Showing posts with label Stock market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stock market. Show all posts

Sunday, October 16, 2022

How the Stock Market Can Be the Best Saving Option?

In advanced economies, physical assets like gold and real estate are losing attractiveness. More households allocate their funds substantially more to financial investments than the physical form of assets, especially from a long-term perspective. It helps them to reduce the risk involved in shorter time frames.

There is a massive increase in the number of mutual fund folios. Retail inflows into the share markets are also multiplying. Demat accounts, the primary account for stock investing, have also marked a record opening. All in the line of earning higher returns.

Here are the aspects that make the stock market the best saving option.

Easy Investing Process

The stock market is known for higher returns, and now it is easy to access by retail investors also. It has adopted the online trading system based on a demat account and allows screen-based trading. A single demat account is enough to hold all your financial assets. 

 To answer 'what is demat account' - it is an online repository with the stock broker facilitating online trading services to individuals. It ensures the safety of your securities electronically and helps in faster share transfer at reduced costs than the offline trading system.

Flexibility to Invest in Smaller Amounts

Individuals can enter the stock market to start their investing journey with a small amount. A trading account allows you to trade even one share. You can consider mutual funds if you want to invest small.

Multiple Options to Choose from - Easy Diversification

Individuals looking to invest their hard-earned money should consider diversification across multiple types of investments. Stock market investing is an easy way to take advantage of diversification. 

It offers a number of options to invest your savings, including equities, mutual funds, debt funds, bonds, exchange-traded funds, commodities, currencies, and others. You can choose investments to include in your portfolio as per your risk profile and return expectations. 

Holding equities for the long-term will help you increase returns compared to other investments. You can consider mutual funds if you want to take lower risks than equities.


Stock investments are liquid assets as the market deals with a large number of market participants. The volume of trading transactions using trading accounts on stock exchanges is high. Investors should understand the difference between demat and trading accounts

While a demat account is the record of your financial assets, a trading account is a record of trading transactions. It is easy to exit your position online on stock exchanges using your trading account. Some assets like real estate are hard to liquid.

Regular Income

Companies share a portion of their profits apportioned for equity holders - called dividends. Investors consider fundamentally strong companies paying dividends to shareholders on a periodic basis as a source of regular income. You can consider these stocks for the long term and keep earning.

Safety of Investments

The Indian stock market is regulated by the Stock Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The SEBI keeps implementing policies or bringing reforms in the interest of investors, mainly protecting the rights of investors. 

Each and every transaction on stock exchanges is completed under the regulatory framework laid down by SEBI. There is the rarest case of fake securities, of risks of several fraudulent activities, unlike the physical form of securities.


You can reduce your taxable income by investing in the stock market. Income/loss from the sale of stocks is covered under the head 'Capital Gains

If you sell your stocks after one year of purchase, it will be a long-term capital gain and attract a long-term capital gains tax of @10%. Selling your stocks within one year of purchase attracts short-term capital gain per your applicable slab rate.

Thus, considering all these benefits, most investors get inspired to invest in stock market investments as the best saving option. Make sure you gauge your financial status and risk profile before putting your funds in the stock market.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Benefits of Trading Online

Trading stocks online is the best way to make the most out of your money. Online trading provides an easy and accessible way to invest in securities with more flexibility than traditional methods. It's possible to trade without ever leaving your home.

The financial world has changed significantly over the past few decades as technology has advanced, and now trading is more accessible than ever before. Here are some of the benefits of trading online.


Trading online is easy. You don’t have to be a professional trader or have much prior experience in making trades or the stock market. You can trade from anywhere in the world, so you don't have to be tied down to one location to make trades. 

Many people make their trades from home or at work. This is especially useful if you want to trade but sitting down or going somewhere is inconvenient for your job or family schedule.


With the help of technology, trading has become a much more accessible possibility than ever before. You don’t have to worry about your trading account being hacked or about the security of your computer, you don’t even have to go to a specific location to do it. 

For online trading services that you can do from anywhere, such as E-Futures, you can ensure that all of your information is secure and that your investments are safe.


You can trade with just about any broker, and you can trade whenever you like. You are not forced to be at a particular place at a specific time. This means that you can trade from wherever you want to, and it's an advantage over traditional trading methods.

Instantaneous Trading

Trading through the internet is much more efficient than traditional methods of trading. When you trade through the internet, you can make a trade in just a few clicks of your mouse. 

There is no need to wait for hours to make a trade because everything happens instantly. This means that you can make trades anytime and when it suits you best.

As you can see, online trading is a great way to invest for many people. It's easy to use, and it's quick. You can be sure that your investments are safe and secure because you have total control over them. 

This means that you will be able to make the most of your investment, which is one of the main reasons you should consider trading online.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Should You Invest In Stock Options?

Generally, stock options are considered to be the experienced traders’ forte. But, it can be a helpful tool for individual investors too. In fact, experts say that when carefully chosen, stock options can be equally beneficial for investment purposes, and not just day trading.

Knowing how do stock options work, will help you decide whether to put your money in it or not.

Stock options have been around for quite some time now, but they have only recently started getting the deserved attention. Investors mostly avoid stock options as they do not have a clear idea about them. 

They think it to be sophisticated, hence challenging to understand the investment. Brokers and investors must be offered proper training on the right ways to use stock options. Only then will it get the worth that it deserves.

Due to the lack of understanding, negative words like “risky” and “dangerous” are associated with the overall financial markets and their various components. The stock option is no different in this case. 

However, as an investor, you must investigate the model before making any decisions about the option value. But believe it or not, there are some sheer advantages of investing in stock options too.

Let us find out what advantages stock options can offer.


Options come with great leveraging power, similar to the stock position, but in a cost-saving way. For example, if you want to buy 200 shares of $80 stock, you would need to invest $1600. 

But if you purchase two $20 calls, where each contract would represent 100 shares, then you would only have to pay $400. You will be able to use the additional $200 at your discretion. 

However, things are not as easy as it seems. You would have to make the right call to mimic the position of the stock properly.

Less Risky

Depending on the situation, buying options can sometimes be riskier than owning equities. But there will be times when options are used for reducing the risks. It mostly depends on your usage pattern.

Options are a dependable form of a hedge, and that makes them safer than stocks. While an investor is purchasing stocks, a stop-loss order is usually released to protect the stock’s position

This order helps to stop losses below a predetermined position which you will identify as an investor. However, the problems with these orders lie in the order itself. 

The stop order will only be executed when the stock trade goes at or below the predetermined margin by the investor indicated in the order.

It is essential to remember that the stop-loss order only works when the market is open. It does not apply at night. So if a given stock opens below your predetermined margin when the market opens, you will have to make the first trade with that amount. It means that the stop-loss order will not work in your favor when you need it the most.

In such cases, the put option offers some excellent protection. They are operative round the clock and will not stop as the market closes. They will be your 24*7 insurer, which is why most investors consider this their dependable form of hedging.

Higher potential returns

Every investor invests their money intending to get higher returns, and stock options increase that chance. With this investment model, you will spend less but get almost an equal profit, which means the percentage of income would be higher. It is one of the main benefits that attract a lot of investors towards options.

More strategic alternatives

The options offer more strategic investment alternatives. They are pretty flexible, and there are many other ways to use options to recreate other positions. These positions are popularly known as synthetics.

The primary aim of synthetics is to present investors with different ways to achieve the same investment goal. The option helps investors to trade in stock movements along with the passage of time and volatility movement. 

As an investor, you would notice that most of the stocks do not have significant moves most of the time, and you can take advantage of this stagnation as it can decide if you have reached your financial goals.

Monday, March 22, 2021

How the Pandemic Has Impacted the Stock Market

Expect the unexpected. It’s good advice across a wide variety of circumstances –– and it especially applies to investing. Relying on past performance or historical averages is a mistake. So is the failure to diversify. 

At some point, stock prices will fall. It’s inevitable. Some companies try to game the system by engaging in fraud. If you’re employed by one, know that you have reporting protections as an SEC whistleblower.

Although there have been warnings about global pandemics for years, few saw one happening in 2020. No one could have predicted the ways it has radically altered our lives. Nor could anyone have foretold the impact it had on investments. So how has the pandemic affected the stock market in the United States?

Plunging Markets

In February of 2020, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was detected across the U.S. and Western Europe. Although the pandemic’s worldwide spread might have been unpredictable, the market’s response wasn’t. 

Across the globe, stock indexes plummeted as nervous investors sold across sectors. In the U.S., on Monday, February 24th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped over 1,000 points. Its more than three percent drop was matched by the falling S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes. Across the board, markets lost nearly one-third of their value between January and the end of March.

Rising Values

By April, many investors had abandoned the market entirely. With the benefit of hindsight, they might have held on. That’s because even as the overall economy seemed dire, the market began to improve. 

After the Federal Reserve indicated it would maintain historically low interest rates, investors sought better returns in everything from gold and bitcoin to real estate and equities.

With millions working from home for the first time, it made sense that the tech companies supporting the transition would benefit. Video conferencing company ZOOM, for example, increased in value by nearly 500%

Besides remote workers, millions more were forced to stay at home –– which benefited companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Apple, along with many smaller tech firms.

This largess was spread unevenly. Some businesses that closed their doors in March never reopened. Besides bars and nightclubs, restaurants, nail salons, and many other small businesses went out of business. 

Yet large chain stores like Target, Walmart, Publix, and Ralph’s remained open throughout the pandemic. This was reflected in earnings reports as they reported high profits even as fitness and department store chains filed for bankruptcy.

Similarly, workers able to work from home endured and even thrived while laid off retail and hospitality employees struggled. Those still employed or with private incomes led to an influx of new investors. After being forced on the sidelines by prices they felt were too high, they helped drive the U.S stock market to new heights.

On November 24th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a record high of 30,000. Besides this significant psychological milestone, the month was equally record setting. After giving up some of its gains, it closed out November up nearly 12% –– for the month, not the year. The last time it did so well was in January of 1987.

That year stands as a beacon for investors since, on October 19, 1987, U.S. markets dropped over 20%. Panicked sellers locked in their losses. Yet, if the pandemic has proved anything, it’s that timing the market is a fool’s game. Instead, experts recommend dollar-cost averaging

Putting a fixed amount into the same fund or stock every month regardless of daily fluctuations is a proven wealth builder. Unless you have a working crystal ball, it’s the best way to prepare for the unexpected.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

How Technology Helps Us Monitor and Manage Our Finances

When it comes to managing your personal finances, an organization is key. Essential strategies like budgeting and investing are impossible if you can’t keep track of your money. These days, making sense of your financial portfolio is easier than ever thanks to modern technology. 

A tech-savvy individual can use apps, online spreadsheets, and the internet to take care of their money with relative ease. Here are four ways you can use technology to monitor and manage your finances.

Budgeting Apps

In order to keep your finances healthy, you need to limit your expenses in accordance with your income. The only way you can develop a sound budget is by recording exactly how much you earn, how much you want to save, and how much you’re able to spend. 

With just a pen and paper, this requires a lot of math and concentration. Budgeting apps make it simple. All you’ll have to do is enter some key figures, and the technology will produce a budget for you to follow. These applications are also great for tracking your monthly spending.

Using the Internet for Research

If you want to grow your wealth through sound investments, then you’ll have to do a fair bit of research. You should never make an investment from a place of ignorance since it’s a true understanding of a company, property, or currency that allows you to form a reliable opinion. 

Whether you want to invest in a stock or buy BTC cryptocurrency, you can use the vast resources provided by the internet to become informed. Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now, and for good reason. You stand to make a good amount of money when you invest in it properly.

Digital Spreadsheets

While handwritten charts can quickly get messy with all those cross-outs and coffee stains, digital spreadsheets stay neat, organized, and easy to read. 

They also make it simple to complete complex calculations. If you want to create organizational tools without the help of an app, a digital spreadsheet provides a great way to do it while taking advantage of modern technology. 

Spreadsheets can help you stay more organized than you could otherwise. They can help you track every expense that goes through your pocketbook. Keeping a collated spreadsheet will help you achieve your financial goals.

Online Trading

In decades past, a would-be trader had to find a broker if they wanted to invest in the stock market. Nowadays, the hottest stocks are only a few clicks away. 

With nothing but an internet connection and a bank routing number, you can create an e-trading account and start investing. Just be sure you don’t let this ease of access tempt you into making hasty purchases. 

If you want to start investing, just remember that there are risks that come with it, so be conservative, especially when just starting out.

Managing your finances is a lot easier now than it was thirty years ago. To really keep track of your money, try employing these handy technological aids. You’ll make your life easier while safeguarding your financial health.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Your Full Guide to Day Trading US Tech 100

Are you interested in day trading US tech 100 stocks? Well, one of the things that you require is a suitable trading strategy. Tech 100, also known as US tech 100 or NASDAQ 100, is a modified market capitalization-weighted index comprising top non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Day trading tech 100 is a common strategy in stock markets and can be very rewarding if you execute it well. However, we must indicate that it can be challenging, not only for newbies but also for experienced traders. This post is a full guide to day trading NASDAQ 100 for new traders.

The Basics of Day Trading Strategies

Before getting into the different types of day trading strategies, it is crucial to understand the basics. Here are some crucial elements that you need to know:

  • Money Management

It is important to point out that stock trading is a risky undertaking where one can easily lose his/her resources. So, you need the right money management strategies. Start by deciding the amount you are willing to risk.

Consider risking only a small portion of your cash in every trade, preferably 2-3% of your trading capital.

  • Timing

When the stock market opens, it tends to get very volatile, and an experienced trader may be able to rake some profits. It is prudent for new traders to always hold back for about 15 minutes to establish the emerging trends. After all, you have a lot of hours ahead to trade.

  • Time Management

As a day trader, do not expect to make a lot of money from trading for one or two hours. Instead, you need to follow the market to identify potential trading opportunities continually.

  • The Need for a Good Broker

To successfully trading US 100 stocks, it is also important to look for a broker with low transaction fees. This will ensure that all the profit you make does not get galloped by the broker. Other attributes to look for including the availability of diverse trading instruments and an easy-to-use trading platform.

Common Day Trading Strategies

The following are some of the standard day trading strategies you can use. Take a closer look at each to understand how they work and increase your trading chances successfully.

  • Breakout Day Trading Strategy

This strategy focuses on the price of a selected stock to note when it clears a specific level on the trading chart with a growing volume. A trader might enter a long position when the price breaks above the resistance level on the chart. If the selected US tech 100 stock price breaks below the support, you might go for a short position.

When an asset manages to break through a barrier, what follows, in most cases, is high price volatility in the direction of the breakout. It is important to use the right indicators to identify the levels of support and resistance correctly. You can use a selected stock's recent performance to identify support or resistance and set a reasonable price target.

  • Scalping

Scalping is another popular strategy used by stock traders. The method capitalizes on short price movements, implying that the trader can enter and exit multiple times to drive quantity. The strategy is fast-paced and an inspiring way of trading, but you must be extra careful because it can also be perilous.

To increase your chances of success when scalping US 100 stocks, it is prudent to look out for attractive liquidity. Furthermore, you should be good at timing and close trades fast to avoid incurring losses.

  • Momentum Trading NASDAQ 100

Momentum trading entails acting on news reports and identifying trending moves supported by high volume. If you take a closer look at US tech 100, USA 500, and Dow Jones stocks, there are always several stocks that move with 20-30% every day. You can consider trading such stocks using a momentum strategy to increase your chances of success.

To use the momentum trading strategy, you start by identifying a trend to open a position. Then, hold unto the position until you get signs of reversal; once the reversal is confirmed, exit and look for trading opportunities in the new trend.

The momentum trading strategy is pretty simple and effective if you use it correctly. However, you need always to be alert about the latest news and announcements that affect the stocks.

  • Reversal Trading

While it is true that reversal can be a potentially dangerous strategy, mostly when employed by novices. The strategy is also known as pullback trading and requires an in-depth understanding of the stock market dynamics.

To trade Tech 100 using this strategy, you need to identify the possible pullbacks and predict their strength. If the selected stock's reversal is strong enough, you might take it to be a decent trading opening. You must be on the lookout to note when the pullback is about to end and close your position.

Risk Management in Day Trading Tech 100

As we have mentioned, day trading is high-speed. Within a short moment, you can make impressive gains, but it is equally possible to make huge losses. To reduce the risk of loss, you should use several risk management methods, such as these:

  • Identify a good strategy and apply it skillfully.
  • Consider following the 1% rule, which indicates that you should never put more than one percent of your capital on a single trade.
  • Use stop-loss orders to minimize losses if the price of a stock moves against your prediction.
  • Diversify your portfolio by looking beyond US tech 100. For example, you might consider adding bonds and platinum trading into your portfolio.

If you are new to the stock market, tech 100 stocks can be an excellent place to start. Using a good day trading strategy, you enjoy limited intra-day risks, greater time flexibility, and do not have to worry about the dangers of holding positions overnight. 

Remember that in the stock market, especially when using day trading strategies, it is essential to build your skills progressively.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

What to Do when You Think Your Stockbroker Is Cheating You

Stock markets
are full of brokers whose conflict of interest may dearly cost you if you are not very keen. Such brokers are out to swindle you out of your money. You are probably wondering what to do when you think your stockbroker is cheating you. 

With all the technicalities surrounding stock trade, it is hard to tell if your stockbroker is cheating you out of your money or leading you into an inappropriate investment that will lead to massive losses. However, a stockbroker fraud lawyer from Wolper Law Firm will be in the best position to handle this for you.

With their vast experience in dealing with stockbroker fraud, their lawyers can spot fraud and help you build a case that will ensure you receive refunds for all your losses. But even before you approach your lawyer, here is a list of what to do when you think your stockbroker is cheating you.

What Are the Signs to Look for in a Cheating Broker?

1. Misrepresenting and Omitting Facts

Suppose your broker intentionally held back important information such as risks, sales-related compensation, liquidity, or other material facts. In that case, you need to be keen to ensure that your broker is not deceiving you.

2. Unauthorized Trading

Unauthorized trading is when your broker makes purchases with your account without your prior approval. The only time your broker is allowed to transact on your behalf is when you give them expressed and detailed permission or if they receive discretionary authority. If your broker transacts without these two conditions, it is possibly an investment fraud. 

3. Churning

When looking through your account, do you notice any repeated sales of the same stock? If you do, and your broker has been in control of your account, churning has occurred.

Churning is where a broker sells and resells your stock to increase their commission regardless of what is best for you. This is one of the most rampant fraudulent deals that brokers indulge in.

4. Untimely Execution

Does your broker tend to delay executing your orders on your investments, or sometimes fails to execute them at all? If he or she does this, the law considers him or her to be a fraud. There could be ulterior motives causing your broker to make these delays.

5. Illegal Accounts

Suppose your broker has ever suggested that you lie about your home or work address or that you use misleading information while making your investments

In that case, there is a high likelihood that they are involved in fraudulent deals that you don’t want to be dealing in. Who knows, they are probably deceiving you too.

What Action Should You Take?

Upon establishing that you are indeed a victim of a fraudulent broker, it is best to take immediate action against your broker.

1. Report the Fraudulent Broker

To start your funds recovery process, you should report your broker to the relevant authorities, like the SEC, for their cheating tendencies. Reporting them will also stop them from taking advantage of other investors.

2. Hire a Broker Fraud Lawyer

Fraudulent brokers can be very elusive people to deal with. To get the justice and compensation you deserve from your failed investment, you need a qualified lawyer to take you through the entire process.

What Does Not Count as Cheating?

You should always bear in mind that all investments, at some point, suffer losses. Yours is, therefore, no exception. It would be best if you were very keen before you make assumptions and accusations.

It may greatly help if you seek your lawyer’s guidance before suing your broker for fraud. Wrongful suing may lead to great consequences such as a defamatory lawsuit against you, which will further lead to unnecessary losses on your part.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

How The Stock Market Can Put Extra Cash in Your Pocket

The best way to make money in the stock market is to invest for the long term. With the right investments, your money will grow over time. 

The dividends you earn as stocks payout can be reinvested, and the value of the stocks you originally bought will grow over time as well. Best of all, with the right investments, you can lower your tax burden with the right investment vehicle.

Buy and Hold--Mostly

If you're putting money away for retirement, you're inherently a buy and hold investor. This is a good thing because that's the best way to grow your cash over time.

That being said, you want to make sure that your investments are given time to grow. If you have a private investment account that isn't in a retirement vehicle, you can sell a stock, buy new stock, and pull out dividends as you wish. Pulling out your dividends will increase your taxable income now and can limit the dollars you have to invest.

However, if you want to work in a market that can actually pay out in real-time, the world of Forex may appeal. You will need to do your due diligence as trading currencies on the foreign exchange market actually moves quickly and will take serious skills. 

If you're ready to move into a career that you can do anywhere and completely online, consider taking an online Forex trading course to prepare.

Retirement Dollars or Money Now?

If you want to be able to increase your current cash flow, set up a private stock trading account. There are many apps that you can use to easily buy stocks individually or invest in index funds or exchange-traded funds.

For those who have little knowledge of the stock market, it's a good idea to look at the various index funds that track the different indexes that measure the market. The Dow Jones is an index, as is the S&P. 

There are index funds in gas and oil, construction, and different forms of manufacturing. Chasing after different companies to put your money into can be riskier. Index growth may be slow, but it's also less volatile than individual company stock picks.

Double Up on Retirement Investments

If you're looking to invest for your retirement, start with your employer and load up whatever retirement account they offer, at least until you've met the match. For those interested in the more volatile markets and stock picks, the employer match can be fun to play with.

Consider doubling up on your retirement investments if you have the cash flow. For example, you can set up a traditional IRA and get the tax break now, or you can set up a Roth IRA and enjoy the tax break later. 

If you're married and one partner is home with children or working part-time, you can set up a retirement account on behalf of the non-earning spouse. There are actually a lot of options to put away money now so you'll have it later. Talk to a financial advisor about your investment vehicle options.

Look Long Term

Again, it's critically important that you look at stocks in the long term view. One of the most expensive things you can do as an investor is to panic, particularly if you're putting away money for retirement. If you know that you will need cash soon, put it in savings rather than the market. Your best stock payout bet is to let the money sit for five years.

However, if you're planning a large investment, such as a down payment for a house, be aware that there are many options for borrowing against your retirement for just such a purpose. 

The interest rates are low and you pay them to yourself over time. Carefully review the terms and payment amounts for any retirement loan to make sure you won't limit your take-home pay too much.

No matter what happens, do your absolute best to avoid pulling cash out of a retirement account unless you're in dire financial straits. First of all, there will be a penalty of up to 10% off the top. Secondly, you will have to pay income tax on it at whatever rate of pay you're currently making. 

Part of the beauty of most retirement savings is that these accounts invest pre-tax income and you pay taxes on it after your working days are done. Taking it out early can be a real financial double-whammy.

If you need extra cash right now, consider getting a second job or building a side hustle. However, cash over the long term is easy to build with buy and hold investments in the stock market.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Best Swing Trade Alert Services

If done correctly, trading on the side while working a full-time job is the perfect way to boost your income and it can be a highly effective way to enhance your financial security. However, when it comes to trading, it can be hard to determine which stock trade alert service is the best for you and your most prized possession, money. 

To create the best path for you, we have strictly analyzed several different services and narrowed down the top four best swing trade alert services that are around right now, pros and cons included.

What is a swing trade alert?

Whether you are new to investing or an experienced investor that is interested in checking out swing trading, you will be happy to know that swing trading is a great way to enhance your wealth and achieve your dreams much faster. 

When you become a swing trader, you will find a whole new world. As opposed to other types of investing, swing trade alerts provide a helpful, simple, and fuss-free way of investing.

Hours of time will be given back to you because you won’t have to be constantly scanning, selecting stocks, filtering, analyzing the markets, and chartering. 

Receiving swing trade alerts and using them is an effective way to diversify your risk because it is common knowledge that no single strategy works in every single market condition. That is why it makes so much sense to consider multiple strategies to play the market.

Fast 5 Trades

The operation of Fast 5 Trades, Kyle Dennis, made 10 million in the past few years from trading profits. Because of this recent success, he was also interviewed by Forbes. Fast 5 Trades is based around a single swing trade per week via mobile app and email.

Kyle thrives on teaching how to swing trade stocks and those alerts are expected to teach people how to find entry and exit points. People wanting to copy Kyles's trade idea must get in quickly as Kyle chooses to only trade small-cap stock in this alert service. The mobile app is your best bet so that you can receive these alerts as quickly as possible.


  • Low price
  • Alerts available via a mobile app

Mindful Trader

Mindful Trader is a service that provides data-driven trade alerts that can benefit you greatly. Every bit of information is provided to you in an easy to understand way and Eric Fergusons approach to investing is unique. 

Eric Ferguson from Mindful Trader believes that a mindful approach to investing can change the investing journey for you drastically and he can also teach you the art of mindfulness mixed with investing.

He spent years perfecting his alerts with data-driven information and believes that being mindful can be the key to achieving trading success. You don’t need to practice mindfulness or meditate to be able to use Mindful Trader services, however, it can be a great thing to have on your side while trading. Though it is newer to the scene, it is making a tremendous impact and the reaction to it is incredible.

The fact that Mindful Trader practices mindfulness is one of the most interesting and unique things about this service. People rarely associate mindfulness with any form of investing, however, mindfulness is a steady, common, and highly beneficial thing to adhere to when you are investing. Some people believe investing to be a stressful practice, but it really doesn’t have to be!

With this in mind, Mindful Trader is just what the world needs. Business, investing, and professionalism mixed with mindfulness. It is rare to see that concoction, however, it is exactly what is needed.


  • Long-term wealth potential
  • Data-driven alerts
  • Easy to follow
  • Plenty of time to respond to alerts

Motley Fool

Perhaps one of the more popular and well-known services, Motley Fool Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers are more long-term swing trade alerts. With an amazing low subscription price and great long-term return rates, it is hard to bypass Motley Fool. Both of these services provide access to trade alerts, the entire in-depth history of all stock picks, and plenty of helpful educational material.

Motley Fool stands out yet again due to the fact that even short-term traders can make a return with those stock picks. The trade alerts are sent and received via email, however, if you want to be faster, try logging in to the members’ dashboard. You will then be able to view the trade alert faster.


  • Tom and David Gardner's stock picks outperformed the S&P 500
  • Every single stock pick since inception is available via the members’ dashboard
  • Email notifications provide active trade management
  • Discounts available

Jason Bond Picks

Let’s end this with one of the biggest swing trade alert services right now. Since it started 10 years ago, Jason Bond Picks offered students education and a stock market alert service. Usually, Jason will hold his positions overnight for a good few days. 

Up until 2019, Jason’s swing trade alerts were strictly focused on swing trading stocks, however, in 2020, he added some long call and long put trade which allowed him to diversify his investments.

Jason has a great commitment to his services and that shows in the great swing trade alert service he has built. He is always working to improve Jason Bond Picks and is always adding new things to benefit investors. 


  • Pre-market newsletter highlights the trade ideas for the day
  • Large video lesson library available
  • Buy or sell trade alerts are quickly submitted via the mobile app
  • Before the trade alert, the advanced notice informs about the concrete planned action

In essence, the best swing trade alert services are the ones that can be readily adopted and are user-friendly. Each service mentioned above is very unique, so you are never out of options. With every single one, you will find different pros and cons. 

We can choose the best out of the lot, but afterward, it all comes down to your choice and which option you think will be the best one for you.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Top Tips and Tricks for Investing in the Stock Market

Learning tips for investing is important, no matter how much time you are willing to invest. There are countless ways to invest and make money, but if you don't know where to start, it can be difficult to get started.

Investing in the stock market doesn't have to be complicated or intimidating. If you utilize some tried and true techniques, then you too can invest in the stock market and track your investments effectively without stress. 

When you learn some simple and effective tips for investing, then you can invest your own money in the stock market and make money. Here are some of the top tips for investors.

It is Unpredictable

First of all, before you get started, you need to understand that the stock market is very volatile and can unpredictable. You can make mistakes, lose money, and also gain money. That's why you need to know when to buy and when to sell. 

The easiest way to do this is through research. Take a look at the market trends to find out what's happening and then analyze where your investments would be best suited.

Since it can tend to be unpredictable it is good to make sure you do your research for when to invest in certain companies.

Know what a Good Deal is

Before investing in a particular stock market, you should be able to evaluate the situation and determine whether you are getting a good deal or not. Of course, there are many things you need to take into consideration like the type of company that the stock is associated with, what their future prospects are, and how well they are doing financially. 

You also need to make sure that you are purchasing shares of a stock at the right time because it can change dramatically over time.

Keep Track of Your Investments

It's important that you keep track of every penny you invest. This will help you determine if you are making a profit or not. Every penny you invest will have a higher value and that's how you make profit. 

It also helps you determine if you are getting a good deal or not. If you are getting a good deal, then the profits will continue to grow, which is a good sign. For instance, you would want to know the price of gold if you are investing in gold.


Another important step to make sure you take is to you are diversifying your investments. The more you diversify, the more you increase the odds of being able to make a good profit. Make sure you have some stocks as well as bonds, and mutual funds as well. 

That way you won't have a financial downfall if one investment loses all its value. Diversification is a must and if you are investing in the stock market, then it should be an integral part of your strategies.

Being Successful

If you follow these tips for investing, then you will never be disappointed. No matter how much time and effort you put into it, you will make money investing.

It is important to remember that the stock market is something that is entirely up to you. You need to be careful not to over-invest and lose money. You don't want to get too wrapped up in a certain business and become completely emotionally attached to it. It is easy to get caught up and buy into a company's hype and get carried away by its financial success.

So when trying to learn the best tips for investing, it is important to remember that a successful investor is one who knows how to read the market and who knows how to manage their money well. They aren't simply relying on luck and good timing to make money. If you are nervous about investing in the stock market you can also start investing in safer options.

A lot of people spend a lot of time and energy trying to invest in the stock market, but they are usually unsuccessful. They end up losing a lot of money and not getting the returns they desire. When you get involved with a certain business, be aware of how they are doing financially.

You should always have some money left over after paying your bills, eating out, or going on vacation. After you have saved enough money, then you can start investing in the stock market.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Using IPOs

An IPO, or initial public offering, occurs when a company makes shares of their stocks available to the public. Essentially, it allows companies to trade some stake of ownership of the company to public stockholders. 

While this does mean that the owners of the company relinquish some control, it can open the door to exciting possibilities of growth and prosperity. There are plenty of advantages and disadvantages of a company deciding to go the route of using IPOs. Here are some examples below...


Opens Up Capital for Additional Ventures

Usually, when a company launches an IPO it means they are in a period of sustained success (or else there would be no incentive to sell). However, it also functions as a way for the company to launch into a more aggressive period of growth that can lead to long-termed stability. 

For instance, companies that had their IPO in 2018 experienced varying levels of success in the stock market, with some seeing a significant boost in their valuations while others faced challenges. The IPO market in 2018 was dynamic, with a diverse range of companies going public and capturing the attention of investors and analysts alike. 

Companies can then duplicate this effort and then by selling off shares of the company, it creates a massive cash influx that can do a variety of things, whether that is launching new expansions of the business, purchasing new acquisitions, or paying off old debt that opens the company for future endeavors.

Opens Up Higher Potential for Talent

Another way that IPOs can help companies grow is by using the shares as a means of attracting higher talent to the business, both on an operational and executive level. A company undergoing an IPO can offer stock as an incentive to attract personnel that might normally be beyond their price range at the current moment. 

This helps companies punch higher than their weight class while they grow. This is appealing to potential employees because the payout when they sell their shares later might be far more valuable than the initial higher salary they would have received.

Allows for a Major Payoff for Owners

The money that is used to buy shares goes to two different places: back into the company or into the pockets of people who own the company. These owners might be managers, founders, high-level employees, or private investors who have equity in the company. 

While salaries and dividends have provided a financial benefit to the investors for years, the IPO is the major payday for many businesses. An owner of a company that is going public can make millions of dollars during an IPO.


IPOs Take Valuable Resources

Launching an IPO is a major stepping stone for a company, but it isn’t without its share of hard work. The IPO process takes a ton of time, during which the executives and high-level decision-makers of a company are highly involved. 

This takes away time that could be spent on other business ventures and building additional revenue. Third-party investment firms are also brought on during this time, to help undergo the complex IPO process. These companies cost valuable time and money, so there is a major initial cost of capital upfront to launch an IPO.

Potential Roadblocks with Owner Shares

If an owner wants to retain control by taking shares of their company for themselves, there may be potential roadblocks. Oftentimes, there are stipulations against this. And owners who do get shares of the company must sit on them for a long period of time since an owner selling shares of the company can have a negative impact on the value of the stock, which hurts other investors.

It’s also worth noting that even if an owner is still running the company after an IPO, their control isn’t always secure because they are answerable to a Board of Directors, who can fire them at any time. For all its benefits, it must be understood that there is a significant loss of control that comes with an IPO.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

How to Be Profitable in the Stock Market

Image Source: Bigstock Photo

Saving money is great, but eventually you may want to grow your assets more aggressively. The stock market is one of the best places to make significant profit off your existing capital. Some people shy away from it due to fear of uncertainty, but if you can live and function within that ambiguity, you can truly build your wealth.

Before you invest, though, there are some key concepts you will want to learn to increase your chances of success.

Understand Technical and Fundamental Analysis

There are two main ways to vet a potential company for investment: technical and fundamental analysis. Technical analysis means learning how to read stock market charts to identify trends and give you a better idea of when you should enter or exit your positions.

Fundamental analysis focuses on ways to address the underlying value of a particular company’s stock. This approach takes into account things like a company’s financial standing, the wider economic environment in that industry, and the strength of the management team. Using these factors, traders and investors compare the current price of a stock to their valuation of it to determine if the stock is over or undervalued.

These two methods combined allow traders and investors to analyze a particular stock and try to time optimal entry and exit times for maximum profit.

Timing the Market

Picking the best time to buy or sell is one of the most challenging parts of trading and investing. You can choose a great company with spectacular fundamentals, but if you buy when their stocks are at all-time high prices, you are still likely to lose money when the stock consolidates, or evens out. 

Some ways to gauge the market for entry and exit points are by using technical analysis, being vigilant before and after annual earning reports come out, staying a step ahead of major news announcements that can impact price, and by properly evaluating assets for over and undervaluation.

No one can win all the time, so don’t get too discouraged if you don’t perfectly time the market.

Learn, Learn, Learn

There is no such thing as a perfect trader, but don’t be one who simply wings it either. Constantly improve your skills and deepen your information about your target markets. There are troves of great information on the web, so stay curious and be proactive about maximizing your knowledge base.

A proprietary trading firm like Maverick Trading even hires and trains inexperienced traders. If you are very serious about trading, learning from industry experts can really speed up the learning process.

Don’t Compound Your Mistakes

Sometimes when you are playing the market, you are going to make the wrong choice. Maybe you set your stop limit too high, the stock price dipped, and then your order sold right before the stock went on a big run. Now you’re upset because the stock gained 30%, and you want back in. Then you buy it back, and the price swings back down. Now not only did you miss out on the bump, you also lost money on the dip. These mistakes can be infuriating.

Emotions are one of your biggest enemies in trading. You don’t want to make moves based on your emotional state, which can be hard when you have major money on the line. Instead of trading on emotions, develop personal trading principles that you stick to regardless of the situation. By creating these principles, you can follow best practices rather than the wind of emotion.

The major theme here is that information is power. If you want to trade, don’t just shoot in the dark and hope for the best. Trades aren’t won on hope, they are won with knowledge.

About the author: Anthony M. Christensen is a writer, digital marketer, and owner of Astronautical LLC. He earned a BS in English at Utah Valley University. He loves art and wandering the mountains and deserts of his native state, Utah. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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