors such as drugs. Look into the options out there and you will be sure to find something that works for your budget.

Take Advantage of Free Government Programs

Many programs exist that can help make it possible for you to afford healthcare. A few examples would include programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and even the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare). 

Trying to handle medical issues without some form of healthcare, even government assisted ones, can often make your bills much, much higher and close more expensive treatment options to you. It’s better to make sure you have some kind of avenue towards healthcare than none at all.

Ask about Payment Plans

If you do not qualify for any of the programs mentioned, don't forget to ask if there is a payment plan option available to you. Many hospitals offer this and it can make all the difference in continuing your health care needs. You might even be able to set up a monthly payment that you can afford.

Go to a Free Clinic or Find a Low-Cost Option

If you're in a bind and just can not seem to find any other options available, there is always the option of going to a free or low-cost clinic. 

These clinics will either have you pay nothing at all or a small fee (very small compared to regular clinics and doctor’s offices) for treatment. A simple internet search should tell you if there are any nearby, as they’re all largely community-based.

Look Into Alternative Medicine

A lot of health care options exist that are much less expensive than the normal doctors and hospitals you find in your area. Acupuncture, chiropractors, homeopathic medicine, herbal remedies; there are lots of things you can try before running to the doctor for everything. If this is an option available to you, maybe give it a shot.

If you are financially struggling, these options might be your best bet for taking care of medical needs. Look into them or ask about payment plans to see which ones work best for you.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Home Care or Assisted Living? How to Best Help Aging Parents

One of the toughest things to see as an adult is seeing your parents age. At some point or another, they are simply not going to be able to take care of themselves, and that's a reality. 

As much as you may want to, the fact is that you won't have the time nor experience to be there for them. This is why so many choose to either place their parents into home care or assisted living, but what's the best route?

When it comes to finding an assisted living community or a home care agency in Philadelphia (or one wherever necessary), it's essential to take the time to explore your options and select a provider that aligns with your loved one's needs and preferences.

By conducting thorough research and considering factors such as the agency's reputation, services offered, and caregiver qualifications, you can make an informed decision about the best fit for your family. 

With a variety of reputable agencies dedicated to providing personalized care and support, you can rest assured that your loved ones will receive the assistance they need to maintain their independence and quality of life in the familiar surroundings of their own home.

Determine What They Need

To choose the proper route, you first need to make a list of all their needs. This includes everything from moving around the home to making their food. Remember, simply because they can do something doesn't mean they should. 

For example, they may be able to gather ingredients for a meal, but handling large and heavy pots may be out of the realm of possibility. However, if they can do almost everything else on their own, your parents may simply need home care from time to time. 

Home care companies such as Quality First Health Care Services offer a wide array of services to help seniors live safe and fulfilling life. These services include but are not limited to personal care and companionship, skilled nursing, and medication administration, to name a few.

Consider Health Issues

One of the most common causes of injury and death amongst seniors is falling down within their own homes. It's an unfortunate situation that happens way too often, and because seniors are often living alone, they may not have someone there to call an ambulance. 

Therefore, if your parent(s) are dealing with a health issue that prevents them from properly walking, you may want to think about including them in an assisted living program. 

Assisted living usually involves placing your parents into a caring community that often takes the form of an apartment building. 

However, the staff who run these assisted living communities are much more hands-on with their residents while allowing them to live independent lives. Many adult children like the concept because they know that their parents are surrounded by medical professionals and staff 24/7.

It's never an easy thing to place your parent's life in the hands of others. That is why it is so important to carefully research each and every option that you are presented with during the process. You must also communicate with your parents to see what they would prefer.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Unexpected Costs You Need to Prepare for When Planning Your Retirement

Some people believe that retirement is a means to an end. In reality, though, retirement is another exciting chapter in your life. Remember the freedom you had as a child to do whatever you wanted? That’s what retirement should be. It’s a time to enjoy life as it is meant to be enjoyed. 

But before doing so, there are a few costs you have to plan for, and some of them may not be what you were expecting. Here are the unexpected costs you need to prepare when planning your retirement.

Repairs to Your Home

One of the best parts about retiring is that you get to enjoy the comfort of your home more than you did while working. However, problems still occur, usually at the most inopportune times. 

As you continue to work and make your way towards retiring, getting a home inspection can save you from a lot of headaches down the road. The price of a home inspection depends on the company, but on average, it typically costs around $300 to $500

If a problem is discovered during the inspection, have it repaired while you’re still employed. It is also wise to put some money aside for home maintenance issues that might come up during retirement.

Health Care

Another expense you may not expect to pay for is your health care. Because some people get their health insurance through the company they work for, it’s important to plan for when you no longer have that coverage. Research different health care plans and decides which are affordable and suit your medical needs.

Moving Costs

With the freedom retirement gives you, you may feel inclined to move. Moving is one of the most expensive decisions you can make in your lifetime. 

So much so that it requires a lot of preparation. In addition to the cost of buying a new house, you’ll have to keep closing costs, moving costs, home repairs, property taxes, and other costs in mind.

Tax Planning

Whether you’ll live off your retirement fund or choose to open your own business in retirement, you will need to file taxes. Taxes can quickly get complicated, especially as seemingly minor rules and laws are altered. Tax planning classes are an excellent way to educate yourself and prepare for paying taxes after your work career ends.

Pension Cuts

Finally, you also need to think about your pension. A pension is a savings account that you deposit money during your work career. Your employer may also contribute a certain percentage to this account as well.

When you retire, you will receive checks on a monthly basis, which gives you a passive income. These benefits can be received all the way up until death, and depending on the type of pension you have, your spouse may continue to receive payment as well. 

However, it’s important to know the specifics of your pension prior to retiring. If not, you may not receive all the money you earned and deserve.

Retirement should be a time to do all things you want without worry. Take the time to create a retirement strategy that will help make the transition as smooth as possible.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Knowing Aflac and the Insurance Plans Covered - Auto, Disability Insurance and Health Care

There is virtually no way to avoid being bombarded by commercials and advertising aimed at selling you the latest and greatest car, truck or SUV. Whether you choose what you drive for “status” or if it is merely a transportation necessity, the automobile is a part of daily life in North America.

And for every automobile ad you see or hear, there is likely to be an auto insurance ad nearby. After all, if you have a car, there is a very good chance that you have car insurance. But do you have enough? And do you have the right insurance? Far too often we discover the deficiencies in our insurance coverage after it is too late.

For a family living on a fixed budget, with little or no savings, a major automobile accident can be a significant setback. Even if your auto insurance covers damages to property and your liabilities, there are often collateral expenses that are not covered and can be a significant financial burden. 

Fortunately, Aflac, an insurance carrier, has an insurance product which helps policyholders in time of need when their primary auto insurance is not enough. Aflac car insurance, however, is not your typical auto insurance policy, which can create confusion for those trying to understand exactly what insurance options they have with Aflac.

To help you better understand, Aflac is a known as a supplemental insurance company, meaning, Aflac covers what typical insurance coverage exempts. These exemptions might include lost wages. Therefore, the Aflac auto insurance policy supplements disability insurance policies. 

As such, an Aflac auto policy may only be purchased as an addition to insurance from a typical carrier. Such a safeguard may be a wise investment for those unforeseen extra liabilities that you may encounter after an accident.

Understanding Aflac Car Insurance

Vehicular accidents are unpredictable and sometimes fatal. The bills that come thereafter can be financially crippling, affecting your family’s economic stability. You may require time off work to recover, during which you still need to pay your bills. 

In the long run, if not well prepared, the stress of juggling between paying hospital bills and meeting your family’s everyday needs can make your present and future financial stability. In extreme circumstances, bankruptcy may be the end result.

To help reduce that stress and burden, Aflac provides a lifeline by providing disability insurance policies, including an auto insurance supplement - that is why there is no Aflac auto insurance, per se. The Aflac car insurance policy is like an insurance for your insurance. 

It kicks in when the policyholder is incapacitated after an accident and unable to return to work in a timely manner. The Aflac policy provides additional financial resources to keep the bills paid and the bank account balanced when income stops as a result of an accident.

Aflac has become a globally popular supplemental insurance provider and there are several reasons customers are finding Aflac auto insurance worth the investment.

To start with, several Aflac car insurance plans include rider insurance

A rider insurance option comes in handy as it addresses any extra medical costs resulting from the accident and gives the victims a recurring income. The accident victim still receives an income while recuperating. The rider insurance is very expensive not offered by most insurance companies that alone should help you see why Aflac’s plan is so popular.

Since the rider insurance is not affordable to all, Aflac has a supplemental insurance provision which extends to what other auto insurers will not cover. That is, the Aflac car insurance takes care of dental care, daily income expenses, intensive care, short-term lost wages, ambulance services, emergency room costs and extended hospital stays. With all these being included in the insurance plan, why would a policyholder opt out of Aflac?

Aflac Claims - Car Insurance

With a better understanding of the Aflac car insurance policy, one can’t help but wonder how effective Aflac is in terms of paying out a victim’s claim. Some insurance providers manage their policyholder claims through third party companies, which can be a great inconvenience to the policyholder. 

Aflac does things a little differently. Once an Aflac car insurance claim is made, Aflac makes payment directly to the customer with no third parties involved. This reduces delays in payment and frustration on the part of the insured party. Additionally, Aflac has a great deal of care for its customers, demonstrating this through offering immediate benefits to a victim’s spouse in case of serious bodily harm.

Aflac’s ability to pay claims quickly and efficiently not only saves the victim and family members a great deal financially but also provides them peace of mind while the afflicted receive necessary medical attention.

Disability Insurance

Notwithstanding the unique Aflac car insurance, this insurer differentiates itself from other insurers particularly in its mode of operation. Instead of your typical insurance coverage, Aflac treats companies, non-profit organizations and individual clients to the disability insurance coverage. Their product ensures that the policyholder does not endure financial struggles after being injured while on the job or if they fall ill which leads to an inability to work.

Aflac’s medical and disability plans protect companies as well. Aflac offers plans that can be purchased in terms of group coverage. The group policy covers all employees in circumstances of illness or injury. The coverage comes into effect if they are incapacitated while on the job. All an employer has to do is to file a claim and will be ensured that their employee will be handed a financial lifeline.

The Aflac disability insurance plan is everything you will need, not only for your vehicle. Whether you are an individual or a group, this coverage will be your solution in times of accidents.


One might assume that since Aflac’s services are aimed at helping people meet their medical needs, there must also be an Aflac health insurance plan. Sadly, there is none. Aflac has, however, designed the disability insurance to work together with a policyholder’s health insurance coverage. Thus, there is no Aflac healthcare coverage.

A policyholder may only be eligible for Aflac’s insurance with an existing health insurance plan. In fact, many insurance providers will present their own policyholders with Aflac’s policy option as a way to supplement the purchased health insurance plan. The wide range of medical costs covered by Aflac is definitely worth supplementing the standard health plan.

About Aflac

There is no argument that the Aflac duck is the best corporate mascot ever. But the duck alone is not the star of the show. Founded in 1955, Aflac has gained worldwide popularity as a result of consistently meeting their customer’s needs and keeping their promises. Aflac has millions of satisfied customers with policies that include vision, dental, accident, cancer, life, short-term disability, hospital indemnity and hospital intensive care covers.

Aflac’s claim-handling procedures set them apart from their competitors. Policyholders can file their claims on their website or over the phone. Claims are typically paid within a few days and, in some instances, on the same day, reducing stress and financial burdens for their customers. 

Aflac’s world-class customer service has made it a trusted name in the insurance industry. This is, after all, what defines a good insurance company and customer relationship. Although Aflac is not the only option for supplemental insurance, it has built itself a name through exemplary service.

Through the decades Aflac has extended its services across the United States, Canada, Japan, and other nations, proving that supplemental insurance can ease people’s financial struggles in times of accidents and illnesses.

Aflac’s excellent customer service and unique delivery of insurance plans makes it a top option for your supplemental insurance needs. Do yourself a favor by insuring yourself against unexpected accidents and financial stress with Aflac automobile insurance or disability insurance.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Knowing Aflac and the Insurance Plans Covered - Auto, Disability Insurance and Health Care

There is virtually no way to avoid being bombarded by commercials and advertising aimed at selling you the latest and greatest car, truck or SUV. Whether you choose what you drive for “status” or if it is merely a transportation necessity, the automobile is a part of daily life in North America.

And for every automobile ad you see or hear, there is likely to be an auto insurance ad nearby. After all, if you have a car, there is a very good chance that you have car insurance. But do you have enough? And do you have the right insurance? Far too often we discover the deficiencies in our insurance coverage after it is too late.

For a family living on a fixed budget, with little or no savings, a major automobile accident can be a significant setback. Even if your auto insurance covers damages to property and your liabilities, there are often collateral expenses that are not covered and can be a significant financial burden. 

Fortunately, Aflac, an insurance carrier, has an insurance product which helps policyholders in time of need when their primary auto insurance is not enough. Aflac car insurance, however, is not your typical auto insurance policy, which can create confusion for those trying to understand exactly what insurance options they have with Aflac.

To help you better understand, Aflac is a known as a supplemental insurance company, meaning, Aflac covers what typical insurance coverage exempts. These exemptions might include lost wages. 

Therefore, the Aflac auto insurance policy, supplements disability insurance policies. As such, an Aflac auto policy may only be purchased as an addition to insurance from a typical carrier. Such a safeguard may be a wise investment for those unforeseen extra liabilities that you may encounter after an accident.

Understanding Aflac Car Insurance

Vehicular accidents are unpredictable and sometimes fatal. The bills that come thereafter can be financially crippling, affecting your family’s economic stability. You may require time off work to recover, during which you still need to pay your bills. 

In the long run, if not well prepared, the stress of juggling between paying hospital bills and meeting your family’s everyday needs can make your present and future financial stability. In extreme circumstances, bankruptcy may be the end result.

To help reduce that stress and burden, Aflac provides a lifeline by providing disability insurance policies, including an auto insurance supplement - that is why there is no Aflac auto insurance, per say. 

The Aflac car insurance policy is like an insurance for your insurance. It kicks in when the policyholder is incapacitated after an accident and unable to return to work in a timely manner. The Aflac policy provides additional financial resources to keep the bills paid and the bank account balanced when income stops as a result of an accident.

Aflac has become a globally popular supplemental insurance provider and there are several reasons customers are finding Aflac auto insurance worth the investment.

To start with, several Aflac car insurance plans include rider insurance

A rider insurance option comes in handy as it addresses any extra medical costs resulting from the accident and gives the victims a recurring income. The accident victim still receives an income while recuperating. The rider insurance is very expensive not offered by most insurance companies that alone should help you see why Aflac’s plan is so popular.

Since the rider insurance is not affordable to all, Aflac has a supplemental insurance provision which extends to what other auto insurers will not cover. That is, the Aflac car insurance takes care of dental care, daily income expenses, intensive care, short-term lost wages, ambulance services, emergency room costs and extended hospital stays. With all these being included in the insurance plan, why would a policyholder opt out of Aflac?

Aflac Claims- Car Insurance

With a better understanding of the Aflac car insurance policy, one can’t help but wonder how effective Aflac is in terms of paying out a victim’s claim. Some insurance providers manage their policyholder claims through third party companies, which can be a great inconvenience to the policyholder. Aflac does things a little differently

Once an Aflac car insurance claim is made, Aflac makes payment directly to the customer with no third parties involved. This reduces delays in payment and frustration on the part of the insured party. Additionally, Aflac has a great deal of care for its customers, demonstrating this through offering immediate benefits to a victim’s spouse in case of serious bodily harm.

Aflac’s ability to pay claims quickly and efficiently not only saves the victim and family members a great deal financially, but also provides them peace of mind while the afflicted receive necessary medical attention.

Disability Insurance

Notwithstanding the unique Aflac car insurance, this insurer differentiates itself from other insurers particularly in its mode of operation. Instead of your typical insurance coverage, Aflac treats companies, non-profit organizations and individual clients to the disability insurance coverage. Their product ensures that the policyholder does not endure financial struggles after being injured while on the job or if they fall ill which leads to an inability to work.

Aflac’s medical and disability plans protect companies as well. Aflac offers plans that can be purchased in terms of group coverage. The group policy covers all employees in circumstances of illness or injury. The coverage comes into effect if they are incapacitated while on the job. All an employer has to do is to file a claim and will be ensured that their employee will be handed a financial lifeline.

The Aflac disability insurance plan is everything you will need, not only for your vehicle. Whether you are an individual or a group, this coverage will be your solution in times of accidents.


One might assume that since Aflac’s services are aimed at helping people meet their medical needs, there must also be an Aflac health insurance plan. Sadly, there is none. Aflac has, however, designed the disability insurance to work together with a policyholder’s health insurance coverage. Thus, there is no Aflac healthcare coverage.

A policyholder may only be eligible for Aflac’s insurance with an existing health insurance plan. In fact, many insurance providers will present their own policyholders with Aflac’s policy option as a way to supplement the purchased health insurance plan. The wide range of medical costs covered by Aflac is definitely worth supplementing the standard health plan.

About Aflac

There is no argument that the Aflac duck is the best corporate mascot ever. But the duck alone is not the star of the show. Founded in 1955, Aflac has gained worldwide popularity as a result of consistently meeting their customer’s needs and keeping their promises. Aflac has millions of satisfied customers with policies that include vision, dental, accident, cancer, life, short –term disability, hospital indemnity and hospital intensive care covers.

Aflac’s claim-handling procedures sets them apart from their competitors. Policyholders can file their claims on their website or over the phone. Claims are typically paid within a few days and, in some instances, on the same day, reducing stress and financial burdens for their customers. 

Aflac’s world class customer service has made it a trusted name in the insurance industry. This is, after all, what defines a good insurance company and customer relationship. Although Aflac is not the only option for supplemental insurance, it has built itself a name through exemplary service.

Through the decades Aflac has extended its services across the United States, Canada, Japan and other nations, proving that supplemental insurance can ease people’s financial struggles in times of accidents and illnesses.

Aflac’s excellent customer service and unique delivery of insurance plans makes it a top option for your supplemental insurance needs. Do yourself a favor by insuring yourself against unexpected accidents and financial stress with Aflac automobile insurance or disability insurance.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Five Tips for Fighting an Unfair Hospital Bill

If you are faced with an overwhelming hospital bill, it can feel like the world is crashing down upon you. It is not uncommon for people without (and sometimes even with) health insurance to be beset by hospital bills in the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get out from under this mountain of hospital debt. Here is a look at five tips for fighting an unfair hospital bill.


Hospitals do not all charge the same rates, and the ones that overcharge have a lot of room to lower your unfair hospital bill and still make a profit. If you feel like your bill is too high, talk with the hospital’s accounting department to get it lowered.

Review the Bill Thoroughly

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for hospitals to make mistakes on the bills they send customers. The sad thing is that most of these mistakes tend to be in benefit of the hospital rather than the patient. To prevent yourself from falling victim to these mistakes, you need to go over every bill you receive from the hospital with a fine tooth comb. Double and triple check the bills to make sure you are not being overcharged, or charged for services you did not receive.

Appeal the Insurer’s Decision

You may sometimes come across a portion of your bill that you are being charged for that you feel should be covered by your health insurance. If this is the case, do not hesitate to contact your insurer to appeal the decision. This will not always work, but it can be a way to remove some of the charges from your bill if there happens to be a mistake or miscalculation.

Get Help from Professionals

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your large hospital bill, you can seek professional help to get it lowered. Professional patient advocates can help people who are facing unfair hospital bills to get them lowered to a more reasonable amount. This kind of help often comes in handy when you are still dealing with an illness or recovering from a surgery. If you don’t have the strength or ability to fight the unfair bill on your own, an advocate can step in and do a lot of the leg work for you. 

Ask for Financial Assistance from the Hospital

Many hospitals are willing to provide patients who are struggling financially with help. However, you may have to apply for Medicare first and get denied before the hospital will give it to you. It is well worth this to get financial help from the hospital to lower your bill—especially if the amount is overwhelmingly high.

An unfair hospital bill may feel insurmountable, but there is always a way to handle it. According to the personal injury lawyers in Halifax at the Cantini Law Group, you won’t always win the battle when fighting an unfair hospital bill, but it is always worth it to ask. Try a few tactics to see if the hospital is willing to work with you, and then seek professional help. If these methods don’t work, you might need to reach out to another financial institution to get the bill paid in a timely and manageable manner.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Take Control of your Finances: Six Ideas that Will Help You Save Money on Health Care

Unexpected, or even expected medical bills, can wreak havoc on your finances. It is a little known fact that the average American spent $6815 on treatments in 2013 alone. Research also suggests that if you are financially struggling, you are much more prone to problems that affect your physical health. Below, we show you six ideas in which you can save on your health care costs:

More is less

It is a good idea to schedule regular check ups with your family physician, as it is much better to nip any potential health problems in the bud. That pain in your knee that you are experiencing right now could turn into something much more difficult and costly to manage later on. Go to more regular check ups instead of waiting until the last minute to get treatment. 

Invest in your company health savings plan

If you work at a company that offers a health savings plan, use it. The dollars that you invest are pre-tax, meaning that you aren’t paying for any medical care in after tax salary. You should also take advantage of any health perks your company offers, like insurance or dental care. 

Take care of yourself

You will save a lot of your future income, if you take care of yourself over the course of your life. Face facts and stop smoking and excessively drinking. Likewise, ditch the junk food and go for the healthy option. Your body, and your finances, will thank you in the long run.

Get regular dental checks

Regularly visiting your dentist can save you serious money. An innocent, yet neglected, cavity can lead to root canals or worse later on. Regular cleaning can prevent peritonitis, which, in turn, can prevent tooth loss, which is costly to fix. Going to your regular dentist appointments and keeping up with good oral hygiene can help prevent costly dental work, say the experts at Midtown Dental Centre.

Shop around

There are drastic differences in the cost of medical treatment. More and more walk-in centers are competing for your medical dollars. Find out if there is an alternative health center that can meet your needs for less. Also, many pharmacies are now also offering routine allergy treatments and flu shots for much less than it would cost if you visited a private practitioner. 

Buy generic

The differences in the cost of branded medication can be startling. A 2008 Survey, conducted by the National Association of Chain Drug Stores found that the average price of a name brand drug was one $137, compared to the generic prescription price of just $35. For most prescriptions, the generic brand will be just effective.

Implementing these six simple ideas will certainly help your financial health, and eradicate that pain in the wallet. Take control of your finances by being more proactive with your health care.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Travel Nurses A Unique Specialty In A Medical Career

Travel nursing is a concept in the field of nursing that came about as a remedy to the shortage of nurses across various health institutions. What happens is that some segments of the medical sector sometimes provide nurses who are able to travel and work in various places that require them to fill temporary nursing positions. The nurses charged with these kinds of duties are the ones referred to as travel nurses. The nursing positions they go to fill are mostly in hospitals that are outside the area in which they work or reside. Despite the fact that the term travel nursing is regularly associated specifically with the nursing profession, the term is also used to refer to a wide range of healthcare positions, which could include physical therapy, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, dentists or even doctors.

The requirements for travel nurses to meet include; they must have a minimum of 1 year of experience with a year being preferred in their particular specialty. They must also have a license in the state of which they have employment in. The states board of nursing usually grants this.

Travel nurses may at times receive some level of orientation when they reach the new hospitals that they are to work in, it is however minimal and in most cases, they receive no orientation at all. Travel nurses are required to have a high level of experience and knowledge. They are required to have the mental and physical capability to deal and adapt with their new environments while still being able to perform their duties.

Travel nurses play a crucial role and especially in hospitals where their expertises are in need. They help to offer services to patients who would have to wait in long queues or even days if they were not there. Their need and role cannot be underestimated in the medical sector.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Find the Best Health Insurance Plan

Choosing the proper health insurance plan has become a huge decision for many families. There used to be limited types of service, but since then, we’ve been surrounded by numerous choices.

Finding the best plan for you and your family is enough to make you diagnose yourself and avoid hospital care at all costs. Today, you need to know all the options available to you, what each of the options offers you, and of course, whether you can afford it or not.

In this article, we will examine the factors you should consider when selecting the best health insurance plan for your family and the Medigap policy plans that many struggles with.

For starters, let’s search for and compare hospitals and urgent care in your area. This step can help give you a solid baseline for selecting your health insurance plan based on the difference in cost associated with not owning a plan.

Compare Available Plans Keep in mind that you have no one-size-fits-all health insurance coverage. To find the coverage you need and to avoid the costs of paying for what you don’t, there are several questions and factors you must consider before signing the dotted line.

You are responsible for thoroughly understanding the plan you selected and following its guidelines. Various plans are available, and it is sometimes hard to begin to understand each of them. 

To start, let’s take a look at a comparison tool that helps you search for and compare health insurance plans available to you and your family.

What to Consider When Selecting a Plan

1. Budget verse Need

a. Your Needs.

Finding the marriage between your budget and need can be a tough factor to weigh. The needs of an individual in their twenties are far different from those of a family of four. 

Again, these needs are vastly different for baby boomers entering retirement. Because the needs of your family will vary based on the age and health of each individual, you must identify the coverage you need and assess whether you can afford it.

b. Your Budget.

It is important to look at both what you need and what your bank account will afford you. For those operating under a low financial ceiling, it is important to pay close attention to where your health care dollars are going. 

You should consider the following questions: How often do you visit the doctor? How high of a monthly premium can you afford? Will you be able to meet your deductible in order to qualify for full coverage?

2. Identify the must-haves

It is relatively impossible to foresee a sudden illness or injury. However, some medical costs must be anticipated. For example, an obvious cost is maternity coverage if you’re starting a family. 

Not all policies offer maternity coverage. Therefore, it is important to understand and break down each policy option. 

If your family has a history of heart disease, selecting a plan that covers the cost of cardiac screening tests and cholesterol-lowering drugs may make sense.

3. Medicare Supplement verse Health Insurance

It is important to know what a Medigap policy is. A Medigap policy is health insurance that fills the gaps in your Original Medicare coverage by helping you pay for coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles for Medicare-covered services. 

Medigap policies will also cover benefits that Original Medicare does not cover. If you simply need to fill the “holes” in your current coverage plan, you should consider choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan. See the resource below if this applies to you:

4. Don’t Overbuy

Would you consider buying a luxury car with a monthly mortgage payment as big as your mortgage? There’s not much point in making a purchase that your budget simply cannot handle. 

If you’re young and healthy, you should consider choosing a policy with a high deductible. A deductible starting at $1000 will likely cost you less per month, allowing you to save money in the long run.

5. Health Care Reform and Affordable Care Act

There are many reforms and bills that are currently being discussed in the healthcare industry. These discussions can broaden the population that receives health care coverage through insurance and expand the number of healthcare providers consumers may choose from.

These reforms improve access to health care specialists, improve the quality of care, and help decrease the cost of health care for citizens. It is important to update yourself with the latest news as it will help your search in choosing the best insurance plan possible.


When deciding what health insurance plan to buy, it is important to assess all the above factors. It can be a very stressful process, and it is important that you know exactly what you were paying in your old plan, what you actually need, and if it is worth your while to seek out a 

Medigap policy.

Depending on your age, health, family history, and size of your family, your decision will more than likely be different. 

The tools provided in this article and the factors outlined for you will help simplify your search for a health insurance plan and allow you to find and compare the best insurance policies that fit your needs.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

4 Things, You Must Discuss With Your Agent About Critical Illness Insurance

Health insurance can help you reducing your financial strains by paying a huge or lump sum amount as a compensation of potential loss. This plan will benefit you in case of any disability or any specific illness. When it comes to critical illness, the health insurance is applicable, when surgery or disease meets the definition defined by the policy. 

One important thing about critical illness insurance is the waiting period. If one wants to avail critical illness policy, he should know that it has waiting period for certain types of surgery & diseases. For instance, if any surgery or critical disease covered under the policy is developed or diagnosed during the waiting period, you will get no benefit.

Today, we’ll talk about 6 important things, you must discuss with your agent before investing on critical illness insurance. 

One: Ask About Age and Amount’s Limit of Insurance?

One important thing is the financial coverage offered by the company. Each company has set its own age limit of an insured person and the amount of insurance. So, the benefits of critical illness insurance may vary from company to company. So, it is better to ask the broker about the best option they can offer. 

Two: Ask About Protection Covers, Durations and Return Policy?

Ask, whether the amount of coverage is fixed or will decrease by time. Also ask about the changes in premiums in future. Ask about a term policy; this policy can give you maximum protection for short period of time within your available budget. Ask, whether they offer return of premium option, if you don’t make any claim. 

Three: Ask About the Illnesses Covered, Limitations and Exclusions?

Make sure that the policy covers all serious medical conditions, like cancer, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, blindness, coma, deafness, speech loss, paralysis etc. There are always restrictions on policy claims, so ask how many days, the condition should persist to make you eligible for claim. Ask about the exclusions, as, normally, the contracts are updated with exclusions, like cancer diagnosis. 

Four: Ask About Premium Amounts and Affordability?

Some of the questions that usually come in the mind of a person are what are the payment criteria? Will the premium become affordable in future or remain fixed? Is there any renewal procedure? When will the health insurance policy end? What is the claim procedure? Is there any limit of claim? What is the waiting period? If I make any claim, will my future coverage and premiums be affected by it?

Final Words:

Before buying critical illness insurance, you must consider all the above queries and don't forget to ask these questions from broker. These questions will definitely help you choosing the best health insurance plan, which is the best investment in financial planning.

Author’s Bio:

Lisa Smith has a journalism degree from NYU and is the leading writing for, an instant insurance quote marketplace. When it’s the right time for insurance, make sure to visit You can connect with Lisa Smith on Google+.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Is Private Healthcare Insurance a Good Buy for UK Over 50s?

People living in the UK are entitled to free healthcare from the National Health Service (NHS). This might sound like a great deal, but unfortunately it does have its downsides - most notably, long waiting times if you need any kind of procedure and standards of care that are entirely dependent on where you live. Because of the healthcare lottery, many seniors choose to buy private healthcare insurance policies to enable them to boost their existing NHS healthcare. But are private healthcare insurance policies a good buy for the over 50s, or are you throwing your money away for no good reason? 

How Do Private Healthcare Insurance Policies Work?

Private healthcare insurance is just like any other insurance policy. You pay a monthly premium that entitles you to receive a wide range of medical treatments, including consultations, physiotherapy, medical care in your own home, and surgical procedures in a private hospital. The main thing private healthcare does not cover is treatment in the event of an accident or emergency, and if this type of event occurs, you would need to be treated in an A&E department of an NHS hospital. 

What Are The Advantages Of Private Healthcare Insurance?

One of the main advantages of private healthcare insurance is that you do not need to wait an interminable amount of time to see a consultant or receive treatment for a medical condition. Instead you can make an appointment at a time to suit you and if you require a hospital stay, you can enjoy private, comfortable facilities and one to one nursing care. 

What Are The Disadvantages Of Private Healthcare Insurance For The Over 50s?

Since insurance companies price their products based on the level of risk to them, medical insurance for the older generation is inevitably a lot more expensive than policies aimed at 20 year olds. The older we get, the more likely we are to suffer from health problems and, unfortunately, the more likely it is that these health problems are serious. So the older you are and the more pre-existing medical problems you have, the more likely you are to be charged a small fortune for private healthcare insurance. 

What Are The Options For Private Healthcare Insurance?

There are different levels of private healthcare insurance and several different insurance companies who specialise in the over 50s, so if you are considering buying a private healthcare insurance policy, it is worth spending some time researching the pros and cons of each available policy. 

Is Private Healthcare Insurance Worth The Premium?

This very much depends on whether you want the peace of mind of knowing you don’t have to run the gauntlet of NHS healthcare. Even if you are a healthy 50 year old with no history of illness, insurance companies will still view you as a high risk applicant, so your premiums will be costly. However, if you have are worried about waiting times for non-urgent conditions, the cost may be worth it. Just bear in mind that any pre-existing conditions must be declared at the outset and will not be covered by the policy.

Janet writes for a number of blogs aimed at seniors. She decided to buy private healthcare insurance after her sister was diagnosed with hearing problems and needed help from In the last two years, it has been money well spent and she doesn’t regret the cost.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Financial Tips for Women

infant (Photo credit: soupboy)
Pregnancy is the most important period in women’s life. For many women, especially single, expenses for babies are overwhelming. It doesn't mean that pregnancy will lead you to financial problems. As to avoid these problems, you need some financial tips.

Financial tips for women:

  1. Employed pregnant women have the right to 52 weeks of paid leave. This furlough consists of 26 weeks of ordinary maternity leave and 26 weeks of additional maternity leave. Your employer must create necessary conditions for your health, including special care and attitude.        
  2. There are different special programs for pregnant women. Department of Health can help you with pregnancy and post-pregnancy problems. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program provides aid with food, consulting about healthy food, and medical services for women, infants and children.
  3. You should create an emergency fund. Baby before birth requires great expenses for nutrition, baby buggy, cot…and after requires more. Try to save part of salary for baby in the future or unexpected costs. Planning your budget will help you in this situation.
  4. Don’t be crazy in purchases. Pregnant women usually waste much money for buying not necessary things. You should analyze what is really important for your baby. Car seats, baby carriages are useful unlike too expensive branded pajamas.
  5. Insurance help financially, caring for your safety. You can get a health insurance or accident insurance, and it will prevent you from unexpected expenses.
  6. Women can buy many diapers and wipes. You need them in large quantities. Sometimes, baby store offer free diapers for frequent diaper customers.
  7. You can get special online loans at for pregnant women. If you need money quickly for emergencies you can use payday loans, which are efficient, has short-terms, online access and easy applications.
  8. There are a lot of charitable organizations in the United States that help pregnant women. These organizations will give you food, clothing, different baby’s things and just money in emergency cases. Crisis pregnancy centers provide necessary objects for babies during your pregnancy, too. They even help pregnant women to find parents to their babies for adoption.
  9. Meeting with other pregnant women is very useful. It gives you information about pregnant rights or special programs. They can be your friends and good sources of information, sharing experience.
  10. Don’t buy clothes and shoes beforehand. Children grow very quickly.
  11. Try to save money for university, if you have possibility. Time passes quickly and you don’t observe how your child gets to first base, goes to the school and college. Think about baby’s future.

Future parents should remember that pregnancy is a very complicated process, which demand special care. It will cost you a lot of money, before and after. But it's worth it. Children are our happiness and future support.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Smokers and Unhealhly Will Pay Healthcare Penalty

Smoking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many employers are asking that workers who smoke, are overweight or have high cholesterol pay a larger percentage of their healthcare costs, what some insurance companies call a healthcare penalty. It's a shift toward penalizing employees with unhealthful lifestyles instead of rewarding good habits.
Policies that enforce financial penalties on employees have doubled within the last two years to nineteen percent of 248 major American companies recently surveyed. 

Next year, The practice among employers with at least 1,000 workers was expected to double again.

Additionally, a survey released by Mercer, which advises companies, indicated that about a third of employers with 500 or more employees were attempting to coax them into wellness programs by extending financial inducements, like discounts on their insurance. 

As yet, companies including Home Depot, PepsiCo, Safeway, Lowe’s and General Mills have fought decisions to seek higher premiums from some workers, like Wal-Mart’s recent addition of a $2,000-a-year surcharge for some smokers. Many point to the higher healthcare costs related to smoking or obesity

Many even describe the charges and discounts as an approach to get workers to take more responsibility for their well-being. Regardless, it means that smokers and others pay more than co-workers who meet a company’s health goals.

But some benefits specialists and wellness experts say plans billed as inducements for wellness, by providing discounted health insurance, can become punitive for people who suffer from health problems that are not entirely under their control. 

Nicotine addiction, for instance, could hinder smokers from quitting, and serious obesity might not be easily overcome.

Present-day rules allow for companies to demand workers who fail to conform to specified standards to pay up to 20 percent of their insurance costs. The federal healthcare mandate raises that amount to 30 percent in 2014 and, possibly, to as much as one-half the cost of a policy.

When Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s biggest employer, recently sought the higher payments from some smokers, its decision was considered unusual, according to benefits experts. 

The amount, reaching $2,000 more than for nonsmoker, was a good deal higher than surcharges of a few hundred dollars a year imposed by other employers on their smoking workers.

The only way for Wal-Mart employees to avoid the surcharges was to attest that their doctor said it would be medically inadvisable or impossible to stop smoking. Other employers accept enrollment in tobacco cessation programs as an automatic waiver for surcharges.

Some labor experts argue that employers can charge workers higher fees only when they're bound to a broader wellness program, while federal rules don't define wellness programs.

Employers cannot discriminate against smokers by demanding them to pay more for their insurance unless the surcharge is part of a broader endeavor to help them quit. Numerous programs that ask employees to fulfill certain health targets offer rewards in the form of lower premiums.

At the start the system also rewarded employees who fulfilled cholesterol and blood sugar goals, but after workers complained that those hurdles looked punitive.

Workers who don't meet the weight targets can be eligible for lower premiums if a doctor shows they have a medical condition that makes the goal excessive.
Some benefits advisers say companies may be increasingly willing to test the boundaries of the law because there has been little enforcement, even though there is a provision calling for employers to admit workers with medical conditions restricting their ability to meet certain standards. 

But some have observed already that they are not being charged premiums when they are vaping. I guess this vaping is a loophole for some insurance companies. Although not entirely true, using those vaping devices (Go to to see the most advanced vaporizer) could just be a solution not only to your health's advantage but to your work too.

However, the employer is going to win not by cost-shifting but by getting people to stop smoking. Some critics say the surcharge may have the effect of forcing people to opt for less expensive plans or persuade them to drop coverage totally.

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