Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Health. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Navigating Bankruptcy: 7 Essential Self-Care Tips

Has your pocketbook seen better days? We understand that facing financial difficulties and considering bankruptcy can be overwhelming and stressful. 

That's why we've put together this guide with essential self-care tips to help you prioritize your well-being while going through the process. Remember, you are not alone, and taking care of yourself is crucial in overcoming any challenges ahead.

Here are seven essential self-care tips for navigating bankruptcy.

Practice Self-Compassion

Going through bankruptcy can be emotionally taxing, so it's important to practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and remember that financial struggles are not a reflection of your worth as a person. Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can in a difficult situation.

Some ways to show self-compassion during bankruptcy include giving yourself positive affirmations, taking breaks when needed, and acknowledging your efforts and progress. 

You can also practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on past financial mistakes. Remember that financial difficulties are temporary and do not define you as a person.

Seek Support from Loved Ones

It's natural to feel embarrassed or ashamed about your financial situation but remember that your loved ones are there to support and care for you. 

Reach out to family and friends for emotional support, whether it's a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. You may also find comfort in joining support groups or talking to a therapist who can provide unbiased guidance and help you process your emotions.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

When going through a stressful time, it's essential to take care of your physical health. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat well-balanced meals, and engage in regular exercise. These habits can help you feel better both physically and mentally.

During this time, try to avoid turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as excessive drinking or smoking, which can further harm your well-being. 

Instead, try incorporating small acts of self-care into your daily routine, such as taking a short walk or eating a nutritious meal. Remember that taking care of your physical health is crucial in maintaining overall well-being.

Address Mental Health Concerns

Financial strain can take a toll on your mental health. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. Taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as taking care of your financial health.

Don't forget to pay attention to any red flags in your mental health while going through bankruptcy. These can include trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating, or feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's crucial to seek help from a mental health professional.

Ignoring these red flags can exacerbate mental health issues and make it harder to navigate bankruptcy. Seeking help can provide you with the necessary support, coping strategies, and tools to manage your emotions and improve your overall well-being.

Stay Organized and Informed

Bankruptcy can be complex, so it's crucial to stay organized and informed throughout the process. Keep track of important documents, deadlines, and appointments with lawyers or agencies, such as Veitengruber Law. This can help reduce stress and give you a sense of control.

One way to stay organized during bankruptcy is by creating a filing system for your important documents. This can include paperwork related to your financial situation, such as bills, bank statements, and tax documents. Keep these documents in a secure and easily accessible place.

Find Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress

It's common to feel stressed during bankruptcy, but you need to find healthy ways to cope with that stress. Consider activities like yoga, meditation, or journaling as ways to relax and refocus your mind.

Incorporating healthy coping mechanisms into your daily routine can help you manage stress and improve your overall well-being. Some examples include setting aside time for self-care activities, such as taking a bath or reading a book, practicing deep breathing techniques during times of high stress, and finding ways to connect with others and share your feelings. Remember that everyone copes differently, so find what works best for you and make it a part of your daily routine.

Celebrate Small Victories

Don't forget to acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Whether it's sticking to a budget or successfully completing a bankruptcy counseling session, recognize and reward yourself for these achievements.

During the bankruptcy process, try to remember that it takes time and patience. It can be easy to feel frustrated or discouraged but try to have a positive mindset and be patient with yourself. 

Remember that progress takes time, and every step towards financial stability is a victory. Stay focused on your goals and remind yourself that you are making the necessary steps towards a better future. 

Surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who can provide encouragement and motivation during this time. Practicing patience can help you stay calm, focused, and resilient throughout the bankruptcy process.

Final Thoughts

Remember that self-care is an ongoing process, and it's important to keep prioritizing your well-being as you navigate through bankruptcy. 

By practicing self-compassion, seeking support, taking care of your physical and mental health, staying organized and informed, finding healthy ways to cope with stress, and celebrating small victories, you can better manage the challenges ahead and emerge stronger on the other side. 

We wish you all the best in your journey towards financial stability and a brighter future.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Beyond Physical Recovery: How a Rehab Center Supports Your Whole Self

When people think of rehabilitation centers, the first thing that often comes to mind is physical recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.

While this is certainly a major aspect of their services, rehab centers offer much more than just helping individuals overcome substance abuse.

These facilities are designed to support a person's entire well-being, including their mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

A Holistic Approach to Recovery

Rehabilitation centers take a holistic approach to recovery, meaning they focus on treating the whole self rather than just one aspect of an individual's life. This approach recognizes that addiction affects all areas of a person's life and therefore requires a comprehensive treatment plan.

These centers not only address the physical effects of addiction but also the underlying factors that contribute to it, such as mental health issues and past traumas.

Mental Health Treatment

Many rehabilitation centers have trained professionals who specialize in treating mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. These conditions are often interconnected with substance abuse and must be addressed for a person to achieve lasting recovery.

By offering therapy and counseling services, rehab centers can help individuals work through their underlying issues and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Support for Emotional Well-Being

Addiction takes a toll on a person's emotional well-being, leaving them feeling isolated, ashamed, and guilty. Rehab centers provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can express their feelings and receive emotional support.

Through group therapy, individuals can connect with others who have similar experiences and gain a sense of belonging. This support can help individuals build self-esteem, develop healthier relationships, and improve their overall emotional well-being.

Spiritual Guidance

Addiction often causes individuals to lose sight of their spiritual beliefs or disconnect from their spirituality altogether. 

Rehabilitation centers offer spiritual guidance for those who are seeking to reconnect with their personal beliefs and values. This can include activities such as meditation, yoga, or religious services.

By nurturing an individual's spiritual health, rehab centers help them find inner peace and purpose in life.

Encouragement of Healthy Habits

Recovery from addiction requires a major lifestyle change, and rehab centers support individuals in developing healthy habits that promote overall well-being. This can include regular exercise, nutritious meals, and avoiding unhealthy substances and behaviors. 

By encouraging these habits, rehab centers help individuals create a strong foundation for long-term recovery.

Life Skills Development

In addition to addressing addiction, rehabilitation centers also provide individuals with life skills that are essential for successful reintegration into society. These skills may include time management, communication, and conflict resolution. 

By equipping individuals with these tools, rehab centers set them up for success in their personal and professional lives after treatment.

Continued Support

Rehab centers understand that recovery is an ongoing process and offer continued support even after an individual completes their program. This may include access to support groups, alumni programs, or individual counseling sessions. 

By providing ongoing support, rehab centers help individuals maintain their sobriety and continue to work on their overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

Rehabilitation centers offer much more than just physical recovery from addiction. Through a holistic approach, rehab centers equip individuals with the tools they need to achieve lasting recovery and live a fulfilling life beyond addiction. 

If you or someone you know has substance abuse, consider seeking support from a rehab center to start on the journey toward holistic healing.

Friday, April 12, 2024

5 Long-Lasting Investments to Make in Your 50s

As you enter your 50s, it is crucial to start thinking about long-lasting investments that will benefit you in the years to come. Whether it's financial security or personal health, making smart decisions now can lead to a more fulfilling and comfortable future.

This blog post will discuss five key investments that individuals in their 50s should consider making.

From financial investments to taking care of your dental health, these choices can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

Financial Investments

One of the most important investments you can make in your 50s is securing your financial future. Consider meeting with a financial advisor to discuss your retirement savings and create a plan that aligns with your goals.

Maximize contributions to your retirement accounts like a 401(k) or IRA and explore other investment options such as real estate or stocks.

Diversifying your portfolio can help protect you against market fluctuations and provide you with additional sources of income during retirement. Financial investments should be one of your first investments!

Health Insurance

As you age, your body becomes more susceptible to health problems and accidents. This is why it's important to invest in quality health insurance in your 50s. 

Having comprehensive coverage can provide invaluable peace of mind, knowing that you are protected from the financial burden that can come with unexpected medical expenses. Quality health insurance can also offer access to preventative care services, which can help catch any potential health issues before they become serious problems. 

Don't wait until it's too late. Invest in your health and future by finding a quality health insurance plan that meets your needs.

Dental Care

Taking care of your dental health is important at any age, but it becomes even more critical as you enter your 50s. As you age, your oral health can face several challenges such as tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues. 

Investing in dental care in your 50s can help prevent these problems and ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy. Moreover, you may also consider cosmetic dentistry as well, such as teeth whitening or dental implants, to boost your confidence and overall appearance. 

By investing in proper dental care, not only will you improve your oral health but also enhance your overall well-being.

Physical Fitness

Making an investment in your physical fitness is not only beneficial for your health but can also improve your quality of life as you age. 

Joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, or participating in group exercise classes are all excellent ways to stay active and maintain muscle mass as you get older. 

Consider investing in equipment like free weights or resistance bands for at-home workouts on days when visiting the gym isn't possible. Remember that staying physically fit can help prevent chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Mental Health

Investing in mental health resources is just as important as physical health investments when planning for the future. Consider seeking therapy or counseling services if you're dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression related to work, relationships, or aging concerns. 

Practice mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga to reduce feelings of overwhelm and promote emotional well-being. Investing time and energy into activities that bring you joy and relaxation can have long-lasting benefits on mental health.

Final Thoughts

Making strategic investments in various aspects of your life during your 50s can lead to a more secure and fulfilling future. By prioritizing financial stability, healthcare coverage, dental care, physical fitness, and mental health resources, individuals can set themselves up for success as they age gracefully. 

Remember that it's never too late to start investing in yourself – take small steps today that will pay off big dividends tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Making Sure Your Twilight Years Are as Great as Possible
Retirement is indeed a time of relaxation and enjoying life without the daily distractions of work. Your twilight years can become the time of your life if you adopt a few good habits that keep you healthy and happy.

However, as you age, there are challenges that come along the way that require proper planning and preparation. 

This article details some strategies to ensure that your twilight years are as great as possible.

Stay Fit and Healthy

As people age, their bodies become more fragile, making it challenging for them to perform daily tasks that once came naturally. 

The key to staying healthy and fit is by incorporating exercise and proper nutrition into your daily routine. Setting aside a few minutes daily to exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body. 

If you have any medical conditions, consult your physician to develop an exercise plan that accommodates your needs. 

A diet rich in nutrients and vitamins can also contribute to longevity.

Plan Ahead for When You'll Need Assistance Living

As part of a comprehensive retirement plan, individuals should include provisions for a time when they may need assistance with living. 

Long-term care costs are often a significant expense of aging, and it's essential to consider these costs when budgeting for retirement. 

Planning ahead financially, preparing for home health care options, and considering accessibility when renovating can reduce the strain on family and loved ones and ensure that the quality of care is consistent.

Keep Your Mind Active

Mental stimulation is critical in maintaining cognitive function and keeping the mind sharp. Engage in activities that are mentally stimulating, such as crossword puzzles, reading, or taking a class on a topic that interests you. 

It's also helpful to keep social networks to promote lifelong learning, and mental well-being is essential at any age.

Balance Health and Activities

Retirement is a great time to try new activities and pursue hobbies that may have been neglected during one's working years. 

However, it's essential to make sure that the activities you choose to engage in are safe and don't put your health at risk. Taking on too much activity too quickly can lead to fatigue and even injury. 

The key is balance, and incorporating both low-impact and high-impact activities is essential to maintaining optimal health and staying active.

Stay Connected With Loved Ones

One of the most vital aspects of healthy aging is staying connected with loved ones. Positive relationships with family, friends, and community members can help prevent isolation and loneliness, leading to depression and mental health challenges. 

Try to stay in touch with loved ones regularly and join social groups or participate in events that bring people together.

With some planning and preparation, your twilight years can be the best years of your life. Stay healthy, plan for the future, keep your mind active, balance activities with your health, and stay connected with loved ones. 

Final Thoughts

These strategies will help ensure that you enjoy your retirement years to their full potential, whether you engage in new activities or simply enjoy your leisure time. The key is being proactive and controlling your health and well-being.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Differences Between Forgetfulness and Dementia

Forgetfulness and dementia are two common conditions that can affect people as they age. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some significant differences between them. In this article, we will explore these differences in more detail.


Forgetfulness refers to the normal, age-related memory decline many experience as they age. This can include forgetting where you put your keys, forgetting someone's name, or forgetting an appointment. 

While forgetfulness can be frustrating, it is a normal part of aging and does not typically interfere with daily life.


On the other hand, dementia is a more serious condition that affects cognitive function, such as memory, language, and problem-solving abilities. 

Dementia can be caused by a number of different factors, including Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and brain injury. 

It typically worsens over time and can significantly impact a person's ability to function independently.


One of the main differences between forgetfulness and dementia is the severity of the symptoms. Forgetfulness is a normal part of aging and does not typically interfere with daily life, while dementia can significantly impact a person's ability to function.

Another key difference is the cause of the symptoms. Forgetfulness is a normal part of aging and is not caused by any specific underlying condition, while dementia is usually caused by a specific underlying condition, such as Alzheimer's disease or stroke.


The treatment of forgetfulness and dementia is also different. There is no specific treatment for forgetfulness, but strategies can help improve memory, such as staying mentally active, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress. 

Dementia, on the other hand, is a more serious condition that requires medical treatment, such as medication or therapy.

It is important to note that forgetfulness and dementia are not the same, and it is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing any concerning changes in your cognitive function. 

While forgetfulness is a normal part of aging, dementia is a serious condition that requires medical attention.

In conclusion, forgetfulness and dementia are two different conditions that can affect people as they age. 

Forgetfulness is a normal part of aging and does not typically interfere with daily life, while dementia is a more serious condition that affects cognitive function and requires medical treatment. 

If you are experiencing any concerning changes in your cognitive function, it is important to seek medical advice.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

4 Counseling Apps That Will Get You Results Today

Are you in need of a safe space to vent your feelings? Maybe you just need a friendly voice to bounce your hopes, fears, frustrations, and plans for the future off of. If this is the case, you may wish to talk to a therapist. Here are 4 of the very best new counseling apps that will get you great results.


LARKR is an excellent app that has been designed to provide you with therapy when you need it the most. This handy app will connect you directly with a professionally licensed therapist via the medium of a video chat that is streamed live. The idea here is to get you to help with as little delay as possible.

The service provides expert help with LGBT couples counseling, anxiety, mood disorders, addiction issues, depression, PTSD, and many others. You can get expert-level therapeutic counseling from an expert whose specialty is the problem you are suffering from.

LARKR provides a session that lasts for 50 minutes. The total cost is $55 per session. The billing process has been specially streamlined to allow you to apply for reimbursement from your insurance company if you are qualified. This makes the service even more convenient and easy to afford for people who are on a tight budget.

2. Talkspace

Talkspace is a handy new therapy app that is designed to be very accessible and even more affordable. You can use the app to obtain unlimited chat therapy for a total cost of $32 per week. You can also elect to receive weekly video chat therapy or a special course of couples' therapy.

Talkspace is one of the original therapy apps on the market and still one of the most well-reviewed. The app allows you to connect with a licensed therapist to whom you can send messages at any time of the day or night. You are not guaranteed an instant response, but you can rest assured it will be read and responded to before too long.

One of the perks of using this particular app is that you are free to choose the type of message you send. This means that you will be able to send a carefully nuanced query or a long, garbled plea for help. Whatever you decide on will be read by a licensed therapist who will make sense of it and send you a detailed response.

3. Basis

The new Basis app offers a bit more relaxed and informal type of talk session. The total cost is $35 for a 45-minute session. You can speak to someone over your cell phone or through a video session. A slight drawback here may be that the service does not make use of officially licensed therapists or medical experts.

However, what you get from using the Basis app is a relaxed and informal verbal session that has been developed by professional psychologists who hail from Ivy League college Stanford. You don't have to schedule your talk in advance. You can reach someone from the app at any time of the day or night, including weekends.

4. Better Help

Better Help may perhaps be the most popular and influential therapy and counseling app on the scene. The service can cost between $35 and $70 per week to make use of. This may seem a bit steep. However, the aid and counseling that the app provides have been vetted and reviewed very positively by some of the nation's leading therapy experts.

You can message, chat by video, talk on the phone, or converse via messenger as many times a week as you choose. You can always count on reaching a licensed therapist who is ready to talk.

It's Time to Talk it Over Online

You can't always get away to see a therapist in person. You may have a hectic swing schedule at work. There may be issues with relatives that keep you in one place watching over them. Whatever the reason is, if you can't get away, these four friendly apps can be a lifesaver. The time to make the best use of these handy apps is now.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Natural Ways to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Photo by Storyblocks
Everyone wants to be healthy, but few of us are doing enough to get there. Study after study has revealed the bleak truth: Americans are obese, sick, and stressed out. For most of us, caring for our physical and mental health is a battle — and it’s one that we are losing.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The truth of the matter is that caring for your physical and mental health isn’t necessarily hard. It’s just that we tend to go about it in the wrong ways. We look for cure-alls and make big changes all at once. We opt for fad diets or crash diets, and then we fail to stick to them. None of this works, and we have the studies to prove it.

So what does work? Here are a few simple actions you can take and lifestyle changes you can make that will have a meaningful (and, crucially, a long-term) impact on your mental and physical health.

Take a vacation

Vacations are very good for you mentally and, in many cases, are even good for your physical health. Yet far too many of us are skipping our breaks and leaving our vacation days on the table. We’re working too hard and taking our work home with us, and we’re not doing enough to take ourselves off of the grid for a while.

Make a change. Head down to Florida or out to the West Coast for a relaxing vacation on the beach, or fulfill a lifelong dream and go see some powerful natural or man-made sites. While on vacation, do your best to ignore work completely (they’ll be fine without you).

You’ll get even more out of vacation if you manage to get some exercise in the sun. So go check out the kayak rentals in West Palm Beach or the surfing lessons down the coast. Nobody says you can’t break a sweat while you relax your mind.

Have fun exercising

Photo by Storyblocks

Most of us don’t get enough exercise, but the reason for that isn’t necessarily that we’re lazy. What’s happening is that we’re failing to make moving around and breaking a sweat into a habit. If your workout makes you miserable, then it’s not hard to see why you wouldn’t want to make it a habit.

That’s why the most effective workout for you is whatever workout you have fun doing. Whether it’s hiking, rock climbing, cycling, swimming, kayaking, or something else entirely, find something that you actually like doing and make exercise a part of your life instead of just some chore.

Make a habit of fueling your body

Diets don’t work because they don’t encourage us to form habits. Diets are drastic and temporary changes, and we tend to ditch them when we reach our goals (or before that, unfortunately). And what happens then? We go back to what we were doing which makes us gain our weight right back, and more importantly, makes us less healthy.

Try to make more long-term changes in your diet. This means you should not drastically cut calories or completely change the way you eat overnight. Instead, focus on filling up on more of the good stuff. That means whole foods, especially vegetables.

Your body also needs nutrients, and it can be made healthier with all sorts of other supplements, lifestyle products, and even beauty routines. Choose high-impact supplements like multivitamins, fish oil, and CBD. The last one is all the rage right now, explain the CBD experts at Pure for Life, because it has been shown to reduce anxiety and has a host of other health benefits. In fact, we’re still learning more about some of them.

Choose supplements that are easy to take. Take a multivitamin pill in the morning with your medication, or vape some CBD on your way to work. Use natural products whenever you’re ingesting things or applying things to your body in any way.

When you put the right products and foods into and onto your body, the right kind of physical and mental health outcomes follow.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

How Depression Is a Physical and Mental Challenge

Depression has become the most common form of disease on the planet, with an estimated 350 million people around the globe suffering from clinical depression. 

Within the United States, alone, about 16 million American adults suffer from a major depressive episode, every year. Risk of depression also increases greatly into the senior years.

Depression is a mental illness that goes beyond just mental aspects, especially as we age. It is a condition that is far from just “in your head.” 

The effects that we see of depression often qualify as physical. For many of us after the age of 50, medical bills qualify as a major expense, and a leading cause of bankruptcy. 

Learning how to effectively counter and treat depression can help you manage health bills in a much better way. 

Here are some of the ways that depression is a physical challenge, as much as a mental one...

The mental effects feed the physical

The reason that there are intense physical effects of depression is because the mental effects of depression tend to have a physical impact. 

When a person engages in troubling behavior because of their depression, it is liable to impact their health in a negative way, which makes the mental effects of depression even worse. 

In this way, depression functions as a cycle that perpetuates itself.

Triggers problematic behavior

The mental aspects of depression are factors that can impact behavior, often in a troubling way. This means that people who are depressed will often engage in problematic or damaging behavior that they might otherwise not partake in. 

One of the most common ways this happens is in drug use, which is commonly triggered by depression. It is far too common that people who struggle from substance abuse began on that path by attempting to self medicate with drugs or alcohol when they were in the midst of a depressive episode. 

Aside from substance abuse, depressed individuals also tend to engage in other destructive behavior, such as sex addiction.

Connection to psoriatic arthritis

In 2017, a study found that there was a close connection between clinical depression (as well as generalized anxiety disorder) and psoriatic arthritis, which is a type of arthritis that people who also suffer from psoriasis, which is a skin-disorder that causes rashes and blotchy skin. 

This study, published in Journal of Investigative Dermatology, found that there was a mind-body connection between individuals who suffered from psoriasis.

In the past, people believed that cases of psoriasis led to people developing depression, but it turns out that it can happen the other way as well, where people develop depression and then psoriasis, due to their depression. 

A major reason for this is that depression can impact inflammation, which leads to psoriasis. For this reason, people with depression have a higher risk of developing arthritis.

Tie to weight gain

When a person is feeling depressed, it can feel pointless to do anything productive. For this reason, people’s activity levels decrease when they are experiencing depression. 

This causes a cycle where people with depression produce less dopamine, which makes them feel even worse. 

During this mental cycle, it is common for people to struggle with weight gain, as they are burning less calories and probably have unhealthy eating habits (such as binge eating).

Decreased sex drive

As stated above, some people who suffer from depression will engage in risky sexual behaviors as a means to cope with their mental state. 

However, it is also common for people in relationships who are depressed to experience a major decrease in sex drive. This decrease in sex drive can also be matched with avoiding hygienic behaviors. 

When this happens, it can make an individual even more depressed, which makes it a continuous cycle that they must struggle to get out of.

Link to insomnia

Sleeping habits are also affected by depression, and it is liable that a person who suffers from depression will also struggle with cases of insomnia, which means that they will feel even more tired and fatigued throughout the day. 

Even if they do get enough sleep throughout the day, people who suffer from depression often have a hard time getting into a deep sleep, even when they are oversleeping, which means that their sleep isn’t actually recharging their body.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Understanding The Finances Surrounding Mental Disorders

Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mental incapacitation, also referred to as mental illness, affects quite a percentage of the world's population; and this brings a finance implication on them and their caretakers. While much stigma surrounds those suffering from these mental conditions, some of the illnesses can be treated or managed, and the ill people enabled to live their lives almost in full. Treatment of mental conditions may require the use of drugs, psychiatric, social support and provision of basic needs, by others.

Causes of Mental Instability

While some illnesses draw their traits down hereditary lines, some may be a result of drug abuse, social trauma, physical conditions and concussions/ brain injuries. Senior citizens may suffer from mental-related illnesses as a result of their advanced age or that, coupled with previous drug addictions or head trauma. For better mental health, care should be taken to address such illnesses whenever symptoms exhibit in a patient, regardless of age.

Common illnesses

Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease comprise some of the illnesses that mostly affect senior citizens, and may set on from the age of 50 years. Mentally ill patients may lose their memory from time to time and or permanently, and or lose their ability to coordinate their mortal functions/ movements, in the long run. Temporary and or permanent amnesia (memory loss) may endanger the life of the person or those close to him or her and not to mention it reduces their ability to take care of themselves, at least when they cannot remember much.

Costs associated with mental illnesses in elderly people


More often than not, finances towards mental illness treatment go to drugs acquisition and administration. The drugs may be used to calm the mind or boost a sense of well being in the patient. Patients may need the help of drugs to sleep and rest as well as manage anxieties.

Home Health Care

Mental and or psychological illnesses can be permanent or temporary. Permanent illnesses, especially in senior citizens, may require patients to be taken care of at their own or relatives' homes. Having a nurse/ caretaker monitor the patient may proof more cost effective than having that patient hospitalized/ institutionalized. A major advantage of home health care, over a hospitalization/ institutionalization, is that the patient can live close to his/ her loved ones; which makes him/ her feel more loved.


Some elderly people, with advanced and permanent mental illnesses, may need to be hospitalized; especially when they have no one to take care of them. The government and other institutions may contribute funds towards setting up and running homes for the elderly, especially those suffering mental illnesses. In these homes, the ill elderly receive basic needs, psychiatric help and monitoring to ensure their safety.

Other Indirect Costs

In addition to finances associated with management/ treatment of mental illnesses, such as home health care and drugs, patients might need to change their lifestyle. The lifestyle change may include a change in their diet, physical or mental therapy and lots of sleep among other things. This change may then cost the patient and his/ her family, guardian, government, insurance money in the form of the person needing extra/ special treatment and care.

Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, dementia, Parkinsonism, depression and Alzheimer's disease comprise some of the mental illnesses that affect a lot of people. Luckily, some can be treated or managed to give the person a dignified life. Finance implications towards treating or managing mental illnesses include money on drugs, therapy lifestyle change and ample rest; which means the person may not be able to work/ continue working, yet need care.

Author Bio
Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she offers financial tips to those helping others with mental disorders and aims to encourage further study with a USC Online Master of Science in Applied Psychology

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Investing In Your Health

Investing in your health is important at any age, but it is especially important as you begin coming into your maturity. Being in optimal health is important because you want to be able to enjoy this time of your life, so you must invest in your physical, mental and financial health. This investment means more than putting something away in order to take care of yourself later. It also means paying attention to how you live your everyday life right now.

Get Regular Checkups

While there are lots of things you can do in order to make sure you look after yourself, you still need to make sure you get to a doctor on a regular basis no matter how good you feel. You may not notice inconsistencies in your health, so including physicals, eye exams, ear exams and other necessary exams on a regular basis will help you find any issues and resolve them in a timely manner.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Of course, it is important to eat a balanced diet at any age, but a balanced diet can mean something different as you age. For instance, you should find out how the recommended daily allowances of many necessary vitamins and minerals change as you reach a certain age. You also want to be sure you get a good intake of healthy fruits and vegetables among other healthy foods.

When considering a balanced diet, it is also essential to think about what foods not to eat because they can affect you differently. For example, many people find it more difficult to digest red meat, especially after a certain time, so they have to either only eat foods like burgers and steaks earlier in the day or avoid them altogether. Furthermore, alcohol intake may also have to be modified as well.

Find a Regular Exercise Regimen

You should also try to remain active as much as possible. If you have issues with mobility, there are still things you can do to keep yourself in good shape. Light aerobics can be a good way to help you keep circulation going and/or to prevent developing conditions such as arthritis. Many older people simply prefer to go for a walk, which is not only healthy but also presents the opportunity to socialize.

Engage in Social Activities

Speaking of which, it is very important to make some time to engage with others and make sure you are looking after your mental and emotional health as well as your physical health. As you grow older, you may find that you have more time to spend with your friends and family, so you can look into making arrangements to see them on a regular basis.

For instance, you can set up a brunch or dinner group each month or even get together every week to watch a movie. There are many other activities you can do with others including board games, book clubs or live chatting with friends and family who live long distance. Sometimes it may help just to have a regular support group to discuss any issues of the day and keep up with the well-being of all group members.

Look After Your Finances

Of course, your financial health is a crucial aspect of your well-being. While it is important to begin putting something away for your later years to make sure you are comfortable, you also need to take measures to look after your finances in the moment. Learning how to budget early on will help you as you find living on a fixed income a necessity, especially if you are retired without your usual income.

Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she explains how to invest in your health and aims to encourage further study with a degree from the Adventist University of Health Sciences. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Financial and Emotional Benefits of Vocational Rehab

CO: ATU Local 1001 hearing with RTD to prevent strike

The unemployment rate in America has been tragically high for the past few years, but the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is much higher. Midway through 2013, over 13 percent of disabled people are without work - and those are only the ones who are actively looking. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, a surprising 8 out of 10 disabled people aren't in the labor force at all. In order to combat these statistics, every state has a public vocational rehabilitation agency. These agencies employ vocational rehab counselors who help veterans and other clients struggling with physical and mental conditions identify their career goals and personal skills and then identify the support they need for employment. While many disabled people might not consider themselves candidates for work, VR counselors can open doors to greater financial and emotional security.

1. Developing your IPE

Anyone who is receiving Social Security Disability is eligible for VR services unless they are too profoundly disabled to benefit from them. And even if you're not on Disability, any condition which presents an obvious barrier to employment can qualify you for VR. When you are assigned a counselor, their job is to work with you to formulate an IPE - Individual Plan for Employment. 

Vocational rehab is not about just sticking you in the first job you can get. It's about discussing your interests and skills and finding out what you'd most like to do, then carving out a path for you to work in that industry. This can involve assessing the most basic needs, such as transportation to and from work or an interpreter for deaf clients. And it can also involve major needs like college classes, training, and actual placement assistance. 

Often, your VR counselor will refer you to other organizations or resources. They may send clients to a community rehabilitation provider, which can provide more extensive services and update the counselor on your progress.

2. After You Find Employment

Most people don't realize that VR services continue even after you have found a job. Support and counseling is available for at least 90 days following placement, and your services can continue for up to three years after your case is closed. 

Disabled clients often go to work and find they need a period of adjustment to the facilities, or that the tools they need to do the job aren't always available. VR counselors can be your advocate, making sure the company is accommodating you and you will be able to keep your job once you've found it. 

According to NPR, the federal government pays more for disabled workers than for food stamps and welfare combined. With an increased number of elderly and diseased workers in this country, you will find your ability and drive to succeed in the workplace will be applauded, and the services you need will be provided at little or no cost.

3. Why Work is Important

Steampunk Wheelchair
Many disabled people are afraid to reach out for VR benefits because they're intimidated by the prospect of employment. But the psychological benefits of work are numerous, especially for those who have already felt isolated by their condition. 

The self-worth that comes with employment has been proven to stave off depression, substance abuse, and other mental health issues. While over 17 million Americans suffer from depression every year, the risk is up to 10 times larger for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. 

Feelings of hopelessness and frustration, as well as a lack of interest in activities or daily life, can be associated with the increased challenges a disabled individual faces. That's why helping them find employment, especially in a field they enjoy and feel passionately about, can make all the difference to their quality of life. Plus, being able to financially support yourself is a huge boost to your well-being and mental state.

The services available from Vocational Rehab counselors are extensive, and you should never assume you don't qualify. Every American should be able to pursue their goals and live their dreams, no matter what physical or mental barrier is standing in their way. VR can be the first step to overcoming your fear and taking back your life.

Brett Harris supports his local vocational rehabilitation center by volunteering his time to help the counselors. If counseling interests you as a career, check out the Top Online Masters in Counseling Programs offered by several schools.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Guide for Freelancers: Working with Difficult People while Avoiding Problematic Scenarios

Facing daily challenges is not as difficult as dealing with people with problems. This article will help in explaining how to deal with difficult clients and how to handle their questions and reactions. 

Difficulty in Dealing:

Following are explained some reasons of why the freelancers perceive some clients as difficult:
  • Communication Style Differences. Communication is the medium through which the complexity of any client can be predicted. Some people feel more comfortable in any type of communication medium. Some uses email, phone calls, chat or face to face meeting. The difficult people find a way in any type of medium to irritate the employer. 
  • Knowledge Based Differences. Not everyone can understand everything and not everyone knows everything. Freelancers have to guide the client with proper knowledge and make him understand things he does not perceive correctly. Sometimes the client offers low price for large amount of work, for this freelancer have to elaborate the price scheme so that he understands the amount of efforts required. 
  • Life Experiences’ Differences. It’s virtually impossible for a person to acknowledge what the other person has in mind and what he/she is going through unless he/she share. It’s an important note to memorize that mostly people have diverse behaviors in the stressed situations. 

Salvage Relationships:

The first choice for a freelancer should be to salvage the relationship if the client is difficult. If the reasons have been identified of client being difficult, proper steps should be taken in dealing and correcting the relationship. It can either be adjusting the way freelancers operate or by swallowing their pride. Below are various specific steps which could be taken for resolving the specific problems:
  • Communication Style Differences. Communication is the medium through which the complexity of any client can be predicted. 
  • Knowledge Based Differences. Not everyone can understand everything and not everyone knows everything. Freelancers have to guide the client with proper knowledge and make him understand things he does not perceive correctly. 
  • Life Experiences’ Differences. It’s virtually impossible to acknowledge what other people are going through unless they speak of their problems. It’s an important note to remember that most of the people have diverse behavior in stressed out situations. 

Time of Ignoring People with Problems:

Salvaging the relationship with a difficult person is generally considered as best option. There might come some times when it’s best to ignore difficult person. Usually it’s preferable to ignore difficult people to avoid any irritation in work. For instance, if the client is asking for status reports on daily basis, it must be annoying but providing them with the reports. 

Last Resort:

Last resort for a freelancer is to cut off the difficult person from the work entirely. One should go for such act after much thinking because one it is done, it can’t be undone. Ending the relationship should be made if there is not step or chance of reconciliation left.

Author Bio:

Austin Richard is an IT professional from prepnerds. Are you really looking for Assistance? Take the benefit of Apple Certification Exams and pass your exam easily.

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