Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Financial Protections Fit for You

Managing your finances can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of attention and effort to safeguard your hard-earned money. That is why having financial protections that fit your needs is essential. 

Financial protections come in different forms, and they have the potential to help you weather a financial storm, such as an unexpected loss of income, medical expenses, or job loss. 

This blog post will discuss several financial protections fit for you.

Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is an essential financial protection that can offer a safety net when unexpected expenses arise. Whether it's an unexpected medical expense or job loss, having an emergency fund to dip into provides a sense of security and peace of mind. 

It's crucial to keep your emergency fund easily accessible in a savings or investment account with low-risk options like treasury bills or money market funds. Balancing risk and accessibility is critical when creating and maintaining an emergency fund. 

Building an emergency fund takes time and effort, but having a financial cushion to fall back on is worth it.

Express Trust Account

An express trust account is a highly effective tool for those seeking to protect their wealth in perpetuity. With an express trust account, the creator can separate asset management responsibilities from the trustee, offering significant peace of mind. 

Unlike other types of trusts, an express trust account is designed to avoid court interference, giving it unique powers and protections. As a legally recognized financial instrument, it provides individuals with a highly effective means of ensuring their assets are handled exactly as they wish. 

By utilizing an express trust account, individuals can take control of their financial future and enjoy significant benefits in the long term.

Health Insurance

No one can predict when a medical emergency will occur. In such scenarios, medical bills can be overwhelming, and having health insurance can offer you financial protection. 

Health insurance helps defray medical bills' cost, so you don't have to pay everything out of pocket. Some employers provide their employees with health insurance coverage as part of their benefits package, while others buy private insurance policies.

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is another financial protection you should consider. It can help replace your income if you get injured or become sick and cannot work. 

Disability insurance provides you with some of your income until you return to work. Most long-term disability insurance policies provide partial or full coverage.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is essential financial protection, especially if your dependents, such as children or a spouse, rely on your income. Life insurance provides your family or chosen beneficiary with funds to cater to expenses such as funeral costs and outstanding debts and help them continue living without financial difficulties.

Retirement Savings Plan

Another financial protection that you should consider is a retirement savings plan. Many employers provide their employees with retirement savings, such as 401(K) plans. 

Retirement plans are designed to help you save for retirement by taking advantage of tax breaks and helping you invest in more aggressive portfolios. 

You can also opt for an individual retirement account (IRA), where you open an investment account to save for retirement.

Final Thoughts

Taking steps to protect your finances is crucial, and the financial protections fit for you vary depending on your needs, goals, and budget. The financial protections discussed in this blog post can help offer you security and financial peace of mind. 

All these options work together in unison for a comprehensive security net. Having all these financial protections means you can thrive in financial stability and not worry about financial ruin. 

Don't wait until it's too late. Take the time to evaluate and implement these financial protections to secure your future.

Friday, June 4, 2021

4 Services You Can Get Bundled for Discounts and Savings

We need. We click. We buy. Repeating that cycle over and over can lead to having a different provider for every service you use. 

Bundling some of your services into one provider can offer you discounts and savings along with reducing the number of bills you have to remember to pay each month. Here is a list of four services that you can bundle to get a lower total price.

Home and Auto Insurance

You bought your car insurance policy when you purchased your first car. You bought your home insurance policy when you purchased your new home. 

Bundling those two policies with the same insurance company could save you as much as 25% off each policy. Some insurance companies will even bundle the monthly bill so you only have one deduction per month to keep up with. 

Even if one of the two policies has a higher rate than you are paying now, you may save more money over the year by having both policies with the same company.

Home Internet and TV

Even if you no longer have a home phone line, bundling your home internet and cable TV service could save money on the monthly price of each. 

Even if a standalone internet service provider offers you a lower rate for internet service, the savings you receive off of your monthly cable TV bill by bundling these two services with the same company might offset the difference. 

For example, Spectrum Cable TV packages offer a much better rate on internet service when it is bundled together with TV service. Even if you do not need a home phone line, bundling these two services alone could save you hundreds per year.

Home Internet and Cell Phone Services

Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint are no longer the only big games in town. Some regional home internet providers now offer cell phone service using the same 5G towers used by the larger cell service providers. 

Home internet providers such as Spectrum now offer cell phone plans. You can get a discount on the plan without having to purchase a new phone or change your number.

Streaming Services

Some internet streaming services can now be bundled offering an overall discount over a la carte services. Hulu now offers a bundle of Hulu, ESPN+, and Disney+ that is cheaper than purchasing each of these services separately. 

Depending on the packages you subscribe to now, you may be able to get all three for less money than you may be paying for just one of these streaming services.

Talk to your family and friends to see how they have saved money bundling services. Investigating and getting quotes does not cost anything. Doing nothing can cost you hundreds.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How to Budget for Insurance and Other Needed Items

As you get older, you need to budget for a number of different types of expenses each month. Insurance is one of the most important types of expenses that can reduce your risk of significant loss if accidents or injuries occur. 

There are a few tips to follow to get started if you want to know how to budget for insurance and other needed items.

Use a Spreadsheet

Use a spreadsheet to itemize your different insurance costs each month to ensure you can calculate the total cost. Write down the date that you’ll need to make the payment each month to ensure you can avoid late payments. 

If you’re not sure of the cost of your policy, contact the insurance company or review your previous statements to know how much to budget for in the coming months. 

After you obtain an insurance quote and get a policy, set up automated payments to avoid late payments and make it easier to maintain your budget.

Create a Separate Savings Account

Setting up a separate savings account can allow you to have a place to store extra money to pay for your insurance and other needed items when you get paid. 

This can prevent you from spending money on splurges or unnecessary purchases. Calculate how much money you need to set aside each paycheck to ensure you can afford the payment.

Setting up an automatic savings plan will also make it easier to automatically put the money aside to develop more discipline with maintaining your budget.

Save an Emergency Fund

Save at least $1,000 for an emergency fund, which you can use to put towards unexpected bills that you’re charged for each month. This can include last-minute car repairs or even a trip to the emergency room. 

With the extra money available, it’ll help you to avoid stress and debt when your budget fluctuates and changes at times.

Use Cash

Setting aside cash and placing it in different envelopes for some of your expenses each month can allow you to become more organized and have self-control. Use the gas for fuel, groceries, and dining out to stay within your budget and avoid overspending.

Learning how to budget for insurance and other needs will make it easier to have a system in place and have more control of your finances. You can avoid overspending and have the necessary funds to keep your insurance policies.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Is Insurance Cheaper if You Bundle with One Company?

Everyone knows that insurance is essential for your car, your home, and your other vital items. This can get extremely expensive. If you want to lower your payments, you may consider bundling your policies. Here is a look at the potential benefits of bundling with one company.

What is Bundling?

When you purchase different insurance policies from the same provider, you are bundling your plans. This can include home, auto, and life policies. This makes it simpler to pay premiums each month. Most companies provide discounts to customers who have multiple policies with them as well.

Benefits of Bundling Insurance

When you bundle your policies, it is definitely possible to save money, especially with your car insurance. You may be able to save up to 20 percent on your premiums. 

Thanks to these savings, you may be able to increase your coverage. Also, bundling makes it less likely that your carrier will drop you for filing a high number of claims.

It is convenient to work with one company as well. Bundling policies saves you time paying your bills, and a single representative can take care of all of your insurance needs. 

Also, when you establish customer loyalty with your provider, your overall experience is better. For instance, your insurance representative may be able to make valuable coverage suggestions that suit your needs and that help to save you money.

Receive an Insurance Quote

Most insurance providers will offer competitive rates, especially when you are planning to bundle your policies. It is wise to gather insurance quotes so that you find the best deal for your individual circumstances. 

After you receive a bundled insurance quote from each of your current providers, you can compare each one to the individual rates that you are presently paying. You can receive bundled quotes from other companies as well.

Who Shouldn’t Bundle Insurance?

Although it is often cheaper for a person to bundle multiple insurance policies with one company, it may not always be the least expensive option. 

If you have a high amount of traffic violations or live in a state with high rates, it may be less costly to keep separate policies. It is always best to speak with your existing insurance providers and to obtain a bundled insurance quote from each one.

Insurance is a costly proposition, but it is necessary in times of accidents. It may be beneficial to bundle your policies with one company. Besides saving you money, you may enjoy other perks and fewer hassles. It is always best to obtain various quotes and to discuss options with your current providers.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

3 Tips for Budgeting Around Insurance and Investments

As you look toward the future, setting up the right life insurance coverage while also saving and investing for retirement and other future plans are essential steps. For the most effective results from your planning efforts, both of these factors must receive adequate attention. 

Because they can impact your current budget significantly and because they are essential for the future, a closer look at how you can manage these items in your budget is in order.

Trim down Expenses

In order to pay for life insurance premiums on an adequate amount of coverage and in order to save and invest a suitable amount of money for the future, you may have enough cash available each month to contribute to these areas. 

A smart idea is to review your budget today to look for areas where you can cut back. For example, by updating and reviewing your budget carefully, you may determine that you should refinance your car loan or mortgage to set up more affordable monthly payments. In cash that is freed up in the process can be allocated toward insurance premiums and investments.

Assess Your Coverage Needs Periodically

While you understandably want to have enough life insurance coverage to provide for your loved ones in the event of your death, you also need to ensure that you are saving as much money for the future as possible. 

Assessing your coverage needs periodically may help you to avoid being over-insured. Remember that you can sell life insurance when needed. By doing so, you may use money that was previously allocated for insurance premium payments as retirement contributions instead.

Automate Payments and Contributions

Keeping up with insurance premium payments is critical. Failing to make payments can result in the cancellation of your coverage. Likewise, you may find it difficult to meet your financial goals for the future if you fail to make investment contributions regularly. 

With this in mind, it makes sense to set up automatic premium payments for all insurance policies. It is also a smart idea to make automatic retirement account contributions. Consider gradually increasing the amount of money that you contribute to your retirement account as needed.

Saving, investing and being properly insured are all essential for financial security in the future. Now is a great time to review your current coverage needs and financial goals. If you are falling behind on your goals, take steps to trim down your expenses so that you can properly prepare for the future.

Monday, July 2, 2018

First Year in a Mobile Home? What to Know About Insurance

Well before you spend your first night in your new mobile home, you need to consider your insurance options. A solid insurance policy will be your first line of defense against a wide array of risks. 

Here is a closer look at a few things that all new mobile home owners should know about insurance.

All Mobile Home Owners Need Insurance

Most homeowners aren’t legally required to have home insurance, but you shouldn’t take any risks with your property and family. Even a relatively small policy will help you cover issues such as fire damage, theft, and vandalism. 

If you are going to take out a loan to purchase your mobile home, then your lender will most likely require you to have some type of insurance. Most mortgage companies won’t approve a loan unless the property that is being purchased is fully covered.

Every Policy Is Different

Every homeowner has their own unique needs, and there is no single policy that works for everyone. When you head to the insurance offices, your agent will need information such as the location of your property, your physical assets, and the total value of the mobile home. 

A smaller mobile home that is occasionally used as a summer getaway will need much different coverage than a larger residence that you live in throughout the year.

You Might Be Able to Bundle and Save

Most insurance providers love to offer discounts to clients that bundle all of their policies. You could potentially save thousands a year if you combine your home insurance with your auto policy. 

It is also a good idea to ask your agent about any other discounts that you might be eligible for. Some insurance companies will reduce your premiums if you carry out security upgrades or work in a certain industry.

Insurance Isn’t Just for Your Property

Many first-time homeowners are surprised to hear that home insurance policies aren’t just for their belongings. These policies cover a variety of liability issues. 

If an individual is injured on your property, then your insurance might pay for some or all of the medical bills. It could also help you cover legal fees if your pet attacks a neighbor or someone claims that your property is unsafe. 

Some homeowners even upgrade their home policies to cover larger items such as parked boats.

Purchasing a warranty is another great way to protect your mobile home and all of your belonging. Your warranty is going to help you cover a myriad of expenses ranging from appliance repairs to annual HVAC service calls.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What are the Best Ways to Maximize Your Insurance Choices?

Auto insurance is more than just a legal requirement. It is your saving grace if you cause an accident. Here are some tips for making the most of it.

Choose the Coverage Amount that Is Right for Your Financial Situation

Every state has a required minimum coverage level. While the minimum level keeps you in legal compliance, it may leave you on the hook if you are at fault in an accident where damages exceed your limits. 

Many states have coverage limits which can easily be exceeded, such as a $5,000 property damage limit and a $20,000 per person bodily injury limit. It’s not hard to imagine one somewhat serious auto accident exceeding these amounts.

In that situation, you can be found personally liable for all damages above what your insurance pays. 

For example, if your insurance paid $5,000 in property damage to another driver and their car was worth $20,000, you could receive a judgement against you for $15,000.

One of the main points of auto insurance is to prevent you from having to pay ruinous sums out of pocket. 

If you have assets, such as a house or cash savings, always protect them by carrying enough insurance to cover the full cost of an accident.

Carry the Coverages You Need

Though you never want to be caught short, it is also important to avoid over insuring property. For example, if you have a paid off vehicle, the law only requires you to have liability insurance. 

Collision and comprehensive insurance are optional. Collision insurance covers your car in and accident and comprehensive covers your car if it is stolen.

It is important to consider how much you would receive in reimbursement after your deductible if your car was totaled or stolen. 

If you would only get $800, it may not be worth the premium costs to carry collision and comprehensive coverage, though if you would get $10,000, it certainly would be worth covering.

Protect Yourself from the Uninsured

For very little additional cost, you can opt for uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. 

This coverage means that if you are hit by someone without insurance and they are at fault, your insurance company steps in to cover your losses. They also pay you for any shortfall if the other driver’s insurance policy limits are inadequate.

Though the other driver is legally responsible, chances are good that if they have no insurance, they have no ability to pay.

Calculate What You Need

LA Insurance of Denver, Colorado recommends calculating your insurance needs based on your existing assets, the value of your vehicle, and your willingness to risk paying out-of-pocket expenses. Each individual has different insurance needs and budgets, so a good financial workup is needed before selecting coverage.

With the right coverages in place, you can drive the roads of Colorado with piece of mind.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What to Do When Unforeseen Events Hit Your Family & Your Finances

A severe car accident. A broken furnace. An unexpected opportunity to travel and work abroad. What do all these seemingly unrelated things have in common? They all have the potential to alter your family’s life and your finances. 

While sometimes these unexpected events can be good, as in the case of the job opportunity overseas, they’re often not positive. And either type of event can cause significant stress. 

If you’re dealing with the aftermath of such an event, or you just want to be prepared for some future event, try implementing the following four tips.

1. Prepare for it Mentally

To put it frankly, bad things just happen sometimes. Because you can’t always avoid such situations, knowing that they can happen and mentally preparing for such events can give you peace of mind. 

To help you prepare, visualize different situations and think about how you would handle those situations. Where would you go to for financing? How much money would you be willing to put towards certain events straight out of your pocket?

2. Save More Ahead of Time

Saving money for a rainy day can be one of the best ways to improve your finances this year (or any year), according to a Forbes article. 

If you’re saving with an emergency in mind, you’ll want to have two kinds of savings plans, a short-term and a long-term one. In the short-term, you’ll need between $1,000 and $2,000 for emergencies like a blown furnace. 

For the long-term emergencies like a job loss, you’ll want to save enough income to live without an income for six to nine months.

3. Get Help from a Professional

Some emergencies are so bad, you can’t dig yourself out of them by yourself. One of the best things you can do if you find that this is the case is to get help from a professional. 

As Clearfield & Kofsky points out, it’s difficult for the untrained to deal with the potential legal matters that can arise from events like an accident or a bad fall. Of equal importance is to find some support for your mental health as well. 

You can’t really make good decisions if your thinking has been skewed a bit by the accident. Having a professional around to guide you just makes sense.

4. Get Good Insurance

Having good insurance can go a long way to help you recover from an accident or other mishap. It also helps to ensure that tragic events won’t completely wipe you out. 

It’s okay to not know where to start when it comes to this. In fact, you should go ahead and shop around for a good policy. Doing so can save you some serious financial heartaches in the future.

The best way to handle emergencies is to be prepared for them. Just like cities and states have an emergency plan in place for when trouble strikes, so can you. 

Getting money put into a savings account and lining up some good insurance are some good first steps. Additionally, it’s critical that you know how to get professional advice when the need arises. 

Finally, know that everyone has challenges. If you prepare for them, however, they don’t need to wipe you out financially or emotionally.

Friday, September 4, 2015

7 Easy Tips for Maintaining your Personal Finances

According to a report released by the Federal Reserve in May of 2015, Americans were carrying more than $11.86 trillion in total debt with over $900 billion of it sitting as outstanding credit card balances. 

As a nation of debtors, it is important for all American to understand how to properly manage their finances in order to maintain financial stability or it will lead to financial strain and suffering.

Managing Personal Finances

Unfortunately, they don't offer classes in high school or college regarding personal finance management techniques. Many people are learning to manage their personal finances via a trial by fire. 

For many, by the time they learn the best techniques for managing their personal finances, they are already well in debt and are struggling financially. It is a shame because simple financial mistakes can end up destroying one's financial security. 

Managing personal finances is the process of finding the appropriate balance between one's income and what they want and need in their lives. Having a budget will let one live with a sense of freedom knowing that they will always be able to afford the things they need and within reason being able to buy the things they want. 

They will also have a good savings in the cases of “rainy days” and other types of emergencies.

Before you over-commit and find yourself fighting off creditors while watching your credit score take a dive, these seven easy tips for maintaining your personal finances might be enough to save the day.

1. Live within Your Means – When that new shiny car or when that new piece of technology comes out, many people jump at the urge to buy it whether they can truly afford it or not. The biggest mistake you can make is renting an apartment or buying a car you can't afford. If you consistently live within your means, financial difficulties will have trouble finding you. When in need of a loan, one can always leverage the equity of their home. It is important to become familiarized with Home Equity Loan Rates.

2. Prepare a Monthly Budget - At the beginning of each month, you should put together a comprehensive cash basis budget that reflects your anticipated income and how you intend to spend it. Having cash on hand is a great way to help you avoid using your credit card excessively.

3. Avoid Using Credit Cards - Credit cards should not be treated as an extension of your buying power and should be reserved for emergencies. The cash in your bank is what you can truly afford. This helps keep your credit card payments low and you out of debt.

4. Track Your Spending - The best way to find out if you are wasting money is to track all expenditures. Over time, it will become clear where cuts need to be made.

5. Use Coupons - Always be on the lookout for coupons online or through the mail. Features like discountrue coupon for can save you a lot of money over a year's time.

6. Purchase Insurance - Buying insurance feels like a waste of money all the way up to the time something happens and you need it. Then it's as good as gold.

7. Avoid Eating Out - On average, eating out costs 200%-300% more than fixing the same meal at home. Surely the time you will spend shopping and cooking is worth the effort considering the savings.

In the long run, it is incumbent on you to know how to manage your finances. The earlier you learn to be responsible with your money, the more likely you are to get to retirement financially secure. That's how you make the golden years special.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Important Things for All Seniors to Know About Insurance as They Age

There are countless changes that come with age—many of these changes pertaining to your lifestyle and finances. Many people don’t realize that as they age, their needs change, thus their financial distribution and insurance coverage will (or should) change as well. What you might need from your health, car or home insurance provider today may not be what you need next year as a senior. That's why it is important to evaluate and reevaluate your insurance as you age. Read on to learn about the changes that will take place, and how adjust accordingly. 

Health Insurance Changes

When you start coverage with a certain health insurance company, the plan you receive may be selected as your best option when you start it. It may cover accidents and some disease-related incidents, but chances are that it might not cover your medications as a senior. To ensure that your health insurance will cover you, it's important that you find out what procedures and medications your health insurance covers. You should find out if there are any transitional programs designed for adults whom are reaching their older years. You should even ensure that your insurance plan has health providers in your area, as access to preferred health providers is one of the most important concerns for seniors.

Life Insurance Can Expire

You may have started working thirty or more years ago. The first thing you might have done is to purchase a life insurance policy that you've been paying on for some time ever since. The problem is that your life insurance policy might expire, especially if you purchased a term life insurance policy. The professionals at Steers Insurance, an insurance company in Newfoundland, suggest that you contact your life insurance provider to ensure you are still covered as you age, and when your policy expires. 

Car Insurance Can Become More Expensive

The cost of car insurance is decided by a complicated risk-assessment equation that calculates everything from your driving record to the period of time you've gone without an accident. Your age, your health status and even something like your credit score can affect how much you pay. If you find that your car insurance rates have risen significantly, then the first thing you should do is to talk to your insurance provider. They may have a plan that fits your lifestyle as a senior with reduced rates. 

Prescriptions Can Get Pricey

Prescription medicines are generally the most costly out-of-pocket expense that seniors have to deal with. You may need medication that isn't covered by your insurance provider because of the type of medication it is, or the fact that there is no generic drug available. If that happens to you, then you could be paying hefty out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions that you need but aren't covered. Always ask your doctor and your health insurance provider before you change prescriptions. You may be able to avoid heightened costs or find a better plan that more adequately covers your costs.

Home Insurance Should Stay Affordable and Comprehensive

Depending upon where you live as a senior, you may find that your deductibles and rates for home insurance are becoming larger by the day. Some seniors have even been forced to consider going without home insurance because the costs were too high. As a senior, this is the last thing you want to happen to you. Staying on top of your home insurance, both knowing what your home insurance covers and how you can keep your rates affordable, is yet another thing that you must do as a senior.

Understanding the Dilemmas Insurance Poses to Senior Citizens

Insurance is a tricky thing to manage, and it becomes even harder to do so as you age. Staying on top of what your insurance covers and how much you have to pay to keep your insurance are two things that will only become increasingly important as you age. The one shining ray of hope concerning this is that many insurance companies offer discounts and plans designed specifically for senior citizens. You need only seek out these plans to ensure that your insurance continues to keep you safe as you age.

Monday, June 2, 2014

8 Ways You Can Save Money After Being in an Accident

Being involved in an accident can result in emotional and physical harm that has lasting effects. For many people, the trauma and shock of the incident can be difficult to recover from. If personal injury or damage occurs, it can result in extreme financial loss that takes months to recover from. Fortunately, there are ways to save money and prevent further loss from occurring in the process. 

1. Sell Old Jewelry

Most households have old jewelry, antiques, or valuables that are unused and are simply collecting dust. Visit local pawn shops or consignment stores to sell old belongings that are no longer needed, but may be of high value.

2. Use Coupons

To significantly reduce your grocery bill, opt for cutting coupons in the Sunday newspaper and with online coupons. Subscribe to coupon blogs and websites, which will inform you of large savings that can be obtained when pairing both manufacturer and store coupons on a single product.

3. Hire an Attorney

Many people don’t often think of hiring an attorney because they think it will save them money, but rather it would help them gain money especially if they were not at fault for the accident in the first place. However, according to the attorneys at Braithwaite Boyle Accident Injury Law, hiring an attorney after an accident is one of the smartest moves a person can make as they can help a person save, gain, or prevent loss of your monetary funds. They can help make sure that you are getting all of the money you need in order to make a comfortable recovery both mentally and physically. An attorney can also help protect you from those who might like to bring a lawsuit against you whether or not the accident was your fault. 

4. Refinance

Refinance a home or an auto loan, which will allow you to continue paying off the debt, but obtain a lower interest rate. This will immediately lower your payment each month and make it easier to save long-term.

5. Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Any outstanding balances on credit cards will cost more due to the interest being charged each month. Pay off the debt as quickly as possible, starting with the highest balance, which will allow you to save more annually. This will ultimately allow you to save money in the long run and hopefully give you some kind of peace of mind.

6. Participate in Ridesharing

Reduce the cost of transportation with ridesharing, which is available in most areas and is the modern way of carpooling. Several different services are offered locally for a convenient way of riding in passenger seats with one-time trips or daily commutes.

7. Purchase Generic Brands

Instead of spending more on brand-name products, opt for generic brands, which often use the same ingredients and recipes for prices that are often 30 percent cheaper.

8. Participate in Surveys

Allow your voice to be heard with surveys that are available online for compensation. Many different companies want reputable consumers who can review products or services. By completing a few surveys online each day, it can make for a convenient way of earning extra cash right from the comfort of your home.

Although it can be financially devastating to recover in the months following an accident, there are several ways to stay afloat and remain in control of your budget. By cutting back on luxuries and saving on products or services that you already use, it's possible to regain control of your financial situation for a complete recovery.

Why Calling A Professional For Home Repairs Can Actually Save You Money

When it comes to home repairs, you may be tempted to do the work yourself to save money. However, this isn’t always the most cost-effective option. In fact, it may prove to be cheaper to just hire the professionals in the beginning. 

Specialty Tools Are Costly

Professionals like plumbers use a range of specialty tools to help them do projects quickly and safely. These tools can be costly. It’s not cost-effective for you to purchase the welding tools and other equipment to do one job, but your neighborhood plumber already has everything they need.

Accidents Can Be Avoided

Walking into any work site can be dangerous. Laying a vinyl floor may seem like an easy project, but have you considered the medical bills if you accidentally slice your hand with a razor blade? It’s impossible to foresee an accident, but you can easily avoid injury by letting the professionals do the work for you.

Better Prices On Supplies

Contractors get discounts and work with special supply houses. They can pass those savings on to you, so you’ll wind up paying less for the raw materials. You may be cringing at the thought of the labor costs, but you’ll be impressed with the high-quality work offered by the professionals.

Done Right The First Time

When you do the work yourself, you cannot be certain that you’ll be pleased with the finished product, or that it will pass any inspection. If you make a mistake and forget a key component, you’ll wind up paying far more to have the problem corrected later.

The Risk Of More Problems

The professionals know what steps to take to avoid further problems. They shut down water and power before working, call before they dig and put protective pads down in their work areas. You may not think to take these steps, and that can lead to additional damage and more costly bills.

Time is Money

Many people fail to account for the value of their own time. What takes a professional two hours to do will probably take you four or six hours. Compare the cost of hiring the expert with the value of your time based on your hourly rate. It’s also important to consider the fact that you may not ever have the necessary time to finish a job yourself.

You may not like the idea of calling in a licensed contractor, but it’s far cheaper to do it right the first time. You’ll save time and frustration. You’ll avoid higher repair bills down the road and costly accidents, and you’ll also be more pleased with the quality of work. In the end, you’re likely to decide that the professional was worth every penny spent.

Informational credit to Hill Crest Plumbing & Heating.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Six Items Or Services You Didn't Realize Are Draining Your Wallet

One of the best ways to get control of your finances is to focus on products and services that are not needed or you are simply spending too much money on. Once you become aware of your spending habits, you will most likely recognize issues specific to your own finances. The following are only six ideas, and some of them may apply to you.

Impulse items at the supermarket

Most of us waste money at the supermarket. Often it is due to not knowing specifically what you are going to buy, and you impulsively purchase something you could do without. The way around this is to make sure you have a list before you go to the store. 

Too much fast food

Getting into the habit of buying fast food is costly. Although it may seem cheap to buy fast food, making your meals at home and even making a lunch for work is lower in cost. It is healthier when you choose your food carefully, and quick meals can be made at home as well. 

Bottled water

It is difficult to convince people, but tap water can just as healthy as bottled water. While bottled water may be more convenient in some situations, using that as your only source of water can be very costly. Not only is it a drain on the wallet, but those plastic bottles are polluting the planet. Find yourself a good sports bottle that can be reused. If you prefer bottled water, consider getting a large, refillable cooler instead of buying cases of water bottles. 

Use your dealer for car repairs

Car dealers have certified mechanics, so they have the specific skills and parts needed to fix your car. They use the genuine replacement parts and honor all manufacturer warranties. Having the job done right the first time is a big money saver. Click here for more information about how you can save money in car repairs buy going to a dealer. 

Banking fees

The number of banking fees that a typical person experiences is high. Even when they are low, by the end of the year, they can add up to a larger amount than expected. The best way to reduce this drain on your wallet is to open an account with a credit union. The fees are lower, and in some cases, they will waive some of those fees. When the time comes to get a loan, you will find out that they have lower interest rates than banks. 


Consumers often pay too much for their insurance policies. This is especially true with car and home insurance. One reason you may have too much insurance is that there are specific types of coverage that are not needed, or the value of the policy is greater than the asset. One of the biggest issues with paying too much money is not getting quotes. People get into the habit of paying for insurance with the same company year after year, not realizing there may be a much better deal with someone else.

These ideas are only a few possibilities. You need to take a look at your own expenses and search for possible money burdens on your wallet. Making simple changes to your spending habits can make a big difference in the amount of money you can save.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Motorbikes A Growing Past Time For The Over 50s

Photo © by Jeff Dean
Photo © by Jeff Dean (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Whilst motorcycling might seem like a pastime better suited to those in the first flush of youth than to people that are contemplating early retirement, there is no reason why you cannot continue to enjoy the thrills, but hopefully not the spills, of biking well into your 50s and perhaps even longer. To help older riders make the most of their time on the open road, I have compiled a short list of tips that I hope will be of some use.

1. Take your time when buying a new bike. Younger bikers tend to get carried away with all the excitement that accompanies new models but more experienced riders can take a more relaxed approach to shopping for a bike and pick one that really suits their style of riding. Industry announcements, such as the one stating that fuel leaks affect thousands of BMW bikes around the world, are worth perusing before you start to look around, just so you are aware of the potential problems of some of the models currently on sale. However, not all problems of this nature are serious and can result in the appearance of some real bargains on the second hand market.

2. Look for a specialist insurer. Younger motorists are often penalised for their lack of experience when it comes to insurance premiums so it makes sense to take advantage of your more mature status when riding in your 50s by dealing with an insurer that appreciates you represent a lower risk and rewards you for this fact with generous discounts.

3. Protect yourself. Every motorcyclist should wear protective clothing but it is especially important for the more mature rider to minimise the chances of breaking any bones. Whilst the law stipulates that every rider must wear a helmet, it is left to the individual’s judgement as far as other safety items are concerned. I would recommend wearing a back protector as a minimum, preferably one inserted in a good quality leather jacket. A decent pair of boots and leather trousers are also a good idea if you are likely to be riding at speed for any length of time.

4. Wrap up warm. In addition to investing in protective clothing that will minimise the chance of serious injury whilst riding, you should buy some good quality cold weather garments if you are planning to ride during the winter months. Even if you are only going to get your bike out on warm, sunny days, you should always have a decent waterproof jacket and trousers to hand in case it should start to rain unexpectedly. Nobody enjoys getting soaked, and standing around in wet clothes in your late 50s is definitely a bad idea if you intend to stay fit and healthy.

5. The road less traveled. If you want to really enjoy biking in your 50s, it might be a good idea to stay away from the madding crowd and pick routes through quiet parts of the country when organising weekend rides with your friends. More mature riders understand how precious time on a bike is and it is far more enjoyable, and safer too, when the road ahead is not clogged with Sunday afternoon drivers who are completely oblivious to their surroundings.

I hope that the above tips help you to enjoy motorcycling whatever your age and if you would like to have your skills and experience on a bike formally recognized, you might like to consider taking an advanced riding course at an Institute for Advanced Motoring center near you. Once you pass, you may find it cheaper to insure your pride and joy.

About the Author:
Carole Nash is a company in the UK that caters to those requiring biker-friendly home and travel insurance. They understand how fuel leaks effect thousands of BMW bikes and aim to provide cover for such situations.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Structured Settlements and the Importance of Factoring

If you have ever been involved in a medical malpractice law suit, an accident or have been awarded a lump sum of money you are receiving a structured settlement. This form of payment, which can also be called an insurance annuity, is a way an insurance company guarantees you your monthly, quarterly, or yearly payment. You, the annuitant, or policy holder is guaranteed to receive the payout over a number of payments.

Structured Settlements are set up as an annuity contract with a single premium contract. They are held by the institution that is responsible to carry out the future payments. The Congress has approved the use of structured settlements as a way to guarantee that the injured parties have the continuing means to support themselves and to reduce the chance of misappropriation of funds that would be caused by a lump sum distribution. Under IRS tax law, structured settlements are encouraged. Each and every payment, including earnings under the annuity are excluded from taxable earnings in future tax returns, according to IRC section 104(a)(1) or (2).

Structured settlements are legal documents designed to protect you and give you specific legal rights concerning your financial dispersements. But like any legal framework you should be aware of the pros and cons of using such an instrument.

One of the most beneficial aspects is that any interest or capital appreciation that happens over the life of the instrument is totally free from paying any income taxes. This benefits you with more money during your contract. When you first begin your settlement you can state the terms that best suit your needs. If you need the payments to start right away or be postponing for a certain amount of time, this stipulation can be put in your contract. You can even set the number of years or payments to fit in with your age or life position. You don’t have to worry about market fluctuation because your payout is not tied to any investment market. Lastly, should the policy owner die, a beneficiary can be designated to receive the balance of the payments.

Naturally with all the good benefits there are a few disadvantages. One being that after all the details of the contract is set, they can’t be changed. If you want to shorten the term or increase the payment, you won’t be able to do it. Even if an emergency arises you will not be able to access your money or change any detail of your contract.

As with all legal contracts, you need to be aware of the benefits and the pitfalls. Handling the process alone is not a good idea. You should have legal counsel who specializes in the process. You need to have someone in your corner who can guide you through the pros and cons of structured settlements.

Structured settlements have been a great help to those injured and in need of a continuing stream of money for medical and living needs. It’s a life line that has given many a way to live their lives with dignity. But with all these great benefits there are people who don’t want their settlement and want to convert it to a lump sum payment. The one and most common reason is they have a pressing expense in need of cash fast. But remember any company that would buy your contract is not going to pay you full value of the remaining amount.

The companies that buy structured settlements at a discount are called factoring companies. The amount of discount can fluctuate in a range of between 7 to 15 percent. Your million dollar settlement can turn into $300,000 or less.

Why such a difference? A dollar today is worth more than a dollar 20 years from now. It seems an incredibly small amount but isn’t always a bad decision. But it is a decision that requires needs proper counsel from a qualified advisor.

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