Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Investing in 2020: Forex or Bitcoin?

Just as any investment plan goes, there is no exact answer as to where your cash should be injected. In fact, it’s a gamble. Either you are lucky or you’re not. But there are means of improving the investment choice you make. One of the most obvious ways to improve investment returns is to know more about what you are investing in and what the market looks like.

Come 2020 there are bound to be many more investment opportunities. We take a look at where your money would best be invested, Bitcoin or Forex. Anything far and in-between is up to you, naturally.

While a number of online businesses are adopting Bitcoin as a payment option and other sites like evolving to make Bitcoin more mainstream, it's natural to wonder which would be a better investment.

But with two of the biggest markets in competition, if you had to choose, where would you invest your hard-earned cash? According to financial evaluators, either or bears their own risks but here is what we know so far.

Forex Trading Advantages

The advantages to Forex Trading, according to professional analysts, is that the market is an open one. It is easy to access and opposed to Bitcoin, investors, and trade through their brokers on a ledger where transactions are recorded and tracked. Being recognized globally far longer than Bitcoin also works in favour of Forex trading. 

For those unfamiliar with Bitcoin, Forex seems like a safer investment, which in some ways puts Forex in an advantageous position. Forex, unlike Bitcoin, is liquid and can be accessed immediately without any need of wallets or middle ground. Investors can freely move cash from one account to the other.

Bitcoin Trading Advantages

If we reflect on the history of Bitcoin, in its short its existence, the cryptocurrency has had a quick claim to fame, fallen just as fast as it rises, and has made a steady recovery. 

Nevertheless, people have been wondering how 2020 looks in terms of investing in the coin and despite negative feedback from less than 30 percent of users, it would appear Bitcoin has restored its reputation and investors are siding with Bitcoin investment.

If you needed proof, you could say the proof is in the pudding. Most of the new online companies dealing with merchant vendors and peer to peer sales are adopting Bitcoin as a payment option. 

In fact, there have been a number of online companies based solely on Bitcoin transactions to have been developed in 2019. With this being said, we can see and feel the strong presence of the crypto, leading us to believe that come 2020, Bitcoin will be as strong as ever.

While both trades have their pros and cons, the future of trading and investing may just be in favour of Bitcoin. But for now, it remains a gamble, Forex being as popular as ever and Bitcoin drawing in admirers from around the globe. All that remains to be seen is which of the two will be a better investment in 2020.

Emotion in Trading Results in Big Loss

If you want to ensure a reputed trading career in Forex, emotions must be avoided. The trading plans will be the most important to execute trades efficiently. If you fail to find an effective trade setup for decent profit potential, you will lose money. Instead of gaining pips, you will experience a potential loss. 

If your emotions are dominating the trading strategies, they will increase more from a loser. So, you will lose control over your trades gradually. The most important factor of emotion-based trading is losing your account. It will not take long to blow up your account balance and ruin your trading career. 

Being new to the Australian trading community, try to avoid getting emotional in the trading business. Instead of the emotional dilemmas, concentrate on the executions of the trades. Thus, you can easily make sure a decent profit potential from the trades.

It will be even better when you are curious to develop an efficient trading plan before joining the industry. So, stop wasting your capital doing live trading and spend more time on improving your trading skills. Practice your plans and strategies to improve your trading quality.

You need to make concrete decisions

In the case of currency trading, a solid plan is needed to execute the trades. At the same time, a secured money management plan is important for the safety of your capital. And due to the high volatility of the marketplace, you need to take a concrete decision for the trades. 

But emotional conflicts will not let you make solid decisions for the trades. It will always bother your trading mind with immature ideas. Many traders lure into overtrading and micromanagement due to emotional dilemmas. None of those strategies as safe for the trading business. They increase the potential losses of your trades.

So, you need to improve defense against the emotions related to Forex trading. If there is a loss, strictly use it as a learning instrument. Correct the errors of your trading edge then improve your strategies. It will be efficient to improve your trading quality. Thus, you can also avoid losing money and quality trades in the Forex trading account offered by Saxo.

Trade with a calm and calculative plan

Before deciding on a trade, you need to find the right position for the trades. It is not so tough when you have a calm and calculative trading mindset. You just need to do an effective market analysis to time the trades precisely. With fundamental elements and technical calculations, you can understand the market volatility. 

Moreover, you can also ensure a decent profit potential from the trades. Because the idea is to find a suitable trade setup that can be used to execute your trades. The stop-loss and take-profit will be utilized for the trades as well.

It is appropriate to find a suitable market condition to place your trades. But without concentration, you cannot study the markets. Therefore, you will lose the chance of executing a trade securely. As it is not appropriate to worry about losses, you should stop doing that. The frustration and regret of losing money should be avoided as well.

Concentrate on improving skills

Accepting the losses, you need to move on and try to improve your trading edge. As mentioned earlier, you must avoid the trading losses and look for mistakes in the trading plan. That way, you can improvise your trading edge efficiently. You can ensure a decent profit potential within a very short amount of time after joining Forex. 

It will be even better when you can use the demo account to improve your trading strategies. Because you will not lose your money but will improve your trading skills to ensure positive trading performance.

So, instead of the frustration, focus on the market analysis. Try to improve your skills to study the markets properly. Utilize fundamental and technical analysis to find perfect spots for opening and closing a trade. It will reduce tension because the potential losses will decrease with time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

4 Financial Steps to Take after Being Diagnosed with Permanent Disability

When you get diagnosed with a permanent disability, it severely changed your life. You may have pain, difficulty doing the things you used to do, inability to work, and increased financial obligations. It’s rather difficult to handle financial difficulties when you aren’t able to work. 

Here are 4 financial steps to take after being diagnosed with a permanent disability.

Save, Save, Save

Permanent disabilities can come with some hefty costs to see doctors, treatment and medication, and any accommodations that need to be made. You also need to be prepared for any unexpected time off of work. This means you need to save when things are going well to be ready. Put a little bit of money away every check to ensure you have a safety net when necessary.

Find Work You Can Do

You may be forced to resign from your position due to your disability. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find other ways to make money. Identify your limitations and look for work that you can still do despite your limitations. 

The available work varies greatly depending on your disability. You may be able to talk to your employer to see if you can get transferred to another position that might suit your needs better.

Get Benefits

There are government programs designed to make life easier for people with disabilities. Do your research and see what programs you might qualify for. Look into both social security and medical programs. 

There may even be charitable organizations who step in when the government does not. Do not feel bad about getting help due to your condition. You have to deal with something most other people do not have to go through. Since you have this handicap, you deserve the help.

Call a Lawyer

There are a lot of aspects of learning you have a disability that can be confusing. Luckily, you can find the help you need by reaching out to a disability lawyer. They can answer any questions you have regarding employment law regarding disabilities, filing for benefits, and anything else on the topic of disabilities. This will protect you at work and help ensure you get the benefits you deserve.

There is more to consider when it comes to disability than the physical aspects. The disability can affect the other aspects of your life, including your finances. Follow these tips to keep yourself comfortable.

Monday, September 23, 2019

4 Things You Need to Include When Writing Your Will

No one really wants to contemplate his or her own mortality. At some point, though, any responsible person will decide to create a will so that his or her family will be taken care of after he or she is gone. If you are looking into creating a will, you’ll want to make sure that you take care of the issues below.

Immediate Concerns

Always start with the most immediate concerns. If you have children, make sure that you appoint someone to take care of them. If you have pets, include where you want them to go. 

If you have a business, make sure that someone is appointed to run it in your stead. While these may all sound like very basic decisions, they’re the issues with which your family will first have to grapple when you are gone.

Your Funeral

Don’t forget to pay attention to your funeral in your will. If possible, go ahead and specify the funeral home and crematorium that you wish to use. If you have any special wishes, go ahead and include them—while they may not all be honored due to specific laws and regulations, it’s always good for your family to know what you would have wanted.

Special Provisions

You’ll also want to make sure that you get anything special filed away as soon as possible. If you want to leave the bulk of your estate to a charity, you’re going to want to get it in writing early so that no one will challenge your decision. 

If there’s a special item that you want to go to a specific family member, you also need to include that. Remember, there comes a point at which it really is too late to get these special items included.

Special Circumstances

Finally, make sure that you take care of any special circumstances regarding your estate when you make a will. If you have an unusual family situation, make sure that you specify whether an individual is included or if he or she is being purposefully left out.

If you know that your death might lead to specific issues in your business, make sure that you have some method of dealing with those issues included in your will. Do what you can to ensure that confusion isn’t left in your wake.

Always make sure that your will takes care of immediate issues, list your wishes for your funeral planning, and handles any special situations and provisions that might impact your loved ones. The more information you put in the document, the fewer issues with which your family will have to deal.

Friday, September 20, 2019

4 Side Gigs to Raise Funds for Unexpected Emergencies

The Internet has created more opportunities for individuals to make additional income on the side than ever before. While the money you earn from your side hustle can be used for anything, it is often a good idea to save it back for unexpected emergencies. Here are some ideas that almost anyone can do.

Write Books

If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a book, it is now easier than ever to publish it independently online to the major ebook stores and make money from any sales. After writing your book, be sure to get it edited and formatted correctly, as well as create an eye-catching cover. 

You can write about anything you want, from a non-fiction book about a familiar subject to a fantasy epic. You can also write online at sites like This will give you experience and you work as an independent contractor per article.

Drive for Ridesharing Services

Uber and Lyft provide opportunities for individuals to make some money on the side providing rides to people for a fee. Both you and your vehicle must meet their requirements to be approved to drive for them and start earning money. 

You may need a trip to the transmission shop or to get new tires. Another thing you must check is your auto insurance to see if it covers your vehicle for use in this commercial manner. If not, you will need to purchase additional coverage.

Buy and Sell

You can make good money on the side by finding hidden gems at thrift stores and garage sales and then reselling your finds online. This can take some trial and error but when you get the hang of it this side hustle can be very lucrative. You can also hunt for deals online and then resell for a profit.

Take Photos

Many individuals, businesses and creative professionals need stock photos for the work they do. If you enjoy photography and are handy with a camera, consider selling some of the photos you take online. You can sign up at some of the major stock photo sites, upload your photos and take a cut when they are sold.

Unexpected emergencies happen and it is always a good idea to have some money saved up to deal with them. Side jobs can help ensure you make enough to set some aside. Consider these gig options—one or more of them might work for you.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

5 Simple Ways to Raise Money Quickly
Whether you are in need of raising money for a medical procedure, an upcoming move, or even for a charity that is near to your heart, there are many ways to go about doing so regardless of your reasoning. Use these simple tips to raise money quickly for any purpose and with just about any timeframe.

Host a Garage Sale

Hosting a yard or garage sale is one of the quickest ways to raise money quickly, especially if you have boxes of unwanted belongings and household decor that are still in great or near perfect condition. Hosting a garage sale is also a way to declutter your home while providing you with a complete inventory of the items, furniture, and personal belongings you do own.

Get Rid of Outdated Electronics Throughout Your Home

Another way to raise money is to sell outdated and unwanted electronics that you have throughout your home. Outdated electronics such as smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, and even audio systems can all be resold for a lower price. In some cases, it is also possible to resell or recycle electronics online right from the comfort of your own home.

Consider a Crowdfunding Fundraiser

Crowdfunding is another method of raising money, especially for individuals in need of medical care assistance or for those who are raising funds for those in need. Launch a crowdfunding campaign to spread the word of your cause and to receive help from individuals and strangers from around the world with the use of your own website, blog, and social media presence.

Host a Walkathon or a Marathon

Physical activities such as walkathons and marathons are great for raising money in a short period of time, especially if you are interested in spreading the word of your cause. 

Consider hosting a walkathon or a marathon if you have at least one month in advance to plan your money-raising event. Walkathons and marathons are ideal if you are seeking to raise money over the course of multiple months with groups of friends and family members.

Sell Your Car

Selling your car is one of the best ways to raise larger amounts of money in less time. Most vehicles are valued in the thousands, providing you with an opportunity to get the money you need with just one sale. Even a rundown car can fetch a good price. Look for places that are asking for money for your junk car.

Raising money quickly does not have to be difficult, especially with a well-crafted plan and timeline in place. With the right money-raising tips, set and achieve your money-saving goals with ease.

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